1. Connect the AD6643 evaluation board and the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board together as
shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect one 6V, 2A switching power supply (such as the CUI EPS060250UH-PHP-SZ
supplied) to the AD6643 board.
3. Make sure a jumper is installed on header J9 at the 2.5V position on the HSC-ADC-
EVALCZ evaluation board to set the FPGA I/O voltage to 2.5V. Connect one 6V, 2A
switching power supply (such as the CUI EPS060250UH-PHP-SZ supplied) to the HSC-
4. Connect the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board to the PC with a USB cable. (Connect to J6.)
5. On the ADC evaluation board, make sure that jumpers are installed on headers P105, P108,
P104, P107, and P103 for the default setup.
6. On the ADC evaluation board, provide a clean, low jitter clock source to connector J506 at
the desired ADC conversion rate. If the AD6643 input clock divider is used provide a clock
into connector J506 at the appropriate rate which will be divided to your desired clock rate.
The input clock level should be between 10dBm and 14dBm.
7. On the ADC evaluation board, use a clean signal generator with low phase noise to provide
an input signal to the analog input at connector J301 (Channel A) and/or J303 (Channel B).
Use a 1 m, shielded, RG-58, 50 Ω coaxial cable to connect the signal generator. For best
results use a narrow-band, band-pass filter with 50 Ω terminations and an appropriate center
frequency. (ADI uses TTE, Allen Avionics, and K&L band-pass filters.) In order for the
input level to be near the ADC’s full scale, the generator level should be set to 8dBm to
12dBm – this level depends on the input frequency and any losses in bandpass filters.
8. Open VisualAnalog on the PC. “AD6643” should be listed in the status bar of the “New
Canvas” window. Select the template that corresponds to the type of testing that you are
performing. Select ‘Yes’ when VisualAnalog prompts for programming the FPGA. The
‘DONE’ LED should illuminate on the HSC-ADC-EVALCZ board indicating that the FPGA
has been correctly programmed. (If Visual Analog does not prompt for programming the
FPGA select the ADC Data Capture Settings window and click on the ‘Capture Board’ tab.
In the FPGA box select program to configure the FPGA.)
9. Next open the SPI Controller software. If prompted for a configuration file, select the
configuration file titled AD6643spiR03.cfg. If not, check the title bar of the window to see
which configuration is loaded. If necessary, choose “Cfg Open” from the “File” menu and
select one of the configuration files named above. Note that the CHIP ID(1) field may be
filled whether the correct SPI Controller configuration file is loaded or not.
10. Click the New DUT button ( ) in SPI Controller.
11. Set the DCO Clk Delay Enable checkbox in the FLEXOUTPUT DELAY(17) panel on the
ADCBase0 tab as shown below. In addition, set the DCO Clk Delay register to the ‘600ps