PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Document # SiI-DS-0103-D
Data Sheet
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D ii © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
February 2007
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Revision History
© 2007 Silicon Image. Inc.
Revision Date Comment
A 09/08/03 Derived from Preliminary datasheet Rev 0.65.
A1 10/16/03 Updated Table 2-6 SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirements; Updated Table 2-1 Absolute
Maximum Ratings; Corrected inconsistent sentences (minor fixes including mistyping)
A2 10/30/03 Updated Section 8.2 Serial ATA Device Initialization
A3 02/05/04
Corrected part number on cover page to SiI3114CT176 from SiI3114CT144
A4 04/05/05
Updated the part number on cover page to SiI3114 from SiI3114CT176; Added Part Ordering
Number in section 4. Package Drawing; Updated Marking Specification in section 4. Package
B 07/21/06 Corrected inconsistent sentences (minor fixes including mistyping); Updated SiI company logo
C 11/29/06 This datasheet is no longer under NDA. Removed confidential markings
D 02/23/07 New formatting applied throughout entire document.
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. iii SiI-DS-0103-D
Table of Contents
Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Key Benefits .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Features..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Overall Features......................................................................................................................................1
PCI Features ...........................................................................................................................................1
Serial A TA Features.................................................................................................................................1
Other Features ........................................................................................................................................2
Applications............................................................................................................................................... 2
References................................................................................................................................................. 2
Functional Description............................................................................................................................. 2
PCI Interface.............................................................................................................................................. 2
PCI Initialization ........................................................................................................................................ 2
PCI Bus Operations.................................................................................................................................. 2
PCI Configuration Space.......................................................................................................................... 3
Deviations from the Specification........................................................................................................... 3
Electrical Characteristics............................................................................................................................. 4
Device Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 4
SATA Interface T i ming Specifications..................................................................................................... 5
SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics.................................................................... 6
CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirements.............................................................................. 6
PCI 33 MHz Timing Specifications .......................................................................................................... 6
PCI 66 MHz Timing Specifications .......................................................................................................... 7
Flash Memory Timing Specifications...................................................................................................... 7
Pin Definitions............................................................................................................................................... 8
SiI3114 Pin Listing.................................................................................................................................... 8
SiI3114 Pin Diagram...............................................................................................................................13
SiI3114 Pin Descriptions........................................................................................................................14
PCI 66MHz 32-bit..................................................................................................................................14
Miscellaneous I/O..................................................................................................................................16
Serial A TA Signals .................................................................................................................................17
Package Drawing........................................................................................................................................19
Package Markings ......................................................................................................................................20
Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................21
Auto-Initialization .......................................................................................................................................22
Auto-Initialization from Flash ................................................................................................................22
Auto-Initialization from EEPROM..........................................................................................................23
Register Definitions....................................................................................................................................25
PCI Configuration Space........................................................................................................................25
Device ID – Vendor ID...........................................................................................................................26
PCI Status – PCI Command..................................................................................................................27
PCI Class Code – Revision ID ..............................................................................................................28
BIST – Header Type – Latency Timer – Cache Line Size.....................................................................28
Base Address Register 0.......................................................................................................................29
Base Address Register 1.......................................................................................................................29
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D iv © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Base Address Register 2.......................................................................................................................29
Base Address Register 3.......................................................................................................................30
Base Address Register 4.......................................................................................................................30
Base Address Register 5.......................................................................................................................30
Subsystem ID – Subsystem Vendor ID.................................................................................................31
Expansion ROM Base Address.............................................................................................................31
Capabilities Pointer ...............................................................................................................................32
Max Latency – Min Grant – Interrupt Pin – Interrupt Line..................................................................... 32
Software Data Register .........................................................................................................................33
Power Management Capabilities ..........................................................................................................33
Power Management Control + Status ...................................................................................................34
PCI Bus Master – Channel 0/2..............................................................................................................34
PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2........................................................................................................35
PCI Bus Master – Channel 1/3..............................................................................................................35
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3........................................................................................................35
Data Transfer Mode – Channel 0/2.......................................................................................................36
Data Transfer Mode – Channel 1/3.......................................................................................................36
System Configuration Status – Command............................................................................................36
System Software Dat a Register............................................................................................................37
Flash Memory Address – Command + Status.......................................................................................37
Flash Memory Data...............................................................................................................................37
EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status................................................................................38
EEPROM Memory Data........................................................................................................................38
Channel 0/2 Task File Configuration + Status.......................................................................................38
Channel 1/3 Task File Configuration + Status.......................................................................................39
BA5 Indirect Address.............................................................................................................................39
BA5 Indirect Access ..............................................................................................................................39
Internal Register Space – Base Address 0 ...........................................................................................40
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 0 ..........................................................................................................40
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 1 ..........................................................................................................40
Internal Register Space – Base Address 1........................................................................................... 41
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 2 ..........................................................................................................41
Internal Register Space – Base Address 2........................................................................................... 42
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 0 ..........................................................................................................42
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 1 ..........................................................................................................42
Internal Register Space – Base Address 3........................................................................................... 43
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 2 ..........................................................................................................43
Internal Register Space – Base Address 4........................................................................................... 44
PCI Bus Master – Channel 0/2..............................................................................................................44
PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2........................................................................................................44
PCI Bus Master – Channel 1/3..............................................................................................................45
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3........................................................................................................45
Internal Register Space – Base Address 5........................................................................................... 46
PCI Bus Master – Channel X................................................................................................................53
PRD Table Address – Channel X..........................................................................................................54
PCI Bus Master2 – Channel X..............................................................................................................54
Summary Interrupt Status......................................................................................................................56
PRD Address – Channel X....................................................................................................................56
PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel X.............................................................................................56
FIFO Valid Byte Count and Control – Channel X..................................................................................57
System Configuration Status – Command............................................................................................57
System Software Dat a Register............................................................................................................58
Flash Memory Address – Command + Status.......................................................................................58
Flash Memory Data...............................................................................................................................59
EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status................................................................................59
EEPROM Memory Data........................................................................................................................60
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. v SiI-DS-0103-D
FIFO Port – Channel X..........................................................................................................................60
FIFO Pointers1– Channel X..................................................................................................................61
FIFO Pointers2– Channel X..................................................................................................................61
Channel X Task File Register 0.............................................................................................................62
Channel X Task File Register 1.............................................................................................................62
Channel X Task File Register 2.............................................................................................................63
Channel X Read Ahead Data................................................................................................................63
Channel X Task File Register 0 – Command Buffering.........................................................................64
Channel X Task File Register 1 – Command Buffering.........................................................................64
Channel X Extended Task File Register – Command Buffering ...........................................................65
Channel X Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count ..........................................................................65
Channel X Task File Configuration + Status..........................................................................................65
Data Transfer Mode – Channel X..........................................................................................................66
Serial A TA SControl...............................................................................................................................67
Serial A TA SStatus.................................................................................................................................68
Serial A TA SError...................................................................................................................................69
Serial A TA SActive............................................................................................................. .................... 70
Serial A TA PHY Configuration ...............................................................................................................71
RxFIS0-RxFIS6 .....................................................................................................................................73
Programming Sequences..........................................................................................................................74
Recommended Initialization Sequence for the SiI3114...................................................................... 74
Serial ATA Device Initialization..............................................................................................................75
Issue ATA Command...............................................................................................................................76
PIO Mode Read/Write Operation............................................................................................................ 76
Watchdog Timer Operation....................................................................................................................77
PIO Mode Read Ahead Operation..........................................................................................................78
MDMA/UDMA Read/Write Operation..................................................................................................... 78
Virtual DMA Read/Write Operation........................................................................................................79
Using Virtual DMA with Non-DMA Capable Devices............................................................................. 79
Using Virtual DMA with DMA Capable Devices.....................................................................................81
Second PCI Bus Master Registers Usage............................................................................................ 82
Power Management....................................................................................................................................83
Power Management Summary...............................................................................................................83
Partial Power Management Mode..........................................................................................................83
Slumber Power Management Mode......................................................................................................83
Hot Plug Support ....................................................................................................................................84
FIS Support .................................................................................................................................................85
FIS Summary...........................................................................................................................................85
FIS Transmission ....................................................................................................................................86
FIS Reception..........................................................................................................................................86
FIS Types Not Affiliated with Current ATA/ATAPI Operations............................................................89
BIST Support.........................................................................................................................................89
BIST Signals..........................................................................................................................................89
DMA Setup ............................................................................................................................................89
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D vi © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
ATA Command Decoding........................................................................................................................... 90
Dat a Modes..............................................................................................................................................90
ATA Commands.......................................................................................................................................90
Obsolesced Commands........................................................................................................................92
Read/Write Long....................................................................................................................................92
Vendor Specific Command Support .....................................................................................................93
Silicon Image's Vendor Specific Commands.........................................................................................93
Vendor Specific, Reserved, Retired and Obsolesced Commands .......................................................94
Scheme .................................................................................................................................................94
Bridge Device Vendor Specific Commands.........................................................................................96
Feature Set/Command Summary .........................................................................................................96
VS Lock.................................................................................................................................................97
VS Unlock Vendor Specific....................................................................................................................99
VS Unlock Reserved...........................................................................................................................101
VS Unlock Individual ...........................................................................................................................103
VS Set General Protocol.....................................................................................................................105
VS Set Command Protocol .................................................................................................................107
State Transitions...................................................................................................................................109
Protocols Summary.............................................................................................................................. 112
Reading and Writing of Task File and Device Control Registers..................................................... 116
48-Bit LBA Addressing......................................................................................................................... 116
Device Control Register and Soft Reset ............................................................................................. 116
LED Support.......................................................................................................................................... 116
Flash and EEPROM Programming Sequences...................................................................................... 117
Flash Memory Access .......................................................................................................................... 117
PCI Direct Access................................................................................................................................ 117
Register Access................................................................................................................................... 117
EEPROM Memory Access.................................................................................................................... 118
EEPROM Write Operation................................................................................................................... 118
EEPROM Read Operation .................................................................................................................. 118
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Address Lines During Configuration Cycle .....................................................................................3
Figure 2. Flash Memory T iming......................................................................................................................7
Figure 3. SiI3114 Pin Diagram......................................................................................................................13
Figure 4. Package Drawing – 176 TQFP .....................................................................................................19
Figure 5. Marking Specification – SiI3114CT176 ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 6. Marking Specification – SiI3114CTU.............................................................................................20
Figure 7. SiI3114 Block Diagram..................................................................................................................21
Figure 8. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing .............................................................................................22
Figure 9. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing............................................................................... ........23
Figure 10. Hot Plug Logic State Diagram.....................................................................................................84
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D viii © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
List of Tables
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ..............................................................................................................4
Table 2. DC Specifications..............................................................................................................................4
Table 3. SATA Interface DC Specifications.....................................................................................................5
Table 4. SATA Interface T iming Specifications ...............................................................................................5
Table 5. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics .................................................................6
Table 6. CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirements.........................................................................6
Table 7. PCI 33 MHz Timing Specifications....................................................................................................6
Table 8. PCI 66 MHz Timing Specifications....................................................................................................7
Table 9. SiI3114 Pin Listing ............................................................................................................................8
Table 10. Pin T ypes ......................................................................................................................................12
Table 11. Auto-Initialization from Flash T iming.............................................................................................22
Table 12. Flash Data Description..................................................................................................................22
Table 13. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM T iming............................................................................... .......23
Table 14. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing Symbols .......................................................................23
Table 15. EEPROM Data Description...........................................................................................................24
Table 16. SiI3114 PCI Configuration Space .................................................................................................25
Table 17. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 0...................................................................... 40
Table 18. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 1...................................................................... 41
Table 19. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 2...................................................................... 42
Table 20. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 3...................................................................... 43
Table 21. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 4...................................................................... 44
Table 22. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 5...................................................................... 46
Table 23. Software Data Byte, Base Address 5, Offset 00H.........................................................................53
Table 24. Software Data Byte, Base Address 5, Offset 10H.........................................................................55
Table 25. SError Register Bits (DIAG Field).................................................................................................69
Table 26. SError Register Bits (ERR Field)..................................................................................................69
Table 27. Physical Region Descriptor (PRD) Format...................................................................................82
Table 28. Power Management Register Bits................................................................................................83
Table 29. FIS Summary................................................................................................................................85
Table 30. Configuration Bits for FIS Reception ............................................................................................86
Table 31. Default FIS Configurations............................................................................................................87
Table 32. ATA Commands Supported...........................................................................................................90
Table 33. Data FIS........................................................................................................................................93
Table 34. Vendor Specific Command Summary...........................................................................................96
Table 35. 16-Entry Command Protocol Table.............................................................................................108
Table 36. Registers Used When Issuing VS Set Command ......................................................................108
Table 37. Default S tate - VS_LOCKED ......................................................................................................109
Table 38. VS_VS.........................................................................................................................................109
Table 39. VS_RSV...................................................................................................................................... 110
Table 40. VS_IND....................................................................................................................................... 110
Table 41. VS_VS_RSV............................................................................................................................... 110
Table 42. VS_VS_IND ................................................................................................................................ 110
Table 43. VS_RSV_IND...............................................................................................................................111
Table 44. VS_VS_RSV_IND........................................................................................................................111
Table 45. Protocol Code Encoding Scheme............................................................................................... 112
Table 46. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (in Alphabetical Order).............................................................. 113
Table 47. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (by Protocol Code).................................................................... 114
Table 48. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (in Alphabetical Order).............................................................. 115
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. SiI-DS-0103-D
The Silicon Image SiI3114 is a single-chip solution for a PCI to Serial ATA controller. It accepts host commands
through the PCI bus, processes them, and transfers data between the host and Serial ATA devices. It can be used
to control four independent Serial ATA channels. Each channel has its own Serial ATA bus and will support one
Serial A TA device. The SiI3114 supports a 32-bit 66 MHz PCI bus and the Serial ATA Generation 1 transfer rate of
1.5 Gbit/s (150 MB/s).
Key Benefits
The Silicon Image SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller is the perfect single-chip solution for designs that need to
accommodate storage peripherals with the new Serial ATA interface. Any system with a PCI bus interface can
simply add the Serial ATA interface by adding a card with the SiI3114 and loading the driver into the system.
The SiI3114 comes complete with drivers for Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
2000, XP, Windows 2003, Netware 5.1, 6.0, 6.5, Red Hat Linux 8.0, 9.0, SuSE Linux 8.1, 8.2 and United Linux
Overall Features
Standalone PCI to Serial ATA host controller chip
Compliant with PCI Specification, revision 2.3.
Compliant with Programming Interface for Bus Master IDE Controller, revision 1.0.
Driver support for Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, XP, Windows 2003,
Netware 5.1, 6.0, 6.5, Red Hat Linux 8.0, 9.0, SuSE Linux 8.1, 8.2 and United Linux 1.0
Supports up to 4Mbit external Flash or EPROM for BIOS expansion.
Supports an external EEPROM, flash, or EPROM for programmable device ID, subsystem vendor ID,
subsystem product ID, and PCI sub-class code.
Supports the Silicon Image specific driver for special chip functions.
Fabricated in a 0.18μ CMOS process with a 1.8 volt core and 3.3 volt I/Os.
Supports Plug and Play.
Supports ATAPI device
Supports Activity LEDs, one for each channel with 12mA open drain driving capability.
Available in a 176-pin TQFP package.
PCI Features
Supports 66 MHz PCI with 32-bit dat a.
Supports PCI PERR and SERR reporting.
Supports PCI bus master operations: Memory Read, Memory Read Multiple, and Memory Write.
Supports PCI bus t arget operations: Configuration Read, Configuration Write, I/O Read, I/O Write, Memory
Read, Memory Write, Memory Read Line (Memory Read) and Memory Read Multiple (Memory Read)
Supports byte alignment for odd-byte PCI address access.
Supports jumper configurable PCI class code.
Supports programmable and EEPROM, Flash and EPROM loadable PCI class code.
Supports Base Address Register 5 in memory space.
Serial ATA Features
Integrated Serial ATA Link and PHY logic
Compliant with Serial ATA 1.0 specifications
Supports four independent Serial ATA channels.
Supports Serial ATA Generation 1 transfer rate of 1.5Gbit/s.
Supports Spread Spectrum in receiver
Single PLL architecture, 1 PLL for all four ports
Programmable drive strengths for Backplane applications
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D 2 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Other Features
Features independent 256-byte FIFOs (32-bit x 64 deep) per Serial ATA channel for host reads and writes.
Supports legacy type operations (Master/Slave drive access) using I/O-mapped register space
Supports 4 concurrent operations using memory-mapped register space
Features Serial ATA to PCI interrupt masking.
Features Watch Dog Timer for fault resiliency.
Provides 8 bits of General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
PC motherboards
Serial ATA drive add on cards
Serial ATA RAID cards
For more details about the Serial ATA technology, the reader is referred to the following industry specifications:
Serial ATA / High Speed Serialized AT Attachment specification, Revision 1.0
PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.3
Advanced Power Management Specification Revision 1.0
PCI IDE Controller Specification Revision 1.0
Programming Interface for Bus Master IDE Controller, Revision 1.0
Functional Description
The SiI3114 is a PCI-to-Serial ATA controller chip that transfers data between the PCI bus and storage media (e.g
hard disk drive, etc). The SiI3114 consists of the following functional blocks:
PCI Interface. Provides the interface to any system that has a PCI bus. Instructions and system clocks are
based on this interface.
Serial ATA Interface. Four separate channels to access storage media such as hard disk drive, floppy disk
drive, CD-ROM.
PCI Interface
The SiI3114 PCI interface is compliant with the PCI Local Bus Specification (Revision 2.3). The SiI3114 can act as
a PCI master and a PCI slave, and contains the SiI3114 PCI configuration space and internal registers. When the
SiI3114 needs to access shared memory, it becomes the bus master of the PCI bus and completes the memory
cycle without external intervention. In the mode when it acts as a bridge between the PCI bus and the Serial ATA
bus it will behave as a PCI slave.
PCI Initialization
Generally, when a system initializes a module containing a PCI device, the configuration manager reads the
configuration space of each PCI device on the PCI bus. Hardware signals select a specific PCI device based on a
bus number, a slot number, and a function number. If a device that is addressed (via signal lines) responds to the
configuration cycle by claiming the bus, then that function's configuration space is read out from the device during
the cycle. Because any PCI device can be a multifunction device, every supported function's configuration space
needs to be read from the device. Based on the information read, the configuration manager will assign system
resources to each supported function within the device. Sometimes new information needs to be written into the
function's configuration space. This is accomplished with a configuration write cycle.
PCI Bus Operations
The SiI3114 behaves either as a PCI master or a PCI slave device at any time and switches between these
modes as required during device operation. As a PCI slave, the SiI3114 responds to the following PCI bus
I/O Read
I/O Write
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 3 SiI-DS-0103-D
Configuration Read
Configuration Write
Memory Read
Memory Write
All other PCI cycles are ignored by the SiI3114.
As a PCI master, the SiI3114 generates the following PCI bus operations:
Memory Read Multiple
Memory Read
Memory Write
PCI Configuration Space
This section describes how the SiI3114 implements the required PCI configuration register space. The intent of
PCI configuration space definition is to provide an appropriate set of configuration registers that satisfy the needs
of current and anticipated system configuration mechanisms, without specifying those mechanisms or otherwise
placing constraints on their use. These registers allow for:
Full device relocation (including interrupt binding)
Installation, configurations, and booting without user interventions
System address map construction by device-independent software
Figure 1 illustrates the address line assignments during the configuration cycle.
Figure 1. Address Lines During Configuration Cycle
The SiI3114 only responds to Type 0 configuration cycles. Type 1 cycles, which pass a configuration request on
to another PCI bus, are ignored.
The address phase during a SiI3114 configuration cycle indicates the function number and register number being
addressed which can be decoded by observing the status of the address lines AD[31:0].
The value of the signal lines AD[7:2] during the address phase of configuration cycles selects the register of the
configuration space to access. Valid values are between 0 and 15, inclusive. Accessing registers outside this
range results in an all-0s value being returned on reads, and no action being taken on writes.
The Class Code register contains the Class Code, Sub-Class Code, and Register-Level Programming Interface
All writable bits in the configuration space except offset 44h, 8Ch are reset to their defaults by the hardware reset,
PCI RESET (RST#) asserted. After reset, the SiI3114 is disabled and will only respond to PCI configuration write
and PCI configuration read cycles.
Deviations from the Specification
The SiI3114 product has been developed and tested to the specification listed in this document. As a result of
testing and customer feedback, we may become aware of deviations to the specification that could affect the
component's operation. To ensure awareness of these deviations by anyone considering the use of the SiI3114,
we have included an Errata section at the end of this specification. Please ensure that the Errata section is
31 11 10 8 7 2 1 0
Don’t Care
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0103-D 4 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
carefully reviewed. It is also important that you have the most current version of this specification. If there are any
questions, please contact Silicon Image, Inc.
Electrical Characteristics
Device Electrical Characteristics
Specifications are for Commercial Temperature range, 0oC to +70oC, unless otherwise specified.
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Ratings Unit
VDDO I/O Supply Voltage 4.0 V
VDDA, VDDX Digital, PLL, Analog and Oscillator Supply
Power 2.15 V
VPCI_IN Input Voltage for PCI signals -0.3 ~ 6.0 V
VNONPCI_IN Input Voltage for Non-PCI signals -0.3 ~ VDDO+0.3 V
VCLKI_IN Input Voltage for CLKI -0.3 ~ VDDX+0.3 V
IOUT DC Output Current 16 mA
θJA Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) 32.6 °C/W
TSTG Storage Temperature -65 ~ 150 oC
Table 2. DC Specifications
Limits Symbol Parameter Condition Type
Min Typ Max
Supply Voltage (Digital,
Analog, PLL, Oscillator) - - 1.71 1.8 1.89 V
VDDO Supply Voltage(I/O) - - 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
IDD1.8V 1.8V Supply Current
- - - 3251 4302 mA
IDD3.3V 3.3V Supply Current CLOAD= 20pF - - 121 402 mA
- 3.3V PCI 0.5xVDDO - - V VIH Input High Voltage - Non-PCI 2.0 - -
- 3.3V PCI - - 0.3xVDDO V VIL Input Low Voltage - Non-PCI - - 0.8
IOUT = -500uA 3.3V PCI 0.9xVDDO - - V VOH Output High Voltage - Non-PCI 2.4 - -
IOUT = 1500uA 3.3V PCI - - 0.1xVDDO V VOL Output Low Voltage - Non-PCI - - 0.4
V+ Input High Voltage - Schmitt - 1.8 2.3 V
V- Input Low Voltage - Schmitt 0.5 0.9 - V
VH Hysteresis Voltage - Schmitt 0.4 - - V
IIH Input High Current VIN = VDD - -10 - 10 uA
IIL Input Low Current VIN = VSS - -10 - 10 uA
IILOD Open Drain output sink
current - - - - 12 mA
IOZ 3-State Leakage Current - - -10 - 10 uA
Notes: 1 Using the random data pattern (read/write operation) at 1.8V or 3.3V power supply, PCI
interface = 33 MHz.
2 Using the maximum toggling data pattern (read/write operation) at 1.89V or 3.6V power supply , PCI interface = 66 MHz.
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 5 SiI-DS-0103-D
Table 3. SATA Interface DC Specifications
Limits Symbol Parameter Condition
Min Typ Max
VDOUT_00 TX+/TX- differential
peak-to-peak voltage
Terminated by 50 Ohms.
Tx Swing Value = 00 400 500 600 mV
VDOUT_01 TX+/TX- differential
peak-to-peak voltage
Terminated by 50 Ohms.
Tx Swing Value = 01 500 600 700 mV
VDOUT_10 TX+/TX- differential
peak-to-peak voltage
Terminated by 50 Ohms.
Tx Swing Value = 10 550 700 800 mV
VDOUT_11 TX+/TX- differential
peak-to-peak voltage
Terminated by 50 Ohms.
Tx Swing Value = 11 650 800 900 mV
VDIN RX+/RX- differential
peak-to-peak input
- 325 - - mV
VDICM RX+/RX- differential
Input common-mode
- 200 300 450 mV
VDOCM TX+/TX-differential
Output common-mode
- 200 300 450 mV
VSDT Squelch detector
threshold - 100 50 200 mV
ZDIN Differential input
impedance REXT = 1k 1% for 25MHz SerDes
Ref Clk REXT = 4.99k 1% for
100MHz SerDes Ref Clk
85 100 115 ohms
ZDOUT Differential output
impedance REXT = 1k 1% for 25MHz SerDes
Ref Clk REXT = 4.99k 1% for
100MHz SerDes Ref Clk
85 100 115 ohms
SATA Interface Timing Specifications
Table 4. SATA Interface Timing Specifications
Limits Symbol Parameter Condition
Min Typ Max
TTX_RISE_FALL Rise and Fall time at
transmitter 20%-80% 133 - 274 ps
TTX_SKEW Tx differential skew - - - 20 ps
TTX_DC_FREQ Tx DC clock frequency
skew - -350 - +350 ppm
TTX_AC_FREQ Tx AC clock frequency
skew SerDes Ref Clk = SSC AC
modulation, subject to the
"Downspread SSC" triangular
modulation (30-33KHz) profile
per in SATA 1.0
-5000 - +0 ppm
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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SiI-DS-0103-D 6 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics
Table 5. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics
Limits Symbol Parameter Condition
Min Typ Max
RJ5UI 5UI later Random Jitter Measured at Tx output pins
1sigma deviation - 4.5 - ps rms
RJ250UI 250UI later Random
Jitter Measured at Tx output pins
1sigma deviation - 6.0 - ps rms
DJ5UI 5UI later Deterministic
Jitter Measured at Tx output pins peak
to peak phase variation Random
data pattern
- 40 - ps
DJ250UI 250UI later Deterministic
Jitter Measured at Tx output pins peak
to peak phase variation Random
data pattern
- 45 - ps
CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirements
Table 6. CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirements
Limits Symbol Parameter Condition
Min Typ Max
TCLKI_FREQ Nominal Frequency REXT = 1k 1%
REXT = 4.99k 1% - 25
100 - MHz
VCLK_IH Input High Voltage - 0.7xVDDX - - V
VCLK_IL Input Low Voltage - - - 0.3xVDDX V
TCLKI_J CLKI frequency tolerance - -100 +100 ppm
TCLKI_RISE_FALL Rise and Fall time at CLKI 25MHz reference clock,
100MHz reference clock,
- - 4
2 ns
TCLKI_RC_DUTY CLKI duty cycle 20%-80% 40 - 60 %
Notes: CLKI must be 1.8V swing when external clock input to this pin
PCI 33 MHz Timing Specifications
Table 7. PCI 33 MHz Ti ming Specifications
Limits Symbol Parameter
Min Max
TVAL CLK to Signal Valid – Bussed Signals 2.0 11.0 ns
TVAL (PTP) CLK to Signal Valid – Point to Point 2.0 11.0 ns
TON Float to Active Delay 2.0 - ns
TOFF Active to Float Delay - 28.0 ns
TSU Input Setup Time – Bussed Signals 7.0 - ns
TSU (PTP) Input Setup Time – Point to Point 10.0 - ns
TH Input Hold Time 0.0 - ns
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PCI 66 MHz Timing Specifications
Table 8. PCI 66 MHz Ti ming Specifications
Limits Symbol Parameter
Min Max
TVAL CLK to Signal Valid – Bussed Signals 2.0 6.0 ns
TVAL (PTP) CLK to Signal Valid – Point to Point 2.0 6.0 ns
TON Float to Active Delay 2.0 - ns
TOFF Active to Float Delay - 14.0 ns
TSU Input Setup Time – Bussed Signals 3.0 - ns
TSU (PTP) Input Setup Time – Point to Point 5.0 - ns
TH Input Hold Time 0.0 - ns
Flash Memory Timing Specifications
Figure 2. Flash Memory Timing
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Pin Definitions
SiI3114 Pin Listing
This section describes the pins of the SiI3114 PCI-to-Serial ATA host controller. Table 9 provides information on
pin numbers, pin names, pin types, drive types where applicable, internal resistors where applicable, and
descriptions. Table 10 shows the pin types used in the SiI3114.
