CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide (Preliminary) Conexant Proprietary Information Conexant Confidential Information Dissemination, disclosure, or use of this information is not permitted without the written permission of Conexant Systems, Inc. Doc. No. 102366B April 29, 2004 i CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Ordering Information: DFX214/DFX209 Modem Models and Features Order/Model/Part Numbers Modem Part No. Marketing Name V.17 Fax up to 14,400 bps Supported Functions V.29 Fax up to 9,600 bps Russian Caller ID Supported CX86810-22 CX86810-12 DFX214-C DFX214 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No CX86810-21 CX86810-11 DFX209-C DFX209 No No Yes Yes Yes No Revision History Revision B A Date 4/29/2004 3/11/2004 Comments Rev. B release Initial release. (c) 2004 Conexant Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Information in this document is provided in connection with Conexant Systems, Inc. ("Conexant") products. These materials are provided by Conexant as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only. Conexant assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. Conexant may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Conexant makes no commitment to update the information contained herein. Conexant shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to its specifications and product descriptions. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Conexant's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Conexant assumes no liability whatsoever. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF CONEXANT PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. Conexant further does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics or other items contained within these materials. Conexant shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of these materials. Conexant products are not intended for use in medical, life saving or life sustaining applications. Conexant customers using or selling Conexant products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Conexant for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. The following are trademarks of Conexant Systems, Inc.: Conexant and the Conexant C symbol. Product names or services listed in this publication are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of third parties. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Reader Response: Conexant strives to produce quality documentation and welcomes your feedback. Please send comments and suggestions to For technical questions, contact your local Conexant sales office or field applications engineer. ii Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Contents 1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1-1 Features .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................................................. 1-4 1.3.1 Modem ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.2 Tone Detectors and Generators...................................................................................................................... 1-6 2. Hardware Interface Signals...................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Hardware Interface ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Electrical and Environmental Specifications ................................................................................................................... 2-9 Scratchpad and PRAM I/O Interface............................................................................................................................. 2-10 2.3.1 PRAM Access ............................................................................................................................................... 2-10 2.3.2 Host Download Mode ................................................................................................................................... 2-10 2.3.3 Scratchpad and PRAM I/O Interface Waveforms and Timing....................................................................... 2-11 Eye Pattern Waveforms and Circuit .............................................................................................................................. 2-13 3. Software Interface ................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 3.2 Interface Memory Map ................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Conventions.................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Interface Memory Bit Definitions.................................................................................................................... 3-3 Software Interface Considerations................................................................................................................................ 3-13 3.2.1 Parallel Data Transfer ................................................................................................................................... 3-13 3.2.2 Receiving Data.............................................................................................................................................. 3-13 3.2.3 Transmitting Data ......................................................................................................................................... 3-13 3.2.4 Programmable Interrupt Feature .................................................................................................................. 3-13 3.2.5 Programmable Interrupt Bits........................................................................................................................ 3-13 3.2.6 Programmable Interrupt Operating Modes .................................................................................................. 3-14 3.2.7 DTMF Receiver ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16 3.2.8 V.21 Channel 2 FSK 7E Flag Detector........................................................................................................... 3-17 3.2.9 V.23 Mode Operation.................................................................................................................................... 3-19 3.2.10 Caller ID Mode Operation ............................................................................................................................. 3-19 3.2.11 High Speed Timing ....................................................................................................................................... 3-22 3.2.12 Power-On/Reset DSP Test Mode.................................................................................................................. 3-25 4. DSP RAM Access .................................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 102366B Host Programmable Data ............................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 Host DSP RAM Read And Write Procedures.................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.2 DSP RAM Read Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 4-1 DSP RAM Write Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Diagnostic Data Scaling.................................................................................................................................................. 4-6 Conexant iii CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.4 Integrated Analog Control Registers............................................................................................................................. 4-15 4.4.1 IACR1 IA Control Register 1......................................................................................................................... 4-17 4.4.2 IACR2 IA Control Register 2......................................................................................................................... 4-18 4.4.3 IACR3 IA Control Register 3......................................................................................................................... 4-19 5. HDLC Framing ......................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 5.2 5.3 Frame Fields.................................................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Flags ............................................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 Address Field .................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.3 Control Field ................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.4 Information Field ............................................................................................................................................ 5-2 5.1.5 Zero Insertion ................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 5.1.6 Zero Deletion .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 5.1.7 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) ........................................................................................................................ 5-2 5.1.8 Frame Abortion, Frame Idle, And Time Fill ..................................................................................................... 5-3 Implementation............................................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.2.1 Mode Selection............................................................................................................................................... 5-6 5.2.2 Transmission and Reception Rate.................................................................................................................. 5-6 5.2.3 Transmitter and Receiver Initialization ........................................................................................................... 5-6 5.2.4 Flag Transmission and Reception .................................................................................................................. 5-7 5.2.5 Information Field Transmission and Reception.............................................................................................. 5-8 5.2.6 FCS and Ending Flag Transmission and Reception ........................................................................................ 5-8 5.2.7 Abort/Idle Sequence Transmission and Reception......................................................................................... 5-9 5.2.8 Underrun and Overrun Conditions.................................................................................................................. 5-9 5.2.9 Transmit Mode Control................................................................................................................................. 5-10 Example Application ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-11 5.3.1 Transmitter Example .................................................................................................................................... 5-11 5.3.2 Receiver Example ......................................................................................................................................... 5-11 6. Tone Detector Filter Tuning ..................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Computation of Tone Detector Coefficients.................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 Energy Averaging Filter................................................................................................................................... 6-3 6.1.2 Filter Coefficients............................................................................................................................................ 6-8 7. DTMF Dialing with Auto Dialer..............................................................................................................7-1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 DTMF Requirements....................................................................................................................................................... 7-1 Setting Oscillator Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 7-2 Detecting Answer Tone................................................................................................................................................... 7-2 Complete Calling Sequence ............................................................................................................................................ 7-2 Single Tone Generation................................................................................................................................................... 7-5 8. T.30 Implementation ............................................................................................................................8-1 8.1 8.2 8.3 iv T.30 Phases .................................................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Phase A .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1.2 Phase B .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.1.3 Phase C .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-9 8.1.4 Phase D .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-9 8.1.5 Phase E......................................................................................................................................................... 8-10 Error Correction Mode.................................................................................................................................................. 8-26 8.2.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 8-26 8.2.2 ECM Frame Structure ................................................................................................................................... 8-26 Signal Recognition Algorithm....................................................................................................................................... 8-30 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9. Caller ID................................................................................................................................................9-1 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1 Protocol .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1 9.2.1 Channel Seizure Signal ................................................................................................................................... 9-1 9.2.2 Carrier Signal.................................................................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2.3 Message Type Word....................................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.2.4 Message Length Word ................................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.2.5 Data Words..................................................................................................................................................... 9-2 9.2.6 Checksum Word ............................................................................................................................................. 