P35-4215-1T Marconi Optical Components GaAs MMIC SPDT Terminated Switch, DC - 4GHz Features * * * * * * Broadband performance Low insertion loss; 0.6dB typ at 2GHz Ultra low DC power consumption Fast switching speed; 3ns typical Surface mount package 50 output terminations Description The P35-4215-1T is a high performance Gallium Arsenide monolithic single pole double throw RF switch, suitable for use in broadband communications and instrumentation applications. The isolated port of the switch is terminated in 50. Control is effected by the application of complimentary 0V and -5V levels to the control lines in accordance with the truth table below. The die is fabricated using MOC's 0.5m gate length MESFET process (S20) and is fully protected using Silicon Nitride passivation for excellent performance and reliability. It is packaged in a hermetically sealed 8-lead gullwing flatpack for high performance and ease of mounting. Electrical Performance Ambient temperature = 223 C , ZO = 50, Control voltages = 0V/-5V unless otherwise stated Parameter Insertion Loss Isolation Input Return Loss1 Output Return Loss1 1dB power compression point2 Switching Speed Third Order Intercept3 Conditions Min Typ Max Units DC - 1GHz 1 - 2GHz 2 - 4GHz DC - 1GH 1 - 2GHz 2 - 4GHz DC - 1GHz 1 - 2GHz 2 - 4GHz DC - 1GHz 1 - 2GHz 2 - 4GHz 0/-5V Control; 50MHz 0/-5V Control; 4GHz 0/-8V Control; 50MHz 0/-8V Control; 4GHz 50% Control to 10%90%RF 500MHz 16 14 8 20 15 10 20 15 10 18 22 30 - 0.4 0.6 1.4 25 20 17 30 20 15 30 20 15 20 24 32 3 3 46 0.8 1.1 1.8 - dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dBm dBm dBm ns ns dBm Notes 1. Return Loss measured in low loss switch state 2. Input power at which insertion loss compresses by 1dB 3. Input power 10dBm/tone Typical Performance at 22C Insertion Loss Input Return Loss Absolute Maximum Ratings Max control voltage Max I/P power Operating temperature Storage temperature -8V +33 dBm -40C to +85C -65C to +150C Isolation Output Return Loss P35-4215-1T Marconi Optical Components Package Outline Electrical Schematic Pin Details Switching Truth Table Pin Function A B RF IN-RF1 RF IN-RF 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ground RF INPUT Ground Ground RF1 Control B Control A RF2 0V -5V -5V 0V Low Loss Isolated Isolated Low Loss Ordering Information: P35-4215-1T 463/SM/00033/200 Iss 1/2 The data and product specifications are subject to change without notice. These devices should not be used for device qualification and production without prior notice. (c) Marconi Optical Components Ltd 2001 MOC, Caswell, Towcester, Northants, NN12 8EQ, Tel:+44 1327 356468 Fax +44 1327 356698 www.moc.marconi.com