Table 9. SiI3114 Pin Listing
Pin # Pin Name Type Internal
Resistor Description
1 N/C N/C - No internal connection
2 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
3 TxP0 O - Channel 0 Differential Transmit +ve
4 TxN0 O - Channel 0 Differential Transmit -ve
5 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
6 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
7 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
8 RxN0 I - Channel 0 Differential Receive -ve
9 RxP0 I - Channel 0 Differential Receive +ve
10 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
11 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
12 TxP1 O - Channel 1 Differential Transmit + v e
13 TxN1 O - Channel 1 Differential Transmit -ve
14 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
15 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
16 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
17 RxN1 I - Channel 1 Differential Receive -ve
18 RxP1 I - Channel 1 Differential Receive +ve
19 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
20 VDDX PWR - 1.8V supply for Crystal Oscillator
21 XTALO O - Crystal Oscillator Output
22 XTALI/CLKI I - Crystal Oscillator Input or external clock input
23 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
24 REXT I - External Reference Resistor Input
25 VDDP PWR - 1.8V PLL Power
26 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
27 TxP2 O - Channel 2 Differential Transmit + v e
28 TxN2 O - Channel 2 Differential Transmit -ve
29 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
30 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
31 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
32 RxN2 I - Channel 2 Differential Receive -ve
33 RxP2 I - Channel 2 Differential Receive +ve
34 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
35 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
36 TxP3 O - Channel 3 Differential Transmit + v e
37 TxN3 O - Channel 3 Differential Transmit -ve
38 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
39 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
40 GNDA GND - Analog Ground
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Table 9. SiI3114 Pin Listing (continued)
Pin # Pin Name Type Internal
Resistor Description
41 RxN3 I - Channel 3 Differential Receive -ve
42 RxP3 I - Channel 3 Differential Receive +ve
43 VDDA PWR - 1.8V SerDes Power
44 N/C N/C - No internal connection
45 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
46 VSSO GND - Ground
47 EEPROM_SDAT I/O PU – 70k EEPROM Serial Data
48 EEPROM_SCLK I/O PU – 70k EEPROM Serial Clock
49 FL_ADDR[00] /
CLASS_SEL I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 0 / Mass Storage-RAID PCI
Class Select
50 FL_ADDR[01] / BA5_EN I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 1 / Base Address Register 5
51 FL_ADDR[02] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 2
52 FL_RD_N O PU – 70k Flash Memory Read Strobe
53 FL_WR_N O PU – 70k Flash Memory Write Strobe
54 FL_ADDR[03] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 3
55 FL_ADDR[04] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 4
56 FL_ADDR[05] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 5
57 FL_ADDR[06] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 6
58 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
59 VSSO GND - Ground
60 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal core Power
61 VSSI GND - Ground
62 FL_ADDR[07] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 7
63 FL_ADDR[08] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 8
64 FL_ADDR[09] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 9
65 LED0 OD PU – 70k Channel 0 activity LED indicator
66 FL_ADDR[10] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 10
67 FL_ADDR[11] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 11
68 FL_ADDR[12] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 12
69 FL_ADDR[13] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 13
70 LED1 OD PU – 70k Channel 1 activity LED indicator
71 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal core Power
72 VSSI GND - Ground
73 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
74 VSSO GND - Ground
75 FL_ADDR[14] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 14
76 FL_ADDR[15] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 15
77 FL_ADDR[16] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 16
78 LED2 OD PU – 70k Channel 2 activity LED indicator
79 FL_ADDR[17] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 17
80 FL_ADDR[18] O PU – 70k Flash Memory Address 18
81 FL_CS_N O PU – 70k Flash Memory Chip Select
82 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal Core Power
83 VSSI GND - Ground
84 LED3 OD PU – 70k Channel 3 activity LED indicator
85 FL_DATA[00] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 0
86 FL_DATA[01] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 1
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Table 9. SiI3114 Pin Listing (continued)
Pin # Pin Name Type Internal
Resistor Description
87 FL_DATA[02] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 2
88 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
89 VSSO GND - Ground
90 FL_DATA[03] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 3
91 FL_DATA[04] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 4
92 FL_DATA[05] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 5
93 FL_DATA[06] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 6
94 FL_DATA[07] I/O PU – 70k Flash Memory Data 7
95 PCI_INTA_N OD - PCI Interrupt
96 PCI_RST_N I-Schmitt - PCI Reset
97 PCI_CLK I - PCI Clock
98 PCI_GNT_N I - PCI Bus Grant
99 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
100 VSSO GND - Ground
101 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal Core Power
102 VSSI GND - Ground
103 PCI_REQ_N T - PCI Bus Request
104 PCI_AD31 I/O - PCI Address/Data
105 PCI_AD30 I/O - PCI Address/Data
106 PCI_AD29 I/O - PCI Address/Data
107 PCI_AD28 I/O - PCI Address/Data
108 PCI_AD27 I/O - PCI Address/Data
109 PCI_AD26 I/O - PCI Address/Data
110 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
111 VSSO GND - Ground
112 PCI_AD25 I/O - PCI Address/Data
113 PCI_AD24 I/O - PCI Address/Data
114 PCI_CBE3 I/O - PCI Command/Byte Enable
115 PCI_IDSEL I - PCI ID Select
116 PCI_AD23 I/O - PCI Address/Data
117 PCI_AD22 I/O - PCI Address/Data
118 PCI_AD21 I/O - PCI Address/Data
119 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal Core Power
120 VSSI GND - Ground
121 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
122 VSSO GND - Ground
123 PCI_AD20 I/O - PCI Address/Data
124 PCI_AD19 I/O - PCI Address/Data
125 PCI_AD18 I/O - PCI Address/Data
126 PCI_AD17 I/O - PCI Address/Data
127 PCI_AD16 I/O - PCI Address/Data
128 PCI_CBE2 I/O - PCI Command/Byte Enable
129 PCI_FRAME_N I/O - PCI Frame
130 PCI_IRDY_N I/O - PCI Initiator Ready
131 PCI_PERR_N I/O - PCI Parity Error
132 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
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Table 9. SiI3114 Pin Listing (continued)
Pin # Pin Name Type Internal
Resistor Description
133 VSSO GND - Ground
134 PCI_STOP_N I/O - PCI Stop
135 PCI_DEVSEL_N I/O - PCI Device Select
136 PCI_TRDY_N I/O - PCI Target Ready
137 PCI_SERR_N OD - PCI System Error
138 VDDI PWR - 1.8V Internal Core Power
139 VSSI GND - Ground
140 PCI_PAR I/O - PCI Parity
141 PCI_CBE1 I/O - PCI Command/Byte Enable
142 PCI_AD15 I/O - PCI Address/Data
143 PCI_AD14 I/O - PCI Address/Data
144 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
145 VSSO GND - Ground
146 PCI_AD13 I/O - PCI Address/Data
147 PCI_AD12 I/O - PCI Address/Data
148 VDDI PWR - 1.8 Volt Core Power
149 VSSI GND - Ground
150 PCI_AD11 I/O - PCI Address/Data
151 PCI_AD10 I/O - PCI Address/Data
152 PCI_M66EN I - PCI 66 MHz Enable
153 PCI_AD09 I/O - PCI Address/Data
154 PCI_AD08 I/O - PCI Address/Data
155 PCI_CBE0 I/O - PCI Command/Byte Enable
156 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
157 VSSO GND - Ground
158 VDDI PWR - 1.8 Volt Core Power
159 VSSI GND - Ground
160 PCI_AD07 I/O - PCI Address/Data
161 PCI_AD06 I/O - PCI Address/Data
162 PCI_AD05 I/O - PCI Address/Data
163 PCI_AD04 I/O - PCI Address/Data
164 PCI_AD03 I/O - PCI Address/Data
165 PCI_AD02 I/O - PCI Address/Data
166 PCI_AD01 I/O - PCI Address/Data
167 PCI_AD00 I/O - PCI Address/Data
168 VDDO PWR - 3.3 Volt Power
169 VSSO GND - Ground
170 GPIOEN I PD -60k GPIO Enable
171 TEST_MODE I PD -60k Test Mode Enable
172 TMS I PU -70k JTAG Test Mode Select
173 TCK I PU -70k JTAG Test Clock
174 TDO O - JTAG Test Data Out
175 TDI I PU -70k JTAG Test Data In
176 TRST N I PU -70k JTAG Test Reset
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Table 10. Pin Types
Pin Type Description
I Input Pin with LVTTL Thresholds
I-Schmitt Input Pin with Schmitt Trigger
O Output Pin
T Tri-state Output Pin
I/O Bi-directional Pin
OD Open Drain Output Pin
Note: PCI pins are 5V tolerant.
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SiI3114 Pin Diagram
Figure 3 shows the SiI3114 pinout. Note that most PCI signals are not labeled with the “PCI_” prefix as used
133 VSSO
Top View
Figure 3. SiI3114 Pin Diagram
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SiI3114 Pin Descriptions
PCI 66MHz 32-bit
PCI Address and Data
Pin Names: PCI_AD[31..00]
Pin Numbers: 104-109, 112, 113, 116-118, 123-127, 142, 143, 146, 147, 150, 151, 153, 154, 160-167
Address and Data buses are multiplexed on the same PCI pins. A bus transaction consists of an address phase
followed by one or more data phases. PCI support s both read and write bursts. The address phase is the first
clock cycle in which PCI_FRAME_N signal is asserted. During the address phase, PCI_AD[31:0] contain a
physical address (32 bits). For I/O, this can be a byte address. For configuration and memory it is a dword
address. During data phases, PCI_AD[7:0] cont ain the least significant byte (LSB) and PCI_AD[31:24] contain the
most significant byte (MSB). Write dat a is stable and valid when PCI_IRDY_N is asserted; read data is stable and
valid when PCI_TRDY_N is asserted. Data is transferred during those clocks where both PCI_IRDY_N and
PCI_TRDY_N are asserted.
PCI Command and Byte Enables
Pin Names: PCI_CBE[3..0]
Pin Numbers: 114, 128, 141, 155
Command and Byte Enables are multiplexed on the same PCI pins. During the address phase of a transaction,
PCI_CBE[3:0]_N define the bus command. During the data phase, PCI_CBE[3:0]_N are used as Byte Enables.
Byte Enables are valid for the entire data phase and determine which byte lanes carry meaningful dat a.
PCI ID Select
Pin Number: 115
This signal is used as a chip select during configuration read and write transactions.
PCI Frame Cycle
Pin Number: 129
Cycle Frame is driven by the current master to indicate the beginning and duration of an access. PCI_FRAME_N
is asserted to indicate that a bus transaction is beginning. While PCI_FRAME_N is asserted, data transfers
continue. When PCI_FRAME_N is deasserted, the transaction is in the final data phase or has completed.
PCI Initiator Ready
Pin Name: PCI_IRDY_N
Pin Number: 130
Initiator Ready indicates the initializing agent’s (bus master’s) ability to complete the current data phase of the
transaction. This signal is used with PCI_TRDY_N. A data phase is completed on any clock when both
PCI_IRDY_N and PCI_TRDY_N are sampled as asserted. Wait cycles are inserted until both PCI_IRDY_N and
PCI_TRDY_N are asserted together.
PCI Target Ready
Pin Name: PCI_TRDY_N
Pin Number: 136
Target Ready indicates the target agent’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction.
PCI_TRDY_N is used with PCI_IRDY_N. A data phase is completed on any clock when both PCI_TRDY_N and
PCI_IRDY_N are sampled asserted. During a read, PCI_TRDY_N indicates that valid data is present on
PCI_AD[31:0]. During a write, it indicates the target is prepared to accept data.
PCI Device Select
Pin Number: 135
Device Select, when actively driven, indicates the driving device has decoded its address as the target of the
current access. As an input, PCI_DEVSEL_N indicates to a master whether any device on the bus has been
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PCI Stop
Pin Name: PCI_STOP_N
Pin Number: 134
PCI_STOP_N indicates the current target is requesting that the master stop the current transaction.
PCI Parity Error
Pin Name: PCI_PERR_N
Pin Number: 131
PCI_PERR_N indicates a data p arity error between the current master and target on PCI. On a write transaction,
the target always signals data parity errors back to the master on PCI_PERR_N. On a read transaction, the
master asserts PCI_PERR_N to indicate to the system that an error was detected.
PCI System Error
Pin Name: PCI_SERR_N
Pin Number: 137
System Error is for reporting address parity errors, dat a parity errors on Special Cycle Command, or any other
system error where the result will be catastrophic. The PCI_SERR_N is a pure open drain and is actively driven
for a single PCI clock by the agent reporting the error. The assertion of PCI_SERR_N is synchronous to the clock
and meets the setup and hold times of all bused signals. However, the restoring of PCI_SERR_N to the
deasserted state is accomplished by a weak pull-up. Note that if an agent does not want a non-maskable interrupt
(NMI) to be generated, a different reporting mechanism is required.
PCI Parity
Pin Name: PCI_PAR
Pin Number: 140
PCI_PAR is even parity across PCI_AD[31:0] and PCI_CBE[3:0]_N. Parity generation is required by all PCI
agents. PCI_PAR is stable and valid one clock af ter the address phase. For data phases PCI_PAR is stable and
valid one clock after either PCI_IRDY_N is asserted on a write transaction or PCI_TRDY_N is asserted on a read
transaction. Once PCI_PAR is valid, it remains valid until one clock after the completion of the current data phase.
(PCI_PAR has the same timing as PCI_AD[31:0] but delayed by one clock.)
PCI Request
Pin Name: PCI_REQ_N
Pin Number: 103
This signal indicates to the arbiter that this agent desires use of the PCI bus.
PCI Grant
Pin Name: PCI_GNT_N
Pin Number: 98
This signal indicates to the agent that access to the PCI bus has been granted. In response to a PCI request, this
is a point-to-point signal. Every master has its own PCI_GNT_N, which must be ignored while PCI_RST_N is
PCI Interrupt A
Pin Name: PCI_INTA_N
Pin Number: 95
Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt on the PCI bus. PCI_INTA_N is open collector and is an open drain
PCI Clock Signal
Pin Names: PCI_CLK
Pin Number: 97
Clock Signal provides timing for all transactions on PCI and is an input to every PCI device. All other PCI signals
(except PCI_RST_N, and PCI_INTA_N) are sampled on the rising edge of PCI_CLK. All other timing parameters
are defined with respect to this edge.
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PCI Reset
Pin Name: PCI_RST_N
Pin Number: 96
PCI_RST_N is an active low input that is used to set the internal registers to their initial state. PCI_RST_N is
typically the system power-on reset signal as distributed on the PCI bus.
Pin Name: PCI_M66EN
Pin Number: 152
This pin configures the PCI bus operating frequency. When low, the PCI bus operates from 0 to 33 MHz. When
high, the PCI bus operates from 33MHz to 66MHz.
Miscellaneous I/O
Flash Signals
Pin Number: 49
When PCI_RST_N is deasserted, this pin is an output and represents flash memory address bit 0. During reset, it
is sampled to configure Mass Storage class or RAID mode in the PCI Class Code register. A high on this pin sets
Mass Storage class, a low sets RAID mode. The configuration state is latched internally when PCI_RST_N is
deasserted. This pad is internally pulled high to enable Mass Storage class if left unconnected.
Pin Name: FL_ADDR01 / BA5_EN
Pin Number: 50
When PCI_RST_N is deasserted, this pin is an output and represents flash memory address bit 1 During reset, it
is sampled to configure Base address register 5. A high on this pin enables base address register 5, a low
disables base address register 5. The configuration state is latched internally when PCI_RST_N is deasserted.
This pin is internally pulled high to enable Base address register 5 when left unconnected.
Pin Name: FL_ADDR[02-18]
Pin Numbers: 51, 54-57, 62-64, 66-69, 75-77, 79, 80
Flash Memory address bits; 19 tot al for 512K address space. Flash address pins 14 to 18 are used to select
internal test modes in conjunction with the TEST_MODE pin.
Pin Name: FL_DATA[0-7]
Pin Numbers: 85-87, 90-94
8-bit Flash memory data bus or GPIO pins
Pin Name: FL_RD_N
Pin Number: 52
Flash read enable signal, active low
Pin Name: FL_WR_N
Pin Number: 53
Flash write enable signal, active low
Pin Name: FL_CS_N
Pin Number: 81
Flash chip select signal, active low
Serial EEPROM Interface Signals
Pin Number: 47
Serial Interface (I2C) data line
Pin Number: 48
Serial Interface (I2C) clock
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LED Drivers
Pin Names: LED[0..3]
Pin Numbers: 65, 70, 78, 84
These are 12mA open-drain outputs to drive Activity LEDs for Channels 0 to 3 respectively.
Pin Name: GPIO_EN
Pin Number: 170
This pin enables the use of the flash Data pins for General Purpose I/O.
Pin Numbers: 172-176
These pins are used for JTAG operation. The TRSTN pin must be tied to ground if the JTAG function is not used
Pin Number: 171
This pin is used for chip testing. This pin must be left open or tied to ground for normal operation.
Power Supply & Ground
Pin Name: VDDO
Pin Numbers: 45, 58, 73, 88, 99, 110, 121, 132, 144, 156, 168
3.3 V Power Supply Input
Pin Name: VDDI
Pin Numbers: 60, 71, 82, 101, 119, 138, 148, 158
1.8V Power Supply Input for internal core
Pin Name: VSSO
Pin Number: 46, 59, 74, 89, 100, 111, 122, 133, 145, 157, 169
Ground reference point to power supply for I/O.
Pin Name: VSSI
Pin Number: 61, 72, 83, 102, 120, 139, 149, 159
Ground reference point to power supply for core.
Serial ATA Signals
Power Supply & Ground
Pin Name: VDDA
Pin Numbers: 6, 10, 15, 19, 30, 34, 39, 43
SerDes 1.8 V Power supply Pins
Pin Name: VDDP
Pin Number: 25
PLL 1.8 V Power supply Pin
Pin Name: VDDX
Pin Number: 20
Oscillator 1.8 V Power supply Pin
Pin Name: GNDA
Pin Numbers: 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 23, 26, 29, 31, 35, 38, 40
SerDes Ground
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High Speed Serial Signals
Pin Names: RxN[0..3]
Pin Numbers: 8, 17, 32, 41
Differential receive negative side.
Pin Names: RxP[0..3]
Pin Numbers: 9, 18, 33, 42
Differential receive positive side.
Pin Names: TxN[0..3]
Pin Numbers: 4, 13, 28, 37
Differential transmit negative side
Pin Names: TxP[0..3]
Pin Numbers: 3, 12, 27, 36
Differential transmit positive side
Other SerDes Signals
Pin Name: XTALO
Pin Number: 21
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. A 25MHz crystal must be used.
Pin Number: 22
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. When external clock source is selected, the external clock
(either 25MHz or 100 MHz) will come in through this pin. The clock must be 1.8V swing and the precision
requirement is ±100ppm.
Pin Name: REXT
Pin Number: 24
External reference resistor pin for termination calibration. This pin provides the additional function of selecting
frequency of the clock source. For 25MHz, a 1K, 1% resistor is connected to ground. For 100MHz, a 4.99K, 1%
resistor is connected to ground.
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Package Drawing
Figure 4. Package Drawing – 176 TQFP
Part Ordering Number:
SiI3114CT176 (176 pin TQFP standard package)
SiI3114CTU (176 pin TQFP universal package)
PIN #1
20.0 SQ NOM
22.0 SQ NOM
0.40 NOM 0.18 NOM
0.10 NOM
1.00 NOM
Dimensions in millimeters
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Package Markings
Figure 5. Marking Specification – SiI3114CT176
Figure 6. Marking Specification – SiI3114CTU
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Block Diagram
The SiI3114 contains the major logic modules shown in Figure 7.
Flash &
Serial ATA
Channel #0
Serial ATA
Channel #2
Serial ATA
Channel #1
Serial ATA
Channel #3
Figure 7. SiI3114 Block Diagram
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The SiI3114 supports an external flash and/or EEPROM device for BIOS extensions and user-defined PCI
configuration header data.
Auto-Initialization from Flash
The SiI3114 initiates the flash detection and configuration space loading sequence upon the release of
PCI_RST_N. It begins by reading the highest two addresses (7FFFFH and 7FFFEH), checking for the correct data
signature pattern — AAH and 55H, respectively. If the data signature pattern is correct, the SiI3114 continues to
sequence the address downward, reading a total of sixteen bytes. If the Data Signature is correct (55H at
7FFFCH), the last twelve bytes are loaded into the PCI Configuration Space registers.
Note: If both flash and EEPROM are installed, the PCI Configuration Space registers will be loaded with the
EEPROM’s dat a.
While the sequence is active, the SiI3114 responds to all PCI bus accesses with a Target Retry.
t1 t2
Figure 8. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing
Table 11. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing
Parameter Value Description
t1 660 ns PCI reset to Flash Auto-Initialization cycle begin
t2 9600 ns Flash Auto-Initialization cycle time
Table 12. Flash Data Description
Address Data Byte Description
7FFFFH D00 Data Signature = AAH
7FFFEH D01 Data Signature = 55H
7FFFDH D02 AA = 120 ns flash device / Else, 240 ns flash device
7FFFCH D03 Data Signature = 55H
7FFFBH D04 PCI Device ID [23:16]
7FFFAH D05 PCI Device ID [31:24]
7FFF9H D06 PCI Class Code [15:08]
7FFF8H D07 PCI Class Code [23:16]
7FFF7H D08 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [07:00]
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Table 12. Flash Data Description (continued)
Address Data Byte Description
7FFF6H D09 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [15:08]
7FFF5H D10 PCI Sub-System ID [23:16]
7FFF4H D11 PCI Sub-System ID [31:24]
7FFF3 H D12 SATA PHY Config [07:00] (default: 0xB0)
7FFF2 H D13 SATA PHY Config [15:08] (default: 0x80)
7FFF1 H D14 SATA PHY Config [23:16] (default: 0x00)
7FFF0 H D15 SATA PHY Config [31:24] (default: 0x20)
Auto-Initialization from EEPROM
The SiI3114 initiates the EEPROM detection and configuration space loading sequence after the Flash read
sequence. The SiI3114 supports up to 256-byte EEPROM with a 2-wire serial interface. The sequence of
operations consists of the following.
1. START condition defined as a high-to-low transition on SDAT while SCLK is high.
2. Control byte = 1010 (Control Code) + 000 (Chip Select) + 0 (Write Address)
3. Acknowledge
4. Starting address field = 00000000.
5. Acknowledge
6. Sequential data bytes separated by Acknowledges.
7. STOP condition.
While the sequence is active, the SiI3114 responds to all PCI bus accesses with a Target Retry.
S1010000W PANDDD
Figure 9. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing
Table 13. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing
Parameter Value Description
t1 26.00 μs End of Auto-Initialization from Flash to start of Auto-Initialization from
t2 2.66 ms Auto-Initialization from EEPROM cycle time
t3 19.26 μs EEPROM serial clock period
Table 14. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing Symbols
Parameter Description
S START condition
W R/W 0 = Write Command, 1 = Read Command
A Acknowledge
D Serial data
N No-Acknowledge
P STOP condition
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Table 15. EEPROM Data Description
Address Data Byte Description
00H D00 Memory Present Pattern = AAH
01H D01 Memory Present Pattern = 55H
02H D02 Data Signature = AAH
03H D03 Data Signature = 55H
04H D04 PCI Device ID [23:16]
05H D05 PCI Device ID [31:24]
06H D06 PCI Class Code [15:08]
07H D07 PCI Class Code [23:16]
08H D08 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [07:00]
09H D09 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [15:08]
0AH D10 PCI Sub-System ID [23:16]
0BH D11 PCI Sub-System ID [31:24]
0CH D12 SATA PHY Config [07:00] (default: 0xB0)
0DH D13 SATA PHY Config [15:08] (default: 0x80)
0EH D14 SATA PHY Config [23:16] (default: 0x00)
0FH D15 SATA PHY Config [31:24] (default: 0x20)
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Register Definitions
This section describes the registers within the SiI3114.
PCI Configuration Space
The PCI Configuration Space registers define he operation of the SiI3114 on the PCI bus. These registers are
accessible only when the SiI3114 detects a Configuration Read or W rite operation, with its IDSEL asserted, on
the 32-bit PCI bus. Table 16 outlines the PCI Configuration space for the SiI3114.
Table 16. SiI3114 PCI Configuration Space
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Device ID Vendor ID R/W
04H PCI Status PCI Command R/W
08H PCI Class Code Revision ID R/W
0CH BIST Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size R/W
10H Base Address Register 0 R/W
14H Base Address Register 1 R/W
18H Base Address Register 2 R/W
1CH Base Address Register 3 R/W
20H Base Address Register 4 R/W
24H Base Address Register 5 R/W
28H Reserved -
2CH Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID R/W
30H Expansion ROM Base Address R/W
34H Reserved Capabilities Ptr R
38H Reserved R/W
3CH Max Latency Min Grant Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line R/W
40H Reserved Configuration R/W
44H Software Data Register R/W
48H Reserved -
4CH Reserved -
50H Reserved -
54H Reserved -
58H Reserved -
5CH Reserved -
60H Power Management Capabilities Next Item Pointer Capability ID R/W
64H Data Reserved Functions Control and Status R/W
68H Reserved -
6CH Reserved -
70H Reserved PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 0/2
74H PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2 R/W
78H Reserved PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 1/3
7CH PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3 R/W
80H Reserved Channel 0/2 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
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Table 16. SiI3114 PCI Configuration Space (continued)
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
84H Reserved Channel 1/3 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
88H System Configuration Status System Command R/W
8CH System Software Data R/W
90H Flash Memory Address – Command + Status R/W
94H Reserved Flash Memory
Data R/W
98H EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status R/W
9CH Reserved EEPROM Memory
Data R/W
A0H Reserved Channel 0/2
Config + Status Channel 0/2
Cmd + Status R/W
A4H Reserved R/W
A8H Reserved R/W
ACH Reserved R/W
B0H Reserved Channel 1/3
Config + Status Channel 1/3
Cmd + Status R/W
B4H Reserved R/W
B8H Reserved R/W
BCH Reserved R/W
C0H BA5 Indirect Address R/W
C4H BA5 Indirect Access R/W
Device ID – Vendor ID
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read /Write
Reset Value: 0x3114_1095
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Device ID Vendor ID
This register defines the Device ID and Vendor ID associated with the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:16]: Device ID (R/W) – Device ID. This value in this bit field is determined by any one of three
1) This field defaults to 0x3114 to identify the device as a Silicon Image SiI3114.