9-2 9.2.7 Example CND Single Data Message ............................................................................................................... 9-3 DAA Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-4 Modem Requirements .................................................................................................................................................... 9-5 Applications .................................................................................................................................................................... 9-5 References...................................................................................................................................................................... 9-5 Type II Caller ID .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-6 Russian CID .................................................................................................................................................................. 9-10 10. Digital Equalization/High Pass Filter ...................................................................................................10-1 10.1 10.2 10.3 PDE Frequency Response............................................................................................................................................. 10-1 10.1.1 PDE Coefficients ........................................................................................................................................... 10-1 Fixed Digital Cable Compromise Equalizer ................................................................................................................... 10-1 High Pass Filter............................................................................................................................................................. 10-1 11. Performance.......................................................................................................................................11-1 12. Modem Interface Circuit .....................................................................................................................12-1 13. Package Dimensions ..........................................................................................................................13-1 102366B Conexant v CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figures Figure 1-1. CX86810 Block Diagram................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 2-1. Modem Functional Interconnect Diagram ........................................................................................................ 2-2 Figure 2-2. Modem Pin Signals - 100-Pin LQFP................................................................................................................. 2-3 Figure 2-3. Host Write Timing .......................................................................................................................................... 2-11 Figure 2-4. Host Read Timing ........................................................................................................................................... 2-11 Figure 2-5. PRAM Write Timing........................................................................................................................................ 2-12 Figure 2-6. PRAM Read Timing ........................................................................................................................................ 2-12 Figure 2-7. Eye Pattern Timing ......................................................................................................................................... 2-13 Figure 2-8. Eye Pattern Circuit .......................................................................................................................................... 2-14 Figure 3-1. Parallel Data Transfer Routine........................................................................................................................ 3-15 Figure 3-2. DTMF Receiver Status Bit Timing................................................................................................................... 3-17 Figure 3-3. FSK 7E Flag Detector Timing .......................................................................................................................... 3-18 Figure 3-4. V.23 Modes Setup Procedure......................................................................................................................... 3-20 Figure 3-5. Caller ID Mode Setup Procedure .................................................................................................................... 3-21 Figure 3-6. High Speed Mode Status Bit Timing............................................................................................................... 3-23 Figure 4-1. Host Flowchart - RAM Data Read and Write..................................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-2. PIA Signal Flow Control.................................................................................................................................. 4-16 Figure 5-1. HDLC Frame ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Figure 5-2. CRC Polynomial Implementation...................................................................................................................... 5-3 Figure 5-3. HDLC Process .................................................................................................................................................. 5-4 Figure 5-4. HDLC Signal Timing ......................................................................................................................................... 5-5 Figure 6-1. Modem Tone Detection Diagram...................................................................................................................... 6-1 Figure 6-2. Typical Single Filter Response.......................................................................................................................... 6-4 Figure 6-3. Typical Cascade Filter Response ...................................................................................................................... 6-4 Figure 6-4. Z-Plane Pole-Zero Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 6-5 Figure 6-5. Bandwidth and Offset Frequencies ................................................................................................................... 6-6 Figure 6-6. Alpha-zero Center Frequency............................................................................................................................ 6-7 Figure 7-1. Autodialer Flowchart......................................................................................................................................... 7-6 Figure 8-1. Basic Block Diagram of G3 Facsimile ............................................................................................................... 8-3 Figure 8-2. G3 Facsimile Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 8-3 Figure 8-3. Transmit Calling Tone (CNG) (1100 Hz)........................................................................................................... 8-4 Figure 8-4. Detecting CNG Tone (1100 Hz) ........................................................................................................................ 8-5 Figure 8-5. Transmit Called Tone (CED) (2100 Hz) ............................................................................................................ 8-6 Figure 8-6. Detecting CED Tone (2100 Hz)......................................................................................................................... 8-7 Figure 8-7. HDLC Frame Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 8-8 Figure 8-8. Phase C Format .............................................................................................................................................. 8-11 Figure 8-9. Transmit FSK/HDLC Signals ........................................................................................................................... 8-12 Figure 8-10. Setup for Programmable Interrupt ............................................................................................................... 8-13 Figure 8-11. Low Speed Configuration Subroutine........................................................................................................... 8-14 Figure 8-12. Transmit Preamble ....................................................................................................................................... 8-15 Figure 8-13. Low Speed Interrupt-Driven Transmit .......................................................................................................... 8-16 Figure 8-14. Receive FSK/HDLC Signals........................................................................................................................... 8-17 vi Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-15. Low Speed Interrupt-Driven Receive............................................................................................................ 8-18 Figure 8-16. High Speed Configuration Setup .................................................................................................................. 8-19 Figure 8-17. Transmitting TCF .......................................................................................................................................... 8-20 Figure 8-18. High Speed Message Transmission ............................................................................................................. 8-21 Figure 8-19. High Speed Interrupt-Driven Transmit ......................................................................................................... 8-22 Figure 8-20. High Speed Reception Setup........................................................................................................................ 8-23 Figure 8-21. High Speed Interrupt Driven Receive ........................................................................................................... 8-24 Figure 8-22. Valid Training Sequence Check .................................................................................................................... 8-25 Figure 8-23. ECM Frame Structure ................................................................................................................................... 8-27 Figure 8-24. ECM Message Protocol Example.................................................................................................................. 8-28 Figure 8-25. PPS and PPR Frame Structure ..................................................................................................................... 8-29 Figure 8-26. Signal Recognition Algorithm in High Speed Mode ..................................................................................... 8-30 Figure 9-1. DAA Circuit Supporting CND ............................................................................................................................ 9-4 Figure 9-2. Caller ID Example Flowchart............................................................................................................................. 9-7 Figure 9-3. RCID Detector Example .................................................................................................................................. 9-10 Figure 10-1. PDE Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 10-2 Figure 10-2. PDE Response .............................................................................................................................................. 10-2 Figure 10-3. Digital Cable Equalizer Frequency Response................................................................................................ 10-3 Figure 10-4. Receive Path Frequency Response without HPF .......................................................................................... 10-4 Figure 10-5. Receive Path Frequency Response with HPF ............................................................................................... 10-5 Figure 12-1. Fax Interface Circuit...................................................................................................................................... 12-1 Figure 12-2. Typical Interface to External Hybrid.............................................................................................................. 12-2 Figure 12-3. Typical Speaker Circuit ................................................................................................................................. 12-2 Figure 13-1. 100-Pin LQFP Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 13-1 102366B Conexant vii CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Tables Table 1-1. Modem Models and Supported Features ........................................................................................................... 1-1 Table 1-2. V.23 Default Turn-On and Turn-Off Sequences ................................................................................................. 1-5 Table 1-3. Configurations, Signaling Rates, and Data Rates .............................................................................................. 1-6 Table 1-4. Turn-On Sequence Times .................................................................................................................................. 1-7 Table 1-5. Turn-Off Sequence Times .................................................................................................................................. 1-7 Table 2-1. Modem Pin Signals - 100-Pin LQFP .................................................................................................................. 2-4 Table 2-2. Modem Hardware Interface Signal Definitions .................................................................................................. 2-5 Table 2-3. Digital Electrical Characteristics......................................................................................................................... 2-8 Table 2-4. Analog Electrical Characteristics........................................................................................................................ 2-8 Table 2-5. Operating Conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Table 2-6. Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................................................................................... 2-9 Table 2-7. Current and Power Requirements...................................................................................................................... 2-9 Table 2-8. Host and PRAM Interface Timing Parameters ................................................................................................. 2-13 Table 3-1. Interface Memory Map....................................................................................................................................... 3-2 Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 3-3 Table 3-3. High Speed Status Bit Timing .......................................................................................................................... 