Using theSerial Interface
The following instructions, forusing the serial interface,
are bestunderstood byreferring tothe diagramin
Figure 4.
In orderto usethe serial interfacethe usermust first
provideaclock signaltothe SCLKinputpin.Afterwards,
the userwill initiatesa“Read”or “Write”operation by
asserting the activelow ChipSelect Inputpin(CSB). It is
important to notethat the userassertCSB lowcoincident
withthe falling edge ofSCLK.
Oncethe CSB inputhasbeen asserted the type of
operation and the targetregisteraddress mustbe
provided bythe user.The userwill provide this
information tothe serial interface bywriting fourserialbits
ofdatatothe SDIinput. Note:Each of these bitswill be
“clocked”intothe SDIinput, on the rising edge ofSCLK.
Thesefourbitsareidentified and described below.
Bit1:The R/W(Read/Write)Bit
Thisbitwill be clocked intothe SDIinput, on the firstrising
edge ofSCLK(afterCSB hasbeen asserted).Thisbit
indicateswhetherthe currentoperation isaread orawrite
operation.A“1”inthisbitwill cause a “Read”operation;
whereasa“0”inthisbitwill causea“Write”operation.
Bits2through 4:The three (3)bitaddress value (A0,
These next three rising edgesof the SCLKsignalwill
clock inthe 3-bitaddress value forthisparticular read (or
write)operation.Thisaddress selectsthe command
registerwithinXRT8000 devicethat the userwill eitherbe
reading datafrom,orwriting datato.The usermust
supplythe address bitstothe SDIinputpin,in ascending
orderwiththe LSB first. (A3toA5mustbe lowA6isa
Oncethe “Read/Write”and Address bitshave been
written, the subsequentaction dependsupon whetherthe
currentoperation isa“Read”or “Write”operation.
Oncethe lastaddress bit(A2)hasbeen clocked intothe
SDIinput, the read operation will proceed through an idle
period,lasting fourSCLKperiods.Onthe falling edge of
SCLKCycle“8” (See Figure 4)the serialoutputsignal
(SDO)becomesactive.At thispoint the usercan begin
reading the datacontentsof the addressed command
register (atAddress A2,A1,A0)viathe SDOpin.The
SDOpinwill output thisfive bitdataword(D0through D4)
in ascending order,withthe LSB first, on the rising edges
of the SCLKpin.
Oncethe lastaddress bit(A2)hasbeen clocked intothe
SDIinput, the write operation will proceed through an idle
period,lasting fourSCLKperiods.Priortothe rising edge
ofSCLKCycle #9 (See Figure 4)the usermustbeginto
applythe eight-bitdataword, thathe/she wishestowrite
tothe serial inputinterface ontothe SDIinputpin.The
microprocessorserial interfacewill catchthe value on the
SDIpinonthe rising edge of the SCLK.The usermust
applythisword(D0through D7),serially,in ascending
orderwiththe LSB first.
SimplifiedInterface Option
The usercan simplifythe design of the circuitry
connecting tothe serial interface bytying boththe SDO
and SDIpinstogether,and reading datafromand/or
writing datatothis“combined”signal.This simplification
ispossible because onlyone of thesesignalsare active at
anygiven time.The inactivesignalwill be tri-stated.
1.Priortoreading datafrom(orwriting datato)the SerialInter-
face, the userisnotrequired to provideaclock signalat the
SCLK.However,shortlybefore performing anyread orwrite
operationswiththe SerialInterface,the usermustsupplythe
clock signaltothe SCLKinputpin.
2.EachRead orWrite operation,withthe SerialInterface,will
require16SCLKperiods,asdepicted inFigure 4.
3.Upon completion ofaRead orWritecycle, the usermustne-
gateCSB foratleast250ns(see timing parameterT29 inthe
AC Characteristics),before asserting itagainforthe next
Read orWrite operation.