2) Loaded from an external memory device: If an external memory device — flash or EEPROM — is
present with the correct signature, the Device ID is loaded from that device after reset. See “Auto-
Initialization” section on page 22 for more information.
3) System programmable : If Bit 0 of the Configuration register (40H) is set, the bytes are system
Bit [15:00]: Vendor ID (R) – Vendor ID. This field defaults to 0x1095 to identify the vendor as Silicon
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PCI Status – PCI Command
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write/W rite-One-to-Clear
Reset Value: 0x02B0_0000
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Det Par Err
Sig Sys Err
Rcvd M Abort
Rcvd T Abort
Sig T Abort
Devsel Timing
Det M Data Par Err
Fast B-to-B Capable
66 MHz Capable
Capabilities List
Int Status
Int Disable
Fast B-to-B Enable
SERR Enable
Address Stepping
Par Error Response
VGA Palette
Memory Wr & Inv
Special Cycles
Bus Master
Memory Space
IO Space
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31]: Det. Par Err (R/W1C) – Detected Parity Error. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 detected a
parity error on the PCI bus-address or dat a parity error-while responding as a PCI target.
Bit [30]: Sig. Sys Err (R/W1C) – Signaled System Error. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 signaled
SERR on the PCI bus.
Bit [29]: Rcvd M Abort (R/W1C) – Received Master Abort. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 terminated
a PCI bus operation with a Master Abort.
Bit [28]: Rcvd T Abort (R/W1C) – Received Target Abort. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 received a
Target Abort termination.
Bit [27]: Sig. T Abort (R/W1C) – Signaled Target Abort. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 terminated a
PCI bus operation with a Target Abort.
Bit [26:25]: Devsel Timing (R) – Device Select Timing. This bit field indicates the DEVSEL timing supported
by the SiI3114. The hardwired value is 01B for Medium decode timing.
Bit [24]: Det M Data Par Err (R/W1C) – Detected Master Dat a Parity Error. This bit set indicates that the
SiI3114, as bus master , detected a parity error on the PCI bus. The parity error may be either reported by
the target device via PERR# on a write operation or by the SiI3114 on a read operation.
Bit [23]: Fast B-to-B Capable (R) – Fast Back-to-Back Capable. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that
the SiI3114 is Fast Back-to-Back capable as a PCI target.
Bit [22]: Reserved (R).
Bit [21]: 66 MHz Capable (R) – 66 MHz PCI Operation Capable. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that
the SiI3114 is 66 MHz capable.
Bit [20]: Capabilities List (R) – PCI Capabilities List. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that the SiI3114
has a PCI Power Management Capabilities register linked at offset 34H.
Bit [19]: Interrupt Status (R)
Bit [18:11]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [10]: Interrupt Disable (R/W).
Bit [09]: Fast B-to-B Enable (R) – Fast Back-to-Back Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0 to indicate that the
SiI3114 does not support Fast Back-to-Back operations as bus master.
Bit [08]: SERR Enable (R/W) – SERR Output Enable. This bit set enables the SiI3114 to drive the PCI
SERR# pin when it detects an address parity error. The Parity Error Response bit (06) must also be set to
enable SERR# reporting.
Bit [07]: Address Stepping (R) – Address Stepping Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0 to indicate that the
SiI3114 does not support Address Stepping.
Bit [06]: Par Error Response (R/W) – Parity Error Response Enable. This bit set enables the SiI3114 to
respond to parity errors on the PCI bus. If this bit is cleared, the SiI3114 will ignore PCI parity errors.
Bit [05]: VGA Palette (R) – VGA Palette Snoop Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0 to indicate that the
SiI3114 does not support VGA Palette Snooping.
Bit [04]: Mem Wr & Inv (R) – Memory Write and Invalidate Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0 to indicate that
the SiI3114 does not support Memory Write and Invalidate.
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Bit [03]: Special Cycles (R) – Special Cycles Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0 to indicate that the SiI3114
does not respond to Special Cycles.
Bit [02]: Bus Master (R/W) – Bus Master Enable. This bit set enables the SiI3114 to act as PCI bus master.
Bit [01]: Memory Space (R/W) – Memory Space Enable. This bit set enables the SiI3114 to respond to PCI
memory space access.
Bit [00]: IO Space (R/W) – IO Space Enable. This bit set enables the SiI3114 to respond to PCI IO space
PCI Class Code – Revision ID
Address Offset: 08H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0180_0002 or 0x0104_0002
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PCI Class Code Revision ID
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:08]: PCI Class Code (R) – PCI Class Code. This value in this bit field is determined by any one of
three options:
1) The default value, set by an external jumper on the FL_ADDR[00]/CLASS_SEL pin:
If CLASS_SEL = 0, the value is 010400h for RAID mode
If CLASS_SEL = 1, the value is 018000h for Mass Storage class
2) Loaded from an external memory device: If an external memory device — flash or EEPROM — is
present with the correct signature, the PCI Class Code is loaded from that device after reset. See
“Auto-Initialization” section on page 22 for more information.
3) System programmable : If Bit 0 of the Configuration register (40H) is set the three bytes are system
Bit [07:00]: Revision ID (R) – Chip Revision ID. This bit field is hardwired to 02H for the production chip.
BIST – Header Type – Latency Timer – Cache Line Size
Address Offset: 0CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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BIST Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:24]: BIST (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [23:16]: Header Type (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [15:08]: Latency Timer (R/W). This bit field is used to specify the time in number of PCI clocks, the
SiI3114 as a master is still allowed to control the PCI bus after it s GRANT_L is deasserted. The lower four
bits [0B:08] are hardwired to 0H, resulting in a time granularity of 16 clocks.
Bit [07:00]: Cache Line Size (R/W). This bit field is used to specify the system cacheline size in terms of
32-bit words. The upper 2 bits are not used, resulting a maximum size of 64 32-bit words. With the SiI3114
as a master, initiating a read transaction, it issues PCI command Read Multiple in place, when empty
space in it s FIFO is larger than the value programmed in this register.
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Base Address Register 0
Address Offset: 10H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
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Base Address Register 0 001
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:03]: Base Address Register 0 (R/W). This register defines the I/O Space base address for Channel
0 task file registers.
Bit [02:00]: Base Address Register 0 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 001B
Base Address Register 1
Address Offset: 14H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Base Address Register 1 01
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:02]: Base Address Register 1 (R/W). This register defines the I/O Space base address for Channel
0 Device Control- Alternate Status register.
Bit [01:00]: Base Address Register 1 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 01B.
Base Address Register 2
Address Offset: 18H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
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Base Address Register 2 001
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:03]: Base Address Register 2 (R/W). This register defines the I/O Space base address for Channel
1 task file registers.
Bit [02:00]: Base Address Register 2 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 001B.
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Base Address Register 3
Address Offset: 1CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
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Base Address Register 3 01
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:02]: Base Address Register 3 (R/W). This register defines the I/O Space base address for Channel
1 Device Control- Alternate Status register.
Bit [01:00]: Base Address Register 3 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 01B.
Base Address Register 4
Address Offset: 20H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Base Address Register 4 0001
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:04]: Base Address Register 4 (R/W). This register defines the I/O Space base address for the PCI
bus master registers.
Bit [03:00]: Base Address Register 4 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 0001B.
Base Address Register 5
Address Offset: 24H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Base Address Register 5 0000000000
This register defines the addressing of various control functions within the SiI3114. This register is enabled when
input BA5_EN is set to one. See description for pin FL_ADDR[01]/BA5_EN in “Miscellaneous I/O” section on
page 16 for more information. The register bit s are defined below.
Bit [31:10]: Base Address Register 5 (R/W). This register defines the Memory Space base address for all
Silicon Image driver specific functions.
Bit [09:00]: Base Address Register 5 (R). This bit field is not used and is hardwired to 000H.
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Subsystem ID – Subsystem Vendor ID
Address Offset: 2CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x3114_1095
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Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID
This register defines the Subsystem ID fields associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:16]: Subsystem ID (R) – Subsystem ID. The value in this bit field is determined by any one of three
1) The default value of 0x3114
2) Loaded from an external memory device: If an external memory device — flash or EEPROM — is
present with the correct signature, the Subsystem ID is loaded from that device after reset. See “Auto-
Initialization” section on page 22 for more information.
3) System programmable: If Bit 0 of the Configuration register (40H) is set the two bytes are system
Bit [15:00]: Subsystem Vendor ID (R) – Subsystem Vendor ID. The value in this bit field is determined by
any one of three options:
1) The default value of 0x1095
2) Loaded from an external memory device : If an external memory device – Flash or EEPROM – is
present with the correct signature, the Subsystem Vendor ID is loaded from that device after reset. See
“Auto-Initialization” section on page 22 for more information.
3) System programmable: If Bit 0 of the Configuration register (40H) is set the two bytes are system
Expansion ROM Base Address
Address Offset: 30H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Expansion ROM Base Address 000_0000_0000_0000_000
Exp ROM Enable
This register defines the Expansion ROM base address associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:19]: Expansion ROM Base Address (R/W) – Expansion ROM Base Address. This bit field defines
the upper bits of the Expansion ROM base address.
Bit [18:01]: Not Used (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00000H. The minimum Expansion ROM address
range is 512K bytes.
Bit [00]: Exp ROM Enable (R/W) – Expansion ROM Enable. This bit is set to enable the Expansion ROM
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Capabilities Pointer
Address Offset: 34H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0060
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Reserved Capabilities Pointer
This register defines the link to a list of new capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:08]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [07:00]: Capabilities Pointer (R) – Capabilities Pointer. This bit field defaults to 60H to define the
address for the 1st entry in a list of PCI Power Management capabilities.
Max Latency – Min Grant – Interrupt Pin – Interrupt Line
Address Offset: 3CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0100
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Max Latency Min Grant Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:24]: Max Latency (R) – Maximum Latency. This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [23:16]: Min Grant (R) – Minimum Grant. This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [15:08]: Interrupt Pin (R) – Interrupt Pin Used. This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate that the
SiI3114 uses the INTA# interrupt.
Bit [07:00]: Interrupt Line (R/W) – Interrupt Line. This bit field is used by the system to indicate interrupt
line routing information. The SiI3114 does not use this information.
Address Offset: 40H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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BA5 Ind Acc Ena
PCI Hdr Wr Ena
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00000000H.
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Bit [01]: BA5 Ind Acc Ena (R/W) – BA5 Indirect Access Enable. This bit is set to enable indirect access to
BA5 address space using Configuration Space registers C0H and C4H (BA5 Indirect Address and BA5
Indirect Access).
Bit [00]: PCI Hdr Wr Ena (R/W) – PCI Configuration Header Write Enable. This bit is set to enable write
access to the following registers in the PCI Configuration Header: Device ID (03-02H), PCI Class Code (09-
0BH), Subsystem Vendor ID (2D-2CH), and Subsystem ID (2F-2EH).
Software Data Register
Address Offset: 44H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: Undefined
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Softwar e Data
This register is used by the software for non-resettable data storage. The contents are unknown on power-up and
are never cleared by any type of reset.
Power Management Capabilities
Address Offset: 60H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0622_0001
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PME Support
PPM D2 Support
PPM D1 Support
Dev Special Init
PME Clock
PPM Rev Next Item Pointer Capability ID
This register defines the power management capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are
defined below.
Bit [31:27]: PME Support (R) – Power Management Event Support. This bit field is hardwired to 00H to
indicate that the SiI3114 does not support PME.
Bit [26]: PPM D2 Support (R) – PCI Power Management D2 Support. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate
support for the D2 Power Management State.
Bit [25]: PPM D1 Support (R) – PCI Power Management D1 Support. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate
support for the D1 Power Management State.
Bit [24:22]: Auxiliary Current (R) – Auxiliary Current. This bit field is hardwired to 000B.
Bit [21]: Dev Special Init (R) – Device Special Initialization. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that the
SiI3114 requires special initialization
Bit [20]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zero on a read.
Bit [19]: PME Clock (R) – Power Management Event Clock. This bit is hardwired to 0. The SiI3114 does
not support PME.
Bit [18:16]: PPM Rev (R) – PCI Power Management Revision. This bit field is hardwired to 010B to indicate
compliance with the PCI Power Management Interface Specification revision 1.1.
Bit [15:08]: Next Item Pointer (R) – PCI Additional Capability Next Item Pointer. This bit field is hardwired to
00H to indicate that there are no additional items on the Capabilities List.
Bit [07:00]: Capability ID (R) – PCI Additional Capability ID. This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate that
this Capabilities List is a PCI Power Management definition.
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Power Management Control + Status
Address Offset: 64H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x6400_4000
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PPM Data Reserved
PME Status
PPM Data Scale
PPM Data Sel
PPM Power State
This register defines the power management capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are
defined below.
Bit [31:24]: PPM Data (R) – PCI Power Management Dat a. This bit field is hardwired to 0x64.
Bit [23:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15]: PME Status (R) – PME Status. This bit is hardwired to 0. The SiI3114 does not support PME.
Bit [14:13]: PPM Data Scale (R) – PCI Power Management Data Scale. This bit field is hardwired to 10B to
indicate a scaling factor of 10 mW.
Bit [12:09]: PPM Data Sel (R/W) – PCI Power Management Data Select. This bit field is set by the system
to indicate which data field is to be reported through the PPM Dat a bits (although current implementation
hardwires the PPM Data to indicate 1 Watt).
Bit [08]: PME Ena (R) – PME Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0. The SiI3114 does not support PME.
Bit [07:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01:00]: PPM Power State (R/W) – PCI Power Management Power State. This bit field is set by the
system to dictate the current Power State: 00 = D0 (Normal Operation), 01 = D1, 10 = D2, and 11 = D3
PCI Bus Master – Channel 0/2
Address Offset: 70H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PBM Simplex
DMA Comp
PBM Error
PBM Active
Reserved Reserved
PBM Enable
This register defines the PCI bus master register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to Base Address 4, Offset 00H, Base Address 5, Offset 00H, and Base Address 5, Offset 10H (Note that
these registers are, however, not identical). See “PCI Bus Master – Channel X” section on page 53 for bit
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PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2
Address Offset: 74H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2
This register defines the PRD Table Address register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to Base Address 4, Offset 04H and Base Address 5, Offset 04H. See “PRD Table Address – Channel X
section on page 54 for bit definitions.
PCI Bus Master – Channel 1/3
Address Offset: 78H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PBM Simplex
DMA Comp
PBM Error
PBM Active
Reserved Reserved
PBM Enable
This register defines the PCI bus master register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to Base Address 4, Offset 08H, Base Address 5, Offset 08H, and Base Address 5, Offset 18H (Note that
these registers are, however, not identical). See “PCI Bus Master – Channel X” section on page 53 for bit
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3
Address Offset: 7CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3
This register defines the PRD Table Address register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to Base Address 4, Offset 0CH and Base Address 5, Offset 0CH. See “PRD Table Address – Channel X
section on page 54 for bit definitions.
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Data Transfer Mode – Channel 0/2
Address Offset: 80H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0022
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Device 1
Transfer Mode
Device 0
Transfer Mode
This register defines the transfer mode register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset B4H. See “Data Transfer Mode – Channel X” section on page 66 for bit definitions.
Data Transfer Mode – Channel 1/3
Address Offset: 84H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0022
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Device 1
Transfer Mode
Device 0
Transfer Mode
This register defines the transfer mode register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset F4H. See “Data Transfer Mode – Channel X” section on page 66 for bit definitions.
System Configuration Status – Command
Address Offset: 88H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Chnl3 Int Block
Chnl2 Int Block
Chnl1 Int Block
Chnl0 Int Block
Chnl2 Module Rst
Chnl3 Module Rst
FF2 Module Rst
FF3 Module Rst
Chnl0 Module Rst
Chnl1 Module Rst
FF0 Module Rst
FF1 Module Rst
ARB Module Rst
PBM Module Rst
This register defines the system configuration status and command register for the SiI3114. The register bits are
also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset 48H. See “System Configuration Status – Command” section on page 57
for bit definitions.
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System Soft ware Data Register
Address Offset: 8CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: Undefined
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
System Software Data
This register is used by the software for non-resettable data storage. The contents are unknown on power-up and
are never cleared by any type of reset. The register bits are also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset 4CH. See
“System Software Data Register” section on page 58 for bit definitions.
Flash Memory Address – Command + Status
Address Offset: 90H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0800_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Mem Init Done
Mem Init
Mem Access Start
Mem Access Type
Reserved Memory Address
This register defines the address and command/status register for flash memory interface in the SiI3114. The
register bits are also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset 50H. See “Flash Memory Address – Command + Status”
section on page 58 for bit definitions.
Flash Memory Data
Address Offset: 94H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Memory Data
This register defines the data register for flash memory interface in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset 54H. See “Flash Memory Data” section on p age 59 for bit definitions.
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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SiI-DS-0103-D 38 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status
Address Offset: 98H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0800_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Mem Error
Mem Init Done
Mem Init
Mem Access Start
Mem Access Type
Reserved Mem Address
This register defines the address and command/status register for EEPROM memory interface in the SiI3114.
The register bits are also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset 58H. See “EEPROM Memory Address – Command +
Status” section on page 59 for bit definitions.
EEPROM Memory Data
Address Offset: 9CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_00XX
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Memory Data
This register defines the data register for EEPROM memory interface in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to Base Address 5, Offset 5CH. See “EEPROM Memory Data” section on page 60 for bit definitions.
Channel 0/2 Task File Configuration + Status
Address Offset: A0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x6515_0101
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Watchdog Int Ena
Watchdog Ena
Watchdog Timeout
Interrupt Status
Virtual DMA Int
IORDY Monitoring
Channel Rst
Buffered Cmd
This register defines the task file configuration and status register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. The register bits
are also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset A0H. See “Channel X Task File Configuration + Status” section on
page 65 for bit definitions.
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 39 SiI-DS-0103-D
Channel 1/3 Task File Configuration + Status
Address Offset: B0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x6515_0101
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Watchdog Int Ena
Watchdog Ena
Watchdog Timeout
Interrupt Status
Virtual DMA Int
IORDY Monitoring
Channel Rst
Buffered Cmd
This register defines the task file configuration and status register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. The register bits
are also mapped to Base Address 5, Offset E0H.See “Channel X Task File Configuration + Status” section on
page 65 for bit definitions.
BA5 Indirect Address
Address Offset: C0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Address 00
This register permits the indirect addressing of registers normally referenced using Base Address 5. Any register
that is not accessible by any means other that via Base Address 5 is indirectly addressable. Bits 1 and 0 of the
Indirect Address must always be written with zeroes. The following BA5 address ranges are not indirectly
accessible, but are accessible either in Configuration Space or via other Base Address registers: 00–0CH, 80–
8CH, C0–CCH, 200–20CH, 280–28CH, 2C0–2CCH.
BA5 Indirect Access
Address Offset: C4H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
As defined for indirectly accessed register
This register provides the indirect access addressed by the BA5 Indirect Address register. The use of indirect
access must be enabled by setting bit 1 of the Configuration register (40H).
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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SiI-DS-0103-D 40 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 0
Access to these registers is modified by the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit. The “shadow” Channel 0/2
Device Select bit is written from bit 4 of the byte written to the Channel 0/2 Task File Device+Head register (06H).
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI I/O
space. Table 17 shows the internal register space for base 0 addresses.
Table 17. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 0
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Starting Sector
Number Sector Count Features (W)
Error (R) Data R/W
04H Command+Status Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low R/W
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 0
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Starting Sector Number Sector Count Features (W) Error (R)
Data (byte access)
Data (word access)
Data (dword access)
This register defines four of the Channel 0/2 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset 80H. See “Channel X Task File Register 0” section on page 62 for bit definitions. The
value in the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit is used to select the Task File registers for either Channel 0
(Master, bit is 0) or Channel 2 (Slave, bit is 1).
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 1
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Command + Status Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low
This register defines four of the Channel 0/2 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset 84H. See “Channel X Task File Register 1” section on page 62 for bit definitions. Except
for writing the Device+Head Task File register, the value in the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit is used to
select the Task File registers for either Channel 0 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 2 (Slave; bit is 1). For writing the
Device+Head Task File register, the value being written to bit 4 of the register (the Device Select bit) is used to
select the Task File register for either Channel 0 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 2 (Slave; bit is 1); a 0 is always
written to bit 4 of either Device+Head Task File register while the value being written to bit 4 is written to the
“shadow” Device Select bit.
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 41 SiI-DS-0103-D
Internal Register Space – Base Address 1
Access to this register is modified by the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit.
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI I/O
space. Table 18 shows the internal register space for base 1 addresses.
Table 18. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 1
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Reserved Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved R/W
Channel 0/2 Task File Register 2
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved
This register defines one of the Channel 0/2 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset 88H. See “Channel X Task File Register 2” section on page 63 for bit definitions. The
value in the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit is used to select the Task File registers for either Channel 0
(Master; bit is 0) or Channel 2 (Slave; bit is 1).
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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SiI-DS-0103-D 42 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 2
Access to these registers is modified by the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit. The “shadow” Channel 1/3
Device Select bit is written from bit 4 of the byte written to the Channel 1/3 Task File Device+Head register (offset
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI I/O
space. Table 19 shows the internal register space for base 2 addresses.
Table 19. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 2
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Starting Sector
Number Sector Count Features (W)
Error (R) Data R/W
04H Command+Status Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low R/W
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 0
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Starting Sector Number Sector Count Features (W) Error (R)
Data (byte access)
Data (word access)
Data (dword access)
This register defines four of the Channel 1/3 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset C0H. See “Channel X Task File Register 0” section on page 62 for bit definitions. The
value in the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit is used to select the Task File registers for either Channel 1
(Master; bit is 0) or Channel 3 (Slave; bit is 1).
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 1
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Command + Status Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low
This register defines four of the Channel 1/3 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset C4H. See “Channel X Task File Register 1” section on page 62 for bit definitions. Except
for writing the Device+Head Task File register, the value in the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit is used to
select the Task File registers for either Channel 1 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 3 (Slave; bit is 1). For writing the
Device+Head Task File register, the value being written to bit 4 of the register (the Device Select bit) is used to
select the Task File register for either Channel 1 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 3 (Slave; bit is 1); a 0 is always
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 43 SiI-DS-0103-D
written to bit 4 of either Device+Head Task File register while the value being written to bit 4 is written to the
“shadow” Device Select bit.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 3
Access to this register is modified by the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit.
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI I/O
space. Table 20 shows the internal register space for base 3 addresses.
Table 20. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 3
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Reserved
Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved R/W
Channel 1/3 Task File Register 2
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved
This register defines one of the Channel 1/3 Task File registers in the SiI3114. The register bits are also mapped
to Base Address 5, Offset C8H. See “Channel X Task File Register 2” section on page 63 for bit definitions. The
value in the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit is used to select the Task File registers for either Channel 1
(Master; bit is 0) or Channel 3 (Slave; bit is 1).
SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
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SiI-DS-0103-D 44 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 4
Access to these registers is modified by the “shadow” Device Select bits.
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI I/O
space. Table 21 shows the internal register space for base 4 addresses.
Table 21. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 4
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status –
Channel 0/2 Software Data PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 0/2 R/W
04H PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2 R/W
08H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status –
Channel 1/3 Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 1/3 R/W
0CH PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3 R/W
PCI Bus Master – Channel 0/2
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_XX00
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PBM Simplex
Chnl 0/2 DMA Comp
PBM Error
PBM Active
Chnl 1/3 DMA Comp
Software Reserved
PBM Enable
This register defines the PCI bus master register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. See “PCI Bus Master – Channel
X” section on page 53 for bit definitions. The value in the “shadow” Channel 0/2 Device Select bit is used to
control access to the appropriate Channel 0 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 2 (Slave; bit is 1) PCI Bus Master
register bits. (The “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit controls the Channel 1/3 DMA Comp bit.)
PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PRD Table Address – Channel 0/2
This register defines the PRD Table Address register for Channel 0/2 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to PCI Configuration Space, Offset 74H and Base Address 5, Offset 04H. See “PRD Table Address –
Channel X” section on page 54 for bit definitions. Writing to this register address results in both the Channel 0 and
Channel 2 PRD Table Address registers being written. The read value is selected based upon the “shadow”
Channel 0/2 Device Select bit.
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PCI Bus Master – Channel 1/3
Address Offset: 08H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PBM Simplex
Chnl 1/3 DMA Comp
PBM Error
PBM Active
Reserved Reserved
PBM Enable
This register defines the PCI bus master register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. See “PRD Table Address –
Channel X” section on page 54 for bit definitions. The value in the “shadow” Channel 1/3 Device Select bit is used
to control access to the appropriate Channel 1 (Master; bit is 0) or Channel 3 (Slave; bit is 1) PCI Bus Master
register bits.
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3
Address Offset: 0CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PRD Table Address – Channel 1/3
This register defines the PRD Table Address register for Channel 1/3 in the SiI3114. The register bits are also
mapped to PCI Configuration Space, Offset 7CH and Base Address 5, Offset 0CH. See “PRD Table Address –
Channel X” section on page 54 for bit definitions. Writing to this register address results in both the Channel 1 and
Channel 3 PRD Table Address registers being written. The read value is selected based upon the “shadow”
Channel 1/3 Device Select bit.
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SiI-DS-0103-D 46 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 5
These registers are 32-bits wide and define the internal operation of the SiI3114. The access types are defined as
follows: R=read, W=write, and C=clearable by some write operation. Access to this register is through the PCI
Memory space. Base Address 5 accesses can be disabled by setting input BA5_EN low. Table 22 shows the
internal register space for base 5 addresses.