3-22 Table 3-4. Power-On Reset Self-Test Values .................................................................................................................... 3-25 Table 3-5. RAM Access Codes.......................................................................................................................................... 3-25 Table 4-1. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes....................................................................................................................... 4-3 Table 4-2. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes....................................................................................................................... 4-4 Table 5-1. Transmitter and Receiver Initialization............................................................................................................... 5-6 Table 6-1. Filter Coefficient RAM Access Codes ................................................................................................................. 6-8 Table 6-2. Calculated Coefficient Values, 9600 Hz Sample Rate......................................................................................... 6-9 Table 7-1. DTMF Signals..................................................................................................................................................... 7-1 Table 7-2. DTMF Parameters .............................................................................................................................................. 7-4 Table 7-3. Common Single Tone Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 7-5 Table 9-1. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes..................................................................................................................... 9-11 Table 10-1. PDE Poles and Zeros ..................................................................................................................................... 10-3 Table 10-2. PDE RAM Access Codes ................................................................................................................................ 10-3 Table 11-1. DTMF Receiver Performance Characteristics................................................................................................. 11-1 Table 12-1. Crystal Specifications - 32.256 Functional Mode .......................................................................................... 12-3 viii Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 1. Introduction 1.1 Summary The Conexant CX86810 DFX214 and DFX209 facsimile modem family offers 14400 bps and 9600 bps half-duplex capability with functions supporting Type I and Type II Caller ID, Russian Caller ID (-C option), and V.23 full duplex modes. The modem models are identified in Table 1-1. These functions are supplied in a single device. The Conexant CX86810 facsimile modem family is packaged in a 100-pin low-profile quad flat pack (LQFP) containing a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), and a Primary Integrated Analog (PIA) codec (Figure 1-1). The modem can operate at 14400, 12000 (DFX214 family only), 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, or 300 bps, and can perform HDLC framing for T.30 at all rates. A programmable DTMF detector, three programmable tone detectors, V.21 Channel 2 FSK 7E flag detector, Caller ID demodulator and ring detector are provided. Both full-duplex transmit and receive (with asymmetric 1200/75 bps connection) and half-duplex (1200 bps) asynchronous V.23 are supported, as well as parallel interface to the modem. The V.23 algorithm includes a programmable receive compromise equalizer which is active in both V.23 and Caller ID (V.23 Receive only) modes. The modem can also optionally support Russian Caller ID. Common applications for V.23 include France's Minitel and Japan's Lowest Cost Routing. Table 1-1. Modem Models and Supported Features Order/Model/Part Numbers Modem Part No. Marketing Name V.17 Fax up to 14,400 bps Supported Functions V.29 Fax up to 9,600 bps Russian Caller ID Supported CX86810-22 CX86810-12 DFX214-C DFX214 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No CX86810-21 CX86810-11 DFX209-C DFX209 No No Yes Yes Yes No 102366B Conexant 1-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 1-1. CX86810 Block Diagram IRQn CX86810 CSn 5-bit Address Host CPU RDn WRn IA1 Discrete DAA RJ-11 Fax DSP 8-bit Data 102366_001 1-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 1.2 Features * * * * * * * * * * * 102366B Group 3 facsimile transmission/reception - ITU-T V.17 (DFX214 models) - ITU-T V.29, V.27 ter, V.21 Channel 2 - HDLC framing at all speeds - Receive dynamic range: 0 dBm to -43 dBm - Automatic adaptive equalization - Fixed and programmable digital compromise equalization - DTMF detect and tone detect - ITU-T V.21 Channel 2 FSK 7E Flag Detect - Ring detector - Programmable transmits level - Programmable single/dual tone transmission DTMF detect, tone detect and tone transmit Type II Caller ID CAS detection Russian Caller ID detection (optional) V.23 and Type I Caller ID - Full-duplex modes: TX = 75 bps, RX = 1200 bps TX = 1200 bps, RX = 75 bps - Half-duplex mode: TX = RX = 1200 bps - Parallel data modes - 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits - 1 or 2 Stop bits - Mark, Space, Even, or Odd Parity - Break function - Transmitter squelch - Compromise equalizer Programmable interface memory interrupt Three General Purpose Input (GPI) and two General Purpose Output (GPO) pins for host assignment TTL and CMOS compatible 3.3V operation Power consumption - Operating Mode: TBD - Sleep Mode: TBD Packaging - 100-pin LQFP Conexant 1-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 1.3 Technical Specifications 1.3.1 Modem Configurations, Signaling Rates and Data Rates The selectable modem configurations, along with the corresponding symbol (baud) rates and data rates, are listed in Table 1-3. Scrambler/Descrambler The modem incorporates a self-synchronizing scrambler/descrambler in accordance with ITU-T V.17 (DFX214 models), V.29, and V.27 ter recommendations, depending on the selected configuration. Data Encoding Data encoding conforms to ITU-T recommendations V.17 (DFX214 models), V.29, V.27 ter, V.21 Channel 2, V.23 and CID receive. Fixed Digital Cable Compromise Equalizer Compromise equalization can improve performance when operating over low quality lines. The modem has a selectable fixed digital compromise cable equalizer in the high speed receive and transmit data paths. The modem includes an optional host programmable Receive Compromise Equalizer for V.23 1200 bps reception and Caller ID mode. Transmitted Data Spectrum Transmitted data spectrum is shaped in the baseband by an excess bandwidth finite impulse response filter (FIR) with the following characteristics: When operating at 2400 baud, the transmitted spectrum is shaped by a square root of 20% raised cosine filter. When operating at 1600 baud, the transmitted spectrum is shaped by a square root of 50% raised cosine filter. When operating at 1200 baud, the transmitted spectrum is shaped by a square root of 90% raised cosine filter. The out-of-band transmitter energy levels in the 4 kHz - 50 kHz frequency range is below -55 dBm. Transmit Level The transmitter output (TXA) level is programmable in the DSP RAM from 0 dBm to -15 dBm. The modem adjusts the output level by digitally scaling the output to the transmitter's digital-to-analog converter. 1-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Turn-on Sequence Transmitter turn-on sequence times are shown in Table 1-4. Receive Dynamic Range The receiver satisfies PSTN performance requirements for received line signal levels from 0 dBm to -43 dBm measured at the Receiver Analog Input (RXA) input. An external input buffer with 6 dB loss must be supplied between RXA and IA1_RXP/IA1_RXM. The default values of the programmable Carrier Detector (CDET [register:bit 07:0]) turnon and turn-off threshold levels are -43 dBm and -48 dBm, respectively. The CDET threshold levels can be programmed over the following range: Turn on: -10 dBm to -47 dBm Turn off: -10 dBm to -52 dBm Automatic Adaptive Equalizer An adaptive equalizer in ITU-T V.17 (DFX214 models), V.29, and V.27 ter modes compensates for transmission line amplitude and group delay distortion. Receiver Timing The timing recovery circuit can track a 0.01% frequency error in the associated transmit timing source. Carrier Recovery The carrier recovery circuit can track a 7 Hz frequency offset in the received carrier. Turn-off Sequence Transmitter turn-off sequence times are shown in Table 1-5. V.23 Modem The modem can transmit and detect Break signals (continuous Space). The Mark and Space frequencies are 1300 Hz and 2100 Hz, respectively, for 1200 bps, and 390 Hz and 450 Hz, respectively, for 75 bps. The modem transmitter output can be forced to zero. The modem includes an optional host programmable Receive Compromise Equalizer for V.23 1200 bps reception and Caller ID Mode. Default transmitter turn-on sequence time is shown in Table 1-2. See Section 4 for programming information. Table 1-2. V.23 Default Turn-On and Turn-Off Sequences Configuration V.23 FDX 102366B RTSP On to CTSP On 10.5 ms Conexant RTSP Off to CTSP Off 2.2 ms 1-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 1.3.2 Tone Detectors and Generators The tone detector signal path is separate from the main received signal path thus enabling tone detection to be independent of the receiver status. The tone detectors operate in all modes. The filter coefficients of each filter are host programmable in RAM. The modem can generate voice-band single or dual tones from 0 Hz to 4800 Hz with a resolution of 0.15 Hz and an accuracy of 0.01%. Tones over 3400 Hz are attenuated. Dual tone generation allows the modem to operate as a programmable DTMF dialer. Table 1-3. Configurations, Signaling Rates, and Data Rates Configuration 1 V.17 14400 2 TCM Carrier Frequency (Hz) 0.01% 1800 14400 2400 6 128 V.17 12000 2 TCM 1800 12000 2400 5 64 TCM TCM QAM QAM QAM DPSK DPSK 1800 1800 1700 1700 1700 1800 1800 9600 7200 9600 7200 4800 4800 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 1600 1200 4 3 4 3 2 3 2 32 16 16 8 4 8 4 V.21 Channel 2 300 V.23 receive HDX V.23 1200/75 FSK FSK FSK 300 1200 1200/75 300 1200 1200/75 1 1 1 - - - Type I Caller ID FSK 1650, 1850 1300, 2100 1300, 2100, 390, 450 1200, 2200 1200 1200 1 - 2 V.17 9600 2 V.17 7200 V.29 9600 V.29 7200 V.29 4800 V.27 ter 4800 V.27 ter 2400 Notes: 1. 2. 1-6 Modulation Data Rate (bps) 0.01% Baud (Symbols/Sec.) Bits/ Symbol Constellation Points Modulation legend: QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation DPSK: Differential Phase Shift Keying FSK: Frequency Shift Keying TCM: Trellis-Coded Modulation DFX214 models only. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 1-4. Turn-On Sequence Times Configuration V.17 V.17 Short Train V.29 Long Train V.27 ter 4800 bps Long Train V.27 ter 4800 bps Short Train V.27 ter 2400 bps Long Train V.27 ter 2400 bps Short Train V.21 Channel 2 300 bps RTSP bit On to CTSP bit On Echo Protector Tone Disabled Echo Protector Tone Enabled 1395 ms 1602 ms 144 ms 351 ms 255 ms 443 ms 710 ms 917 ms 52 ms 259 ms 945 ms 1152 ms 69 ms 276 ms 14 ms 14 ms Table 1-5. Turn-Off Sequence Times Configuration Data and Scrambled Ones 13.3 ms 5 ms 7 ms 10 ms 7 ms No Transmitted Energy 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms 0 ms V.17 V.29 Long Train V.27 ter 4800 bps Long and Short Train V.27 ter 2400 bps Long and Short Train V.21 Channel 2 300 bps Note: In HDLC mode, the turn-off sequence may be extended by more than 8-bit times. 102366B Conexant Total 33.3 ms 25 ms 27 ms 30 ms 7 ms 1-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 1-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 2. Hardware Interface Signals 2.1 Hardware Interface A functional interconnect diagram is shown in Figure 2-1. Pin assignments for the 100-pin LQFP package are shown in Figure 2-2 and are listed in Table 2-1. Hardware interface signals are described in Table 2-2. Digital signal characteristics are defined in Table 2-3. Analog signal characteristics are defined in Table 2-4. 102366B Conexant 2-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 2-1. Modem Functional Interconnect Diagram XTLI XTLO Crystal OR CLKIN Oscillator IA1_RXP/IA1_RXM IA1_TXP/IA1_TXM OH (GPOx) Line Interface TALKn (GPOx) RDn Telephone Line RINGDn WRn CSn Host Processor D[7:0] A[4:0] EYEXY CX86810 Modem EYESYNC EYECLK IRQn Optional Eye Pattern Generator RESETn IA1_SPKRP/IA1_SPKRM Speaker Driver +3.3V (VDDo) +3.3V (AVDD) VSSo Power Supply AVSS 102366_002 2-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 VDD VSS VSSo VDDo A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 SPRn 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 IRQn RESETn D7 D6 Figure 2-2. Modem Pin Signals - 100-Pin LQFP VSS VDD VSSo VDDo EYEXY/XCLK Reserved Reserved PIA_RESETn PIA_STROBE/EYESYNC PIA_TXSIN PIA_RXOUT PIA_CNTRL_SIN PIA_CLKIN PIA_SCLK/EYECLK IA1_SCLK IA1_CLKIN IA1_CNTRL_SIN IA1_TESTC IA1_RXOUT IA1_TXSIN IA1_STROBE IA1_RESETn Reserved 1 2 3 80 79 78 WRn RDn CSn 4 5 6 7 8 77 76 75 74 73 VDDo AVDD ENABLE_VREG18D VBG AVSS 9 10 11 12 13 72 71 70 69 68 VSSo VSS VDD XTLO XTLI/CLKIN 14 15 16 17 18 19 67 66 65 64 63 62 Reserved GPI2 GPI1 GPI0 GPO2 GPO1 61 60 59 58 RINGDn IA_VDD IA_AVSS IA1_SPKRM IA1_SPKRP CX86810 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Reserved 30 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 IA1_TXP IA1_TXM IA_AVDD IA1_VC IA1_BG IA1_HSMIC_BIAS Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved IA_AVSS Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved IA_AVSS IA1_RXP IA1_RXM IA1_HSMICP IA1_HSMICM 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 IA_AVSS Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 102366_003 102366B Conexant 2-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-1. Modem Pin Signals - 100-Pin LQFP Pin 1 Signal Label VSS I/O - Interface Digital Core GND Pin 51 Signal Label IA1_HSMIC_BIAS I/O I Interface Handset Mic. Bias 2 VDD - Digital Core Power 1.8V 52 IA1_BG - IA Internal Voltage Reference 3 VSSo - Digital Pad GND 53 IA1_VC - IA Bias Voltage 4 VDDo - IA Analog Power 3.3V 5 EYEXY/XCLK 6 Reserved 7 8 Digital Pad Power 3.3V 54 IA_AVDD - Diagnostic 55 IA1_TXM O IA Line Out - - 56 IA1_TXP O IA Line Out Reserved - - 57 IA1_SPKRP O IA Speaker Out PIA_RESETn O Power-On Reset 58 IA1_SPKRM O IA Speaker Out 9 PIA_STROBE/ EYESYNC I IA Interface 59 IA_AVSS - IA Analog GND 10 PIA_TXSIN O IA Interface 60 IA_VDD - IA Digital Power 3.3V 11 PIA_RXOUT I IA Interface 61 RINGDn O Ring Detect Indicate 12 PIA_CNTRL_SIN O IA Interface 62 GPO1 O Host Interface 13 PIA_CLKIN O IA Interface 63 GPO2 O Host Interface 14 PIA_SCLK/ EYECLK I IA Interface 64 