P/N:PM0391 REV. 3.2.1, AUG. 06, 1998
March 12, 1998 Ver 3.0 ----- change the specification f or Pre-release
1. page4 line22,23 "PGA from 0 to 22.5dB; 1.5dB/step --> see NO TE 4
2. page4 line33,34,35 "PGA from -15 to 21dB;" -->" "
3. page5 line15,16,19,20 "PGA from 0 to 9dB; Attenuator 1 & 2 from 0 to -45dB;"-->" "
4. page8 line13 "from 21dB to -15dB (21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 7.5, 6, 4.5, 3, 0, -3, -6, -9, -12, -15dB)”
--> "from 21dB to -15dB (see NOTE 1)“
5. page9 line9 "from 0 to 22.5dB "-->" from 0 to 22.5dB ”
6. page9 line14 "from 0dB to 22.5dB (1.5dB/step) "-->" from 0dB to 22.5dB (see NO TE 4)”
7. page9 line23,24 "from -45dB to 0dB (-45, -39, -33, -27, -24, -21, -18, -15, -12, -9, -7.5, -6, -4.5, -3, -1.5, 0dB)”
--> "from -45dB to 0dB (see NOTE 5)“
8. change page16,17 and all about LIN-DR V, PRE-PGA and ATT1 gain stage (add an
LIN-DRV : Gain Range from "0 ~ 22.5 "dB to "0 ~ 22.46 "dB, Step Variation from "-0.3dB " to " 10%”
PRE-PGA : Gain Range from "-15 ~ 22.5 "dB to "-14.85 ~ 20.78 "dB , Step Variation from "-0.3dB" to " 10%”
ATT1 : Gain Range from "-45 ~ 0 "dB to "-44.64 ~ 0 "dB, Step Variation from "-0.3dB "to " 10%”
9. page13 "ATT2 (Attenuator 2) -->adjusted b y VR1 20K ohm --> "ATT2 (Attenuator 2) -->adjusted by VR1 10K ohm”
10. change page17,18 about VBG, VA G, VREF and Comparator Transfer Point
VBG : Output Voltage from "1.16,1.2,1.24" to "1.231,1.297,1.362”
add VA G : Output Voltage "2.217,2.334,2.451”
VREF : Output Voltage from "2.0,2.25,2.5" to "2.217,2.334,2.451”
Comparator Transf er P oint from "1.10,1.25,1.40" to "1.231,1.297,1.362”
March 17, 1998 Ver 3.1 ----- modify the description of "The Timing Diag r am of CODEC Function”
1. change page 23 about register R/W
2. page23 line23 "see FIG. 13”
3. add page 31 FIG.13 "VBG C-t Characteristic”
4. change page 22 "Master Clock, Frame Sync. & Data Timing Diagram”
Ma y 8, 1998 Ver 3.2 ----- modify the description of "Pin Description”
SVDD2 P (A) 32 (5) analog power ground f or SPK-DRV
SVDD2 P (A) 32 (5) analog pow er supply; 5V power for SPK-DR V
A ugust 6, 1998 Ver 3.21 ----- modify specification of Vref (Voltage Ref erence)
Voltage Reference ( VREF pin )
Output Voltage 2.1 2.275 2.45 V