Table 22. SiI3114 Internal Register Space – Base Address 5
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
00H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
0 Software Data PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 0
04H PRD Table Address – Channel 0 R/W
08H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
1 Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 1
0CH PRD Table Address – Channel 1 R/W
10H PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
PCI Bus Master
Status2 – Channel
0 Software Data PCI Bus Master
Command2 –
Channel 0
14H Reserved -
18H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status2 – Channel
1 Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command2 –
Channel 1
1CH Reserved -
20H PRD Address – Channel 0 R
24H PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel 0 R
28H PRD Address – Channel 1 R
2CH PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel 1 R
30H Reserved -
34H Reserved -
38H Reserved -
3CH Reserved -
40H FIFO Valid Byte Count – Channel 0 FIFO Wr Request
Control – Channel
FIFO Rd Request
Control – Channel
44H FIFO Valid Byte Count – Channel 1 FIFO Wr Request
Control – Channel
FIFO Rd Request
Control – Channel
48H System Configuration Status System Command R/W
4CH System Software Data R/W
50H Flash Memory Address – Command and Status R/W
54H Reserved GPIO Control
Flash Memory
Data R/W
58H EEPROM Memory Address – Command and Status R/W
5CH Reserved
Data R/W
60H FIFO Port – Channel 0 R/W
64H Reserved -
68H FIFO Byte1 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte1 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Read
Pointer – Channel
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 47 SiI-DS-0103-D
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
6CH FIFO Byte3 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte3 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Read
Pointer – Channel
70H FIFO Port – Channel 1 R/W
74H Reserved -
78H FIFO Byte1 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte1 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Read
Pointer – Channel
7CH FIFO Byte3 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte3 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Read
Pointer – Channel
80H Channel 0 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 0 TF Sector
Channel 0 TF
Features Channel 0
TF Error Channel 0 TF Data R/W
84H Channel 0 TF
Command+Status Channel 0 TF
Device+Head Channel 0 TF
Cylinder High Channel 0 TF
Cylinder Low R/W
88H Reserved
Channel 0 TF
Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved
8CH Channel 0 Read Ahead Data R/W
90H Channel 0 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 0 TF Sector
Channel 0 TF
Features2 Channel 0
TF Error2 Reserved R/W
94H Channel 0 TF
Cmd Channel 0 TF
Device+Head2 Channel 0 TF
Cylinder High2 Channel 0 TF
Cylinder Low2 R/W
98H Channel 0 TF
Cylinder High 2
Channel 0 TF
Cylinder Low 2 Ext
Channel 0 TF
Starting Sector 2
Channel 0 TF
Sector Count 2
9CH Channel 0 Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count R/W
A0H Reserved Channel 0
Config + Status Channel 0
Cmd + Status R/W
A4H Reserved R/W
A8H Reserved R/W
ACH Reserved R/W
B0H Channel 0 Test Register R/W
B4H Reserved
Channel 0 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
B8H Reserved -
BCH Reserved -
C0H Channel 1 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 1 TF Sector
Channel 1 TF
Features Channel 1
TF Error
Channel 1 TF
C4H Channel 1 TF
Command+Status Channel 1 TF
Device+Head Channel 1 TF
Cylinder High Channel 1 TF
Cylinder Low R/W
C8H Reserved Channel 1 TF
Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved R/W
CCH Channel 1 Read Ahead Data R/W
D0H Channel 1 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 1 TF Sector
Channel 1 TF
Features2 Channel 1
TF Error2 Reserved R/W
D4H Channel 1 TF
Cmd Channel 1 TF
Device+Head2 Channel 1 TF
Cylinder High2 Channel 1 TF
Cylinder Low2 R/W
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SiI-DS-0103-D 48 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
D8H Channel 1 TF
Cylinder High 2
Channel 1 TF
Cylinder Low 2 Ext
Channel 1 TF
Starting Sector 2
Channel 1 TF
Sector Count 2
DCH Channel 1 Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count R/W
E0H Reserved Channel 1
Config + Status Channel 1
Cmd + Status R/W
E4H Reserved R/W
E8H Reserved R/W
ECH Reserved R/W
F0H Channel 1 Test Register R/W
F4H Reserved
Channel 1 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
F8H Reserved -
FCH Reserved -
100H SControl (channel 0) R/W
104H SStatus (channel 0) R
108H SError (channel 0) R/C
10CH SActive (channel 0) R/W
110H Reserved -
114H Reserved -
118H Reserved -
11CH Reserved -
120H Reserved -
124H Reserved -
128H Reserved -
12CH Reserved -
130H Reserved -
134H Reserved -
138H Reserved -
13CH Reserved -
140H SMisc (channel 0) R/W
144H PHY Configuration R/W
148H SIEN (channel 0) R/W
14CH SFISCfg (channel 0) R/W
150H Reserved -
154H Reserved -
158H Reserved -
15CH Reserved -
160H RxFIS0 (channel 0) R
164H RxFIS1 (channel 0) R
168H RxFIS2 (channel 0) R
16CH RxFI S3 (channel 0) R
170H RxFIS4 (channel 0) R
174H RxFIS5 (channel 0) R
178H RxFIS6 (channel 0) R
17CH Reserved -
180H SControl (channel 1) R/W
184H SStatus (channel 1) R/W
188H SError (channel 1) R/C
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 49 SiI-DS-0103-D
Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
18CH SActive (channel 1) R/W
190H Reserved -
194H Reserved -
198H Reserved -
19CH Reserved -
1A0H Reserved -
1A4H Reserved -
1A8H Reserved -
1ACH Reserved -
1B0H Reserved -
1B4H Reserved -
1B8H Reserved -
1BCH Reserved -
1C0H SMisc (channel 1) R/W
1C4H PHY Configuration (same as 144H) R/W
1C8H SIEN (channel 1) R/W
1CCH SFISCfg (channel 1) R/W
1D0H Reserved -
1D4H Reserved -
1D8H Reserved -
1DCH Reserved -
1E0H RxFIS0 (channel 1) R
1E4H RxFIS1 (channel 1) R
1E8H RxFIS2 (channel 1) R
1ECH RxFIS3 (channel 1) R
1F0H RxFIS4 (channel 1) R
1F4H RxFIS5 (channel 1) R
1F8H RxFIS6 (channel 1) R
1FCH Reserved -
200H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
2 Software Data PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 2
204H PRD Table Address – Channel 2 R/W
208H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
3 Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command –
Channel 3
20CH PRD Table Address – Channel 3 R/W
210H PCI Bus Master
Status – Channel
PCI Bus Master
Status2 – Channel
2 Software Data PCI Bus Master
Command2 –
Channel 2
214H Summary Interrupt Status -
218H Reserved
PCI Bus Master
Status2 – Channel
3 Reserved PCI Bus Master
Command2 –
Channel 3
21CH Reserved -
220H PRD Address – Channel 2 R
224H PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel 2 R
228H PRD Address – Channel 3 R
22CH PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel 3 R
230H Reserved -
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Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
234H Reserved -
238H Reserved -
23CH Reserved -
240H FIFO Valid Byte Count – Channel 2 FIF O Wr Request
Control – Channel
FIFO Rd Request
Control – Channel
244H FIFO Valid Byte Count – Channel 3 FIF O Wr Request
Control – Channel
FIFO Rd Request
Control – Channel
248H System Configuration Status System Command R/W
24CH System Software Data R/W
250H -
25CH Reserved R/W
260H FIFO Port – Channel 2 R/W
264H Reserved -
268H FIFO Byte1 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte1 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Read
Pointer – Channel
26CH FIFO Byte3 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte3 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Read
Pointer – Channel
270H FIFO Port – Channel 3 R/W
274H Reserved -
278H FIFO Byte1 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte1 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte0 Read
Pointer – Channel
27CH FIFO Byte3 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte3 Read
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Write
Pointer – Channel
FIFO Byte2 Read
Pointer – Channel
280H Channel 2 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 2 TF Sector
Channel 2 TF
Features Channel 2
TF Error Channel 2 TF Data R/W
284H Channel 2 TF
Command+Status Channel 2 TF
Device+Head Channel 2 TF
Cylinder High Channel 2 TF
Cylinder Low R/W
288H Reserved Channel 2 TF
Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved
28CH Channel 2 Read Ahead Data R/W
290H Channel 2 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 2 TF Sector
Channel 2 TF
Features2 Channel 2
TF Error2 Reserved R/W
294H Channel 2 TF
Cmd Channel 2 TF
Device+Head2 Channel 2 TF
Cylinder High2 Channel 2 TF
Cylinder Low2 R/W
298H Channel 2 TF
Cylinder High 2
Channel 2 TF
Cylinder Low 2 Ext
Channel 2 TF
Starting Sector 2
Channel 2 TF
Sector Count 2
29CH Channel 2 Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count R/W
2A0H Reserved Channel 2
Config + Status Channel 2
Cmd + Status R/W
2A4H Reserved R/W
2A8H Reserved R/W
2ACH Reserved R/W
2B0H Channel 2 Test Register R/W
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Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
2B4H Reserved
Channel 2 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
2B8H Reserved -
2BCH Reserved -
2C0H Channel 3 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 3 TF Sector
Channel 3 TF
Features Channel 3
TF Error
Channel 3 TF
2C4H Channel 3 TF
Command+Status Channel 3 TF
Device+Head Channel 3 TF
Cylinder High Channel 3 TF
Cylinder Low R/W
2C8H Reserved Channel 3 TF
Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved R/W
2CCH Channel 3 Read Ahead Data R/W
2D0H Channel 3 TF
Starting Sector
Channel 3 TF Sector
Channel 3 TF
Features2 Channel 3
TF Error2 Reserved R/W
2D4H Channel 3 TF
Cmd Channel 3 TF
Device+Head2 Channel 3 TF
Cylinder High2 Channel 3 TF
Cylinder Low2 R/W
2D8H Channel 3 TF
Cylinder High 2
Channel 3 TF
Cylinder Low 2 Ext
Channel 3 TF
Starting Sector 2
Channel 3 TF
Sector Count 2
2DCH Channel 3 Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count R/W
2E0H Reserved Channel 3
Config + Status Channel 3
Cmd + Status R/W
2E4H Reserved R/W
2E8H Reserved R/W
2ECH Reserved R/W
2F0H Channel 3 Test Register R/W
2F4H Reserved
Channel 1 Data
Transfer Mode R/W
2F8H Reserved -
2FCH Reserved -
300H SControl (channel 2) R/W
304H SStatus (channel 2) R
308H SError (channel 2) R/C
30CH SActive (channel 2) R/W
310H Reserved -
314H Reserved -
318H Reserved -
31CH Reserved -
320H Reserved -
324H Reserved -
328H Reserved -
32CH Reserved -
330H Reserved -
334H Reserved -
338H Reserved -
33CH Reserved -
340H SMisc (channel 2) R/W
344H Reserved R/W
348H SIEN (channel 2) R/W
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Register Name Address
Offset 31 16 15 00
34CH SFISCfg (channel 2) R/W
350H Reserved -
354H Reserved -
358H Reserved -
35CH Reserved -
360H RxFIS0 (channel 2) R
364H RxFIS1 (channel 2) R
368H RxFIS2 (channel 2) R
36CH RxFI S3 (channel 2) R
370H RxFIS4 (channel 2) R
374H RxFIS5 (channel 2) R
378H RxFIS6 (channel 2) R
37CH Reserved -
380H SControl (channel 3) R/W
384H SStatus (channel 3) R/W
388H SError (channel 3) R/C
38CH SActive (channel 3) R/W
390H Reserved -
394H Reserved -
398H Reserved -
39CH Reserved -
3A0H Reserved -
3A4H Reserved -
3A8H Reserved -
3ACH Reserved -
3B0H Reserved -
3B4H Reserved -
3B8H Reserved -
3BCH Reserved -
3C0H SMisc (channel 3) R/W
3C4H Reserved R/W
3C8H SIEN (channel 3) R/W
3CCH SFISCfg (channel 3) R/W
3D0H Reserved -
3D4H Reserved -
3D8H Reserved -
3DCH Reserved -
3E0H RxFIS0 (channel 3) R
3E4H RxFIS1 (channel 3) R
3E8H RxFIS2 (channel 3) R
3ECH RxFIS3 (channel 3) R
3F0H RxFIS4 (channel 3) R
3F4H RxFIS5 (channel 3) R
3F8H RxFIS6 (channel 3) R
3FCH Reserved -
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PCI Bus Master – Channel X
Address Offset: 00H / 08H / 200H / 208H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_XX00
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PBM Simplex
ChnlX DMA Comp
PBM Error
PBM Active
ChnlX+1 DMA Comp
Software Reserved
Int Steering
PBM Enable
This register defines the PCI bus master register for Channel X in the SiI3114. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [23]: PBM Simplex (R) – PCI Bus Master Simplex Only. This read-only bit field is hardwired to zero to
indicate that all channels can operate as PCI bus master at any time.
Bit [22]: PBM DMA Cap 1 (R/W) – PCI Bus Master DMA Capable – Device 1. This bit field has no effect.
The device is always capable of DMA as a PCI bus master.
Bit [21]: PBM DMA Cap 0 (R/W) – PCI Bus Master DMA Capable – Device 0. This bit field has no effect.
The device is always capable of DMA as a PCI bus master.
Bit [20:19]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [18]: Channel X DMA Comp (R/W1C) – Channel X DMA Completion Interrupt. During write DMA
operation, this bit set indicates that the Channel X interrupt has been asserted and all data has been
written to system memory. During Read DMA, This bit set indicates that the Channel X interrupt has been
This bit must be cleared (Write 1 to Clear) by software when set during DMA operation (PBM Enable, bit 0
is set).
Bit [17]: PBM Error (R/W1C) – PCI Bus Master Error – Channel X. This bit set indicates that a PCI bus
error occurred while the SiI3114 was bus master. Additional information is available in the PCI Status
register in PCI Configuration space.
Bit [16]: PBM Active (R) – PCI Bus Master Active – Channel X. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 is
currently active in a data transfer as PCI bus master. This bit is cleared by the hardware when all data
transfers have completed or PBM Enable bit is not set.
Bit[15]: Watchdog Timer Status (R) – This bit is an ORed result of bit 12 in the four Channel Task File
Timing + Configuration + Status registers. When set indicates that one or more of the four Channel
Watchdog timers has expired. This bit appears only in the Channel 0 (offset 00H) and Channel 2 (offset
200H) registers; this bit is reserved in the Channel 1 (offset 08H) and Channel 3 (of fset 208H) registers.
Bit[14] : Channel X+1 Interrupt Status (R) – This bit is a copy of the Channel X DMA Completion Interrupt
(bit 18) in the PCI Bus Master (this) register for Channel X+1. This bit appears only in the Channel 0 (offset
00H) and Channel 2 (offset 200H) registers; this bit is reserved in the Channel 1 (offset 08H) and Channel 3
(offset 208H) registers.
Bit [13:08]: Software Data (R/W) – System Software Data Storage. This bit field is used for read/write data
storage by the system. The properties of this bit field are detailed below. This bit field appears only in the
Channel 0 (offset 00H) and Channel 2 (offset 200H) registers; this bit field is reserved in the Channel 1
(offset 08H) and Channel 3 (offset 208H) registers.
Table 23. Software Data Byte, Base Address 5, Offset 00H
Bit Location Default Description
[13:12] XXB Not cleared by any reset
[11:10] 00B Cleared by PCI reset
[09:08] XXB Cleared only by a D0-D3 power state change
Bit [07:04]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
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Bit [03]: PBM Rd-Wr (R/W) – PCI Bus Master Read-Write Control. This bit is set to specify a DMA write
operation from Channel X to system memory. This bit is cleared to specify a DMA read operation from
system memory to the Channel X device.
Bit [02]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zero on a read.
Bit [01]: Interrupt Steering (R/W). This bit is set to 1 to allow interrupts from all four channels. If the bit is a
0 (the default), only interrupts from the channel selected by the “shadow” Device Select bit are enabled.
This bit appears only in the Channel 2 (offset 200H) register; this bit is reserved in the Channel 0 (offset
00H), Channel 1 (offset 08H), and Channel 3 (offset 208H) registers.
Bit [00]: PBM Enable (R/W) – PCI Bus Master Enable – Channel X. This bit is set to enable PCI bus
master operations for Channel X. PCI bus master operations can be halted by clearing this bit, but will
erase all state information in the control logic. If this bit is cleared while the PCI bus master is active, the
operation will be aborted and the data discarded. While this bit is set, accessing Channel X Task File or
PIO data registers will be terminated with Target-Abort.
PRD Table Address – Channel X
Address Offset: 04H / 0CH / 204H / 20CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PRD Table Address
This register defines the PRD Table Address register for Channel X in the SiI3114. The register bits are defined
Bit [31:02]: PRD Table Address (R/W) – Physical Region Descriptor Table Address. This bit field defines
the Descriptor Table base address.
Bit [01:00]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
PCI Bus Master2 – Channel X
Address Offset: 10H / 18H / 210H / 218H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0808_XX00 (Chnl 0/2) / 0x0008_0000 (Chnl 1/3)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
ChnlX+1 PBM Simplex
ChnlX+1 PBM DMA Cap 0
ChnlX+1 PBM DMA Cap 1
ChnlX+1 Watchdog
ChnlX+1 Buffer Empty
ChnlX+1 DMA Comp
ChnlX+1 PBM Error
ChnlX+1 PBM Active
ChnlX+1 DMA Comp
Reserved for Chnl 1/3
ChnlX PBM Simplex
ChnlX PBM DMA Cap 1
ChnlX PBM DMA Cap 0
ChnlX Watchdog
ChnlX Buffer Empty
ChnlX DMA Comp
ChnlX PBM Error
ChnlX PBM Active
Reserved for Chnl 1/3
PBM Enable
This register defines the second PCI bus master register for Channel X in the SiI3114. The system must access
these register bits through this address to enable the Large Block Transfer Mode.
The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: (R) These bits are copies of PCI Bus Master Channel X+1 bits. This bit field (and bits 15 to 5)
appears only in the Channel 0 (offset 10H) and Channel 2 (offset 210H) registers; this bit field is reserved in
the Channel 1 (offset 18H) and Channel 3 (offset 218H) registers.
Bit [23]: PBM Simplex (R) – PCI Bus Master Simplex Only. This read-only bit field is hardwired to zero to
indicate that all channels can operate as PCI bus master at any time.
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Bit [22]: PBM DMA Cap 1 (R/W) – PCI Bus Master DMA Capable – Device 1. This bit field has no effect.
The device is always capable of DMA as a PCI bus master.
Bit [21]: PBM DMA Cap 0 (R/W) – PCI Bus Master DMA Capable – Device 0. This bit field has no effect.
The device is always capable of DMA as a PCI bus master.
Bit [20]: Watchdog (R): This bit is a copy of bit 12 in Channel X Task File Configuration + Status register.
Bit [19]: Channel X Buffer empty (R). This bit set indicates the Channel X FIFO is empty.
Bit [18]: Channel X DMA Comp (R/W1C) – Channel X DMA Completion Interrupt. During write DMA
operation, this bit set indicates that the Channel X interrupt has been asserted and all data has been
written to system memory. During Read DMA, this bit set indicates that the Channel X interrupt has been
This bit must be cleared by software (Write 1 to Clear) when set during DMA operation (PBM Enable, bit 0
is set).
Bit [17]: PBM Error (R/W1C) – PCI Bus Master Error – Channel 0. This bit set indicates that a PCI bus
error occurred while the SiI3114 was bus master. Additional information is available in the PCI Status
register in PCI Configuration space.
Bit [16]: PBM Active (R) – PCI Bus Master Active – Channel 0. This bit set indicates that the SiI3114 is
currently active in a data transfer as PCI bus master. This bit is cleared by the hardware when all data
transfers have completed or PBM Enable bit is not set.
Bit[15] : Watchdog Timer Status ( R ) – This bit is an ORed result of bit 12 in the four Channel Task File
Timing + Configuration + Status registers. When set indicates that one or more of the four Channel
Watchdog timers has expired.
Bit[14] : Channel X+1 DMA Completion Interrupt Status ( R ) – This bit is a copy of the Channel X DMA
Completion Interrupt (bit 18) in the PCI Bus Master register for Channel X+1.
Bit [13:08]: Software Data (R/W) – System Software Data Storage. This bit field is used for read/write data
storage by the system. The properties of this bit field are detailed below.
Table 24. Software Data Byte, Base Address 5, Offset 10H
Bit Location Default Description
[13:12] XXB Not cleared by any reset
[11:10] 00B Cleared by PCI reset
[09:08] XXB Cleared only by a D0-D3 power state change
Bit [07]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [06]: SATAINTX+1 – This bit is the logical OR of all Serial ATA interrupt sources for channel X+1.
Bit [05]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [04]: SATAINTX – This bit is the logical OR of all Serial ATA interrupt sources for channel X.
Bit [03]: PBM Rd-Wr (R/W) – PCI Bus Master Read-Write Control. This bit is set to specify a DMA write
operation from Channel X to system memory. This bit is cleared to specify a DMA read operation from
system memory to the Channel X device.
Bit [02:01]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [00]: PBM Enable (R/W) – PCI Bus Master Enable – Channel X. This bit is set to enable PCI bus
master operations for Channel X. PCI bus master operations can be halted by clearing this bit, but will
erase all state information in the control logic. If this bit is cleared while the PCI bus master is active, the
operation will be aborted and the data discarded. While this bit is set, accessing Channel X Task File or
PIO data registers will be terminated with Target-Abort.
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Summary Interrupt Status
Address Offset: 214H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0808_0808
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Chnl0 Interrupt Status
Chnl0 Watchdog
Chnl0 Buffer Empty
Chnl0 DMA Comp
Chnl0 PBM Error
Chnl0 PBM Active
Chnl1 Interrupt Status
Chnl1 Watchdog
Chnl1 Buffer Empty
Chnl1 DMA Comp
Chnl1 PBM Error
Chnl1 PBM Active
Chnl2 Interrupt Status
Chnl2 Watchdog
Chnl2 Buffer Empty
Chnl2 DMA Comp
Chnl2 PBM Error
Chnl2 PBM Active
Chnl3 Interrupt Status
Chnl3 Watchdog
Chnl3 Buffer Empty
Chnl3 DMA Comp
Chnl3 PBM Error
Chnl3 PBM Active
This register provides a single register containing a summary of the interrupt status of all four channels.
The Interrupt Status bits are replicas of bit 11 of the Task File Configuration + Status register. The other bits are
replicas of bits in the PCI Bus Master2 registers.
PRD Address – Channel X
Address Offset: 20H / 28H / 220H / 228H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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PRD Address
This register reflects the current DMA address and uses for diagnostic purposes only.
Bit [31:00]: PRD Address (R) – This field is the current DMA Address.
PCI Bus Master Byte Count – Channel X
Address Offset: 24H / 2CH / 224H / 22CH
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
End of Table
Byte Count High Byte Count Low
This register defines the byte count register in the PCI bus master logic for Channel X in the SiI3114. The register
bits are defined below.
Bit [31]: End of Table (R). This bit set indicates that this is the last entry in the PRD table.
Bit [30:16] Byte Count High (R). This bit field is the PRD entry byte count extension for Large Block
Transfer Mode. Under generic mode, this bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15:00] Byte Count Low (R). This bit field reflects the current DMA byte count value.
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FIFO Valid Byte Count and Control – Channel X
Address Offset: 40H / 44H / 240H / 244H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved FIFO Valid Byte Count Reserved FIFO Wr
Req Ctrl Reserved FIFO Rd
Req Ctrl
This register defines the FIFO valid byte count register and PCI bus request control for Channel X in the SiI3114.
The register bits are defined below.
The FIFO Write Request Control and FIFO Read Request Control fields in these registers provide threshold
settings for establishing when PCI requests are made to the Arbiter. The Arbiter arbitrates among the four
requests using fixed priority with masking. The fixed priority is, from highest to lowest: channel 0; channel 1;
channel 2; and channel 3. If multiple requests are present, the arbiter grants PCI bus access to the highest
priority channel that is not masked. That channel’s request is then masked as long as any unmasked requests are
Bit [31:25]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [24:16]: FIFO Valid Byte Count (R). This bit field provides the valid byte count for the data FIFO for
Channel X. A value of 000H indicates empty, while a value of 100H indicates a full FIFO with 256 bytes.
Bit [15:11]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [10:08]: FIFO Wr Req Ctrl (R/W) – FIFO Write Request Control. This bit field defines the FIFO
threshold to assign priority when requesting a PCI bus write operation. A value of 00H indicates that write
request priority is set whenever the FIFO contains greater than 32 bytes, while a value of 07H indicates that
write request priority is set whenever the FIFO contains greater than 7x32 bytes (=224 bytes). This bit field
is useful when multiple DMA channels are competing for the PCI bus.
Bit [07:03]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [02:00]: FIFO Rd Req Ctrl (R/W) – FIFO Read Request Control. This bit field defines the FIFO
threshold to assign priority when requesting a PCI bus read operation. A value of 00H indicates that read
request priority is set whenever the FIFO has greater than 32 bytes available space, while a value of 07H
indicates that read request priority is set whenever the FIFO has greater than 7x32 bytes (=224 bytes)
available space. This bit field is useful when multiple DMA channels are competing for accessing the PCI
System Configuration Status – Command
Address Offset: 48H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Chnl3 Int Block
Chnl2 Int Block
Chnl1 Int Block
Chnl0 Int Block
Chnl2 Module Rst
Chnl3 Module Rst
FF2 Module Rst
FF3 Module Rst
Chnl0 Module Rst
Chnl1 Module Rst
FF0 Module Rst
FF1 Module Rst
ARB Module Rst
PBM Module Rst
This register defines the system configuration status and command register for the SiI3114. The register bits are
defined below.
Bit [31:26]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [25]: Chnl3 Int Block (R/W) – Channel3 Interrupt Block. This bit is set to block interrupts from Channel
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Bit [24]: Chnl2 Int Block (R/W) – Channel 2 Interrupt Block. This bit is set to block interrupts from Channel
Bit [23]: Chnl1 Int Block (R/W) – Channel 1 Interrupt Block. This bit is set to block interrupts from Channel
Bit [22]: Chnl0 Int Block (R/W) – Channel 0 Interrupt Block. This bit is set to block interrupts from Channel
Bit [21:17]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [16]: M66EN (R) – PCI 66MHz Enable. This bit reflects input pin M66EN.
Bit [15:12]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [11]: Chnl2 Module Rst (R/W) – Channel 2 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the interface logic for
Channel 2.
Bit [10]: Chnl3 Module Rst (R/W) – Channel 3 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the interface logic for
Channel 3.
Bit [09]: FF2 Module Rst (R/W) – FF2 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the FIFO logic in Channel 2.
Bit [08]: FF3 Module Rst (R/W) – FF3 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the FIFO logic in Channel 3.
Bit [07]: Chnl0 Module Rst (R/W) – Channel 0 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the interface logic for
Channel 0.