GPI0 I Host Interface 15 IA1_SCLK O IA Interface 65 GPI1 I Host Interface 16 IA1_CLKIN I IA Interface 66 GPI2 I Host Interface 17 IA1_CNTRL_SIN I IA Interface 67 Reserved - - 18 IA1_TESTC I IA Interface 68 XTLI/CLKIN I Clock Interface Clock Interface 19 IA1_RXOUT O IA Interface 69 XTLO O 20 IA1_TXSIN I IA Interface 70 VDD - Digital Core Power 1.8V 21 IA1_STROBE O IA Interface 71 VSS - Digital Core GND IA Interface 72 VSSo - Digital Pad Ground 73 AVSS - Analog GND Bandgap Reference 22 IA1_RESETn I 23 Reserved - 24 IA_AVSS - IA Analog GND 74 VBG - 25 Reserved - - 75 ENABLE_VREG18D I Internal Regulator Enable 26 Reserved - - 76 AVDD - Analog Power 3.3V 27 Reserved - - 77 VDDo - Digital Pad Power 3.3V 28 Reserved - - 78 CSn I Host Interface 29 Reserved - - 79 RDn I Host Interface 30 Reserved - - 80 WRn I Host Interface 31 Reserved - - 81 SPRn I Host Interface 32 Reserved - - 82 A4 I Host Interface 33 Reserved - - 83 A3 I Host Interface 34 Reserved - - 84 A2 I Host Interface 35 Reserved - - 85 A1 I Host Interface 36 Reserved - - 86 A0 I Host Interface 37 Reserved - - 87 VDDo - Digital Pad Power 3.3V 38 Reserved - - 88 VSSo - Digital Pad Ground 39 Reserved - - 89 VSS - Digital Core GND 40 IA_AVSS - IA Analog GND 90 VDD - Digital Core Power 1.8V 41 Reserved - - 91 D0 I/O Host Interface 42 Reserved - - 92 D1 I/O Host Interface 43 Reserved - - 93 D2 I/O Host Interface 44 Reserved - - 94 D3 I/O Host Interface 45 Reserved - - 95 D4 I/O Host Interface 46 IA_AVSS - IA Analog GND 96 D5 I/O Host Interface 47 IA1_RXP I IA Line In 97 D6 I/O Host Interface 48 IA1_RXM I IA Line In 98 D7 I/O Host Interface 49 IA1_HSMICP I IA Handset Mic 99 RESETn I Host Interface 50 IA1_HSMICM I IA Handset Mic 100 IRQn O Interrupt Request Notes: 1. I/O: I = Input O = Output I/O = Input/Output 2-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-2. Modem Hardware Interface Signal Definitions Table Pin Name Pin No XTLI/CLKIN 68 XTLO RESETn 69 99 AVDD AVSS VDDo VDD 76 73 4, 77, 87 2, 70, 90 VSSo VSS 3, 72, 88 1, 71, 89 D[7:0] 91-98 A[4:0] 82-86 CSn 78 SPRn 81 RDn 79 WRn 80 IRQn 100 PIA_CLKIN PIA_CNTRL_SIN PIA_TXSIN PIA_RESETn PIA_SCLK/EYECLK 13 12 10 8 14 PIA_RXOUT PIA_STROBE/EYESYNC 11 9 102366B Pin I/O Type Interface Signal Definition I/O Power/Ground, Reset, and Clock Pins I OSC Crystal Input/External Clock Input. 32.256 MHz crystal/clock input. It includes a 1 M bias register internally. O OSC Crystal Output. 32.256 MHz crystal output. I GPH Reset. After application of power to the modem, RESETn must be held low for at least 15 ms after the power reaches operating range. The modem is ready to use 25 ms after the low-to-high transition of RESETn. The reset sequence initializes the modem interface memory. Voltage Regulator Power 3.3 V. Voltage Regulator Ground. Digital Pad Power 3.3 V. Digital Core Power 1.8 V. The VDD pins must be decoupled to VSS even if the internal 1.8V regulator is used. Digital Pad Ground. Digital Core Ground Host Interface Signals I/O GP Data Bus. Eight bi-directional data lines (D0-D7) provide parallel transfer of data between the host and the modem. The most significant bit is D7. I GP Address Bus. Five active high inputs (A0-A4) address interface memory registers within the DSP when CSn is low. I GPH Chip Select. The active low CSn input selects and enables the modem DSP for parallel data transfer between the DSP and the host over the microprocessor bus. I GPH Select Program RAM. Active low select used to access Program RAM (PRAM). I GPH Read Enable. Reading is controlled by the host pulsing RDn input low during the microprocessor bus access cycle. I GPH Write Enable. Writing is controlled by the host pulsing WRn input low during the microprocessor bus access cycle. O GP Interrupt Request. IRQn interrupt request output may be connected to the host processor interrupt request input to interrupt host program execution for immediate modem service. IRQn use is optional depending upon modem application. The IRQn output can be enabled in DSP interface memory. The IRQn signal can be connected with other active low, opendrain IRQ sources to form a single interrupt request in a wireOR configuration. An external resistor to +3.3V is required on the line and should be located near the receiver of the IRQ. IA1 Interface signals on DSP O GP Connect to IA1_CLKIN. O GP Connect to IA1_CNTRL_SIN. O GP Connect to IA1_TXSIN. O GP Connect to IA1_RESETn. I GPH Connect to IA1_SCLK. Serial Eye Pattern Clock. EYECLK is a 2.016 MHz output clock for use by the serial-parallel converters on an external eye pattern circuit. I GP Connect to IA1_RXOUT. I GPH Connect to IA1_STROBE. Serial Eye Pattern Strobe. EYESYNC is a strobe for loading the D/A converters on an external eye pattern circuit. The EYESYNC frequency is the same as the modem configuration sample rate. Conexant 2-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-2. Modem Hardware Interface Signal Definitions Table Pin Name Pin No Pin I/O IA1_CLKIN IA1_CNTRL_SIN IA1_TXSIN IA1_RESETn IA1_SCLK IA1_RXOUT IA1_STROBE IA1_RXP IA1_RXM 16 17 20 22 15 19 21 47 48 I I I I O O O I IA1_SPKRM IA1_SPKRM 57 58 O IA1_TXP IA1_TXM 56 55 O IA1_HSMICP IA1_HSMICM 49 50 I IA1_HSMIC_BIAS 51 O IA_VDD IA_AVDD IA_AVSS - IA1_TESTC IA1_BG 60 54 24, 40, 46, 59 18 52 IA1_VC 53 GPI0-GPI2 64, 65, 66 GPO1-GPO2 62, 63 2-6 I - I/O Type Interface Signal Definition IA Signals On IA1 PD Connect to PIA_CLKIN. PD Connect to PIA_CNTRL_SIN. PD Connect to PIA_TXSIN. PU Connect to PIA_RESETn. O Connect to PIA_SCLK. O Connect to PIA_RXOUT. O Connect to PIA_STROBE. IA Receive Analog Positive and Negative. IA1_ RXM and IA1_RXP inputs are differential inputs that are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. OA Speaker Analog Output Positive and Negative. IA1_SPKRM and IA1_SPKRP output are differential outputs, 180 degrees out of phase with each other. The IA1_SPKRM and IA1_SPKRP output can drive an impedance as low as 300 . OA Transmit Analog Positive and Negative. IA1_TXP and IA1_TXM outputs are differential outputs, 180 degrees out of phase with each other. IA Handset Mic input Positive and Negative. IA1_HSMICP and IA1_HSMICM are differential inputs, 180 degrees out of phase with each other. Analog data input for handset. OA Handset Mic. Bias. Microphone voltage bias output. It can be +2.2 V (default) or +2.5 V. +3.3V Digital Power for IA. +3.3V Analog Power for PIA. Connect to +3.3V. Ground for IA_AVDD. Connect to Analog Ground. - IA Test. Connect to GND. Internal Voltage Reference. Minimum 2.15 V, normal 2.2 V, and maximum 2.25 V. This signal should be tied through a 0.1 F capacitor to analog VSS. Analog Ground Bias Voltage. 1.5 V for power supplies in the 3.0 V to 3.6 V range. This signal should be tied through a 0.1 F capacitor to analog VSS. General Purpose Input/Output Lines I GPH General Purpose Inputs. Three general purpose input (GPI) pins are available to the host for programming via the modem interface memory. O GPH General Purpose Outputs. Two general purpose output (GPO) pins are available to the host for programming via the modem interface memory. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-2. Modem Hardware Interface Signal Definitions Table Pin Name Pin No Pin I/O EYEXY/XCLK 5 O RINGDn 61 I VBG 74 - ENABLE_VREG18D 75 I Reserved 6-7, 23, 25-39, 4145, 67 - 102366B I/O Type Interface Signal Definition Diagnostic/Test PLB03 Serial Eye Pattern X/Y Output/X Clock Output. EYEXY is a serial output containing two 16-bit diagnostic words for display on an oscilloscope X (EYEX) axis and Y axis (EYEY), using an external eye pattern circuit. XCLK is a 32.256 MHz clock. EYEX data is the first 16 bits, MSB first, that are shifted out on the high portion of the EYESYNC clock. EYEX is a serial bit stream that is the equivalent of modem interface memory register XDAM followed by XDAL. EYEY data is the second 16 bits, MSB first, that are shifted out on the low portion of the EYESYNC clock. EYEY is a serial bit stream that is the equivalent of modem interface memory register YDAM followed by YDAL. X Clock is 32.256 MHz. Ring Indicator Signal GPH Ring Frequency Detected. The Ring signal from the DAA, when connected to the RINGDn input, is monitored for pulses in the range of 15 Hz to 68 Hz. The frequency detection range may be changed by the host in DSP RAM. The circuit driving RINGDn should be a 4N35 optoisolator or equivalent. The circuit driving RINGDn should not respond to momentary bursts of ringing less than 125 ms in duration, or less than 40 VRMS (15 Hz to 68 Hz) across TIP and RING. The RI status bit in the interface memory reflects the logic level on the RINGDn pin. Control and Reference Bandage Reference Voltage (1.2 V). Tie to ground through 0.1 F capacitor. PU Digital 1.8 Regulator Enable. To enable the internal regulator, tie this pin directly to +3.3V (high) without a resistor. To disable the internal regulator, tie this pin directly to ground (low). Reserved Reserved. Leave open. No external connection allowed. Conexant 2-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-3. Digital Electrical Characteristics Parameter Pad Power Supply Core Power Supply CMOS Input Low Voltage 3V CMOS (GP) 3V CMOS with Hysteresis (GPH) CMOS Input High Voltage 3V CMOS (GP) 3V CMOS with Hysteresis (GPH) CMOS Output Low Voltage (GP, GPH) Symbol VDDo VDD VIL Min. 3.0 1.65 Max. 3.6 1.95 Units VDC VDC Test Conditions 0 0 0.8 0.3*VDDo VDC VDC 2.0 0.7*VDDo VDDo VDDo VDC VDC Drive Strength = 125 - 500 0.4 VDC Drive Strength = 45 - 180 0.4 VDC IOL = 2.5 mA Drive Strength = 25 - 95 0.4 VDC IOL = 4.5 mA Drive Strength = 22 - 85 VIH Vol IOL = 0.8 mA 0.4 VDC IOL = 5 mA Drive Strength = 16 - 65 Drive Strength = 18 - 55 (PLB03) CMOS Output High Voltage (GP, GPH) 0.4 VDC IOL = 6.8 mA 0.4 VDC IOL = +7 mA Drive Strength = 125 - 500 VDDo-0.4 VDC IOH = -0.8 mA Drive Strength = 45 - 180 VDDo-0.4 VDC IOH= -2.5 mA Drive Strength = 25 - 95 VDDo-0.4 VDC IOH = -4.5 mA Drive Strength = 22 - 85 VDDo-0.4 VDC IOH = -5 mA Drive Strength = 16 - 65 Input Hysteresis (H) Pull Up Resistance (PU) VDDo-0.4 VDC IOH = -6.8 mA H PU 0.5 120 500 K DCCTL = 11 Pull Down Resistance (PD) PD 120 500 K VDC VDC VDC VDC DCCTL = 01 XO Output Low Voltage (OSC) XO Output High Voltage (OSC) XI Input Low Voltage (OSC) XI Input Output Voltage (OSC) VOL VOH VIL VIH VDC 0.4 VDDo-0.4 0 0.7*VDDo 0.3*VDDo VDDo IOL = +1.5 mA IOH = -7.3 mA Table 2-4. Analog Electrical Characteristics Signal Name IA1_RXM/IA1_RXP Characteristic Input Impedance IA1_TXM/IA1_TXP AC Input Voltage Range Reference Voltage Minimum Load Maximum Capacitive Load Output Impedance AC Output Voltage Range IA1_SPKRM/IA1_SPKRP Reference Voltage DC Offset Voltage Minimum Load Maximum Capacitive Load Output Impedance Value > 70K 1.1 VP-P +1.35 VDC 300 0 F 10 1.4 VP-P (with reference to ground and a 600 load) +1.35 VDC 200 mV 300 0.01 F 10 AC Output Voltage Range 1.4 VP-P Reference Voltage +1.35 VDC DC Offset Voltage 20 mV Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VDDo = +3.3 0.3 VDC; IA_AVDD = +3.3 0.3 VDC, TA = 0C to 70C 2-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 2.2 Electrical and Environmental Specifications Modem operating conditions are specified in Table 2-5. Modem absolute maximum ratings are stated in Table 2-5 . Modem current and power requirements are listed in Table 2-7. Table 2-5. Operating Conditions Parameter Core Supply Voltage I/O Supply Voltage Analog Supply Voltage Operating Ambient Temperature Symbol VDD VDDo AVDD, IA_AVDD TA Min 1.65 3.0 3.0 0 Typ 1.8 3.3 3.3 25 Max 1.95 3.6 3.6 70 Units VDC VDC VDC C Table 2-6. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Pad Supply Voltage Core Supply Voltage 3V Only Pin Voltage Input, High Z Output, Low Z Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Voltage Applied to Outputs in High Z State Static Discharge Voltage (25C) - HBM Static Discharge Voltage (25C) - CDM Latch-up Current (25C) Symbol VDDo VDD Min. Max. 4.6 2.5 VIN3 VOUT3 T Tstg VHz ESD ESD2 Itrig -0.5 -0.5 0 -55 -0.5 -2500 250 -300 VDDo + 0.5 VDDo + 0.5 +70 +125 4.6 +2500 250 +300 Units VDC VDC VDC VDC VDC C C V V V mA Comments Not to exceed 4.6 V Not to exceed 4.6 V Table 2-7. Current and Power Requirements Power Supply VDDo AVDD IA_AVDD Typical Current @ 25 Normal Mode 25 mA 2 mA Maximum Current @ 0C Sleep Mode VDDo AVDD IA_AVDD Notes: 1. Test conditions: 2. 3. VDDo, AVDD, and IA_AVDD = 3.3 VDC for typical values; VDDo, AVDD, and IA_AVDD = 3.6 VDC for maximum values. Input Ripple less than 0.1 Vpeak-peak. Data based on 32.256 MHz crystal frequency. 102366B Conexant 2-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 2.3 Scratchpad and PRAM I/O Interface To write to a register, the host must send valid chip select and address. The address bus is held by using the latest falling edge of the CSn and WRn signals. The data is registered into the device on the rising edge of the write signal. To read a register, the host must send valid chip select and address. The address is decoded and used to multiplex data from the scratchpad so that is can be stored in an output register. 2.3.1 PRAM Access The SPRn signal along with A0, CSn, RDn, WRn, and D[0:7] are used for PRAM accesses. When SPRn is low, the data will go to/from the PRAM, otherwise, the data will go to/from the scratchpad interface. When host wants to read PRAM continuously through the data bus, it should be noted that the PRAM address is incremented 2 cycles after the first data is read out. Therefore, in the first 2 cycles, the data from the same location will be read out. After that, each cycle will access different locations. Since the read bus is a 32-bit bus, it takes 5 accesses to retrieve the first set of data. After the initial 5 accesses, 4 accesses are required to retrieve each subsequent 32-bit set of data. When the host wants to write data to the PRAM continuously through the data bus, since the write bus is 16-bit, it takes 2 writes to write to the lower (A0 = 0) and upper byte (A0 = 1) of 16-bit word. No dummy access is required in the write case. 2.3.2 Host Download Mode In this mode the host can read/write to program memory through the scratchpad interface. Signal SPRn should be set low in this mode in order for the host to read/write to program memory. The starting address will be loaded into address generator by the modem. For the write case, the data from the program memory address is read out the host port. After the read or write, the address in the address generator will be automatically incremented. Since the input data bus has only 8-bit and the program memory data bus has 16-bit, the lower byte is latched first when the host wants to write the program RAM, A0=0 (host address bit 0). Toggling A0 to a logic one means the host is sending the upper byte of data. Only after the upper byte has been latched, the address is incremented in the address generator. A0 has the same function in the read interface except that the read data is 32bit. 2-10 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 2.3.3 Scratchpad and PRAM I/O Interface Waveforms and Timing Host write timing and host read timing are illustrated in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4, respectively. PRAM write timing and PRAM read timing are illustrated in Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6, respectively. Also see Function 4:41 in Section 4. Host and PRAM interface timing parameters are listed in Table 2-8. Figure 2-3. Host Write Timing tCWD tWCD CSn tAWD tWAH A[4:0] tWW tWD WRn tDWS tWDH D[7:0] 102366_004 Figure 2-4. Host Read Timing tCRD tRD CSn tARD tRCD tRAH A[4:0] tRW RDn tRDD tRDH D[7:0] 102366_005 102366B Conexant 2-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 2-5. PRAM Write Timing SPRn, A[0] 00* 01* 00* 01* * The left digit reflects SPRn level; the right digit reflects A[0] level. CSn Byte 0 D[7:0] Byte 1 Notes: PRAM Write is 2 bytes. A[4:1] are don't care for PRAM accesses. 