Invensys, Eurotherm, the Eurotherm logo, Chessell, EurothermSuite, Mini8, Eycon, Eyris, EPower nanodac, Foxboro and Wonderware
WPA-HKIT Kit de Hardware (trilho DIN, mola e 4 parafusos, kit de bloco de terminais e DIP tampa do interruptor)
WPA9-ANT1 Antena de reposição, 900MHz, 2DB
WPA9-ANT2 Antena de alta sintonia, 900MHz, Omni, 6DB, NF conector
WPA9-ANT3Y Antena de alta sintonia, 900MHz, Yagi, 9DB, NF conector
WPA-OMNI Suporte de montagem, antena Omni
WPA24-ANT1 Antena de reposição, 2.4GHz, 2DB
WPA24-ANT2 Antena de alta sintonia, 2.4GHz, Omni, 8DB, NF conector
WPA24-ANT3Y Antena de alta sintonia, 2.4GHz, Yagi, 12.5DB, NF conector
WPA-CAB1 Cabo de antena de reposição, 2ft SMA-NMB
WPA-CAB10 Cabo de antena de alta sintonia 10ft, SMA-NM
WPA-CAB20 Cabo de antena de alta sintonia, 20ft, SMA-NM
WPA-CAB50 Cabo de antena de alta sintonia, 50ft, SMA-NM
WPA-CAB10MM Extensão de cabo de antena,10ft, NM-NM
WPA-CAB20MM Extensão de cabo de antena, 20ft, NM-NM
WPA-CAB10FM Extensão de cabo de antena, 10ft, NF-NM
WPA9-AR1NF Pára-raios, 1GHz,1000W, 350V, 5KA, NFNF
WPA24-AR1NF Pára-raios, 4GHz, 70W, 130V, 20KA, NFNF, RoHS
WPA-232USB RS232/USB Cabo conversor, qualidade industrial
WPA-BOXKIT1 NEMA 4X kit de caixa para rádio:10x8x6 caixa, trilho DIN, chapa, cabo
WPA-RS232C Rs232 cabo, DB9 M-F
WiModPak Action Series Wireless SolutionsEurotherm Part No. HA136775 Issue 3 REV 1 Agosto 2011
Eurotherm: Vendas e Serviços www . e urothermltda.com.br
© Copyright Eurotherm Limited 2011
trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and afliates. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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Eurotherm Limited pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specications in this document may therefore be
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