Bit [06]: Chnl1 Module Rst (R/W) – Channel 1 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the interface logic for
Channel 1.
Bit [05]: FF0 Module Rst (R/W) – FF0 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the FIFO logic in Channel 0.
Bit [04]: FF1 Module Rst (R/W) – FF1 Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the FIFO logic in Channel 1.
Bit [03:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01]: ARB Module Rst (R/W) – ARB Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the internal logic for the
Bit [00]: PBM Module Rst (R/W) – PBM Module Reset. This bit is set to reset the internal logic for the PCI
Bus Master state machine.
System Soft ware Data Register
Address Offset: 4CH / 24CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: Undefined
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System Software Data
This register is used by the software for non-resettable data storage. The contents are unknown on power-up and
are never cleared by any type of reset.
Flash Memory Address – Command + Status
Address Offset: 50H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0800_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Mem Init Done
Mem Init
Mem Access Start
Mem Access Type
Reserved Memory Address
This register defines the address and command/status register for flash memory interface in the SiI3114. The
register bits are defined below.
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Bit [31:28]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [27]: Memory Init Done (R) – This bit set indicates that the memory initialization sequence is done. The
memory sequence is activated upon the release of reset.
Bit [26]: Mem Init (R) – Memory Initialized. This bit set indicates that the memory was initialized properly (a
correct data sequence was read from the Flash.)
Bit [25]: Mem Access Start (R/W) – Memory Access Start. This bit is set to initiate an operation to Flash
memory. This bit is cleared when the operation is complete.
Bit [24]: Mem Access Type (R/W) – Memory Access Type. This bit is set to define a read operation from
Flash memory. This bit is cleared to define a write operation to Flash memory.
Bit [23:19]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [18:00]: Memory Address (R/W). This bit field is programmed with the address for a flash memory read
or write access.
Flash Memory Data
Address Offset: 54H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved GPIO Control Memory Data
This register defines the data register for the Flash memory and GPIO interface in the SiI3114. The system writes
to this register for a write operation to Flash memory, and reads from this register on a read operation from Flash
memory. The GPIO Control bits control operation of the Flash data lines for use as General Purpose I/O. GPIO is
only enabled when the GPIOEN pin is pulled high.
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15:08]: GPIO Control – The bits of this field are written to control the output type for corresponding
Flash data lines; if a bit is a 1 the corresponding output is an open drain output (only driven low); if a 0 the
corresponding output is always driven. The bits of this field, when read, report signal transition detection on
the corresponding Flash data input; reading the register resets the transition detect bits.
Bit [07:00]: Memory Data (R/W) – Flash Memory Dat a. This bit field is used for Flash write dat a on a write
operation, and returns the Flash read data on a read operation.
This register defines the data register for the Flash memory and GPIO interface in the Taurus. The GPIO Control
bits control operation of the Flash dat a lines for use as General Purpose I/O. GPIO is enabled when the GPIOEN
pin is pulled high.
EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status
Address Offset: 58H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0800_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Mem Error
Mem Init Done
Mem Init
Mem Access Start
Mem Access Type
Reserved Mem Address
This register defines the address and command/status register for EEPROM memory interface in the SiI3114.
The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:29]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
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Bit [28]: Mem Error (R/W1C) – Memory Access Error. This bit set indicates that the EEPROM interface
logic detects three NAKs from the memory device (EEPROM most likely not present.)
Bit [27]: Mem Init Done (R) – Memory Initialization Done. This bit set indicates that the memory
initialization sequence is done. The memory initialization sequence is activated upon the release of reset.
Bit [26]: Mem Init (R) – Memory Initialized. This bit set indicates that the memory was initialized properly (a
correct data sequence was read from the EEPROM.)
Bit [25]: Mem Access Start (R/W) – Memory Access Start. This bit is set to initiate an operation to
EEPROM memory. This bit is cleared when the operation is complete.
Bit [24]: Mem Access Type (R/W) – Memory Access Type. This bit is set to define a read operation from
EEPROM memory. This bit is cleared to define a write operation to EEPROM memory.
Bit [23:08]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [07:00]: Memory Address (R/W). This bit field is programmed with the address for an EEPROM
memory read or write access.
EEPROM Memory Data
Address Offset: 5CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_00XX
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Memory Data
This register defines the data register for EEPROM memory interface in the SiI3114. The system writes to this
register for a write operation to EEPROM memory, and reads from this register on a read operation from
EEPROM memory. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:08]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [07:00]: Memory Data (R/W) – EEPROM Memory Data. This bit field is used for EEPROM write data on
a write operation, and returns the EEPROM read data on a read operation.
FIFO Port – Channel X
Address Offset: 60H / 70H / 260H / 270H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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This register defines the direct access register for the FIFO port of Channel X in the SiI3114. This register is used
for hardware debugging purposes only. The system can read from or write to this register for direct access to the
data FIFO between the PCI bus and Channel X. While DMA is active, reading this register will be terminated with
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FIFO Pointers1– Channel X
Address Offset: 68H / 78H / 268H / 278H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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FIFO Byte 1 Wr Pointer FIFO Byte 1 Rd Pointer FIFO Byte 0 Wr Pointer FIFO Byte 0 Rd Pointer
This register provides visibility into the data FIFO for Channel X in the SiI3114. The data FIFO is organized as a
four byte-wide x 64 deep memory array. There are separate write and read pointers for each of the byte slices.
This register is used for hardware debugging purposes only. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: FIFO Byte 1 Wr Pointer (R). This bit field provides the write pointer for Byte 1.
Bit [23:16]: FIFO Byte 1 Rd Pointer (R). This bit field provides the read pointer for Byte 1.
Bit [15:08]: FIFO Byte 0 Wr Pointer (R). This bit field provides the write pointer for Byte 0.
Bit [07:00]: FIFO Byte 0 Rd Pointer (R). This bit field provides the read pointer for Byte 0.
FIFO Pointers2– Channel X
Address Offset: 6CH / 7CH / 26CH / 27CH
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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FIFO Byte 3 Wr Pointer FIFO Byte 3 Rd Pointer FIFO Byte 2 Wr Pointer FIFO Byte 2 Rd Pointer
This register provides visibility into the data FIFO for Channel X in the SiI3114. The data FIFO is organized as a
four byte-wide x 64 deep memory array. There are separate write and read pointers for each of the byte slices.
This register is used for hardware debugging purposes only. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: FIFO Byte 3 Wr Pointer (R). This bit field provides the write pointer for Byte 3.
Bit [23:16]: FIFO Byte 3 Rd Pointer (R). This bit field provides the read pointer for Byte 3.
Bit [15:08]: FIFO Byte 2 Wr Pointer (R). This bit field provides the write pointer for Byte 2.
Bit [07:00]: FIFO Byte 2 Rd Pointer (R). This bit field provides the read pointer for Byte 2.
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Channel X Task File Register 0
Address Offset: 80H / C0H / 280H / 2C0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Starting Sector Number Sector Count Features (W) Error (R)
Data (byte access)
Data (word access)
Data (dword access)
This register contains some of the Channel X Task File registers and provides access to the data bus. Access to
this register is determined by the PCI bus Byte Enables at the time of the read or write operation, i.e., what is
accessed is determined by the address and by the size of the access. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:00]: Data (R/W). This bit field provides access to the Channel X Data. This register can be
accessed as an 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit word.
Bit [31:24]: Task File Starting Sector Number (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Starting
Sector Number register. Access to this bit field is permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enable is active for this byte
Bit [23:16]: Task File Sector Count (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Sector Count
register. Access to this bit field is permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enable is active for this byte only.
Bit [15:08]: Task File Features (W). This write-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Features
register. Access to this bit field is permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enable is active for this byte only.
Bit [15:08]: Task File Error (R). This read-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Error register.
Access to this bit field is permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enable is active for this byte only.
Channel X Task File Register 1
Address Offset: 84H / C4H / 284H / 2C4H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Command + Status Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low
This register defines one of the Channel X Task File registers in the SiI3114. Access to these bit fields is
permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enables are active for one byte only.
The Channel 0 Device Select bit (bit 4 of the byte, bit 20 of this register) MUST be 0 for proper operation of the
Channel 0 and Channel 2 registers when accessed via Base Address 5. The Channel 1 Device Select bit (bit 4 of
the byte, bit 20 of this register) MUST be 0 for proper operation of the Channel 1 and Channel 3 registers when
accessed via Base Address 5. The Device Select bit in the Channel 2 or Channel 3 Device+Head Task File is
The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: Task File Command (W). This write-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Command
Bit [31:24]: Task File Status (R). This read-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Status register.
Bit [23:16]: Task File Device+Head (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Device and Head
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Bit [15:08]: Task File Cylinder High (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Cylinder High
Bit [07:00]: Task File Cylinder Low (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Cylinder Low
Channel X Task File Register 2
Address Offset: 88H / C8H / 288H / 2C8H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Device Control
Auxiliary Status Reserved Reserved
This register defines one of the Channel X Task File registers in the SiI3114. Access to these bit fields is
permitted if the PCI bus Byte Enable is active for one byte only.
The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [23:16]: Task File Device Control (W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Device Control
Bit [23:16]: Task File Auxiliary Status (R). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Auxiliary Status
Bit [15:00]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Channel X Read Ahead Data
Address Offset: 8CH / CCH / 28CH / 2CCH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Read Ahead Data
This register defines the read ahead data port for PIO transfers on Channel X in the SiI3114. This register can be
accessed as an 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit word, depending upon the PCI bus Byte Enables. The data written to this
register must be zero-aligned.
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Channel X Task File Register 0 – Command Buffering
Address Offset: 90H / D0H / 290H / 2D0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Starting Sector Number Sector Count Features Reserved
This register defines one of the Channel X Task File registers used for Command Buffered accesses in the
SiI3114. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: Task File Starting Sector Number (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Starting
Sector Number register.
Bit [23:16]: Task File Sector Count (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Sector Count
Bit [15:08]: Task File Features (W). This write-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Features
Bit [07:00]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Channel X Task File Register 1 – Command Buffering
Address Offset: 94H / D4H / 294H / 2D4H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Command Device+Head Cylinder High Cylinder Low
This register defines one of the Channel X Task File registers used for Command Buffered accesses in the
SiI3114. The register bits are defined below.
The Channel 0 and Channel 1 Device Select bits (bit 4 of the byte, bit 20 of this register) MUST be 0 for proper
operation of the Task File registers when accessed via Base Address 5. The Device Select bits in the Channel 2
or Channel 3 Device+Head Task File is ignored.
Bit [31:24]: Task File Command (W). This write-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File Command
Bit [23:16]: Task File Device+Head (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Device and Head
Bit [15:08]: Task File Cylinder High (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Cylinder High
Bit [07:00]: Task File Cylinder Low (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Cylinder Low
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Channel X Extended Task File Register – Command Buffering
Address Offset: 98H / D8H / 298H / 2D8H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Cylinder High Ext Cylinder Low Ext Start Sector Ext Sector Count Ext
This register defines one of the IDE Channel X Task File registers used for Command Buffered accesses in the
SiI3114. The register bits are defined below. If this register is written, the IDE Channel X Task File Device+Head
byte of the IDE Channel X Task File Register 1 – Command Buffering register must not be written.
Bit [31:24]: Task File Cylinder High Ext(R/W). This write-only bit field defines the Channel X Task File
Extended Cylinder High register.
Bit [23:16]: Task File Cylinder Low Ext (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Extended
Cylinder Low register.
Bit [15:08]: Task File Start Sector Ext (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Extended Start
Sector register.
Bit [07:00]: Task File Sector Count Ext (R/W). This bit field defines the Channel X Task File Extended
Sector Count register.
Channel X Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count
Address Offset: 9CH / DCH / 29CH / 2DCH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count
Not Used
This register defines the read ahead byte count register for Virtual DMA and PIO Read Ahead transfers on
Channel X in the SiI3114. In Virtual DMA mode (PCI bus master DMA with PIO transfers), all 32 bits are used as
the word-aligned byte count. In PIO Read Ahead mode, only the lower 16 bits are used as the word-aligned byte
Channel X Task File Configuration + Status
Address Offset: A0H / E0H / 2A0H / 2E0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x6515_0101
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Watchdog Int Ena
Watchdog Ena
Watchdog Timeout
Interrupt Status
Virtual DMA Int
Channel Rst
Buffered Cmd
This register defines the task file configuration and status register for Channel X in the SiI3114. The register bits
are defined below.
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and defaults to 0x6515.
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Bit [15]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [14]: Watchdog Int Ena (R/W) – Channel X Watchdog Interrupt Enable. This bit is set to enable an
interrupt when the Watchdog timer expires.
Bit [13]: Watchdog Ena (R/W) – Channel X Watchdog Timer Enable. This bit is set to enable the watchdog
timer for Channel X. This bit is cleared to disable the watchdog timer.
Bit [12]: Watchdog Timeout (R/W1C) – Channel X Watchdog Timer Timeout. This bit set indicates that the
watchdog timer for Channel X timed out. When enabled, and IORDY monitoring bit is also enabled, during
Channel X PIO operation, the watchdog counter starts counting when IORDY signal is deasserted. If after
256 PCI clocks, the IORDY signal is still deasserted, the Watchdog Timer expires, this bit is set, the
SiI3114 continues its operation, and stops monitoring IORDY signal. Software writes one to clear this bit.
Once this bit is cleared, the SiI3114 starts monitoring IORDY on channel X again.
Bit [11]: Interrupt Status (R) – Channel X Interrupt Status. This bit set indicates that an interrupt is pending
on Channel X. This bit provides real-time status of the Channel X interrupt.
Bit [10]: Virtual DMA Int (R) – Channel X Virtual DMA Completion Interrupt. This bit set indicates that the
Virtual DMA data transfer has completed. This bit is cleared when PBM enable (bit 0 in PCI Bus Master –
Channel X) is cleared.
Bit [09:03]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [02]: Channel Rst (R/W) – Channel X Reset. When this bit is set, Channel X RST signal is asserted.
Bit [01]: Buffered Cmd (R) – Channel X Buffered Command Active. This bit set indicates that a Buffered
Command is currently active. This bit is set when the first command byte is written to the command buffer.
This bit is cleared when all of the task file bytes, including the command byte, have been written to the
Bit [00]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns one on a read.
Data Transfer Mode – Channel X
Address Offset: B4H / F4H / 2B4H / 2F4H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0022
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Device 1 Transfer
Device 0 Transfer
This register defines the transfer mode register for Channel 0 in the SiI3114. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:08]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [07:06]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [05:04]: Device 1 Transfer Mode (R/W) – Channel X Device 1 Data Transfer Mode. This bit field is used
to set the data transfer mode during PCI DMA transfer: 00B or 01B = PIO transfer; 10B or 11B = DMA
Bit [03:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01:00]: Device 0 Transfer Mode (R/W) – Channel X Device 0 Data Transfer Mode. This bit field is used
to set the data transfer mode during PCI DMA transfer: 00B or 01B = PIO transfer; 10B or 11B = DMA
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Serial ATA SControl
Address Offset: 100H / 180H / 300H / 380H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0010
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Reserved PMP Reserved IPM SPD DET
This register is the SControl register as defined by the Serial ATA specification (section 10.1.3).
Bit [31:20]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [19:16]: PMP - This field is the 4-bit value to be placed in the Port Multiplier Port field of all transmitted
Bit [15:12]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved (for the SPM field) and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [11:08]: IPM – This field identifies the interface power management states that may be invoked via the
Serial ATA interface power management capabilities.
Value Definition
0000 No interface power management restrictions (Partial and Slumber modes enabled)
0001 Transitions to the Partial power management state are disabled
0010 Transitions to the Slumber power management state are disabled
0011 Transitions to both the Partial and Slumber power management states are disabled
others Reserved
Bit [07:04]: SPD – This field identifies the highest allowed communication speed the interface is allowed to
Value Definition
0000 No restrictions
0001 Limit to Generation 1 (1.5 Gbit/s) (default value)
others Reserved
Bit [03:00]: DET – This field controls host adapter device detection and interface initialization.
Value Action
0000 No action
0001 ATA Reset is generated until another value is written to the field
0100 No action
others Reserved, no action
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Serial ATA SSt atus
Address Offset: 104H / 184H / 304H / 384H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Reserved IPM SPD DET
This register is the SStatus register as defined by the Serial ATA specification (section 10.1.1).
Bit [31:12]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [11:08]: IPM – This field identifies the current interface power management state.
Value Definition
0000 Device not present or communication not established
0001 Interface in active state
0010 Interface in Partial power management state
0110 Interface in Slumber power management state
others Reserved
Bit [07:04]: SPD – This field identifies the negotiated interface communication speed.
Value Definition
0000 No negotiated speed
0001 Generation 1 communication rate (1.5 Gbit/s)
others Reserved
Bit [03:00]: DET – This field indicates the interface device detection and PHY state.
Value Action
0000 No device detected and PHY communication not established
0001 Device presence detected but PHY communication not established
0011 Device presence detected and PHY communication established
0100 PHY in offline mode as a result of the interface being disabled or running in a BIST loopback
others Reserved, no action
Until a device is detected (IPM and DET fields become nonzero), the SiI3114 issues a COMRESET every 100
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Serial ATA SError
Address Offset: 108H / 188H / 308H / 388H
Access Type: Read/Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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This register is the SError register as defined by the Serial ATA specification (section 10.1.2).
Bit [31:16]: DIAG – This field contains bits defined as shown in the following table. Writing a 1 to the
register bit clears the B, C, F, N, H, and W bits.
Table 25. SError Register Bits (DIAG Field)
Bit Definition Description
B 10b to 8b decode error Latched decode error or disparity error from the Serial ATA PHY
C CRC error Latched CRC error from the Serial ATA PHY
D Disparity error N/A, always 0; this error condition is combined with the decode error and
reported as B error
F Unrecognized FIS type Latched Unrecognized FIS error from the Serial ATA Link
I PHY Internal error N/A, always 0
N PHYRDY change Indicates a change in the status of the Serial ATA PHY
H Handshake error Latched Handshake error from the Serial ATA PHY
R Reserved Always 0
S Link Sequence error N/A, always 0
T Transport state transition error N/A, always 0
W ComWake Latched ComWake status from the Serial ATA PHY
Bit [15:00]: ERR – This field contains bits defined as shown in the following table. The ERR Field is not
implemented; all bits are always 0.
Table 26. SError Register Bits (ERR Field)
Bit Definition Description
C Non-recovered persistent Communication error or data integrity error N/A, always 0
E Internal Error N/A, always 0
I Recovered data Integrity error N/A, always 0
M Recovered communications error N/A, always 0
P Protocol error N/A, always 0
R Reserved Always 0
T Non-recovered Transient data integrity error N/A, always 0
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Serial ATA SActive
Address Offset: 10CH / 18CH / 30CH / 38CH
Access Type: Read/Write 1/Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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SActive bits
The bits of this register may be written with a 1, but are cleared if the corresponding bits of the second dword of a
FIS are set when the SDevice Bits FIS is received. All 32 bits may be cleared by writing 0x0000_0000 to the
register; individual bits may not be cleared except by the hardware.
Address Offset: 140H / 1C0H / 340H / 3C0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
This register contains bits for controlling Serial ATA power management, ComWake, loopback modes, and FIS
Bit [31]: FIS_Done (R/W) – This bit is used to indicate to the link logic that all the data for the Transparent
FIS has been transferred and that the link can proceed to close out the FIS. This is used in Transparent
FIS transmission. Please refer to the “FIS Support” section on page 85 for more det ails.
Bit [30]: Transmit_FIS (W)– This bit is used to signal the link logic to start the process of transmitting a
Transparent FIS. Please refer to the “FIS Support” section on page 85 for more details.
Bit [29]: Transmit_OK (R)– This bit is used in Transparent FIS transmission. It is used by the link to signal
to the host that the current Transparent FIS has been successfully transferred to the device, and that R_OK
has been received.
Bit [28]: IFIS_OK (R)– This bit is used in the reception of Interlocked FISes. This bit is set by the link logic
to inform the host that the current Interlocked FIS has been successfully received with no errors.
Bit [27]: IntrlckFIS (R)– This bit is set to indicate to the host driver that the link has detected an the arrival
of an interlocked FIS and that the host should set up the DMA engine to start transfer of data
Bit [26]: Reject_IFIS (W)– This bit is set by the host driver to indicate to the link that the current Interlocked
FIS should be rejected. The link logic will respond to the device with an R_ERR when the complete FIS has
been received.
Bit [25]: Accept_IFIS (W)– This bit is set by the host driver to indicate to the link that the current interlocked
FIS should be accepted. The link logic will respond to the device with R_OK
Bit [24]: Rx_IFIS (W)– This bit is set by the host driver to inform the link/transport logic that the host has
set up the DMA engine to transfer the incoming Interlocked FIS and that the DMA cycles can begin
Bit [23]: SDB (R) – This bit indicates that a Set Device Bits FIS has been received
Bit [22]: pterr (R) – This bit indicates that a Protocol Error has occurred. An interrupt will be generated if bit
20 of SIEN is set.
Bit [21]: Scr_dis (R/W)– This bit disables the scrambling of data on the serial ATA bus. This is used only for
debugging purposes and should not be changed by the user
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Bit [20]: Cont_dis (R/W)– Setting this bit disables the CONT primitive, i.e., the SiI3114 will always send the
actual primitive instead of a CONT followed by random data.
Bit [19]: VS_Lock_Abort (R/W)– This bit controls the changes to the entries in the Command Protocol
Table upon receiving a VS_Lock command. If this bit is set, all Command Protocol Table will be cleared. If
this bit is not set, the Command Protocol Table will not be cleared in the VS_Lock state.
Bit [18]: fpdmawr (W)– Setting this bit initiates a DMA write transfer
Bit [17]: dmainen(R/W)– This bit enables Read DMA operations for First Party DMA or transparent FIS
Bit [16]: dmaouten (R/W)– This bit enables Write DMA operations for First Party DMA or transparent FIS
Bit [15]: Reserved (R/W). This bit is reserved and returns zero on a read. Always write 0 to these bits.
Bit [14]: devdrvn (R/W) – This bit enables the protocol to be solely determined by FISes from the device.
Bit [13]: nienfis_dis (R/W)– If this bit is set, a Control Register FIS will not be sent in response to a change
in nIEN.
Bit [12]: Reserved (W). Always write 0 to these bits.
Bit [11]: ComWake/Clear_BSY (R/W)– When the Serial ATA interface is in PARTIAL or SLUMBER mode,
setting this bit (to 1) asserts ComWake on the Serial ATA bus. When the Serial ATA interface is ON and an
interlocked FIS is received, setting this bit (to 1) clears BSY in the ATA S tatus.
Bit [10:09]: pm_fiscfg[1:0] (R/W)– Configuration for interpreting FISes with a different Port Multiplier port
number from that specified in SControl.
Bit [08]: pm_locken (R/W)– If set, no SYNC is sent after a DMA Activate FIS, a PIO Setup FIS for PIO Out,
or an interlocked FIS when dmaouten (bit 16) is set.
Bit [07]: regfismode (R/W) – If set, received Register FIS will not be used to update task file if BSY = DRQ
= 0.
Bit [06]: PMCHG (R/W1C)– This bit reports a change in the Power Management mode. This bit
corresponds to the interrupt enabled by bit 26 of SIEN. This bit is cleared by writing a 1.
Bit [05:04]: PMMODE (R)– These bits report the power management mode status: bit 5 corresponds to
Slumber mode; bit 4 to Partial mode. A transition on either of these bits causes a Power Management
mode change interrupt.
Bit [03:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01:00]: PMREQ (W) – These bits initiate power management requests: setting bit 1 will send a
Slumber mode request to the device; setting bit 0 will send a Partial mode request to the device.
Serial ATA PHY Configuration
Address Offset: 144H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x2000_80B0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 98765 4 3 2 1 0
Bypass OOB
The PHY Configuration register is auto-initialized from external flash or EEPROM. The bit definitions are as
Bit[31:22]: Reserved. The values of these bits should not be changed from their defaults otherwise erratic
operation may result
Bit[21]: Bypass OOB sequence. If the bit set to 1, all channel Tx outputs random pattern dat a.
Bit[20]: Reserved. The value of this bits should not be changed from their defaults otherwise erratic
operation may result
Bit[19]: Tx_Swing_1: This bit, together with Tx_Swing_0, sets the nominal output amplitude for the
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Bit[18:14]: Reserved. The values of these bits should not be changed from their defaults otherwise erratic
operation may result
Bit[13]: Tx_Swing_0: This bit, together with Tx_Swing_1, sets the nominal output swing for the Transmitter.
The available combinations are as follows:
Tx_Swing_1 Tx_Swing_0 Nominal Output Swing
0 0 500mV
0 1 600mV
1 0 700mV
1 1 800mV
Bit[12:0]: Reserved. The values of these bits should not be changed from their defaults otherwise erratic
operation may result.
Address Offset: 148H / 1C8H / 348H / 3C8H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
N Reserved
This register contains bits for enabling interrupts.
Bit [31:30]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [29]: Transmit_OK – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the Transmit_OK bit in the
SMisc register.
Bit [28]: IFIS_OK – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the IFIS_OK bit in the SMisc
Bit [27]: IntrlckFIS – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the IntrlckFIS bit in the SMisc
Bit [26]: PMCHG – This bit enables an interrupt upon a Power Management Mode change. The interrupt is
reported in bit 6 of SMisc.
Bit [25]: F – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the F bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [24]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zero on a read.
Bit [23]: SDB – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the SDB bit in the SMisc register.
Bit [22]: H – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the H bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [21]: C – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the C bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [20]: pterr – This bit enables the Pterr interrupt reported in SMisc bit 22.
Bit [19]: B – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the B bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [18]: W – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the W bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [17]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [16]: N – This bit enables an interrupt upon the assertion of the N bit in the DIAG field of the SError
Bit [15:00]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
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Address Offset: 14CH / 1CCH / 34CH / 3CCH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x1040_1555
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
This register contains bits for controlling Serial ATA FIS reception. See on page 86 for explanation of the
configuration bits.
Address Offset: 160H–178H / 1E0H–1F8H / 360H–378H / 3E0H–3F8H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x????_????
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
FIS Dword
These registers contain 7 dwords from a Serial ATA FIS reception.
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Programming Sequences
The programming sequence for the SiI3114 is about the same as for the SiI3112 or SiI3512. However, SiI3114
supports up to four SATA devices (instead of two for the others).
In order to minimize the legacy BIOS code changes, the SiI3114 uses “Master/Slave” type of emulation for the
register mapping of Base Address Register 0 ~ 4 (between SATA device 0 and device 2 or SATA device 1 and
device 3). Therefore, the programmer will not be able to access SATA device 0 and device 2 (or device 1 and
device 3) at the same time when BAR 0~4 are used to access the devices. SATA device 0 is equivalent to legacy
Primary Master device, SATA device 1 is equivalent to legacy Secondary Master device, SATA device 2 is
equivalent to legacy Primary Slave device, and SATA device 3 is equivalent to legacy Secondary Slave device.