2nd Word (byte 1) 2nd Word (byte 0) 1st Word (byte 1) 1st Word (byte 0) WRn Byte 0 Byte 1 Write occurs here for 1st word Write occurs here for 2nd word 102366_006 Figure 2-6. PRAM Read Timing SPRn, A[0] 00* 00* 01* 00* 00* 01* * The left digit reflects SPRn level; the right digit reflects A[0] level. CSn RDn D[7:0] Byte 0 X Dummy Read 1st Word (byte 1) 1st Word (byte 0) 1st Word (byte 0) Read Byte 0 1st Word (byte 2) 1st Word (byte 3) Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 1 Read Byte 1 Read Byte 2 Read Byte 3 2nd Word (byte 0) Byte 0 Read Byte 0, etc. Notes: PRAM Read is 4 bytes. A[4:1] are don't care for PRAM accesses. 102366_007 2-12 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 2-8. Host and PRAM Interface Timing Parameters Parameter CSn Setup Time Address Setup Time CSn Hold Time Address Hold Time Read Pulse Width Read Data Delay Read Data Hold Time Time between Reads (falling edge to falling edge) Write Data Setup Time Write Data Hold Time Write Strobe Width Time between Writes 2.4 Symbol tCWD/tCRD tARD tWCD / tRCD tWAH / tRAH tRW tRDD tRDH tRD tWDS tWDH tWW tWD Min 0 0 0 0 70 -- 3 140 5 2 30 125 Max -- -- -- -- -- 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- Units ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Eye Pattern Waveforms and Circuit Eye pattern waveforms are illustrated in Figure 2-7. An eye pattern interface circuit is shown in Figure 2-8. Figure 2-7. Eye Pattern Timing EYESYNC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 EYECLK EYEXY MSB LSB MSB LSB EYECLKn (/EYECLK) LRCLK 102366_008a 102366B Conexant 2-13 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 2-8. Eye Pattern Circuit P2-4 P2-3 P2-2 EYEXY 1 EYESYNC 2 U1 EYECLK 9 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 1 2 CLR CLK 9.12 CLK 1,2 +5V 7 ENP 13 74HC161 4.11 U2 D 10 ENT 9 LOAD CLR1 3 CLR2 K1,K2 3 Q1 J1,J2 Q2 U5 10 +5V 74HC107 RCO 15 12 CLK1 13 CLR1 1,8 5 A 4 B 5 C 6 D 10 9 CLR CLK +5V ENP 7 74HC161 U2 ENT LOAD RCO 15 15 16 CLK SI 10 CLR2 9 CLK2 D5V U8 74HC107 +5V 1.8 J1,J2 U4 4.11 K1,K2 3 5 Q2 2 Q1 4 4 1 U6 6 11 10 13 LRCLK 5 5 1 + U7 - Y + U7 - 11 +5V 16 U1, U4 U5, U6 0.1u U2 U3 0.1u 7 -12V 4 U7 U9 0.1u +5VA +5V P2-9 0.1u LOUT LREF 47u 10 47u 3.92K 8 P2-5 +5VA 6.04K 6 +12V 8 0.1u 20 +5VA 5 20.0K 14 0.1u AGND 5,12 3.92K 80.6K +5V 0.1u DGND 2 4/8 fsel 1 RREF 9 6.04K 2 80.6K 7 14 +5VA 3 20.0K * 4 47u 6 ROUT * LRSEL A5V 7,8 6 2 X 8 +5V +5V 22u U1 = 74HC04 U2 = 74HC161 U3 = 74HC161 U4 = 74HC107 U5 = 74HC107 U6 = 74HC08 U7 = 1458 U8 = NEC uPD6376 U9 = 1458 P2-1 10 +12V P2-7 P2-8 -12V 10 0.1u 0.1u 22u 22u 102366_008b 2-14 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3. Software Interface Modem functions are implemented in firmware executing in the DFX209/214 modem's digital signal processor (DSP). The DSP communicates with the host processor by means of a dual-port, interface memory. The interface memory in the DSP contains 32 8-bit registers, labeled register 00 through 1F (Table 3-1). Each register can be read from, or written to, by both the host and the DSP. The host can control modem operation by writing control bits to DSP interface memory and writing parameter values to DSP RAM through the DSP interface memory. The host monitors modem operation by reading status bits from DSP interface memory and reading parameter values from DSP RAM through interface memory. Writing parameter values to DSP RAM and reading parameter values from DSP RAM is described in Section 4. 3.1 Interface Memory Map A memory map of the 32 addressable registers in the modem is shown in Table 3-1. These 8-bit registers may be read or written to during any host read or write cycle. To operate on a single bit or a group of bits in a register, the host must read a register and then mask out unwanted data. When writing a single bit or group of bits to a register, the host must perform a read-modify-write operation. The entire register (8-bits) must be read, the necessary bits must be set or reset without altering the other register bits, then the byte (8-bits) containing both the unaltered and modified bits must be written back into the interface memory. 3.1.1 Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this document: The individual bits in the interface memory are referred to using the format $Z:Q. The register number is specified by Z (00 through 1F) and the bit number by Q (7 through 0, 0=LSB). For example. the register and bit for PIE is shown as $1F:4 (See Table 3-1). Multiple bit fields are shown as Z:MSB-LSB (See Table 3-2) DBUFF = 10:7-0 Addresses are shown as $xxx. A value used by an address is shown as xxxh. Functions are shown as Function 4:1. Where: 4 = Section 4 1 = First function in the section. Functions for the remaining sections are described in the same manner. 102366B Conexant 3-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-1. Interface Memory Map Register Function Reg. Addr. 7 6 5 4 Bit 3 2 1 0 Default 1F PIA -- -- PIE PIREQ -- -- SETUP -xx0-xx0 1E B2IA B1IA B2I1E -- B2A B1I1E -- B1A --00-00- High Speed Control & Status 1D SHPR* ASPEED* PR* PRDET* -- -- -- -- 0000xxxx DTMF Status/RCID Status 1C EDET DTDET/ RCIDIllegal OTS/ ANIDET DTMFD/ ANIDROP General Purpose Outputs 1B EYEXY/ XCLK -- -- -- -- GPO2 GPO1 GPO0 00000001 Ring Detector Control/ RCID Control 1A -- -- -- -- -- RCID3rd RCIDDIS RNGDIS 00000000 Reserved V.23 Control 19 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TDBE -- -- x00--000 xxxxxx1x Ring/Tone Status 17 EDETC -- RI FRx -- -------- General Purpose Inputs V.23 and HDLC Control 16 15 -- -- -- -- -- CEQ GPI2 ANS GPI1 -- GPI0 V23HDX -------00000000 V.23 Control 14 TXSQ BRKS PEN STB Reserved 13 -- -------- Reserved 12 -- -------- Reserved 11 -- -------- Data High Speed Status 10 0F DATA BUFFER (DBUFF) -- -- Interrupt Handling DTMF/RCIDW DTDETC/ OTSC/ DTMFDC/ RCIDIllegalC ANIDETC ANIDROPC FED -- AEOF -- -- PARSL -- -------- WDSZ 00000000 -- CTSP CDET ---------xxxx-- 0E FSKFLS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -xxxxxxx 0D RX PNDET -- -- -- HPFEN -- -- --xxx0xx 0C -- -- DATA SCR1 PN P2 P1 -- ITBMSK xx-----x Programmable Interrupt Control 0B 0A High Speed Control, V.23, and HDLC Control & Status 09 OVRUN/ OE EQSV EQFZ ZEROC ABIDL EOF BRKD CRC/ FE FLAG/ PE -000---- Tone Detect, V.23, & High Speed Control & Status 08 FR3 FR2 FR1 12TH PNSUC/ CASD/UE FSK7E DCABLE PDEQZ 0000-000 Mode Control** 07 RTSP TDIS -- SHTR EPT SQEXT -- HDLC TRIG ANDOR 00000000 00000000 ITADRS 06 CONF ACC AREX -- -- 00001000 00010100 RAM Access Control and Programmable Interrupt Control 05 IO BR WRT CR 10000101 RAM Access Address/Data 04 RAM ADDRESS (ADD) 03 X RAM DATA MSB (XDAM) -------- 02 01 X RAM DATA LSB (XDAL) Y RAM DATA MSB (YDAM) --------------- 00 Y RAM DATA LSB (YDAL) -------- 00010111 Notes: * DFX214 only. ** A changed value in these registers (except RTSP and TDIS) require setting SETUP to become active. -- This symbol in the "Bit" columns indicates that the bit is reserved for modem use only (do not alter X value in "Default Value" column). - This symbol in the "Default Value" column indicates that the value is determined by operating conditions. 3-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.1.2 Interface Memory Bit Definitions The interface memory bits are defined in Table 3-2. Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions Mnemonic 12TH Location 08:4 Default 0 ABIDL 09:3 - ACC 05:7 1 ADD 04:7-0 17 AEOF 15:5 0 ANDOR 0A:5 0 ANIDET 1C:5 0 ANIDETC 17:5 0 ANIDROP 1C:4 0 ANIDROPC 17:4 0 ANS 15:2 0 AREX 05:6 0 102366B Name/Description th th Select 12 Order. When control bit 12TH is a 1, the tone detectors operate as one 12 order filter (uses FR3).When 12TH is a 0, the tone detectors operate as three parallel th independent 4 order filters (FR1, FR2, FR3).The 12TH bit is valid in all reception modes. Abort/Idle. In HDLC mode, when the modem is configured as a transmitter and control/status bit ABIDL is a 1, the modem will finish sending the current DBUFF byte. The modem will then send continuous ones if ZEROC is a 0, or continuous zeros if ZEROC is a 1. When ABIDL is a 0, the modem will not send continuous ones or zeros. If ABIDL is reset one DCLK cycle after being set, the modem will transmit eight continuous ones if ZEROC is a 0, or eight continuous zeros if ZEROC is a 1. ABIDL is also set by the modem when the underrun condition occurs (bit OVRUN is a 1) and the modem will send at least eight continuous ones (if ZEROC is a 0) or eight continuous zeros (if ZEROC is a 1).To stop continuous ones or zeros transmission, ABIDL must be reset by the host. In HDLC mode, when the modem is configured as a receiver and status bit ABIDL is a 1, the modem has received a minimum of seven consecutive ones. To recognize further occurrences of this abort condition, ABIDL must be reset by the host. RAM Access. When control bit ACC is a 1, the modem accesses the RAM associated with the address in ADD, and the AREX and CR bits. WRT determines if a read or write is performed. RAM Address. ADD, in conjunction with AREX, contains the RAM address used to access the modem's X and Y Data RAM (CR = 0) or X and Y Coefficient RAM (CR = 1) via the X RAM Data least significant byte (LSB) and most significant byte (MSB) words ($02:7-0 and $03:7-0, respectively) and the Y RAM Data LSB and MSB words ($00:7-0 and $01:7-0, respectively). Automatic End of Frame. When the modem is configured as an HDLC transmitter and AEOF control bit is a 1, the modem interprets an underrun condition as an end of frame and outputs the FCS and at least one ending flag. (HDLC mode.) AND/OR Bit Mask Function. When control bit ANDOR is a 1 and the programmable interrupt is enabled (PIE bit = 1), the modem will assert IRQn if all the bits in the register specified by ITADRS and masked by ITBMSK trigger the interrupt and control bit PIREQ has been previously reset by the host. When ANDOR is a 0 and the programmable interrupt is enabled, the modem will assert IRQn if any one of the bits in the register specified by ITADRS and masked by ITBMSK trigger the interrupt and control bit PIREQ has been previously reset by the host. Russian Caller ID Detected. When configured as RCID detector, the modem sets status bit ANIDET when a valid RCID digit is detected. The modem resets ANIDET when the RCID digit is no longer detected. Russian Caller ID Detected Copy. Copy of ANIDET bit for programmable interrupt control (RCID detector). Russian Caller ID Silence Detected. When configured as RCID detector, the modem will set status bit ANIDROP when silence is detected. The silence interval is host programmable. The host resets ANIDROP. Russian Caller ID Silence Detected Copy. Copy of ANIDROPC bit for programmable interrupt control (RCID detector). Answer. When configuration bit ANS is set, the modem is in answer mode; when reset, the modem is in originate mode. If the modem is in Answer Mode (ANS= 1), then the transmit data rate is 1200 bps, and the receive data rate is 75 bps. If the modem is in Originate mode, the transmit data rate is normally 75 bps, and the receive data rate is 1200 bps. (V.23). When V.23 Half Duplex mode is selected (V23HDX = 1), ANS should be set to 0 to configure 1200 bps transmit and receive data rates. Since this is a configuration bit, the SETUP bit ($1F:0) must be set after any change in the ANS bit. RAM Access Code Extension Select. When control bit AREX is a 1, the upper part (80hFFh) of the RAM is selected. When AREX is a 0, the lower part (00-7Fh) is selected. Conexant 3-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic ASPEED Location 1D:6 Default 0 B1A 1E:0 - B1I1E 1E:2 0 B1IA 1E:6 - B2A 1E:3 - B2I1E 1E:5 0 B2IA 1E:7 - BR 05:2 1 BRKD 09:2 - BRKS 14:6 0 CASD 08:3 0 CDET 0F:0 - CEQ 15:3 0 3-4 Name/Description Auto Speed Change Enable. When control bit ASPEED is a 0, the modem transmitter sends the default V.17 rate sequence. The modem receiver stores the rate sequence in RAM. (V.17 modes.) ASPEED Data Rate Rate Sequence Pattern 0 V.17, all rates 0111h 1 14400 bps 0171h 1 12000 bps 01B1h 1 9600 bps 01F1h 1 7200 bps 0331h When set to a 1, the modem transmitter sends a different rate sequence depending on the selected TCM configuration. When receiving in a TCM configuration, the modem reconfigures to the received rate sequence. The new configuration is reflected in the receiver CONF register. Buffer 1 Available. When set to a 1, status bit B1A signifies that the modem has either written diagnostic data to, or read diagnostic data from, the Y RAM DATA LSB (YDAL) register ($00:7-0). This condition can also cause IRQn to be asserted. The host writing to or reading from register 00 resets the B1A and B1IA bits to 0. (See B1I1E, B1I2E, and B1IA.) Buffer 1 Interrupt 1 Enable. When control bit B1I1E is a 1, IRQn is enabled for Buffer 1, the modem will assert IRQn and set B1IA to a 1 when B1A is set to 1 by the modem. When B1I1E is a 0, B1A has no effect on IRQn and B1IA. (See B1A and B1IA.) Buffer 1 Interrupt Active. When Buffer 1 interrupt is enabled (B1I1E is a 1) and B1A is set to a 1 by the modem, the modem asserts IRQn and sets status bit B1IA to a 1 to indicate that B1A caused the interrupt. The host writing to or reading from register 00 resets B1IA to a 0. (See B1I1E and B1A.) Buffer 2 Available. When set to a 1, status bit B2A signifies that it has read register $10:70 (DBUFF) when transmitting (buffer becomes empty), or it has written register $10:7-0 (DBUFF) when receiving (buffer becomes full). The modem setting B2A can also cause IRQn to be asserted. The host writing to or reading from register 10h resets the B2A and B2IA bits to 0. (See B2I1E and B2IA.) Buffer 2 Interrupt 1 Enable. When control bit B2I1E is a 1, IRQn is enabled for Buffer 2, the modem will assert IRQn and set B2IA to a 1 when B2A is set to a 1 by the modem. When B2I1E is a 0, B2A has no effect on IRQn and B2IA. (See B2A and B2IA.) Buffer 2 Interrupt Active. When Buffer 2 interrupt is enabled (B2I1E is a 1) and B2A is set to a 1 by the modem, the modem asserts IRQn and sets status bit B2IA to a 1 to indicate that B2A caused the interrupt. The host writing to or reading from register 10 resets B2IA to a 0. (See B2I1E and B2A.) Baud Rate. In high-speed modem modes, when control bit BR is a 1, RAM access for ADD occurs at the baud rate regardless of the state of DR. When BR is a 0, RAM access occurs at the sample rate or data rate (See DR). Break Detect. When set, status bit BRKD indicates that the V.23 receiver has detected a Break sequence (continuous Space). (V.23) Break Send. When control bit BRKS is set, the modem will send continuous Space. When BRKS is reset, the modem will transmit data from the DBUFF. (V.23) CAS Detected. When status bit CASD is a 1, the Type II Caller ID CAS signal has been detected. When CASD is a 0 Type II Caller ID CAS signal has not been detected. The host must reset CASD after each detection. Carrier Detected. When status bit CDET is a 1, the receiver has finished receiving the training sequence, or has turned on due to detecting energy above threshold, and is receiving data. When CDET is a 0, the receiver is in the idle state or is in the process of training. Receive Compromise Equalizer Enable (1200 bps only). When control bit CEQ is set, the receiver's digital compromise equalizer is inserted into the receive path (1200 bps receive only). The compromise equalizer taps are programmable through RAM. (V.23) Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic CONF Location 06:7-0 Default 14 CR 05:0 1 CRC 09:1 - CTSP 0F:1 - DATA 0C:5 - 102366B Name/Description Configuration. The CONF control bits select one of the following configurations: CONF (Hex.) Configuration 31 V.17 14400 bps. (DFX214.) 