PI90LV387/ PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Features Description * Sixteen line drivers meet or exceed the requirements of the ANSI EIA/TIA-644 Standard * Designed for signaling rates up to 500 Mbps with very low radiation (EMI) * Low voltage differential signaling with typical output voltage of 350mV into : - 100 load (PI90LV387) - 50 load (PI90LVB387) * Propagation delay times less than 2.6ns * Output skew is less than 150ps * Part-to-part skew is less than 1.5ns * 35mW total power dissipation in each driver operating at 200 MHz * Bus-pin ESD protection exceeds 10kV * Low voltage TTL (LVTTL) logic inputs are 5V tolerant * Packaging (Pb-free & Green available): -64-Pin TSSOP (A) PI90LV387/ PI90LVB387 consists of sixteen differential line drivers that implement the electrical characteristics of low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS). This signaling technique lowers output voltage levels to reduce power, increase switching speeds, and allow operation with a 3V supply rail. Pin Diagram (Note: The ultimate rate and distance of data transfer is dependent upon attenuation characteristics of the media, the noise coupling to the environment, and other system characteristics.) GND VCC VCC GND EN1 1DIN1 1DIN2 1DIN3 1DIN4 EN2 2DIN1 2DIN2 2DIN3 2DIN4 GND VCC VCC GND 3DIN1 3DIN2 3DIN3 3DIN4 EN3 4DIN1 4DIN2 4DIN3 4DIN4 EN3 GND VCC VCC GND 08-0295 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 64-Pin A 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 37 37 36 35 34 33 The intended application of this device and signaling technique is for point-to-point baseband (single termination) and multipoint (double termination) data transmission over a controlled impedance media of approximately 100 and 50 (LVB387). The transmission media may be printed-circuit board traces, backplanes, or cables. The large number of drivers integrated into the same substrate, with the low pulse skew of balanced signaling, allows extremely precise timing alignment of clock and data for synchronous parallel data transfers. When used with its companion 16-channel receivers, the PI90LV386 or PI90LVT386, over 400 million data transfers per second in single-edge clocked systems are possible with very little power. 1DO1+ 1DO1 - 1DO2+ The drivers are enabled in groups of five. When disabled, driver outputs are at a high impedance. Each driver input (DIN) and enable (EN) have an internal pulldown that drives the input to a low level when open circuited. 1DO2 - 1DO3+ 1DO3 - 1DO4+ The parts are characterized for operation from -40C to 85C. 1DO4 - 2DO1+ 2DO1 - 2DO2+ 2DO2- 2DO3+ 2DO3 - Block Diagram DO1+ DIN1 2DO4+ 2DO4 - DO1- 3DO1+ 3DO1 - 3DO2+ 3DO2 - DO2+ DIN2 3DO3+ 3DO3 - DO2- EN 3DO4+ 3DO4 - DO3+ DIN3 4DO1+ 4DO1 - DO3- 4DO2+ 4DO2 - 4DO3+ 4DO3 - DO4+ DIN4 4DO4+ 4DO4 - DO4- 1 of 4 1 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Absolute Maximum Ratings (Over Operating Free-Air Temperature, unless otherwise noted)(1) Notes: 1. Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "Recommended Operating Conditions" is not implied. Exposure to Absolute-Maximum-Rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. All voltage values, except differential I/O bus voltages, are with respect to ground terminal. 3. Tested in accordance with MIL-STD-883C Method 3015.7 Supply Voltage Range, VCC(2)........................................ -0.5V to 4V Voltage Range: Inputs ............................................ -0.5V to 6V DO+ or DO- ............................................................. -0.5V to 4V Electrostatic Discharge(3): (DO+,DO- and GND) .......................Class 3, A: 10kV, B:700V (All Pins) ..........................................Class 3, A: 8kV, B:600V Continuous Power Dissipation ......(see dissipation rating table) Storage Temperature Range ............................. -65C to 150C Lead Temperature 1.6mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds ...............................................260C Recommended Operating Conditions Min. Supply Voltage, VCC 3.0 High-level Input Voltage, VIH 2.0 Low-level Input Voltage, VIL Operating free-air temperature, TA Driver Function Table Nom. Max. Units 3.3 3.6 V 0.8 -40 85 C Differential Input Enables Outputs DIN EN DOUT+ DOUT- H H H L L H L H X L Z Z Open H L H Notes: 1. H = high level, L = low level, X = irrelevent, Z = high impedance (off) 08-0295 2 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions (unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter | VOH | Differential output voltage magnitude | VOH | Change in differential output voltage magnitude between logic states VOC(SS) Steady-state common-mode output voltage VOC(SS) VOC(PP) Change in Steady-state common-mode output voltage between logic states Peak-to-peak common-mode output voltage Test Conditions RL = 50 (LVB) RL = 100 (LV) See Figure 1 and 2 See Figure 3 Min. Typ. Max. 247 340 454 -50 50 LV 1.125 1.375 LVB 1.000 1.375 -50 50 See Figure 3 50 150 LV 60 78 LVB 122 190 Supply Current RL = 50 (LVB) RL = 100 (LV) Enabled, VIN = GND or VCC IIH High-Level input current VIH = 2V 3 20 IIL Low-level input current VIL = 0.8V 2 10 IOS Short-circuit output current VOD = 0V IOZ LV 24 LVB 48 LV 12 LVB 24 High-impedance output current VO = 0V or VCC 1 Power-off output current VCC = 0V, VO = 2.4V 1 CIN Input capacitance VI = 0.4 sin (4E6 t) + 0.5V 6 CO Output capacitance VI = 0.4 sin (4E6 t) + 0.5V, Disabled 9.4 IO(OFF) mV V mV ICC VODOUT+ or VODOUT- = 0V Units mA A mA A pF Note: 1. All typical values are at 25C and with a 3.3V supply. 08-0295 3 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Switching Characteristics (Over Recommended Operating Conditions, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. tPHL Propagation delay time low-to-high level outputs 0.9 1.8 2.6 tPHL Propagation delay time, high-to-low-level outputs 0.9 1.8 2.6 tr Differential outpu sign rise time 0.4 0.8 1.3 tf Differential output signal fall time 0.4 0.8 1.3 tsk(p) Pulse skew ( | tphl - tphl | ) 150 500 80 150 tsk(o) Output RL = 50 (LVB) RL = 100 (LV) CL = 10pF See Figure 4 skew(2) (3) tsk(pp) Part-to-part skew tPZH Propagation delay time, high impdeance-to high-level output 4.5 6.7 tPZL Propagation delay time, high impdeance-to low-level output 3.5 5.1 tPHZ Propagation delay time, high-level-to-high-impdeance output 3.1 4.6 tPLZ Propagation delay time, low-level-to-high-impdeance output 3.1 4.6 fMAX Maximum operating frequency 250 Units ns ps 1.5 See Figure 5 ns MHz Notes: 1. All typical values are at 25C and with a 3.3V supply 2. tsk(o) is the magnitude of the time difference between the tPLH or tPHL of all drivers of a single device with all of their inputs connected together. 3. tsk(pp) is the magnitude of the difference in propagation delay times between any specified terminals of two devices when both devices operate with the same supply voltages, at the same temperature, and have identical packages and test circuits 08-0295 4 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Parameter Measurement Information Figure 1. Voltage and Current Definitions Figure 2. VOD Test Circuit Figure 3. Test Circuit & Definitions for the Driver Common-Mode Output Voltage Note: 1. All input pulses are supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: tr or tf 1ns, Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) = 50 Mpps, Pulse width = 10 0.2ns. CL includes instrumentation and fixture capacitance within 0.06m of the D.U.T. The measurement of VOC(PP) is made on test equipment with a -3dB bandwidth of at least 300MHz. 08-0295 5 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Parameter Measurement Information (continued) Figure 4. Test Circuit, Timing, & Voltage Definitions for the Differential Output Signal Note: 1. All input pulses are supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: tr or tf 1ns, Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) = 15 Mpps, Pulse width = 10 0.2ns. CL includes instrumentation and fixture capacitance within 0.06m of the D.U.T. Note: 1. All input pulses are supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: tr or tf 1ns, Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) = 0.5 Mpps, Pulse width = 500 10ns. CL includes instrumentation and fixture capacitance within 0.06m of the D.U.T. Figure 5. Enable & Disable Time Circuit & Definitions 08-0295 6 PS8573D 11/11/08 PI90LV387/PI90LVB387 High-Speed Differential Line Drivers Packaging Mechanical: 64-Pin TSSOP (A) 64 .236 .244 1 .665 .673 6.0 6.2 16.9 17.1 .004 .008 0.09 0.20 0.45 .018 0.75 .030 SEATING PLANE 1.20 .047 Max. .319 BSC 8.1 .004 0.10 .0197 BSC 0.50 .002 .006 .007 0.17 .011 0.27 0.05 0.15 X.XX DENOTES DIMENSIONS X.XX IN MILLIMETERS Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Code Package Type PI90LV387AE A Pb-free & Green, 64-pin TSSOP PI90LVB387A A 64-pin TSSOP PI90LVB387AE A Pb-free & Green, 64-pin TSSOP Notes: 1. Thermal characteristics can be found on the company web site at www.pericom.com/packaging/ 2. Number of Transistors = TBD Pericom Semiconductor Corporation * 1-800-435-2336 * www.pericom.com 08-0295 7 PS8573D 11/11/08