In order to access all four SATA devices simultaneously, BAR5 registers must be used. They have a similar
structure to the previous 2 channel controllers for the first 512 bytes (for device 0 and device 1), but they have an
additional 512 bytes of registers to duplicate the register structures for the additional two SATA channels (device 2
and device 3).
When BAR5 registers are used to access all four SATA devices simultaneously, the interrupt steering bit at bit 1 in
BAR5 offset 200h must be set. The interrupt steering bit must be reset when “Master/Slave” type of emulation is
used. The reset value for this bit is 0. This bit must be remained set for simultaneous 4 channels operation. Any
write operation to the BAR5 offset 200h register should mask the "Interrupt steering" bit and not to reset it by
Recommended Initialization Sequence for the SiI3114
The recommended initialization sequence for the SiI3114 is detailed below.
Initialize PCI Configuration Space registers:
Initialize Base Address Register 0 with the address of an 8-byte range in I/O space.
Initialize Base Address Register 1 with the address of a 4-byte range in I/O space.
Initialize Base Address Register 2 with the address of an 8-byte range in I/O space.
Initialize Base Address Register 3 with the address of a 4-byte range in I/O space.
Initialize Base Address Register 4 with the address of a 16-byte range in I/O space.
Initialize Base Address Register 5 with the address of a 1024-byte range in memory space.
To enable the bios expansion ROM, initialize the Expansion ROM Base Address Register with the address
of a 512KB range in memory space.
Enable I/O space access, memory space access, and bus master operation by setting bits [2:0] of the PCI
Command register.
Note: The preceding configuration space register initialization is normally done by the motherboard BIOS in PC
type systems.
If the arbiter’s default FIFO read/write request thresholds are not suitable for the application they may be changed
via the FIFO Valid Byte Count and Control Channel x register. The read threshold is defined by bits [05:00], and
the write threshold is defined by bits [13:08] in the FIFO Valid Byte Count and Control – Channel x register. In
most environments, setting these bit fields to zero results in the best utilization of the PCI bus by the SiI3114
If interrupt driven operation is not desired, set bits [23:22] of the System Configuration Status and Command
register to block interrupts from reaching the PCI bus.
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Serial ATA Device Initialization
This section provides a general overview of the steps necessary to initialize a Serial ATA device before it can be
used for read/write operations.
Select the Serial ATA device. The device is selected by programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x
Task File Register 1 register.
If interrupt driven operation is desired, ensure that interrupts are enabled by writing 0 to bits
[23:16] of the Channel x Task File Register 2 register.
For ATA Devi ces Only:
Issue the Initialize Device Parameters command by
Programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File 0 register with the number of
logical sectors per logical track.
Programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File 1 register with the maximum
head number.
Programming bits [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register with the
value = 91H.
W ait for the command to complete. This can be accomplished by waiting for an
interrupt if interrupts have been enabled at both the controller and the device. If
interrupts are not enabled, command completion can be detected by polling bit s
[31:24] of the Channel x Task File Register 1 register until the BUSY bit is no
longer asserted.
If the device supports read/write multiple commands, issue the Set Multiple Mode
command by:
Programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File 0 register with the number of
sectors per block to use on the following Read/Write Multiple commands.
Programming bits [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register with the
value = C6H.
W ait for the command to complete (see above).
For both ATA and ATAPI Devices:
Set device transfer mode by:
Programming bits [15:08] in the Channel x Task File 0 register with the value 03H
to “Set the transfer mode based on value in Sector Count Register”.
Programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File 0 register to the desired
transfer mode. The settings are defined below:
08H = PIO Mode 0
09H = PIO Mode 1
0AH = PIO Mode 2
0BH = PIO Mode 3
0CH = PIO Mode 4
20H = Multiword DMA Mode 0
21H = Multiword DMA Mode 1
22H = Multiword DMA Mode 2
40H = Ultra DMA Mode 0
41H = Ultra DMA Mode 1
42H = Ultra DMA Mode 2
43H = Ultra DMA Mode 3
44H = Ultra DMA Mode 4
45H = Ultra DMA Mode 5
46H = Ultra DMA Mode 6
Programming bits [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register with the
value = EFH.
W ait for the command to complete (see above).
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In order to use the controller’s DMA capability to perform the data transfer for an ATA/ATAPI
command, the controller needs to be configured for the transfer mode to use when transferring
data to or from the ATA bus. The data transfer mode is set by programming bit s [1:0] of the
Channel x Data Transfer Mode register. The transfer mode select values are listed below:
00B = PIO/Virtual DMA Mode (the "interface" between the device and the controller is setup for
"PIO mode", but the PCI interface is setup for DMA transfer).
10B = DMA Mode (the "interface" between the device and the controller is setup for "DMA mode",
and the PCI interface is also setup for DMA transfer).
Note: If the "interface" between the device and the controller is setup for "PIO mode", and the PCI
interface is also setup for PIO transfer, there is no need to change these two bits.
Issue ATA Command
The following describes the sequence to issue a read/write type command to an ATA device.
1. Select the device. The device is selected by programming bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File
Register 1 register.
2. Set the number of sectors to be transferred by programming bits [23:16] of the Channel x Task File
Register 0 register.
3. Set the location of data to be transferred. The location is defined by programming the following:
Bits [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 0 register define the S tarting Sector.
Bits [23:16] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register define the Device and Head value.
Bits [15:08] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register define the Cylinder High value.
Bits [07:00] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register define the Cylinder Low value.
4. Issue the Read/Write PIO/DMA command by programming bits [31:24] in the Channel x Task File
Register 1 register with the command desired.
PIO Mode Read/Write Operation
Once the SiI3114 is initialized via the initialization sequence described in the “Recommended Initialization
Sequence for the SiI3114” section, the ATA device has been initialized for PIO mode data transfer per the
guidelines in the “Serial ATA Device Initialization” section, and the controller channel has been initialized for PIO
mode data transfer, PIO read/write operations may be performed by following the programming sequence
described below.
Issue a PIO Read/Write command to device following the steps in Issue ATA Command section above.
Read Operation
Wait until a channel interrupt (bit 11 in the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register is
Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the device
interrupt and determine if there was error.
If no error, continue to read data via the Channel x Task File Register 0 register, until the expected
number of sectors of data per interrupt are read.
Repeat the above three steps until all dat a for the read command has been transferred or an error has
been detected.
Write Operation
Wait until bit 27(DRQ) in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register is set.
Continue to write data via the Channel x Task File Register 0 register until the expected number of
sectors of data per interrupt are written.
Wait until a channel interrupt (bit 11 in the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register is
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Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the device
interrupt and determine if there was error.
If no error, repeat the previous four steps until all data for the write command has been transferred or an
error has been detected.
Watchdog Timer Operation
The purpose of the watchdog timer is to prevent the host system from hanging because a device operating in PIO
mode stopped responding to task file accesses. If, during a task file access by the host, the device negates
IORDY and then stops responding, the host will hang waiting for the access to complete. It is this type of hang,
that the watchdog timer is designed to protect against.
The watchdog timer monitors the length of time the IORDY signal is negated. If the watchdog timer detects that
the IORDY signal has remained negated longer than the watchdog timeout period (approximately 1000 PCI
clocks), the watchdog timer will force the task file access cycle to complete, and set the watchdog timeout bit in
the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register. The data associated with a timed out access
should be considered invalid. Additionally, the watchdog timer can be configured to generate an interrupt when a
timeout is detected by setting bit 14 of the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register.
The watchdog timer feature is disabled by default.
In addition to the controller channel initialization specified previously, add the following two steps to enable the
watchdog timer:
Enable the watchdog timer by setting bit 13 of the Channel x Task File Timing + Config + Status register.
If an interrupt is desired whenever the watchdog times out, enable the watchdog interrupt by setting bit 14
of the Channel x Task File Timing + Config + Status register.
The following programming sequences are needed for each PIO Mode Read/Write Operation with the watchdog
timer enabled:
Issue a Read/Write PIO Command to the ATA drive following the steps in “Issue ATA Command” section
on page 76.
Read Operation
Wait for a channel interrupt.
If controller interrupts are disabled, poll for the interrupt by reading the Channel x Task
File Timing + Configuration + Status register. If bit 12 is set, a watchdog timeout has
occurred. If bit 11 is set, the ATA device is interrupting.
If the watchdog timeout bit is set,
Write 1 to bit 12 in the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register to clear
watchdog timeout status.
The watchdog timeout represents a fatal error as far as the current ATA command is concerned.
A course of action that might be appropriate at this point might be to reset and reinitialize the ATA
channel and then retrying the command that failed.
If the ATA device interrupt bit is set,
Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the
device interrupt and determine if there was an error.
Write 1 to bit 18 of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x Register to clear the ATA interrupt.
If the ATA device is not reporting an error, continue to read data via the Channel x Task File
Register 0 register, until the expected number of sectors of data per interrupt are read.
Repeat the read operation steps until all dat a for the read command has been transferred or an error has
been detected.
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Write Operation
Wait until bit 27(DRQ) in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register is set.
Continue to write data via the Channel x Task File Register 0 register until the expected number of
sectors of data per interrupt are written.
Wait for a channel interrupt.
If controller interrupts are disabled, poll for the interrupt by reading the Channel x Task File Timing
+ Configuration + Status register. If bit 12 is set, a watchdog timeout has occurred. If bit 11 is set,
the ATA device is interrupting.
If the watchdog timeout bit is set,
Write 1 to bit 12 in the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register to clear
watchdog timeout status.
The watchdog timeout represents a fatal error as far as the current ATA command is concerned.
A course of action that might be appropriate at this point might be to reset and reinitialize the ATA
channel and then retrying the command that failed.
If the ATA device interrupt bit is set,
Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the
device interrupt and determine if there was an error.
Write 1 to bit 18 of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x Register to clear the ATA interrupt.
If no error, repeat the write operation steps until all data for the write command has been
transferred or an error has been detected.
PIO Mode Read Ahead Operation
Read ahead operation allows the controller to “pre-fetch” data and store it in the controller’s channel FIFO, where
it will later be retrieved by the host. This mode of operation has the potential to speed-up PIO data transfers by
not forcing the host to wait the programmed PIO cycle time for every access to the task file data register. The
amount of any speed increase will depend on the PIO mode in use, the characteristics of the host PCI bus, as
well as the speed of the host processor.
To use the controller’s PIO read ahead capability, make the following changes to the “Read Operation” portion of
the “PIO Mode Read/Write Operation” and “Watchdog Timer Operation” sections:
Just prior to retrieving the read data, set the read ahead byte count by programming bits [15:00] in the
Channel x Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count register with the exact number of bytes to be read for
the interrupt.
Instead of reading the Channel x Task File Register 0 register to retrieve the data, read the Channel x Read
Ahead Data register.
MDMA/UDMA Read/Write Operation
Once the SiI3114 is initialized via the initialization sequence described in the “Recommended Initialization
Sequence for the SiI3114” section, and the SATA device has been initialized for MDMA/UDMA mode data transfer
per the guidelines in the “Serial ATA Device Initialization” section, DMA read/write operations may be performed
by following the programming sequence described below.
Issue a DMA read/write command to the device following the steps in the “Issue ATA Command” section on page
Program Bus Master Registers
Clear bit 17 in the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register. This bit is set if an error occurred during the
previous DMA access.
Clear bit 18 in the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register. This bit is set if an interrupt occurred during the
previous DMA access.
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Create a Physical Region Descriptor (PRD) Table.
A PRD table is an array where each entry describes the location and size of a physical memory buffer
that will be used during the DMA operation. Each PRD table entry is 64-bits in length, formatted as
follows; bits [31:0] cont ain the 32-bit starting address of the memory buffer, bits [47:32] contain the 16-bit
size of the memory buffer, bits [62:48] are normally unused, bit 63 flags the end of the PRD table and
therefore should only be set in the last entry of the PRD table. The PRD table itself must be constructed
in a memory region that can be directly accessed by the SiI3114 controller. Once the PRD table is built,
the controller must be informed of its location. This is accomplished by writing the 32-bit address of the
PRD table to the PRD Table Address – Channel x register.
Enable DMA transfer.
DMA is enabled by writing bits [7:0] of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register. Bit 3 of this register
controls the direction of the DMA transfer; 1 = write to memory, 0 = read from memory. Setting bit 0 of the
register enables the controller to perform DMA operations.
Note: Task file registers are inaccessible as long as bit 0 is set.
Wait for a PCI interrupt.
When a PCI interrupt occurs, read the PCI Master – Channel x status register and check the DMA status
bits. The possible combinations of the status bits [18:16] are defined below.
000B = If the device does not report an error, then the PRD table specified a size that is smaller
than the transfer size.
001B = DMA transfer in progress.
010B = The controller had a problem transferring data to/from memory.
100B = Normal completion.
101B = If the device does not report an error, then the PRD specified a size that is larger than the
transfer size.
Make sure PCI bus master operation of the SiI3114 is stopped by clearing bit 0 of the PCI Bus Master –
Channel x register.
Note: The task file registers are not accessible as long as bit 0 is set. Clearing bit 0 causes bit 16 to be
cleared as well.
Read the device status at bit s [13:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the device
interrupt (and the PCI Interrupt) and determine if there was error.
Write ‘1’ to bit 18 (DMA Comp) in the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register to clear the status.
Virtual DMA Read/Write Operation
In virtual DMA operation the controller uses a PIO data transfer mode to move data between an ATA/ATAPI device
and the controller, and uses DMA to move that same data between the controller and the host memory. For
ATA/ATAPI devices that cannot operate in a “true” DMA mode, virtual DMA provides two benefits; first, using DMA
to move data reduces the demand on the host CPU, and second, systems that use virtual memory often require
that data buffers that will be accessed directly by low level device drivers be “mapped” into the operating system’s
address space, in virtual DMA mode the CPU does not access the data buffer directly, so the overhead of
obtaining the mapping to operating system address sp ace is eliminated.
Using Virtual DMA with Non-DMA Capable Devices
Once the SiI3114 is initialized via the initialization sequence described in the “Recommended Initialization
Sequence for the SiI3114” section, and the ATA device has been initialized for PIO mode data transfer per the
guidelines in the “Serial ATA Device Initialization” section, virtual DMA read/write operations may be performed by
following the programming sequence described below.
Note: The watchdog timer feature is compatible with virtual DMA operation. See section 0 for details about using
the watchdog timer.
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Issue a PIO read/write command to the device following the steps in the “Issue ATA Command” section on page
Read Operation
Wait for a PCI interrupt.
Read the DMA status bits [18:16] of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register, and check that bit 18 is set
to make sure the interrupt was generated by the expected channel.
If expected channel interrupted, read bits [11:10] of the channel’s Channel x Task File Timing +
Configuration + Status register to determine the cause of the interrupt. Bit 11 is set if the ATA/ATAPI
device has an interrupt pending, bit 10 is set if a virtual DMA operation completed.
If a virtual DMA operation completed,
Write 00H to bit s [7:0] of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register to disable DMA operation.
Write 1 to bits [18:17] of the PCI Bus Master –Channel x register to reset the DMA status and
virtual DMA interrupt bits, and the PCI interrupt.
Check the previously read DMA status bits to ensure the DMA completed successfully.
Because ATA/ATAPI commands that transfer data using PIO can generate several interrupts
during the data transfer phase of the command, a race condition is created between the interrupt
indicating the completion of a virtual DMA operation, and the interrupt from the ATA/ATAPI device
indicating it is ready to perform the next part of the data transfer. To prevent missing an
ATA/ATAPI device interrupt due to this race condition, it is necessary to re-read the channel’s
Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register after disabling DMA operation and
examining bit 11. If bit 11 is set, the ATA/ATAPI device is interrupting and should be serviced by
following the steps below (assuming that the virtual DMA operation completed successfully).
If the ATA/ATAPI device has interrupted,
Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the
device interrupt and determine if there was an error.
Write 1 to bit 18 of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register to clear the DMA Complete bit
(NOTE: The DMA Complete bit acts as a latched copy of the ATA interrupt line when the channel
is not performing a DMA operation).
If the ATA/ATAPI device is not reporting an error , and DRQ is asserted (bit 27 of Channel x Task
File Register 1), then the device is interrupting to transfer data to the host. To transfer the data,
the DMA registers are setup to only perform that part of the data transfer expected for this
interrupt. The DMA is setup similarly to the way it is when performing a normal read DMA
command, but with one additional step. Before the DMA is enabled, the Channel x Virtual
DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count register must be written with the 32-bit count of the number of
bytes to be transferred for this interrupt.
Repeat the above steps until all dat a for the read command has been transferred or an error has been
Write Operation
Poll the Channel x Task File Register 1 bits [31:24] until either bit 27 (DRQ) is set indicating the device is
ready for write data transfer, or bit 24 (ERR) is set indicating the device has detected an error with the
write command.
If no error, and DRQ is asserted (bit 27 of Channel x Task File Register 1), then the device is waiting for
write data transfer. To transfer the data, the DMA registers are setup to only perform that part of the data
transfer expected at this time. For example, a Write Sectors command would expect to transfer 1 sector
(512 bytes), while a Write Multiple command would expect to transfer the lesser of the number of sectors
set by the Set Multiple Mode command or the total number of sectors specified by the W rite Multiple
command. The DMA is setup similarly to the way it is when performing a normal write DMA command, but
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with one additional step. Before the DMA is enabled, the Channel x Virtual DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte
Count register must be written with the 32-bit count of the number of bytes to be transferred.
Wait for a PCI interrupt.
Read the DMA status bits [18:16] of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register, and check that bit 18 is set
to make sure the interrupt was generated by the expected channel.
If expected channel interrupted, read bits [11:10] of the Channel x Task File Timing + Configuration +
Status register to determine the cause of the interrupt. Bit 11 is set if the ATA/ATAPI device has an
interrupt pending, bit 10 is set if a virtual DMA operation completed.
If a virtual DMA operation completed,
Write 00H to bit s [7:0] of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register to disable DMA operation.
Write 1 to bits [18:17] of the PCI Bus Master –Channel x register to reset the DMA status and
virtual DMA interrupt bits, and PCI interrupt.
Check the previously read DMA status bits to ensure the DMA completed successfully.
Because ATA/ATAPI commands that transfer data using PIO can generate several interrupts
during the data transfer phase of the command, a race condition is created between the interrupt
indicating the completion of a virtual DMA operation, and the interrupt from the ATA/ATAPI device
indicating it is ready to perform the next part of the data transfer. To prevent missing an
ATA/ATAPI device interrupt due to this race condition, it is necessary to re-read the Channel x
Task File Timing + Configuration + Status register after disabling DMA operation and examining
bit 11. If bit 11 is set, the ATA/ATAPI device is interrupting and should be serviced by following the
steps below (assuming that the virtual DMA operation completed successfully).
If the ATA/ATAPI device has interrupted,
Read the device status at bit s [31:24] in the Channel x Task File Register 1 register to clear the
device interrupt and determine if there was an error.
Write 1 to bit 18 of the PCI Bus Master – Channel x register to clear the DMA Complete bit
(NOTE: The DMA Complete bit acts as a latched copy of the ATA interrupt line when the channel
is not performing a DMA operation).
If the ATA/ATAPI device is not reporting an error , and DRQ is asserted (bit 27 of Channel x Task
File Register 1), then the device is interrupting to transfer data to the device. To transfer the data,
the DMA registers are setup to only perform that part of the data transfer expected for this
interrupt. The DMA is setup similarly to the way it is when performing a normal write DMA
command, but with one additional step. Before the DMA is enabled, the Channel x Virtual
DMA/PIO Read Ahead Byte Count register must be written with the 32-bit count of the number of
bytes to be transferred for this interrupt.
Repeat the above steps st arting at “Wait for PCI interrupt” until all data for the write command has been
transferred or an error has been detected.
Using Virtual DMA with DMA Capable Devices
Even though a device may be DMA capable, there are ATA/ATAPI commands that require that a PIO mode be
used to transfer data. For these commands, virtual DMA can be used to perform the data transfer. Using virtual
DMA with an ATA/ATAPI device that has already been configured to use DMA for normal read/write operation is
performed very much like the sequence described above for PIO mode only devices, but with the following
additional consideration: The Data Transfer Mode – Channel x register associated with the ATA/ATAPI device
needs to be programmed for a PIO type transfer mode before DMA operation is enabled, and must be re-
programmed with the DMA/UDMA transfer type used during normal DMA operation once the virtual DMA
operation is complete.
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Second PCI Bus Master Registers Usage
In order to provide backward compatibility with existing drivers, the Physical Region Descriptor (PRD) tables used
by the SiI3114 controller when performing DMA transfers suffer the following limitations; a PRD table entry cannot
represent a memory area greater than 64k, nor can a PRD table entry represent a memory area that spans a 64k
address boundary. Whenever DMA is initiated via the PCI Bus Master – Channel x registers, the foregoing
limitations are enforced by the SiI3114 controller.
A feature known as Large Block Transfer in the SiI3114 controller allows drivers to get around the 64k size and
address limits of PRD table entries expected by existing drivers. Large Block Transfer simplifies the creation of
PRD tables by reducing the number of t able entries that need to be created and eliminating the need to make
sure a memory region does not cross a 64k boundary. Large Block Transfer mode is enabled whenever DMA is
initiated by writing to the PCI Bus Master 2 – Channel x registers (base address 5, offset 10H, 18H, 210H, or 218H).
When performing DMA in Large Block Transfer mode, the SiI3114 controller interprets the fields of a PRD table
entry differently. In all other respects, DMA interrupt generation, DMA status bit interpretation, etc., Large Block
Transfer mode behaves identically to a non-Large Block Transfer mode DMA operation. Table 27 describes the
format of a PRD table entry.
Table 27. Physical Region Descriptor (PRD) Format
Bits Function
31:0 32-bit starting address of the memory region.
47:32 When not operating in Large Block Transfer mode, this field specifies the size of the memory region. If the
size of the memory region is greater than 64k, or crosses a 64k address boundary, then two or more PRD
table entries will need to be created to describe it.
If operating in Large Block Transfer mode, this field contains the least significant 16-bits of the size of the
memory region.
62:48 If not operating in Large Block Transfer mode, this field is unused.
If operating in Large Block Transfer mode, this field contains the most significant 15-bits of the size of the
memory region.
63 W hen set, this bit indicates that this is the last entry in the PRD table.
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Power Management
Power Management in the SiI3114 is controlled by the register bits described in Table 28.
Table 28. Power Management Register Bits
Register Bits Description
Bit 6 This bit reports a change in the Power Management mode. It corresponds to the interrupt
enabled by bit 26 of SIEN.
Bits 5,4 These bits report the power management mode status: bit 5 corresponds to Slumber mode;
bit 4 to Partial mode. A transition on either of these bits causes a Power Management mode
change interrupt.
SError W
Bit 18 ComWake received from the Serial ATA bus
SMisc ComWake
Bit 11 Generates a ComWake condition on the Serial ATA bus
Bits 1,0 Generates a request from the Host for the Device to go to a Power Management state; bit 1
corresponds to Slumber mode; bit 0 corresponds to Partial mode. These bits are effective
regardless of the state of the HPMDS bit.
SControl IPM
Bits 11-8 This bit field disables transitions to Partial or Slumber power management states; bit 9
corresponds to Slumber mode; bit 8 corresponds to Partial mode.
SStatus IPM
Bits 11-8 This bit field reports the power management state; ‘0110’ corresponds to Slumber mode;
‘0010’ corresponds to Partial mode.
Power Management Summary
There are two power management modes: Partial and Slumber. These power management modes may be
software initiated through the SMisc register or device initiated from the Serial ATA device.
Transitions to and from either power management mode generate an interrupt, the Power Management Mode
Change Interrupt, which may be masked in the SMisc register (bit 26).
Partial Power Management Mode
Partial mode may be initiated by software through the SMisc register (bit 0). By setting the bit, the software
causes PMREQ_P primitives (Power Management REQuest – Partial) to be sent to the Serial ATA device, which
will respond with either a PMACK or PMNAK. If a PMACK is received the Partial mode is entered; A PMNAK is
ignored; the request remains asserted.
The Serial ATA device may initiate partial mode. This is indicated by the reception of PMREQ_P primitives from
the device. Software enables the acknowledgement of this request by setting the IPM value in the SControl
register to ‘00x1’ If enabled, a PMACK will be sent to the device; if not enabled, a PMNAK will be sent. When the
request is received and its acknowledgement is enabled, Partial mode is entered.
Partial mode status is reported in both the SStatus register (‘0010’ in the IPM field) and the SMisc register (bit 4).
Partial mode is cleared by setting the ComWake bit in the Smisc register. This will send a COMWAKE signal to
the device through the Serial ATA link to initiate a Partial to On sequence. Partial mode can also be cleared
through receipt of OOB signals from the device.
Slumber Power Management Mode
Slumber mode may be initiated by software through the SMisc register (bit 1). By setting the bit, software causes
PMREQ_S primitives to be sent to the Serial ATA device, which will respond with either a PMACK or PMNAK. If a
PMACK is received the Slumber mode is entered. A PMNAK is ignored; the request remains asserted.
The Serial ATA device may initiate slumber mode. This is indicated by the reception of PMREQ_S primitives.
Software enables the acknowledgement of this request by setting the IPM value in the SControl register to ‘001x’.
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If enabled, a PMACK will be sent to the device; if not enabled, a PMNAK will be sent. When the request is
received and its acknowledgement is enabled, Slumber mode is entered.
Slumber mode status is reported in both the SStatus register (‘0110’ in the IPM field) and the SMisc register (bit
Slumber mode is cleared by setting the ComWake bit in the Smisc register. This will send a COMWAKE signal to
the device through the Serial ATA link to initiate a Slumber to On sequence. Slumber mode can also be cleared
through receipt of OOB signals from the device.
Hot Plug Support
The state diagram below illustrates the logic to support Hot Plugging.
Periodically send ComReset
until ComInit received Normal operation
Figure 10. Hot Plug Logic State Diagram
The go_to_CR signal is generated by a timer if the internal logic fails to detect valid signals from the Serial ATA
wire for 200 ns. Logic behavior is as follows:
1. Initial power-up – A ComReset is generated during initial power up. If a device is present and operational,
the PhyRdy state will be entered. If a device is not present or not responding, the CR state will be entered
and ComReset will be generated every 100 ms.
2. Device is unplugged – The internal logic detects that no more signal is present on the Serial ATA wire.
The timer will expire after 200 ns and go_to_CR will be asserted; the CR state will be entered and
ComReset will be generated every 100 ms. The internal PHYRDY signal will go false causing an interrupt
to the host driver (PHYRDY change interrupt, bit 16 of SError register; enabled by bit 16 of SIEN register).