32 V.17 12000 bps. (DFX214.) 34 V.17 9600 bps. (DFX214.) 38 V.17 7200 bps. (DFX214.) 14 V.29 9600 bps. 12 V.29 7200 bps. 11 V.29 4800 bps. 0A V.27 ter 4800 bps. 09 V.27 ter 2400 bps. 20 RTSP on: V.21 Ch. 2 300 bps FSK transmit. RTSP off: V.21 Ch. 2 300 bps FSK receive and tone detect. 21 RTSP on: V.21 Ch. 2 300 bps FSK transmit. RTSP off: V.21 Ch. 2 300 bps FSK receive, tone detect, and DTMF detect. 24 V.23, tone detect. 22 V.23 receive 1200 bps (Caller ID), tone detect. 80 RTSP on: Dual/single tone transmit. RTSP off: Tone detect. RCID Detect 90 CAS Detection for CID Type II Configuration Definitions: (Continued) V.17. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.17. V.29. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.29. V.27 ter. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.27 ter. V.23. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.23. V.23 Receive. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.23. V.21 Channel 2. The modem operates as specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.21 Channel 2. High Speed Modes. The 2400 bps through 14400 bps modes. DTMF Detect. The modem detects DTMF transmissions. Tone Transmit. The modem transmits single or dual frequency tones in response to the RTSP bit. Tone frequencies and amplitudes are programmable in the DSP RAM. th Tone Detect. When the Tone Detect configuration is selected and 12TH is a 1, the three 4 th order tone detect filters are combined into a single 12 order tone detect filter (FR3). If 12TH is not set to a 1, the three tone detect filters are placed in parallel and are independent (FR1, FR2, and FR3). All tone detect filters are programmable. Coefficient RAM Select. When control bit CR is a 1, AREX and ADD address Coefficient RAM. When CR is a 0, AREX and ADD address Data RAM. This bit must be set according to the desired RAM address. Cyclic Redundancy Check Error. In HDLC mode, when status bit CRC is a 1 and status bit EOF is a 1, the received frame is in error. When CRC is a 0 and EOF is a 1, the received frame is correct. CRC changes immediately before EOF is set to a 1. In Caller ID mode (CONF = 22h), the modem sets the CRC bit if the stop bit is detected to be a 1. Clear to Send Parallel. When set to a 1, status bit CTSP indicates to the DTE that the training sequence has been completed and any data presented at DBUFF will be transmitted. Data Mode. When status bit DATA is a 1, the high speed transmitter/receiver is in the data mode. Conexant 3-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic DBUFF Location 10:7-0 Default - DCABLE 08:1 0 DTDET 1C:6 - DTDETC 17:6 - DTMF 1C:3-0 - DTMFD 1C:4 - DTMFDC 17:4 - EDET 1C:7 - 3-6 Name/Description Data Buffer. The host obtains received data from the modem by reading a data byte from DBUFF; the host sends data to the modem to be transmitted by writing a data byte to DBUFF. The data is received and transmitted bit 0 first. The modem reading (taking data) or writing (sending data) to this register sets the B2A bit. The host reading (taking data) or writing (sending data) to this register resets the B2A bit. By setting B2I1E, the host can enable the assertion of IRQn upon the setting of B2A. Bit 0 of DBUFF is the first bit of the 8-bit input or output. In the V.23 configuration (CONF = $24), the host obtains received data from the modem by reading a data byte from DBUFF. The modem writing (sending data) to this register sets the B2A bit ($1E:3). The host reading (taking data) from this register resets the B2A bit ($1E:3). Digital Cable Equalizer Enable. Control bit DCABLE enables (1) or disables (0) insertion of the digital cable equalizer into the receive and transmit paths. Dual Tone Detected. When configured as an DTMF receiver, the modem sets status bit DTDET to a 1 when a signal is received that satisfies all DTMF criteria except on-time, offtime, and cycle-time. The encoded DTMF Output Word ($1C:3-0) value is available when DTDET is a 1. If the received signal is a valid DTMF signal, then DTDET will be set to a 1 approximately 11 ms following EDET setting to a 1. The DTDET bit is reset by the modem after DTMFD is set to a 1 or if the received signal fails to satisfy any subsequent DTMF criteria. Dual Tone Detected Copy. In DTMF modes, DTDETC is a copy of the DTDET bit for programmable interrupt control. DTMF Output Word. When configured as an DTMF receiver and a DTMF signal is present such that status bit DTDET is set by the modem, the encoded DTMF output is written to $1C:3-0. The DTMF symbol codes are: DTMF Encoded DTMF Encoded Symbol Output (Hex.) Symbol Output (Hex.) 1 0 3 8 4 1 6 9 7 2 9 A * 3 # B 2 4 A C 5 5 B D 8 6 C E 0 7 D F DTMF Signal Detected. When configured as a DTMF receiver, the modem sets status bit DTMFD to a 1 when a DTMF signal has been detected that satisfies all specified DTMF detect criteria. The host must reset this bit after reading the DTMF Output Word ($1C:7-0), otherwise the same symbol may be missed by the host. DTMF Detected Copy. In DTMF modes, DTMFDC is a copy of the DTMFD bit for programmable interrupt control. DTMF Early Detection. When configured as a DTMF receiver, the modem sets status bit EDET to a 1 approximately 20 ms after the DTMF signal energy is detected to indicate that the received signal is probably a DTMF signal. This bit is reset by the modem after DTMFD is set to a 1 or if the received signal fails to satisfy any subsequent DTMF criteria. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic EDETC Location 17:7 Default - EOF 09:2 - EPT 07:3 1 EQFZ 09:5 0 EYEXY/ XCLK 1B:7 0 EQSV 09:6 0 FE 09:1 0 FED 0F:7-6 - FLAG 09:0 - FR1 08:5 - FR2 08:6 - FR3 08:7 - FRx 17:1 - FSK7E 08:2 - 102366B Name/Description Early Detection Copy. In DTMF modes, EDETC is a copy of the EDET bit for programmable interrupt control. End of Frame. In HDLC mode, when the modem is configured as a transmitter and bit AEOF is a 0, the EOF bit is a control bit. When AEOF is a 0, to convey to the modem that it is time to send the 16-bit FCS and ending flag of an HDLC frame, the host must set the EOF bit after the modem has taken the last byte of data (resides in DBUFF) of the frame (B2A sets again). EOF will then be reset by the modem after it has recognized the setting of EOF by the host. When the modem is configured as a transmitter and bit AEOF is a 1, EOF is a status bit. In this case, the modem will interpret the underrun condition as the end of the frame, set EOF, and will output the 16-bit FCS and at least one ending flag. EOF is reset whenever a flag is transmitted. When the modem is configured as a receiver and bit AEOF is a 1, the modem has received a frame ending flag and the CRC bit is updated. EOF must be reset by the host before receiving the ending flag of a following frame. Echo Protector Tone Enable. When control bit EPT is a 1, an unmodulated carrier is transmitted for 187.5 ms followed by 20 ms of no transmitted energy prior to the transmission of the training sequence. When EPT is a 0, neither the echo protector tone nor the 20 ms of no energy are transmitted prior to the transmission of the training sequence except in V.29 long train which transmits 20 ms of silence at the beginning of training. (See status bit P1.) The setting of the EPT bit must be followed by the setting of the SETUP bit to become active. Equalizer Freeze. When control bit EQFZ is a 1, updating of the receiver's adaptive equalizer taps is inhibited. Serial Eye Pattern X/Y Output. When the EYEXY/XCLK bit is a 1, serial data containing two 16-bit diagnostic words (EYEX and EYEY) is output on the EYEXY/XCLK pin. When the EYEXY/XCLK bit is a 0, the XCLK (32.256 MHz) clock is output on the EYEXY/XCLK pin. Equalizer Save. When control bit EQSV is a 1, the adaptive equalizer taps are not zeroed when reconfiguring the modem or when entering the training state. Adaptive equalizer taps are also not updated during training. For short train only, this bit is used in conjunction with the SHTR bit. Framing Error. When set, status bit FE indicates that more than 1 in 8 characters were received without a Stop bit in asynchronous mode. When reset, no framing error is detected. (V.23) Fast Energy Detector. Status bits FED indicates the level of the received signal according to the following codes: Bit 7 Bit 6 Energy Level 0 0 No energy (idle mode) 0 1 Invalid 1 0 Above Turn-off Threshold 1 1 Above Turn-on Threshold FLAG Mode. When the modem is configured as a transmitter and status bit FLAG is a 1, the modem is transmitting a flag sequence. When the modem is configured as a receiver and status bit FLAG is a 1, the modem has received a flag sequence. (HDLC mode) Frequency No. 1. The modem sets status bit FR1 to a 1 when energy above tone detector 1's turn-on threshold is detected. The default detection range = 2100 Hz 25 Hz for 9600 Hz sample rate. Frequency No. 2. The modem sets status bit FR2 to a 1 when energy above tone detector 2's turn-on threshold is detected. The default detection range = 1100 Hz 30 Hz for 9600 Hz sample rate. Frequency No. 3. The modem sets status bit FR3 to a 1 when energy above tone detector 3's turn-on threshold is detected. The default detection range = 462 Hz 14 Hz for 9600 Hz sample rate. Frequency No. 1, 2, or 3. Status bit FRx is set by the modem if FR1, FR2, FR3 or CASD is set. FRx is reset by the modem if FR1, FR2, FR3 and CASD are reset. FSK FLAG (7E) Detected. The modem sets status bit FSK7E to a 1 when FSK flags have been detected in a high-speed receiver mode. FSK7E is valid after bit FSKFLS transitions from 1 to 0. FSK7E is not valid in V.27 ter short train modes. Conexant 3-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic FSKFLS Location 0E:7 Default 0 GPIx 16:2-0 - GPOx 1B:2-0 001 HDLC 07:0 0 HPFEN 0D:2 0 IO 05:3 0 ITADRS 0A:4-0 0 ITBMSK 0B:7-0 00 OTS 1C:5 - OTSC 17:5 - OVRUN 09:7 - 3-8 Name/Description FSK FLAG (7E) Search. When status bit FSKFLS is a 1, the modem is searching for FSK flags in high speed receiver modes except V.27 ter short train. This bit is reset by the modem when the FSK flag search is completed. General Purpose Inputs. The modem sets/resets bits 2-0 in the GPIx register to represent the corresponding logic level (1 = high, 0 = low) appearing on signals GPI0 - GPI2, respectively, within 125 s of signal transition. RINGDn is typically connected to the DAA ring detection circuitry, and bit RI in the interface memory represents a valid ring frequency if it is so connected. General Purpose Outputs. Bits 2-0 in the GPOx register, set/reset by the host, are reflected by logic level outputs (1 = high, 0 = low) appearing on signals GPO0 - GPO2, respectively, within 125 s of bit transition. GPO0 is internally connected to IA_RESETn. HDLC Mode. When control bit HDLC is a 1, the modem performs HDLC framing. When the HDLC bit is a 0, the modem does not perform HDLC framing. In data modes, changing the value of the HDLC bit requires setting the SETUP bit to become active. High Pass Filter Enable. When control bit HPFEN is a 1, the Pre-AGC high pass filter is enabled in the receive path. Input/Output RAM Select. When control bit IO is a 1, ADD addresses IO RAM. When IO is a 0, ADD addresses either coefficient or data RAM depending on the state of the CR bit. This bit must be set according to the desired RAM address. Interrupt Address. These 5 bits specify the register upon which the programmable interrupt and ITBMSK will take effect. The address of the byte on which the modem asserts IRQn on a bit or bits in that byte is: Host Register ITADRS Host Register ITADRS (Hex.) (Hex.) (Hex.) (Hex.) 00 00 10 08 01 10 11 18 02 01 12 09 03 11 13 19 04 02 14 0A 05 12 15 1A 06 03 16 0B 07 13 17 1B 08 04 18 0C 09 14 19 1C 0A 05 1A 0D 0B 15 1B 1D 0C 06 1C 0E 0D 16 1D 1E 0E 07 1E 0F 0F 17 1F 1F Interrupt Bit Mask. This byte performs a bit mask on the register specified in ITADRS for the programmable interrupt processing. A one in any position in ITBMSK will cause the modem to assert IRQn on the corresponding bit or bits in the register specified by ITADRS according to the ANDOR bit and the TRIG bits if PIE is set by the host and PIREQ is reset by the host. On-Time Satisfied. When configured as an DTMF receiver, the modem sets status bit OTS to 1 after the DTMF on-time criteria is satisfied. This bit is reset by the modem after DTMFD is set to a 1 or if the received signal fails to satisfy the DTMF off-time criteria. On-Time Satisfied Copy. In DTMF modes, OTSC is a copy of the OTS bit for programmable interrupt control. Overrun/Underrun. In HDLC mode, when configured as a transmitter and control bit AEOF is a 0, the modem sets status bit OVRUN to a 1 if a transmit underrun condition occurs. If the host does not load in a new byte of data in DBUFF within eight bit times of loading the previous byte into DBUFF, OVRUN and ABIDL bits will be set. The modem will then automatically send eight continuous ones. The transmission of these ones will continue until the host resets ABIDL. The modem will then finish sending the current group of eight ones and will either start sending another frame (if B2A is a 0) or will transmit continuous flags. The modem will reset OVRUN every time it sets B2A. If AEOF is a 1, OVRUN is disabled. When configured as a receiver, the modem sets the OVRUN bit to a 1 if a receive overrun condition occurs. To detect the next overrun condition, the host must reset this bit. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic P1 Location 0C:1 Default - P2 0C:2 - PARSL 14:5-4 00 PDEQZ 08:0 0 PE 09:0 0 PEN 14:3 0 PIA 1F:7 - PIE 1F:4 0 PIREQ 1F:3 - 102366B Name/Description P1 Sequence. When the modem is configured as a high-speed transmitter, status bit P1 = 1 indicates the P1 sequence is being sent. When P1 = 0, the P1 sequence is not being sent. The P1 sequence is an echo protection tone. When the modem is configured as a receiver, the P1 bit has no meaning. P2 Sequence. When the modem is configured as a high-speed transmitter, status bit P2 = 1 indicates the P2 sequence is being sent. When P2 = 0, the P2 sequence is not being sent. When the modem is configured as a high-speed receiver, status bit P2 = 1 indicates the search for the P2 to PN transition is occurring. When P2 = 0, the P2 to PN transition search is not occurring. Parity Select. In V.23 mode, control bits PARSL select the method by which parity is generated and checked during asynchronous parallel data mode. The options are: Bit 5 Bit 4 Parity Selected 0 0 Mark Parity 0 1 Space Parity 1 0 Even Parity 1 1 Odd Parity Programmable Digital Equalizer. When the host has configured the modem as a receiver or transmitter and has set control bit PDEQZ, the programmable digital equalizer is enabled. When control bit PDEQZ is a 0, the programmable digital equalizer is disabled. The programmable digital equalizer defaults to a Japanese 2 link delay equalizer. Parity Error. When set, status bit PE indicates that a character with bad parity was received. When reset, a character with good parity was received. (V.23) Parity Enable. When control bit PEN is set, parity generation and checking is enabled. When PEN is a 0, parity generation and checking is disabled. (V.23) Note: Parity bit is NOT masked out in the receive buffer (DBUFF). The Parity bit is the MSB of the character contained in DBUFF. Start and Stop bit(s) are stripped from the data before it is written to DBUFF. Programmable Interrupt Active. When control bit PIE is enabled (PIE is a 1) and the interrupt condition is true as specified by ITBMSK, ITADRS, TRIG, and ANDOR, the modem asserts IRQn if PIREQ has been previously reset by the host (usually after servicing the previous interrupt). Status bit PIA is set by the modem when the above occurs. PIA is reset when the host resets PIREQ. Programmable Interrupt Enable. When control bit PIE is enabled (PIE is a 1) and the interrupt condition is true as specified by ITBMSK, ITADRS, TRIG, and ANDOR, the modem asserts IRQn if PIREQ has been previously reset by the host (usually after servicing the previous interrupt). Status bit PIA is set by the modem when the above occurs. When PIE is a 0 (interrupt disabled), ITBMSK, ITADRS, TRIG, ANDOR, and PIREQ have no effect on IRQn and PIA. Programmable Interrupt Request. When control bit PIE is enabled (PIE is a 1) and the interrupt condition is true as specified by ITBMSK, ITADRS, TRIG, and ANDOR, the modem asserts IRQn if control bit PIREQ has been previously reset by the host. PIREQ is set by the modem when the programmable interrupt condition is true. The host must reset PIREQ after servicing the interrupt since the modem does not reset PIREQ. If PIREQ is not reset when the interrupt condition occurs again, the modem will not assert IRQn. Conexant 3-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic PN Location 0C:3 Default - PNDET 0D:6 - PNSUC 08:3 - PR 1D:5 - PRDET 1D:4 - RCID3rd 1A:2 0 RCIDDIS 1A:1 - RCIDIllegal 1C:6 0 RCIDIllegalC 17:6 0 RCIDW 1C:3-0 - RNGDIS 1A:0 0 RI 17:2 - RTSP 07:7 0 RX 0D:7 - 3-10 Name/Description PN Sequence. When the modem is configured as a high-speed transmitter, status bit PN = 1 signals that the PN sequence is being sent. When PN = 0, the PN sequence is not being transmitted. When the modem is configured as a high-speed receiver, status bit PN = 1 indicates the PN portion of the training sequence is being received. When PN = 0, the PN portion of training is not being received. PN Detected. When status bit PNDET is a 1, the receiver has detected the PN portion of the training sequence. When PNDET is a 0, PN has not been detected. PN Success. When status bit PNSUC is a 1, the receiver has successfully trained at the end of the PN portion of the high speed training sequence. When PNSUC is a 0, a successful training has not occurred. PNSUC is still valid after the CDET bit is set to a 1. Rate Sequence Period. When status bit PR is a 1 during transmit, the modem is sending the rate sequence (PR). When reset to a 0, the rate sequence (PR) is not being sent. When set to a 1 during receive, the modem is receiving the rate sequence (PR). When reset to a 0, the rate sequence (PR) is not being received. (V.17 mode.) Rate Sequence Detection. When status bit PRDET is a 1, the modem receiver has detected a rate sequence pattern containing a proper synchronization bit pattern. (V.17 mode.) Russian Caller ID 3rd Tone Rejection Enable. When configured as RCID detector, the rd host sets control bit RCID3rd to enable 3 tone rejection. Russian Caller ID Disable. Setting control bit RCIDDIS disables Russian Caller ID detection. RCIDDIS is set/reset by host before setting SETUP. Russian Caller ID Illegal Tone Detected. When configured as RCID detector, the modem will set status bit RCIDIllegal when an illegal symbol detection occurs. The modem will reset RCIDIllegal when there is no illegal symbol detection. Russian Caller ID Illegal Tone Detected Copy. Copy of RCIDIllegal bit for programmable interrupt control (RCID detector). Russian Caller ID Output Word. When status bit ANIDET is set the modem has written the detected RCID symbol to RCIDW. The host reads RCIDW. RCID Encoded RCID Encoded Code Output (Hex) Code Output (Hex) 0 0 6 6 1 1 7 7 2 2 8 8 3 3 9 9 4 4 Start A 5 5 Repeat B Ring Detector Disable. When control bit RNGDIS is a 0, the Ring Detector is enabled. When RNGDIS is a 1, Ring Detector is disabled. Note: The host may set this bit to avoid false ring detection after off-hook. The delay between activation and actual toggling of the external control line will be two sample periods. Ring Indicator. Status bit RI is set when a valid ringing signal is being detected. RI is reset when a valid ringing signal is not being detected. Ringing is selected if pulses are present on RINGDn input in the 15-68 Hz frequency range (default frequency range). The RI bit follows the ringing signal with a 1 during the ON time and a 0 during the OFF time. The minimum and maximum valid ring frequencies are host programmable in DSP RAM. Request To Send Parallel. The one state of control bit RTSP begins a transmit sequence. The modem will continue to transmit until RTSP is reset to a 0 and the turn-off sequence has been completed. Receive State. In high-speed modes, the modem is in the receive state when status bit RX is a 1; the modem is in the transmit state when RX is a 0. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic SCR1 Location 0C:4 Default - SETUP 1F:0 0 SHPR 1D:7 0 SHTR 07:4 0 SQEXT 07:2 0 STB 14:2 0 TDBE 18:1 1 TDIS 07:6 0 TRIG 0A:7-6 0 TXSQ 14:7 0 UE 08:3 0 102366B Name/Description Scrambled Ones. When the modem is configured as a high speed transmitter, status bit SCR1 = 1 indicates scrambled ones are being sent. When SCR1 = 0, scrambled ones are not being sent. When the modem is configured as a high speed receiver, status bit SCR1 = 1 indicates scrambled ones are being received. When SCR1 = 0, scrambled ones are not being received. Setup. Control bit SETUP must be set to a 1 by the host after the host writes a configuration code into the CONF bits ($06:7-0) or changes any of bits 0 through 6 in register 07 ($07:6-0). This informs the modem to implement the configuration change. The modem resets the SETUP bit to a 0 when the configuration change request is recognized. Short Train Rate Sequence. When control bit SHPR is a 1, the V.17 rate sequence is included in the short training sequence, which extends the training by 64 baud. Short Train Mode. When control bit SHTR is a 1 and the modem is configured as a highspeed receiver (see CONF), the modem will perform a short training sequence. A successful long train at the same data rate must precede its short train. Note: For V.17, a successful long train at any data rate must precede its short train. Setting SHTR bit must be followed by the setting of the SETUP bit. The EQSV bit must be set and the EQFZ bit may optionally be set for Short Train operation. Squelch Extend. Control bit SQEXT determines the length of time the modem receiver is inhibited from receiving any signal after transmitter turn-off. The length of time is either 20 ms (SQEXT = 0) or 140 ms (SQEXT = 1). The setting of the SQEXT bit must be followed by the setting of the SETUP bit to become active. Stop Bit Number. When control bit STB is reset, one stop bit is selected; when set, two stop bits are selected. (V.23) Transmit Data Buffer Empty. When set, status bit TDBE signifies that the modem has read DBUFF and the host can write new data into DBUFF. This condition can also cause an IRQ to be asserted using the programmable interrupt. The host must clear the bit to transmit data. (V.23) Training Disable. When control bit TDIS is a 1, the modem as a receiver is prevented from recognizing a training sequence and entering the training state; as a transmitter the modem will not transmit the training sequence when the RTSP bit is activated. Interrupt Triggering. These two bits select how the programmable interrupt is to occur if this interrupt is enabled (PIE bit = 1). The host has the option to be continuously interrupted whenever the interrupt condition is true (DC level triggered), to be interrupted only when the interrupt condition transitions from false to true (positive edge triggered), to be interrupted only when the interrupt condition transitions from true to false (negative edge triggered), or to be interrupted when the interrupt condition transitions from false to true or from true to false (edge triggered): Bit 7 Bit 6 Description 0 0 DC Level Triggered 0 1 Positive Edge Triggered 1 0 Negative Edge Triggered 1 1 Edge Triggered Transmitter Squelch. When control bit TXSQ is set, the transmitter analog output is squelched (forced to zero); all other transmitter functions continue to operate as normal. When TXSQ is reset, the transmitter output functions normally. (v.23) Underrun Error. If the host does not load in a new byte of data within X bit times of the modem setting bit TDBE, an underrun condition occurs and UE is set by the modem, The actual number of bit times depends upon the number of stop bits and word size selected. (V.23) The modem will reset UE whenever it sets TDBE. Conexant 3-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 3-2. Interface Memory Bit Definitions (Continued) Mnemonic V23HDX Location 15:0 Default 0 WDSZ 14:1-0 -- WRT 05:1 0 XDAL 02:7-0 - XDAM 03:7-0 - YDAL 00:7-0 - YDAM 01:7-0 - ZEROC 09:4 0 3-12 Name/Description V.23 Half Duplex. When control bit V23HDX is set, the modem operates in V.23/1200 half duplex. The transmitter and receiver must be set to the same V.23 configuration, 1200 bps (CONF = 24h). Carrier is under RTSP control. The RTSP-CTSP delay is adjustable in DSP RAM. ANS should also be set to zero. Data Word Size. In V.23 mode, the WDSZ bits set the number of data bits per character as follows: Bit 1 Bit 0 Data Bits/Character 0 0 5 0 1 6 1 0 7 1 1 8 RAM Write. When control bit WRT is a 1 and ACC is a 1, the modem writes the data from the Y RAM Data registers into its internal RAM at the location addressed by AREX, ADD, and CR. (When the most significant bit of ADD is a 0, the write is performed to the X RAM location; when a 1, the write is to the Y RAM location.) When WRT is a 0 and ACC is set to a 1, the modem reads data from its internal RAM from the locations addressed by AREX, ADD, and CR, and stores the data into the X RAM Data registers and Y RAM Data registers, respectively. X RAM Data LSB. XDAL is the LSB of the 16-bit X RAM data word used in reading X RAM locations. X RAM Data MSB. XDAM is the most significant byte of the 16-bit X RAM data word used in reading X RAM locations. Y RAM Data LSB. YDAL is the LSB of the 16-bit Y RAM data word used in reading Y RAM locations, or writing X or Y RAM locations in the modem. Y RAM Data MSB. YDAM is the MSB of the 16-bit Y RAM data word used in reading Y RAM locations, or writing X or Y RAM locations in the modem. Zero Clamp. In HDLC mode, when control bit ZEROC is a 1 and ABIDL is a 1, the modem will transmit continuous zeros. When ZEROC is a 0 and ABIDL is a 1, the modem will transmit continuous ones. If ABIDL is a 0, ZEROC is disabled. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.2 Software Interface Considerations 3.2.1 Parallel Data Transfer Register 10 in the interface memory is the Data Buffer (DBUFF). The modem and host synchronize data transfer by observing the state of the Buffer 2 Available bit, B2A ($1E:3). The flowchart in Figure 3-1 is used for data transfer. 3.2.2 Receiving Data The modem writes to register DBUFF every eight bit times. The modem sets the B2A bit when received data is available. The host resets the B2A bit by reading DBUFF. After the modem sets B2A, the host must respond within eight bit times or else the modem will write over register DBUFF. While receiving, if the energy drops below the turn-off threshold for a sufficient period of time, the modem writes the last bits of received data to register DBUFF before terminating the receive process. The modem writes the first bit of received data to the least significant bit of register DBUFF, and writes the last bit of received data to the most significant bit of register DBUFF. 3.2.3 Transmitting Data The modem reads register DBUFF every eight bit times when transmitting. The modem sets the B2A bit when requesting transmit data. The host resets the B2A bit by writing to DBUFF. After the modem sets B2A, the host must respond within eight bit times or else the modem will retransmit the data in register DBUFF. If RTSP bit is reset, or SETUP bit is set while transmitting, the modem sends all of the data previously read from register DBUFF before terminating the transmit process. The modem transmits the least significant bit of register DBUFF first, and transmits the most significant bit of register DBUFF last. 3.2.4 Programmable Interrupt Feature The interface memory interrupt feature enables the host to select an interrupt to occur on any combination of bits within an interface memory register. 3.2.5 Programmable Interrupt Bits The programmable interrupt routine runs at the sample rate in all transmit and receive modes. If the host sets the Programmable Interrupt Enable bit, PIE ($1F:4), the modem sets the Programmable Interrupt Active bit, PIA ($1F:7), and IRQn goes low when the interrupt condition is true. The Programmable Interrupt Request bit, PIREQ ($1F:3), is set by the modem whenever the interrupt condition is true. The host must reset PIREQ after servicing the interrupt. An interrupt may occur only within a single interface memory register based upon any combination of bits. For example, the host may select register 09h and generate an 102366B Conexant 3-13 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide interrupt whenever bits $09:7, $09:4, and/or $09:3 are set, but may not select bits $08:7 and $09:2 to generate an interrupt. The register is selected by specifying the Interrupt Address, ITADRS ($0A:4-0). (See ITADRS) The Interrupt Bit Mask register, ITBMSK ($0B:7-0), selects the bits to be tested in the interface memory register specified by ITADRS. For example, if ITBMSK is equal to FFh, all the bits are selected; if ITBMSK is equal to 0Fh, the four least significant bits are selected. 