3. Device is plugged in – The device will respond to the ComReset with a ComInit. Normal operation will
commence and the internal logic will detect a PHYRDY signal going true causing an interrupt to the host
driver (PHYRDY change interrupt, bit 16 of SError register; enabled by bit 16 of SIEN register).
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FIS Support
FIS Summary
Table 29 summarizes the implementation of FIS Support. Note that 14 FIS codes meet the criteria of FIS code
selection in Serial ATA, and 8 out of the 14 are already defined.
Table 29. FIS Summary
Code FIS Name Host to
Device Device
to Host Comment
27h Register (Host to Device) - Support Expanded Registers
HOB not sent to device (device dongle ignores HOB received)
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
34h Register (Device to Host) - Support Expanded Registers
Host to Device transmission is possible as Transparent.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
39h DMA Activate - Supported per Serial ATA specification.
Host to Device transmission is possible as Transparent.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
41h DMA Setup On reception, the first 7 dwords of any FIS can be read directly
by the PCI.
Transmission: As transparent FIS
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
46h Data Supported per Serial ATA specification.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
58h BIST Activate Support for reception of Far-End Retimed Loopback. No
transmission supported.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
accept for Far-End Retimed Loopback; default to reject for all
other BIST types
5Fh PIO Setup - Supported per Serial ATA specification.
Host to Device transmission is possible as Transparent.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
A1h Set Device Bits - Supported per Serial ATA specification
Host to Device transmission is possible as Transparent
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
A6h Reserved TBD TBD
B8h Reserved TBD TBD
BFh Reserved TBD TBD
C7h Reserved TBD TBD
D4h Reserved TBD TBD
D9h Reserved TBD TBD
Supported as one group of unrecognized FIS, together with
other unsupported FISes, such as "Others" below, and FIS
Code 27h in the reception direction.
Can be individually controlled via PCI registers - default to
Others Reserved TBD TBD Supported as one group of unrecognized FIS, together with
other unsupported FISes (FIS Code 27h, A6h, B8h, BFh, C7h,
D4h, D9h) in the reception direction.
All "Others" are controlled as a group via PCI registers -
default to reject
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FIS Transmission
There are two ways in which a FIS transmission is initiated:
1. Protocol-initiated FIS transmission, e.g., when an ATA command is written to the SiI3114 it will send a
Command Register FIS and expects some FIS(es) (e.g., PIO Setup, Register, DMA Activate, Data, Set
Device Bits).
2. T ransparent FIS transmission. The sequence is as follows:
Host sets the Transmit_FIS bit in the Smisc register (bit 30). This tells the Transport/Link logic that a
transparent FIS needs to be transmitted.
The Transport/Link logic responds by setting itself up to transfer data from the host through UMDA
The host writes the data through the PCI interface. Note that the FIS header (Dword 0 that contains
the FIS type) must also be written. The Transport/Link logic sends the FIS to the device. Note that:
There is no size limit on a transparent FIS. Data written to the SiI3114 from setting of Transmit_FIS to
setting of FIS_Done (see below) will be transmitted in a FIS.
There must be an even number of words.
As in Data FIS, upon a transmission error, no retries can be supported. The PCI block must restart
the transparent FIS transmission from the beginning.
Serial ATA CRC is calculated by the Transport/Link logic. The host will NOT append the CRC at the
After the last write, the host sets the FIS_Done bit in the Smisc register (bit 31). This indicates to the
link that all data for this transaction has been transferred. The Transport/Link logic will then close out
the FIS by appending CRC and EOF and wait for termination. If R_OK is received from the
downstream device, the Transmit_OK bit will be set to indicate to the host that the FIS has been
successfully transferred to the device. If there is an error in the transmission process (e.g., the FIS
not recognized by the downstream device) resulting in the device acknowledging the FIS with an
R_ERR, the F bit of the Serror Register will be set (Bit 25).
The values of the status registers are latched and will not be cleared automatically. Before the next
Transparent FIS is being sent, the host must clear the status bits by performing a write to the
particular st atus registers.
FIS Reception
The SiI3114 is capable of receiving Unrecognized FIS types through an Interlocked FIS scheme. This capability is
over and above the regular protocol related FISes as defined in the Serial ATA specifications.
In general, an internal table determines the behavior when receiving all possible FIS types. This table is defined in
the register SFISCfg. The configuration codes in the SFISCfg register is defined in Table 30.
Table 30. Configuration Bits for FIS Reception
FISxxCFG[1:0] Comments
00b Accept FIS without interlock. If there is no error detected for the entire FIS, R_OK will be sent after
EOF is received. If any error is received, R_ERR will be sent after EOF
01b Reject FIS without interlock. R_ERR will be sent
10b Interlock. This allows the host to examine the first dwords of the FIS to determine whether to accept or
reject the FIS
11b Reserved.
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Table 31 shows the default configurations of all Serial ATA FIS types.
Table 31. Default FIS Configurations
Configuration Bits FIS
Code FIS Name
Register Bits Default Value
27h Register (Host to Device) FIS27cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
34h Register (Device to Host) FIS34cfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept FIS without interlock.
39h DMA Activate FIS39cfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept FIS without interlock.
41h DMA Setup FIS41cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject.
46h Data FIS46cfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept FIS without interlock.
58h BIST Activate FIS58cfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept for far-end retimed loopback,
reject for any other.
5Fh PIO Setup FIS5Fcfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept FIS without interlock.
A1h Set Device Bits FISa1cfg[1:0] 00b Default to accept FIS without interlock.
A6h reserved FISa6cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
B8h reserved FISb8cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
BFh reserved FISbFcfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
C7h reserved FISc7cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
D4h reserved FISd4cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
D9h reserved FISd9cfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
Others reserved FISocfg[1:0] 01b Default to reject FIS without interlock.
RxFIS[0-6]- First seven dwords received from device. RxFIS[0] is the first dword that contains the FIS header.
RxFIS[6] is the last of the seven dwords received. It is enough to support DMA Setup FIS.
Note that:
FIS data can also be read out directly from RxFIS (first seven dwords).
All data to be transferred must be sent within one UDMA burst. Burst termination will not be allowed and
may produce unpredictable result.
There is no limit on received frame size.
In a Data FIS, the receive FIFO will automatically advance one dword to skip the header. Upon an
interlocked FIS, the FIFO read pointer will rewind to the beginning so that the first dword read is the
The following summarizes the behavior:
On power up, the default configurations are as follows:
All defined FISes, except BIST Activate and DMA Setup, default to be supported (FISxxcfg[1:0] = '00').
BIST Activate is default to be accepted ONLY for Far-end Retimed Loopback and to be rejected for any
other BIST types.
DMA Setup defaults to be rejected.
All undefined FISes default to be rejected (FISxxcfg[1:0] = '01').
Upon reception of an unsupported FIS (FISxxcfg[1:0] = '01'), the Link/Transport Logic responds with
R_ERR to the downstream device. The host will not be notified.
Upon reception of a supported FIS (FISxxcfg[1:0] = '00'), the Link/Transport Logic responds with
R_OK at WTRM (if no error is detected) or R_ERR (if an error is detected) to the downstream device.
The host will be notified only as required by the protocol.
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Upon reception of an interlocked FIS (FISxxcfg[1:0] = '10'), the Link/Transport Logic sets the
IntrlckFIS bit in the Smisc register. The following describes the possible sequence of events:
Sequence 1:
The Link Logic will continue to receive data while its buffer is being filled up.
IntrlckFIS will cause an interrupt to the host.
The first 7 Dwords of the FIS are available to the host in the RxFIS0 to RxFIS6
registers.The driver will check the FIS type, clean up the PCI section, arm the
DMA controller, and then assert the Rx_IFIS bit in the Smisc register.
The Link/Transport Logic transfers the received FIS, including the header, through
the PCI interface to the host.
When all the data is received with no errors, the Link/Transport Logic will assert the
IFIS_OK bit in the Smisc register. Otherwise one of the error bits will be set in
the Serror register.
The host will set the Accept_IFIS bit to accept or Reject_IFIS to reject the FIS.
If no error is detected inside the frame and the Accept_IFIS bit is asserted, the
Link/Transport Logic will send R_OK to the downstream device. If Reject_IFIS
is asserted or any error is detected, the Link/T ransport Logic will respond with
R_ERR. Note that there is an interlock - if the frame is good, it will always wait
for the Accept_IFIS or Reject_IFIS (if not asserted already) before responding.
Sequence 2:
Link/Transport Logic will continue to receive data while its buffer is being filled up.
IntrlckFIS will cause an interrupt to the host.
Host reads the header; the driver will check the FIS type in RxFIS register and
knows that the entire FIS is not larger than the size of RxFIS0 to 6 register.
Host waits for IFIS_OK (if any error detected – the error signals).
If IFIS_OK is received, host reads all data directly via PCI registers and then issues
an Accept_IFIS (Link/Transport Logic to send R_OK) or a Reject_IFIS
(Link/Transport Logic to send R_ERR).
If any error is detected, host can ignore, the Link will respond with R_ERR anyway.
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FIS Types Not Affiliated with Current ATA/ATAPI Operations
BIST Support
Far-End Retimed Loopback is supported in reception mode only. All other BIST codes will be rejected via R_ERR.
It defaults to be interlocked supported (for Far-End Retimed Loopback only).
The SiI3114 does not support any BIST in transmission mode. There is no provision to send the test patterns and
compare against loopback dat a.
BIST Signals
When SiI3114 enters the BIST operation, the “PHY offline” mode will be set in the DET bits of the Sstatus register.
This conditoin will remain asserted until the host generates an ATA reset (hreset_b asserted) or a COMINIT is
received from the device.
DMA Setup
DMA Setup FIS can only be sent as a transparent FIS. On Power up, DMA Setup FIS defaults to be rejected.
First Party DMA Read of Host Memory by Device
Sequence (FIS41cfg[1:0] = '10', i.e. interlocked):
Device sends DMA Setup FIS to host. The "D" field in the FIS is '0'.
The IntrlckFIS bit is set and causes an interrupt to the host.
The host driver checks the FIS type (RxFIS), sets up, and arms the DMA controller.
The host sets the DMAOutEn in the Serial ATA SMisc register.
The host sets the FPDMAWr in the Serial ATA SMisc register.
The host sets the Accept_FIS bit to accept the FIS.
The host sends one or more Data FISes. Note that no DMA Activate FIS is required for first party DMA.
There is no need to report transfer status.
The host clears the DMAOutEn when the transfer count is exhausted.
First Party DMA Write of Host Memory by Device
Sequence (FIS41cfg[1:0] = '10', i.e. interlocked):
Device sends DMA Setup FIS to host. The "D" field in the FIS is '1'.
The IntrlckFIS bit is set and causes an interrupt to the host.
The host driver checks the FIS type (RxFIS), sets up, and arms the DMA controller.
The host sets the DMAInEn in the Serial ATA SMisc register.
The host sets the Accept_FIS bit to accept the FIS.
The device sends one or more Data FISes.
There is no need to report transfer status.
The host clears the DMAInEn when the transfer count is exhausted
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ATA Command Decoding
Data Modes
The SiI3114 PCI to Serial ATA Controller has an internal ATA interface. The data modes (Register mode, PIO
mode and DMA mode) are of no significance.
ATA Commands
The SiI3114 decodes ATA commands in hardware. The commands supported include ATA/ATAPI-5 and
ATA/ATAPI-6 commands, including the 48-bit LBA extended commands. Certain obsolesced commands are also
supported. The supported commands are listed in Table 32.
Table 32. ATA Commands Supported
Command Command/
Features Codes Comment
CFA Erase Sectors C0h -
CFA Request Extended Error Code 03h -
CFA Translate Sector 87h -
CFA Write Multiple without Erase CDh -
CFA Write Sectors without Erase 38h -
Check Media Card Type D1h -
Check Power Mode E5h -
Configure Stream 51h -
Device Configuration Freeze Lock B1h/C1h -
Device Configuration Identify B1h/C2h -
Device Configuration Restore B1h/C0h -
Device Configuration Set B1h/C3h -
Device Reset 08h -
Download Microcode 92h -
Execute Device Diagnostics 90h The two Serial ATA ports for SiI3114 are both "single
Flush Cache E7h
Flush Cache Ext EAh 48-bit LBA Command
Format Track 50h Obsolesced vendor specific command, needs to be
programmed as vendor specific commands
Get Media Status DAh -
Identify Device ECh -
Identify Packet Device A1h -
Idle A3h -
Idle Immediate E1h -
Initialize Device Parameters 91h Obsolesced in ATA/ATAPI-6.
Media Eject EDh -
Media Lock DEh -
Media Unlock DFh -
Nop 00h -
Packet A0h -
Read Buffer E4h -
C8h - Read DMA C9h Obsolesced Command code supported, decoded as
Command Code C8h
Read DMA Ext 25h 48-bit LBA Command
Read DMA Queued C7h -
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Table 32. ATA Commands Supported (continued)
Command Command/
Features Codes Comment
Read DMA Queued Ext 26h 48-bit LBA Command
Read Log Ext 2Fh -
22h Read Long 23h Obsolesced command supported (see “Read/Write Long”
Read Multiple C4h -
Read Multiple Ext 29h 48-bit LBA Command
Read Native Max Address F8h -
Read Native Max Address Ext 27h 48-bit LBA Command
20h - Read Sector(s) 21h Obsolesced Command code supported, decoded as
Command Code 20h
Read Sector(s) Ext 24h 48-bit LBA Command
Read Stream DMA 2A -
40h - Read Verify Sector(s) 41h Obsolesced Command code supported, decoded as
Command Code 40h
Read Verify Sector(s) Ext 42h 48-bit LBA Command
ReadFPDMAQueued 2Ch -
Recalibrate 10h Obsolesced command supported.
Security Disable Password F6h -
Security Erase Prepare F3h -
Security Erase Unit F4h -
Security Freeze Lock F5h -
Security Set Password F 1h -
Security Unlock F2h -
Seek 70h -
Service A2h -
Set Features EFh -
Set Max Address F9h/00h -
Set Max Address Ext 37h 48-bit LBA Command
Set Max Freeze Lock F9h/04h -
Set Max Lock F9h/02h -
Set Max Unlock F 9h/03h Obsolesced command supported.
Set Max Set Password F9h/01h
Set Multiple Mode C6h The SiI3114 intercepts the command to set up the number
of sectors for a DRQ block upon this command.
Sleep E6h -
Smart Disable Operations B0h/D9h -
Smart Enable Operations B0h/D8h -
Smart Enable/Disable Attributes Autosave B0h/D2h -
Smart Execute Off-Line Immediate B0h/D4h -
Smart Read Attribute Thresholds B0h/D1h Obsolesced command supported.
Smart Read Data B0h/D0h -
Smart Read Log B0h/D5h -
Smart Return Status B0h/DAh -
Smart Save Attribute Values B0h/D3h Obsolesced command supported.
Smart Write Log B0h/D6h -
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Table 32. ATA Commands Supported (continued)
Command Command/
Features Codes Comment
Standby E2h -
Standby Immediate E0h -
Write Buffer E8h -
CAh - Write DMA CBh Obsolesced Command code supported, decoded as
Command Code CAh
Write DMA Ext 35h 48-bit LBA Command
Write DMA Queued CCh -
Write DMA Queued Ext 36h 48-bit LBA Command
Write Log Ext 3Fh -
32h Write Long 33h Obsolesced command supported (see “Read/Write Long”
Write Multiple C5h -
Write Multiple Ext 39h 48-bit LBA Command
30h - Write Sector(s) 31h Obsolesced Command code supported, decoded as
Command Code 30h
Write Sector(s) Ext 34h 48-bit LBA Command
Write Stream DMA 3Ah -
Write Stream PIO 3Bh -
WriteFPDMAQueued 3Ch -
Obsolesced Commands
Certain obsolesced commands are supported. Commands Read Long and Write Long are to be treated differently
(see “Read/Write Long” section immediately following).
Read/Write Long
Read Long and Write Long commands are implemented in accordance with the ATA/ATAPI-3. The PIO Mode
used (Mode 0) is of no significance in the SiI3114, as the ATA interface is internal. The number of vendor specific
bytes is provided by the Serial ATA PIO Setup FIS from the downstream device as follows:
n = ((XC - 512) + 1) ÷2 (i.e., XC - 512 divided by 2 with round up)
where: n is the number of vendor specific bytes.
XC is the transfer count.
The total number of dat a dwords in the Data FIS is given by:
m = (XC + 3) ÷ 4 (i.e., XC divided by 4 with round up)
where: m is the number of data dwords in the Data FIS, excluding the FIS header (and CRC).
XC is the transfer count.
In this command, the Data FIS must use the format described in Table 33.
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Table 33. Data FIS
Dword Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0 Data FIS Header
1 Sector Data Byte 3 Sector Data Byte 2 Sector Data Byte 1 Sector Data Byte 0
2 Sector Data Byte 7 Sector Data Byte 6 Sector Data Byte 5 Sector Data Byte 4
- - - -
127 Sector Data Byte 507 Sector Data Byte 506 Sector Data Byte 505 Sector Data Byte 504
128 Sector Data Byte 511 Sector Data Byte 510 Sector Data Byte 509 Sector Data Byte 508
129 Don't care Vendor Specific Byte 1 Don't care Vendor Specific Byte 0
130 Don't care Vendor Specific Byte 3 Don't care Vendor Specific Byte 2
- - - -
Last (n is even) Don't care Vendor Specific Byte n-1 Don't care Vendor Specific Byte n-2
Last (n is odd) Don't care Don't care Don't care Vendor Specific Byte n-1
Note: (The Number of Vendor Specific Bytes is "n" as determined by the Transfer Count in the PIO Setup FIS)
Vendor Specific Command Support
The SiI3114 supports most vendor specific commands that utilize existing protocols.
Silicon Image's Vendor Specific Commands
Silicon Image defines several vendor specific commands (all of which use Expanded Features in 48-bit LBA
addressing) to support vendor specific and reserved commands:
VS Unlock Vendor Specific: Unlock the host or device to support vendor specific commands.
VS Unlock Reserved: Unlock the host or device to support reserved commands.
VS Unlock Individual: Unlock the host or device to support individual vendor specific and reserved
VS Lock: Lock the host or device to abort all vendor specific and reserved commands.
VS Set General Protocol: Determine the General Protocol Code to be used for all subsequent vendor
specific commands (if unlocked via a VS Unlock Vendor Specific command) and reserved commands (if
unlocked via a VS Unlock Reserved command).
VS Set Command Protocol: Select protocols for individual vendor specific and reserved commands (if
unlocked via a VS Unlock Individual command). A Command Protocol Table shall be maintained.
Potential Conflicts with other Vendor Specific Commands
The commands chosen use Subcommand (Features) code F1h under the SMART command (B0h). While this
code is not expected to be used by device manufacturers, there is always the possibility that it is used. If such
conflict happens, the device manufacturers shall reassign a new code to the conflicting command in order to use
this scheme.
Other Expanded Features Codes
The commands above do not use all Expanded Features Codes. However, all other Expanded Features Codes
under Command Code B0h and Subcommand (Features) Code F1h are reserved as Silicon Image Vendor
Specific commands.
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Vendor Specific, Reserved, Retired and Obsolesced Commands
These types of commands are treated differently:
Vendor specific commands: Expect for those commands whose protocols are individually set (via the VS
Unlock Individual and VS Set Command Protocol commands), the host or device must be unlocked via the
VS Unlock Vendor Specific command before such commands can be issued. Otherwise, vendor specific
commands are aborted.
Reserved commands: Expect for those commands whose protocols are individually set (via the VS Set
Unlock Individual and VS Set Command Protocol commands), the host or device must be unlocked via the
VS Unlock Reserved command before such commands can be issued. Otherwise, reserved commands
are aborted.
Obsolesced and Retired commands: Implementation of such commands is optional.
Command - Unless otherwise stated, this is the value written to the ATA Command Register.
Command Code - This is the code corresponding to the ATA command. It is also a field in the Command
Protocol Table.
Command Protocol Table - The table that contains the individual vendor specific and reserved commands
supported (see on page 108).
Features - Unless otherwise stated, this is the value written to the ATA Features Register.
Features Code - This is the code corresponding to the ATA Features register. It is also a field in the
Command Protocol Table.
Features Mask - This is a field in the Command Protocol Table that allows several Features Codes to be
used for the same command.
General Protocol Code - On a VS Set General Protocol command after a VS Unlock Vendor Specific or VS
Unlock Reserved command, the General Protocol Code shall be set as the protocol for all undefined
vendor specific (if unlocked) and/or undefined reserved (if unlocked) commands. An undefined vendor
specific/reserved command is one that does not have an entry in the Command Protocol Table.
Protocol Code - This code determines the protocol associate with a command. It is also a field in the
Command Protocol Table.
Subcommand Code - Same as Features Code.
VS Features Set - The commands needed to support this scheme (See “Bridge Device Vendor Specific
Commands” section on page 96 for more det ails.).
VS State Machine - The st ate machine that determines what vendor specific and reserved commands are
to be supported (See “State Transitions” section on page 109 for more details.).
Upon any hardware reset or the Serial ATA COMRESET, or COMINIT, the VS State Machine shall be initialized to
the locked state (the "default" state), which shall abort all vendor specific and reserved commands.
Soft Reset (via Device Control register bit 2) shall NOT affect the VS State Machine.
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The following summarizes how the vendor specific/reserved commands are supported. Detailed operations are
described in later sections.
The default state is locked. All vendor specific commands shall be aborted.
To unlock the Serial ATA host or device to support vendor specific commands: Issue a VS Unlock Vendor
Specific command. A Serial ATA host supporting the VS scheme will also send this command to the Serial
ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device bridge may optionally issue this
command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the unlock will take effect in the Serial ATA host
and the Serial ATA device even if an ABORT status is reported.
To unlock the Serial ATA host or device to support reserved commands: Issue a VS Unlock Reserved
command. A Serial ATA host supporting the VS scheme will also send this command to the Serial ATA
device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device bridge may optionally issue this
command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the unlock will take effect in the Serial ATA host
and the Serial ATA device even if an ABORT status is reported.
To support individual vendor specific or reserved command: Issue a VS Unlock Individual command.
Combinations of the above can be supported by simply issuing the appropriate combinations of VS Unlock
Vendor Specific, VS Unlock Reserved and VS Unlock Individual commands.
Set protocol. There are two ways to set up protocol(s):
Issue a VS Set Command Protocol command to set up a protocol for a specific command. The information
is logged in a Command Protocol Table. This protocol shall remain valid until overwritten by a VS Set
Command Protocol command that overwrites the Command Protocol Table entry, the VS Lock command,
hardware reset, COMRESET, or COMINIT. A Serial ATA host supporting the VS scheme will also send this
command to the Serial ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device bridge may
optionally issue this command to the attached p arallel ATA device. Note that the protocol shall be set in the
Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device even if an ABORT status is reported. If more than one command
protocol has to be set up, a VS Set Command protocol shall be issued for each command.
Issue a VS Set General Protocol command to set the General Protocol Code for the next vendor specific
command. This protocol shall remain valid until the next VS Set General Protocol command, VS Lock
command, hardware reset, COMRESET, or COMINIT. A Serial ATA host supporting the VS scheme will also
send this command to the Serial ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device
bridge may optionally issue this command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the protocol shall
be set in the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device even if an ABORT status is reported. Commands
already set up via the VS Set Command Protocol shall follow the protocol set in the VS Set Command
Protocol command instead of the one set in this command.
Issue any commands:
Any vendor specific commands (if unlocked for vendor specific commands) or reserved commands (if
unlocked for reserved commands) that has an associated protocol set via the VS Set Command Protocol
command shall be executed using that protocol.
Any vendor specific commands (if unlocked for vendor specific commands) or reserved commands (if
unlocked for reserved commands) that does not have an associated protocol, i.e. not set up by the VS Set
Command Protocol command, shall be executed using the protocol loaded from the latest VS Set General
Protocol command.
Other supported commands shall follow the predefined protocols.
Other unsupported commands shall be aborted.
To change the protocol for vendor specific commands, simply reissue the VS Set General Protocol or the VS Set
Command Protocol command with the new protocol.
When done, issue the VS Lock command to return to the default VS state. A Serial ATA host supporting the VS
scheme will also send the VS Lock command to the Serial ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a
bridge, the device bridge may optionally issue this command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the
lock will take effect in the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device even if an ABORT status is reported.
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SiI-DS-0103-D 96 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Bridge Device Vendor Specific Commands
Feature Set/Command Summary
Table 34. Vendor Specific Command Summary
Command Command
Code Features
Code Expanded
VS Lock B0h F1h D5h Return VS state machine to VS_LOCKED (See
“State Transitions” section on page 109.).
VS Unlock Vendor Specific B0h F1h 12h Unlock VS state machine to support vendor specific
VS Unlock Reserved B0h F1h 22h Unlock VS state machine to support reserved
VS Unlock Individual B0h F1h 32h Unlock VS state machine to support reserved
VS Set General Protocol B0h F1h F0h Set the General Protocol Code for all vendor
specific commands and reserved commands, if the
corresponding command types are unlocked. The
vendor specific and reserved commands that are
individually set via VS Set Command Protocol
commands will not follow the protocol set by this
VS Set Command Protocol B0h F1h 87h Set protocol for an individual vendor specific or
reserved command. The information is logged in a
Command Protocol Table entry.
B0h F1h Other than
above Reserved.
Compared with other features set s, The VS Features Set ignores the bit 0 (ERR) in the Status register together
with the Error register. All commands are considered completed once BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 in the Status
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VS Lock
Command/Subcommand/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: D5h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h
Features Previous (Expanded) D5h
Current na
Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command B0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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SiI-DS-0103-D 98 © 2007 Silicon Image, Inc.
Feature Set
Mandatory for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
This command locks the host and device bridges from supporting vendor specific commands. All vendor specific
and reserved commands issued afterwards will be aborted.
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Lock command shall use the non-data (ext) protocol with
this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The following situations
may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a parallel ATA
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may be
reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host Register
FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the VS block locked.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the VS block locked.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall be locked.
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VS Unlock Vendor Specific
Command/Subcommand/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: 12h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h Features Previous (Expanded) 12h
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command B0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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Feature Set
Mandatory for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
This command unlocks the host and device bridges to support vendor specific commands. Once this command is
executed, the bridge(s) shall remain unlocked until:
A VS Lock command that returns the VS state to the default locked state, or;
A hardware reset, or COMINIT or COMRESET.
Note that the VS Unlock Individual command, the VS Unlock Reserved command and Soft Reset have no effect
on the VS state.
If a VS Unlock Individual command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both individual vendor
specific/reserved commands and other vendor specific commands.
If a VS Unlock Reserved command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both vendor specific
and reserved commands.
If both VS Unlock Individual and VS Unlock Reserved are issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for
individual vendor specific/reserved commands, as well as other vendor specific and reserved commands.
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Unlock Vendor Specific command shall use the non-data
(ext) protocol with this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The
following situations may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a
parallel AT A device:
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may
be reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host
Register FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the unlock event successful.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the unlock event successful.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall be unlocked to support vendor specific commands.
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VS Unlock Reserved
Command/Subcommand/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: 22h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h Features Previous (Expanded) 22h
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command F0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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Feature Set
Optional for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
This command unlocks the host and device bridges to support reserved commands. Once this command is
executed, the bridge(s) shall remain unlocked until:
A VS Lock command that returns the VS state to the default locked state, or;
A hardware reset, or COMINIT or COMRESET.
Note that the VS Unlock Vendor Specific command, the VS Unlock Individual command and Soft Reset have no
effect on the VS state.
If a VS Unlock Vendor Specific command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both reserved
and vendor specific commands.
If a VS Unlock Individual command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both individual vendor
specific/reserved command protocols and other reserved commands.
If both VS Unlock Vendor Specific and VS Unlock Individual are issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be
unlocked for individual vendor specific/reserved command protocols, as well as other vendor specific and
reserved commands.
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Unlock Reserved command shall use the non-data (ext)
protocol with this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The following
situations may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a
parallel AT A device:
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may
be reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host
Register FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the unlock event successful.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the unlock event successful.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall be unlocked to support reserved commands.
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VS Unlock Individual
Command/Subcommand/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: 32h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h
Features Previous (Expanded) 32h
Current na
Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command F0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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Feature Set
Optional for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
This command unlocks the host and device bridges to support individual vendor specific and reserved
commands. Once this command is executed, the bridge(s) shall remain unlocked until:
A VS Lock command that returns the VS state to the default locked state, or;
A hardware reset, or COMINIT or COMRESET.
Note that the VS Unlock Vendor Specific command, the VS Unlock Reserved command and Soft Reset have no
effect on the VS state.
If a VS Unlock Vendor Specific command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both individual
command protocols and other vendor specific commands.
If a VS Unlock Reserved command is issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be unlocked for both individual
vendor specific/reserved command and other reserved commands.
If both VS Unlock Vendor Specific and VS Unlock Reserved are issued afterwards, the bridge(s) shall be
unlocked for individual vendor specific/reserved command, as well as other vendor specific and reserved
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Unlock Individual command shall use the non-data (ext)
protocol with this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The following
situations may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a
parallel AT A device:
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may
be reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host
Register FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the unlock event successful.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the unlock event successful.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall be unlocked to support individual vendor specific/reserved commands.
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VS Set General Protocol
Command/Subcommand Code/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: F0h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h Features Previous (Expanded) F0h
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) Protocol Code (See “Protocols Summary” section)
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command B0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na
Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na
LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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Feature Set
Mandatory for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
If the VS state is unlocked for vendor specific or for reserved, this command will set the General Protocol Code
for the next vendor specific/reserved command(s), except for those individually set via the VS Set Command
Protocol commands. The protocol shall be, or return to, Abort (Protocol Code = 00h) upon a lock event, i.e.:
A VS Lock command to return the VS state to the default locked state, or;
A hardware reset, or COMINIT or COMRESET.
The General Protocol shall be passed to the Serial ATA host and device via the Expanded Sector Count register.
The protocols and codes are described in Table 45 through Table 48.
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Set General Protocol command shall use the non-data (ext)
protocol with this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The following
situations may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a
parallel AT A device:
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may
be reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host
Register FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the protocol set.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the protocol set.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall accept the protocol as valid.
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VS Set Command Protocol
Command/Subcommand/Expanded Features Code
Command Code: B0h
Subcommand (Features) Code: F1h
Expanded Features Code: 87h
Non-data (Ext)
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Current F1h
Features Previous (Expanded) 87h
Current 0 0 0 0 Code Tag
Sector Count Previous (Expanded) Protocol Code (See “Protocols Summary” section)
Current Command Code
LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current Features Code
LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) Features Mask
Current 00h
LBA High Previous (Expanded) 00h
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Command B0h
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error na na na na na na na na
Current na Sector Count Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Low Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA Mid Previous (Expanded) na
Current na LBA High Previous (Expanded) na
Device obs na obs DEV1 na na na na
Status BSY DRDY na na na na na na2
1. The DEV bit usage in the Serial ATA specification must be followed.
2. Error bit shall be ignored. Completion is determined by by BSY = 0 and DRDY = 1 only.
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Feature Set
Optional for all Serial ATA components supporting the VS feature set.
If the VS state is unlocked for individual vendor specific/reserved commands, this command will set the protocol
for the specific commands. Up to 16 individual vendor specific/reserved commands are supported via a
Command Protocol Table. The 16 entries are organized as shown in Table 35.
Table 35. 16-Entry Command Protocol Table
Code Tag
(Entry #) Command Code Features Cod e Features Mask Protocol Code
0h - - - -
1h - - - -
... - - - -
Eh - - - -
Fh - - - -
When a vendor specific or reserved command is issued, its Command and Features registers will be compared
against all of the above entries. If the following conditions are all met, the protocol for that entry will be used:
Command = Command Code, and;
(Features Features Code) & Features Mask = 00h.
Note that:
Only reserved and vendor specific commands shall be mapped to protocol as above.
If a vendor specific or reserved command is mapped to more than one entry, the result is indeterminate.
Upon a lock event, all Command Codes shall be initialized to NOP (00h) and all Protocol Codes shall be
initialized to Abort (00h). The following conditions are considered lock events:
A VS Lock command to return the VS state to the default locked state, or;
A hardware reset, or COMINIT or COMRESET.
The registers shown in Table 36 are used when issuing the command (but have no meaning for outputs)
Table 36. Registers Used When Issuing VS Set Command
Register Bit(s) Field Description
7-4 0h Must be 0h. Reserved for expansion if more than 16
individual vendor specific/reserved commands are
3-0 Code Tag Up to 16 individual vendor specific/reserved commands
are supported. This code tag is to select which of the 16
entries the code is to be written to. Earlier content in that
entry shall be replaced with the new information.
Sector Count
Previous (Expanded) 7-0 Protocol Code See “Protocols Summary” section.
Current 7-0 Command
Code T he Command register value for the individual vendor
specific/reserved command.
Previous (Expanded) 7-0 na Not used.
Current 7-0 Features Code The Features register value for the individual vendor
specific/reserved command.
Previous (Expanded) 7-0 Features Mask One single protocol can be assigned to a group of
commands with the same Command Code but different
Features Codes. If a Features Mask bit is '0', the
corresponding Features Code bit will be ignored for
Current 7-0 00h Reserved for Expanded Features Code. LBA High Previous (Expanded) 7-0 00h Reserved for Expanded Features Mask.
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© 2007 Silicon Image, Inc. 109 SiI-DS-0103-D
A Serial ATA host, native or bridge, supporting the VS Set Command Protocol command shall use the non-data
(ext) protocol with this command. The Serial ATA host shall send this command to the Serial ATA device. The
following situations may happen:
Case 1: The Serial ATA device (native or bridge) responds with a completed status. Both sides are set up to
support this scheme.
Case 2: The Serial ATA device bridge supports this scheme. It may optionally pass this command to a
parallel AT A device:
If passed to a parallel ATA device, the parallel ATA device responds with an abort status, which may
be reported back to the Serial ATA host.
If not passed to a parallel ATA device, the device bridge shall still respond with a device-to-host
Register FIS to terminate BSY in the Serial ATA host.
However, both the Serial ATA host and the Serial ATA device bridge shall ignore the abort status and shall
consider the protocol set.
The Serial ATA device is a native device and responds with an abort. The Serial ATA host will ignore the abort
status and shall consider the protocol set.
In other words, regardless of the status reported (aborted or complete), the Serial ATA host and device that
support this scheme shall accept the protocol as valid.
State Transitions
Table 37 through Table 44 describe the state transitions of the SiI3114.
Table 37. Default St ate - VS_LOCKED
VS_LOCKED Vendor specific/Reserved commands not supported. All vendor specific
and reserved commands shall result in an ABORT status.
General Protocol Code shall be 00h.
Command Protocol Table initialized with all Command Codes = 00h and
all Protocol Codes = 00h.
1 Received VS Unlock Vendor Specific command VS_VS
2 Received VS Unlock Reserved command VS_RSV
3 Received VS Unlock Individual command VS_IND
4 Otherwise VS_LOCKED
Table 38. VS_VS
VS_VS On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific commands shall be executed according to the
General Protocol Code.
All reserved commands shall result in an ABORT status.
1 Received VS Unlock Reserved command VS_VS_RSV
2 Received VS Unlock Individual command VS_VS_IND
3 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
4 Otherwise VS_VS
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Table 39. VS_RSV
VS_RSV On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All reserved commands shall be executed according to the General
Protocol Code.
All vendor specific commands shall result in an ABORT status.
1 Received VS Unlock Vendor Specific command VS_VS_RSV
2 Received VS Unlock Individual command VS_RSV_IND
3 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
4 Otherwise VS_RSV
Table 40. VS_IND
VS_IND On VS Set Command Protocol command, update the corresponding
Command Protocol Table entry.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific/reserved commands with entries in the Command
Protocol Table shall be executed according to the Protocol Code in the
corresponding Command Protocol entry.
All other commands shall result in an ABORT status.
1 Received VS Unlock Reserved command VS_VS_RSV
2 Received VS Unlock Individual command VS_VS_IND
3 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
4 Otherwise VS_IND
Table 41. VS_VS_RSV
VS_VS_RSV On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific/reserved commands shall be executed according to
the General Protocol Code.
1 Received VS Unlock Individual command VS_VS_RSV_IND
2 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
3 Otherwise VS_VS_RSV
Table 42. VS_VS_IND
VS_VS_IND On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
On VS Set Command Protocol command, update the corresponding
Command Protocol Table entry.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific/reserved commands with entries in the Command
Protocol Table shall be executed according to the Protocol Code in the
corresponding Command Protocol entry.
All other vendor specific commands shall be executed according to the
General Protocol Code.
All other commands shall result in an ABORT status.
1 Received VS Unlock Reserved command VS_VS_RSV_IND
2 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
3 Otherwise VS_VS_IND
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Table 43. VS_RSV_IND
VS_RSV_IND On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
On VS Set Command Protocol command, update the corresponding
Command Protocol Table entry.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific/reserved commands with entries in the Command
Protocol Table shall be executed according to the Protocol Code in the
corresponding Command Protocol entry.
All reserved commands shall be executed according to the General
Protocol Code.
All other commands shall result in an ABORT status.
1 Received VS Unlock Vendor Specific command VS_VS_RSV_IND
2 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
3 Otherwise VS_RSV_IND
Table 44. VS_VS_RSV_IND
VS_VS_RSV_IND On VS Set General Protocol command, set General Protocol Code.
On VS Set Command Protocol command, update the corresponding
Command Protocol Table entry.
Commands other than vendor specific or reserved commands shall be
executed according to the predefined protocol.
All vendor specific/reserved commands with entries in the Command
Protocol Table shall be executed according to the Protocol Code in the
corresponding Command Protocol entry.
All other vendor specific/reserved commands shall be executed
according to the General Protocol Code.
1 Received VS Lock command VS_LOCKED
2 Otherwise VS_VS_RSV_IND
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Protocols Summary
The protocol encoding scheme is described in Table 45.
Table 45. Protocol Code Encoding Scheme
Code Protocol Codes
Defined Bit Assignment
00h Abort 00h -
- - Reserved
40h-4Fh - - Vendor Specific
(1x00xxxxb) PIO Data in/Out
80h, 81h,
82h, 87h,
88h, 89h,
8Ah, 8Bh,
8Fh, C0h,
C2h, C8h,
Bit 6:
0 - legacy addressing
1 - 48-bit LBA addressing
Bit 3:
0 - data in (read)
1 - data out (write)
Bits 2-0:
000b - sector count is given by the Sector Count register.
001b - only one sector, Sector Count is ignored.
010b - blocks of multiple sectors, e.g., Read/Write Multiple.
011b - sector count is given by Sector Number and Sector Count
registers, e.g. Download Microcode.
100b-110b - reserved
111b - 512 plus vendor specific bytes, e.g. Read/Write Long.
(1x01xxxxb) DMA
90h, 91h,
98h, 99h,
D0h, D1h,
D8h, D9h
Bit 6:
0 - legacy addressing
1 - 48-bit LBA addressing
Bit 3:
0 - data in (read)
1 - data out (write)
Bits 2-1:
00b - currently defined
01b-11b - reserved.
Bit 0:
0 - not queued.
1 - queued.
A0h Packet A0h -
A1h Service A1h -
(1x110000b) Non-Data B0h, F0h
Bit 6:
0 - legacy addressing
1 - 48-bit LBA addressing
B1h Execute Device Diagnostic B1h -
B2h Device Reset B2h -
Descriptions of vendor specific protocol codes are described in Table 46 and Table 47.
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Table 46. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (in Alphabetical Order)
Protocol Protocol
Code Description
Abort 00h Abort command. Status =51h and Error = 04h. Command shall not be
passed to downstream device(s).
Device Reset B2h Device Reset protocol.
Execute Device Diagnostic B1h Execute Device protocol (for host bridges arranged in master-slave
configuration, both shall respond regardless of the DEV bit in the
Device register.
Non-Data B0h Non-Data protocol.
Non-Data (Ext) F0h Non-Data (Ext) protocol.
Packet A0h Packet protocol.
PIO Data In (Read Multiple) 82h PIO Data In protocol for reading blocks of multiple sectors, e.g., Read
PIO Data In (Read Multiple, Ext) C2h PIO Data In protocol for reading blocks of multiple sectors for 48-bit
LBA commands, e.g., Read Multiple Ext.
PIO Data In (Sectors) 80h PIO Data In protocol, sector count is given by the Sector Count
PIO Data In (Sectors, Ext) C0h PIO Data In protocol for 48-bit LBA commands, sector count is given
by the Sector Count register.
PIO Data In (Single Sector) 81h PIO Data In protocol, only one sector, Sector Count is ignored.
PIO Data Out (Download Microcode) 8Bh PIO Data Out protocol, sector count is given by Sector Number and
Sector Count registers.
PIO Data Out (Sectors) 88h PIO Data Out protocol, sector count is given by the Sector Count
PIO Data Out (Sectors, Ext) C8h PIO Data Out protocol for 48-bit LBA commands, sector count is given
by the Sector Count register.
PIO Data Out (Single Sector) 89h PIO Data Out protocol, only one sector, Sector Count is ignored.
PIO Data Out (Write Multiple) 8Ah PIO Data Out protocol for writing blocks of multiple sectors, e.g., Write
PIO Data Out (Write Multiple, Ext) CAh PIO Data Out protocol for writing blocks of multiple sectors for 48-bit
LBA commands, e.g., Write Multiple Ext
Read DMA 90h Read DMA protocol.
Read DMA (Ext) D0h Read DMA protocol for 48-bit LBA commands.
Read DMA Queued 91h Read DMA Queued protocol.
Read DMA Queued (Ext) D1h Read DMA Queued for 48-bit LBA commands.
Read Long 87h PIO Data In protocol, 512 plus vendor specific bytes, e.g. Read Long.
Service A1h Service protocol.
Write DMA 98h W r ite DMA protocol.
Write DMA (Ext) D8h W rite DMA protocol for 48-bit LBA commands.
Write DMA queued 99h W r ite DMA queued protocol.
Write DMA queued (Ext) D9h Write DMA queued for 48-bit LBA commands.
Write Long 8Fh PIO Data Out protocol, 512 plus vendor specific bytes, e.g. Write Long
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Table 47. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (by Protocol Code)
Code Protocol Description
00h Abort Abort command. Status =51h and Error = 04h. Command shall not
be passed to downstream device(s).
80h PIO Data In (Sectors) PIO Data In protocol, sector count is given by the Sector Count
81h PIO Data In (Single Sector) PIO Data In protocol, only one sector, Sector Count is ignored.
82h PIO Data In (Read Multiple) PIO Data In protocol for reading blocks of multiple sectors, e.g., Read
87h Read Long PIO Data In protocol, 512 plus vendor specific bytes, e.g. Read Long.
88h PIO Data Out (Sectors) PIO Data Out protocol, sector count is given by the Sector Count
89h PIO Data Out (Single Sector) PIO Data Out protocol, only one sector, Sector Count is ignored.
8Ah PIO Data Out (Write Multiple) PIO Data Out protocol for writing blocks of multiple sectors, e.g.,
Write Multiple.
8Bh PIO Data Out (Download Microcode) PIO Data Out protocol, sector count is given by Sector Number and
Sector Count registers.
8Fh Write Long PIO Data Out protocol, 512 plus vendor specific bytes, e.g. Write
90h Read DMA Read DMA protocol.
91h Read DMA Queued Read DMA Queued protocol.
98h Write DMA Write DMA protocol.
99h Write DMA queued Write DMA queued protocol.
A0h Packet Packet protocol.
A1h Service Service protocol.
B0h Non-Data Non-Data protocol.
B1h Execute Device Diagnostic Execute Device protocol (for host bridges arranged in master-slave
configuration, both shall respond regardless of the DEV bit in the
Device register.
B2h Device Reset Device Reset protocol.
C0h PIO Data In (Sectors, Ext) PIO Data In protocol for 48-bit LBA commands, sector count is given
by the Sector Count register.
C2h PIO Data In (Read Multiple, Ext) PIO Data In protocol for reading blocks of multiple sectors for 48-bit
LBA commands, e.g., Read Multiple Ext.
C8h PIO Data Out (Sectors, Ext) PIO Data Out protocol for 48-bit LBA commands, sector count is
given by the Sector Count register.
CAh PIO Data Out (Write Multiple, Ext) PIO Data Out protocol for writing blocks of multiple sectors for 48-bit
LBA commands, e.g., Write Multiple Ext
D0h Read DMA (Ext) Read DMA protocol for 48-bit LBA commands.
D1h Read DMA Queued (Ext) Read DMA Queued for 48-bit LBA commands.
D8h Write DMA (Ext) Write DMA protocol for 48-bit LBA commands.
D9h Write DMA queued (Ext) Write DMA queued for 48-bit LBA commands.
F0h Non-Data (Ext) Non-Data (Ext) protocol.
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Table 48. Vendor Specific Protocol Code (in Alphabetical Order)
Protocol Protocol
Code Comman d Examples
Abort 00h Any unsupported commands
Device Reset B2h Device Reset
Execute Device Diagnostic B1h Execute Device Diagnostics
Non-Data B0h CFA Erase Sectors, CFA Request Extended Error Code, Check
Media Card Type, Check Power Mode, Device Configuration
Restore, Device Configuration Freeze Lock, Flush Cache, Get
Media Status, Idle, Idle Immediate, Initialize Device Parameters,
Media Eject, Media Lock, Media Unlock, Nop, Read Native Max
Address, Read Verify Sector(s), ReadFPDMAQueued,
Recalibrate, Security Erase Prepare, Security Freeze Lock, Seek,
Set Features, Set Max Address, Set Max Lock, Set Max Freeze
Lock, Set Multiple Mode, Sleep, Smart Disable Operations,Smart
Enable/Disable Attributes Autosave, Smart Enable Operations,
Smart Execute Off-Line Immediate, Smart Return Status, Smart
Save Attribute Values, Standby, Standby Immediate,
Non-Data (Ext) F0h Configure Stream, Flush Cache Extended, Read Native Max
Address Ext, Read Verify Sector(s) Ext, Set Max Address Ext
Packet A0h Packet
PIO Data In (Read Multiple) 82h Read Multiple
PIO Data In (Read Multiple, Ext) C2h Read Multiple Ext
PIO Data In (Sectors) 80h Read Sector(s), Smart Read Log
PIO Data In (Sectors, Ext) C0h Read Log Ext, Read Sector(s) Ext, Read Stream PIO
PIO Data In (Single Sector) 81h CFA Translate Sector, CleanupAndRequestSense, Device
Configuration Identify, Identify Device, Identify Packet Device,
Read Buffer, Security Set Password, Security Unlock, Set Max
Set Password, Smart Read Attribute Thresholds, Smart Read
PIO Data Out (Download Microcode) 8Bh Download Microcode
PIO Data Out (Sectors) 88h CFA Write Sectors without Erase, Smart Write Log, Write
PIO Data Out (Sectors, Ext) C8h Write Sector(s) Ext
PIO Data Out (Single Sector) 89h Device Configuration Set, Security Disable Password, Security
Erase Unit, Write Buffer
PIO Data Out (Write Multiple) 8Ah CFA Write Multiple without Erase, Write Multiple
PIO Data Out (Write Multiple, Ext) CAh Write Log Ext, Write Multiple Ext, Write Stream PIO
Read DMA 90h Read DMA
Read DMA (Ext) D0h Read DMA Ext, Read Stream DMA
Read DMA Queued 91h Read DMA Queued
Read DMA Queued (Ext) D1h Read DMA Queued Ext
Read Long 87h Read Long
Service A1h Service
Write DMA 98h Write DMA
Write DMA (Ext) D8h Write DMA Ext, Write Stream DMA
Write DMA queued 99h Write DMA Queued
Write DMA queued (Ext) D9h Write DMA Queued Ext
Write Long 8Fh Write Long
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Reading and Writing of Task File and Device Control Registers
48-Bit LBA Addressing
The SiI3114 supports 48-bit LBA. The SiI3114 does not differentiate a non-extended command (one that does not
use 48-bit LBA address) from an extended command (one that uses the 48-bit LBA address). The "expanded"
registers can be read with the HOB bit of the Device Control register se to '1'.
Device Control Register and Soft Reset
When the Device Control register is written, a Register FIS for Control will be sent downstream upon one of the
following conditions:
There is a change in the SRST bit, or;
With SRST bit being '0', there is a change in the NIEN bit.
Note that:
When the SRST is '1', the NIEN bit in the Register FIS sent is insignificant.
Any change in the HOB bit will not initiate any Register FIS to be sent. In fact, HOB bit is always '0' in the
Register FIS sent.
If the Serial ATA channel is in PARTIAL or SLUMBER state, a COMWAKE will be automatically initiated to
wake up the channel before the Register FIS is sent. However, the channel will stay at the ON state at the
end of the operation, even if no soft reset occurs.
A soft reset will do the following:
Wake up the downstream Serial ATA device from ATA IDLE, STANDBY or SLEEP.
LED Support
The SiI3114 supports four activity LEDs via four 12mA open-drain drivers LED[0..3]. LED0 is to indicate activity in
channel 0; LED1 in channel 1; LED2 in channel 2; and LED3 in channel3.
When there is activity for a non-ATAPI device, as indicated by:
BSY in the ATA Status being set, or;
Any bit in the Serial ATA SActive register being set
… the corresponding LED driver outputs will be driven low.
There is no activity LED support for ATAPI device. If the downstream device is an ATAPI device, the
corresponding LED output will not be driven low.
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Flash and EEPROM Programming Sequences
Flash Memory Access
The SiI3114 supports an external flash memory device up to 4 Mbit in capacity. Access to the Flash memory is
available through two means: PCI Direct Access and Register Access.
PCI Direct Access
Access to the Expansion Rom is enabled by setting bit 0 in the Expansion Rom Base Address register at Offset
30h of the PCI Configuration Space. When this bit is set, bits [31:19] of the same register are programmable by
the system to set the base address for all Flash memory accesses. Read and write operations with the flash
memory are initiated by Memory Read and Memory Write commands on the PCI bus. Accesses may be as bytes,
words, or dwords.
Register Access
This type of flash memory access is carried out through a sequence of internal register read and write operations.
The proper programming sequences are detailed below.
Flash Write Operation
Verify that bit 25 is cleared in the register at Offset 50H of Base Address 5. The bit reads one when a
memory access is currently in progress.
It reads zero when the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
Program the write address for the Flash memory access. The address field is defined by bits [18:00] in
the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status register.
Program the write data for the Flash memory access. The data field is defined by bits [07:00] in the Flash
Memory Data register at Offset 54 of Base Address 5.
Program the memory access type. The memory access type is defined by bit 24 in the Flash Memory
Address – Command + Status register. The bit must be cleared for a memory write access.
Initiate the Flash memory access by setting bit 25 in the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status
Flash Read Operation
Verify that bit 25 is cleared in the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status register at Offset 50H of
Base Address 5. The bit reads one when a memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when
the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
Program the read address for the Flash memory access. The address field is defined by bits [18:00] in
the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status register.
Program the memory access type. The memory access type is defined by bit 24 in the Flash Memory
Address – Command + Status register. The bit must be set for a memory read access.
Initiate the Flash memory access by setting bit 25 in the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status
Verify that bit 25 is cleared in the Flash Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit reads one
when a memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when the memory access is complete.
Read the data from the Flash memory access. The data field is defined by bits [07:00] in the Flash
Memory Data register at Offset 54H of Base Address 5.
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EEPROM Memory Access
The SiI3114 supports an external 256-byte EEPROM memory device. Access to the EEPROM memory is
available through internal register operations in the SiI3114.
EEPROM Write Operation
Verify that bit 25 is cleared in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register at Offset 58H
of Base Address 5. The bit reads one when a memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when
the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
Write ‘1’ to clear bit 28 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit is set if an
error occurred during a previous memory access.
Program the write address for the EEPROM memory access. The address field is defined by bits [07:00]
in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. Program bits [15:08] to zero.
Program the write data for the EEPROM memory access. The data field is defined by bits [07:00] in the
EEPROM Memory Data register at Offset 5CH of Base Address 5.
Program the memory access type. The memory access type is defined by bit 24 in the EEPROM Memory
Address – Command + Status register. The bit must be cleared for a memory write access.
Initiate the EEPROM memory access by setting bit 25 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command +
Status register.
Poll bit 25 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit reads one when a
memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when the memory access is complete.
Check bit 28 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit is set if an error
occurred during a previous memory access.
EEPROM Read Operation
Verify that bit 25 is cleared in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register at Offset 58H
of Base Address 5. The bit reads one when a memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when
the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
Write ‘1’ to clear bit 28 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit is set if an
error occurred during a previous memory access.
Program the read address for the EEPROM memory access. The address field is defined by bits [07:00]
in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. Program bits [15:08] to zero.
Program the memory access type. The memory access type is defined by bit 24 in the EEPROM Memory
Address – Command + Status register. The bit must be set for a memory read access.
Initiate the EEPROM memory access by setting bit 25 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command +
Status register.
Poll bit 25 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit reads one when a
memory access is currently in progress. It reads zero when the memory access is complete.
Check bit 28 in the EEPROM Memory Address – Command + Status register. The bit is set if an error
occurred during a previous memory access.
Read the data from the EEPROM memory access. The data field is defined by bits [07:00] in the
EEPROM Memory Data register at Offset 5CH of Base Address 5.
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