3.2.6 Programmable Interrupt Operating Modes There are two operating modes with each mode having four trigger options. The ANDOR ($0A:5) bit selects the operating mode. The TRIG bits ($0A:7-6) select the triggering option. 3-14 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-1. Parallel Data Transfer Routine START 1 -> PDM ($07:5) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) To receive data SETUP ($1F:0) = 0? No Yes To transmit data Perform dummy read of DBUFF (10:7-0) B2A (1E:3) = 1? Yes 1 -> RTSP (07:7) No CTSP ($0F:1) = 1? Yes Yes Read DBUFF Write DBUFF Continue? B2A (1E:3) = 1? No Yes No No END Yes Continue? No 0 -> RTSP (07:7) END 102366_009 102366B Conexant 3-15 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.2.7 DTMF Receiver Mode Selection and Description The DTMF receiver operates concurrently with the FSK receiver and the three tone detectors. The encoded DTMF receiver output is written into the four least significant bits of register 1C. The modem sets the DTMF Signal Detected status bit, DTMFD ($1C:4), to a 1 whenever a DTMF signal is successfully detected. The host must reset DTMFD after reading the register, otherwise, two or more successive detections of the same symbol may go unnoticed. DTMF Reception Status Bits Other status bits have been included in register 1C to facilitate host DTMF detection, primarily when used with the programmable interrupt. The Early Detection bit, EDET ($1C:7), may set to a 1 approximately 20 ms after signal energy is detected. Setting this bit informs the host that the received signal appears to be a DTMF signal, but the modem has not yet completed its processing. The Dual Tone Detected bit, DTDET ($1C:6), may set to a 1 approximately 11 ms following EDET setting. DTDET is set when the received signal satisfies all DTMF criteria except on-time, off-time, and cycle-time. At this time the encoded DTMF receiver output is made available to the host in the DTMF Output Word ($1C:3-0). If DTDET is not set to a 1, then the received signal has failed one or more criteria, and consequently the modem resets EDET and resumes its search. After the on-time criteria is satisfied, the modem sets the On-Time Satisfied bit, OTS ($1C:5), to a 1. If the on-time is not satisfied, the modem resets bits EDET and DTDET and resumes its search. As soon as both the off-time and cycle-time are satisfied, DTMFD is set to a 1. If these times are not satisfied, then EDET, DTDET, and OTS are reset and the receiver resumes its search. Also following DTMFD setting, EDET, DTDET, and OTS are reset. The relationship between these status bits for a valid DTMF signal is illustrated in Figure 3-2. If, after DTDET is set to a 1, the host resets DTDET before OTS sets to a 1, then the DTMF receiver is reset to its initial state except for the programmable DTMF parameters which retain their present values (see Section 4). If, after OTS is set to a 1, the host resets OTS before DTMFD sets to a 1, then the DTMF receiver is reset to its initial state except for the programmable DTMF parameters which retain their present values (see Section 4). See Table 11-1 for DTMF receiver performance characteristics. Note: 3-16 The DTMF copy bits (EDETC, DTDETC, OTSC, and DTMFDC in register 17) copy the corresponding actual DTMF status bits (EDET, DTDET, OTS, and DTMFD, respectively, in register 1C). The copy bits are located in the same register as the status bits for tone detection, Type II Caller ID detection, and ring detection status bits to facilitate programmable interrupt service. Clearing the DTMFD status bit will automatically clear the corresponding DTMFDC copy bit within one sample time. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-2. DTMF Receiver Status Bit Timing FED ~20 ms EDET ~11 ms DTDET OTS (PROGRAMMABLE) DTMFD (PROGRAMMABLE) 102366_010 3.2.8 V.21 Channel 2 FSK 7E Flag Detector The V.21 Channel 2 FSK 7E flag detector can be used to detect the presence of the energy produced by the T.30 FSK 7E flag preamble while the modem is configured in any high speed receiver mode except for V.27 ter short train. FSKFLS and FSK7E bits indicate the status of the detection process (see Table 3-2 for bit descriptions). The detection process starts after the modem enters its receiver idle mode and a waiting period of 8 bauds has elapsed after FED turns on (Figure 3-3). The modem receiver normally enters the idle mode after any of the following events: 1. The host setting of SETUP bit. 2. After FED turns off with enough lapse time (about 30 ms in V.29) in data mode to return to the idle mode. 3. After the modem detects a significant gain hit in the data mode (CDET on). The presence of an FSK signal when noise is above turn-on threshold will generate such a hit. After the modem enters the idle mode, the modem will reset FSKFLS and FSK7E bits to a 0. If FED is on, then the modem will set FSKFLS to a 1 and start the detection process. After the completion of the detection process, if the FSK 7E signal is present the modem will set FSK7E bit to a 1 and reset the FSKFLS bit to a 0. The FSK7E bit will remain at this state until the modem enters the idle mode again or the host resets the bit to a 0. The detector will not work properly if the modem is not allowed to complete the detection process, which lasts about 106.7 ms after FSKFLS goes to a 1. In the event that the host sets the control bit TDIS to a 1 after the modem enters its idle mode, the modem will quickly enter the data mode after FED turns on and, hence, not allow enough time for the detector to complete its detection process. Therefore, the TDIS bit must be reset to a 0 to assure the proper function of the FSK 7E flag detector. An example of the FSK 7E flag detector in a signal recognition algorithm is illustrated in Figure 8-26. 102366B Conexant 3-17 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-3. FSK 7E Flag Detector Timing FED 8 baud times SIDLE ~106.67 ms FSKFLS FSK7E 102366_011 3-18 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.2.9 V.23 Mode Operation The V.23 mode operates when CONF = 24h. DSP RAM Access 2 does not operate in this mode. V.23 Mode Transmitter and Receiver In both V.23 Full-duplex and Half-duplex operation, the transmitter is activated by RTSP = 1. CTSP will respond as described in Table 1-2, and data may then be sent using the DBUFF. V.23 data received by the modem will be presented to the host at DBUFF. During V.23 communication, the transmitter squelch (TXSQ), break send (BRKS), and Receive Compromise Equalizer (CEQ) may be activated at any time. All other changes to the V.23 configuration (word size, parity, stop bit selection, parallel data mode, half duplex mode) require the host to set the SETUP bit before any action is taken by the modem. Start, stop, data length, and parity selection is done via the modem interface memory. During transmission, the host need only provide data bits to the DBUFF register, and the modem will add the requested start, stop, and parity bits. During reception, start and stop bits are always stripped by the modem. The parity bit is NOT, in general, stripped from the data by the modem, and remains with the data as the most significant bit, for backward compatibility with previous Conexant products. In parallel mode, the modem senses overrun, underrun, framing, and parity errors. Figure 3-4 shows how to setup various V.23 transmit and receive modes. 3.2.10 Caller ID Mode Operation The Caller ID (V.23 Receive only) mode operates when CONF = 22h. Control Bits The Receive Compromise Equalizer included in V.23 mode also functions in Caller ID mode. It may be enabled at any time during Caller ID reception by setting CEQ to a 1. The V.23 control bits ANS (Answer) and V23HDX must be set to zero in Caller ID mode. Figure 3-5 shows Caller ID setup. 102366B Conexant 3-19 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-4. V.23 Modes Setup Procedure V.23 Mode Setup Set CONF = 24h Full Duplex Desired? No Yes Originate Desired? Yes No Set V23HDX = 0, ANS = 1 (for Tx = 1200, Rx = 75) Set V23HDX = 0, ANS = 0 (for Tx = 75, Rx = 1200) Set V23HDX = 1, ANS = 0 (for Tx = Rx = 1200) Select Data Bits (5, 6, 7, 8) Select Stop Bits (1,2) Select Parity (Mark, Space, Even, Odd) Set SETUP Bit Yes Full Duplex Selected? RTSP = 0: Clamp Tx to Mark RTSP = 1: Data Mode No RTSP = 0: Select Rx RTSP = 1: Select Tx Exit 102366_012 3-20 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-5. Caller ID Mode Setup Procedure Caller ID Setup Set CONF = 22h Set V23HDX = 0, ANS = 0 (Rx = 1200 bps) Set SETUP bit Exit 102366_013 102366B Conexant 3-21 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.2.11 High Speed Timing Several status bits in the DSP interface memory are useful to the host for monitoring various receiver conditions. These bits are significant during training and data reception/transmission. Figure 3-6 illustrates the timing relationships between these bits. Table 3-3 lists the timing values. Table 3-3. High Speed Status Bit Timing Mode T2 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 T3 106.7 53.3 41.7 31.2 8.8 41.6 11.7 T4 15.8 160 25.8 671 36.3 895 48.3 T5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T6 20.0 20.0 7.5 5.0 5.0 6.6 6.6 Conexant T7 4.6 6.3 4.6 9.4 3.1 12.5 4.2 T8 4.2 4.2 4.2 6.3 6.3 8.3 8.3 T9 10.9 4.2 4.2 6.3 6.3 8.3 8.3 T10 13 5 5 7 7 10 10 T11 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 T13 V.17 40 V.29 Long 34 V.29 Short 34 V.27 ter, 4800 Long 19 V.27 ter, 4800 Short 19 V.27 ter, 2400 Long 24 V.27 ter, 2400 Short 24 Notes: 1. SHPR = 0; T5 = 26.5 ms for SHPR = 1. 2. 140 ms if SQEXT = 1. 3. With HDLC bit off, resetting the RTSP bit immediately after loading the last byte (see Section 3.): T12 = 8 bit times (see Figure 3-6). With HDLC bit on, resetting the RTSP bit after loading the last byte (see Section 5): T12 = 32 bit times. 3-22 T1 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 187.5 Units ms ms ms ms ms ms ms 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-6. High Speed Mode Status Bit Timing Analog Signal TRANSMIT: Data 8 bits T12* SCR1 T10 T11 (min) RTSP P1 SIDLE P2 PN PR SCR1 DATA/CTSP RECEIVE: T13 SIDLE P2 PN PNDET PNSUC PR PRDET SCR1 RXD DATA/CDET 102366_014a 102366B Conexant 3-23 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 3-6. High Speed Mode Status Bit Timing (Continued) Analog Signal P1 T1 TRANSMIT: RTSP T2 P2 PN PR SCR1 T3 T4 T5 T6 DATA P1 SIDLE P2 PN PR SCR1 DATA/CTSP T7 RECEIVE: T7 T8 T8 T8 T9 SIDLE P2 PNDET PR PNSUC PR PNSUC SCR1 RXD DATA/CDET 102366_014b 3-24 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 3.2.12 Power-On/Reset DSP Test Mode After Power-On Reset (POR), the modem enters into a test mode and calculates checksums on ROM, RAM and multiplier sections. The results of the checksums and ASCII values corresponding to the DSP device part number and code revision letter are written to the interface memory registers 10h through 19h approximately 20 ms after POR signal deactivates (see Table 3-4). The contents will remain in these registers for about 2.5 ms or until register 10 is read by the host. Table 3-4. Power-On Reset Self-Test Values Contents Multiplier checksum upper word Multiplier checksum lower word RAM checksum upper word RAM checksum lower word ROM checksum upper word ROM checksum lower word DSP device upper number ASCII DSP device lower word ASCII ASCII value for " " (space) DSP device code revision number (example = "A") Register (Hex) 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Value (Hex) 46 EE 81 5C C8 68 68 00 20 41 After POR, the contents of these registers are read using the following RAM Access Codes: Table 3-5. RAM Access Codes Function DSP Device Number DSP Device Code Revision Number ROM Checksum Multiplier Checksum RAM Checksum 102366B BR 0 0 0 0 0 Conexant CR 0 0 0 0 0 IO 1 1 1 1 1 AREX 0 0 0 0 0 ADD 9F 9E 9D 9C 9B Read Reg. No. 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 3-25 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 3-26 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4. DSP RAM Access The DSP RAM contains 16-bit words. Since the DSP is optimized for performing complex arithmetic, the RAM is organized into real (X RAM) and imaginary (Y RAM) parts. The host processor reads or writes X RAM and Y RAM. The DSP interface memory is an intermediary during data exchanges between the host and the DSP RAM. The address stored in the interface memory RAM address registers by the host determines the DSP RAM address for data access. The 16-bit words are transferred between DSP RAM and DSP interface memory once each baud or sample time, as selected by the BR bit. A RAM Access bit in the DSP interface memory tells the DSP to access the X RAM and/or Y RAM. The transfer is initiated by the host setting the ACC bit. The DSP tests this bit each baud or sample period. 4.1 Host Programmable Data The DSP RAM access functions, codes, and registers are identified in Table 4-1. 4.1.1 Host DSP RAM Read And Write Procedures The modem main RAM has four RAM banks: Data RAM Real, Data RAM Imaginary, Coefficient RAM Real, and Coefficient RAM Imaginary. To access the main RAM, write the desired RAM access code into ADD. Bits 0 through 6 and AREX of the access code specify the RAM location and bit 7 of the access code specifies a real or imaginary RAM location. The CR bit controls whether the coefficient RAM or data RAM is accessed. 4.1.2 DSP RAM Read Procedure The DSP RAM read procedure is a 32-bit transfer from DSP RAM to the interface memory which transfers both the X RAM and Y RAM simultaneously (Figure 4-1). 102366B 1. Before reading from the DSP, reset ACC to a 0, then read YDAL to reset B1A. 2. Reset WRT to a 0 to inform the DSP that a RAM read will occur when ACC is set to a 1. 3. For main RAM access, write the RAM address into ADD and AREX, then set CR and IO to chosen values. 4. Set ACC to a 1 to signal the DSP to perform the RAM read. 5. The DSP sets B1A after transferring the contents of RAM into the interface memory registers. 6. If B1I1E is a 1, the DSP asserts IRQn and sets B1IA to a 1 to inform the host that setting of B1A is the cause. 7. Read XDAM, XDAL, YDAM, and YDAL in this order. Conexant 4-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Note: 4.2 Reading YDAL clears B1IA, which causes IRQn to return high if no other interrupt requests are pending. DSP RAM Write Procedure The RAM write procedure is a 16-bit transfer from interface memory to DSP RAM allowing the transfer of X RAM data or Y RAM data to occur each baud data or sample time (Figure 4-1). 4-2 1. Before writing to DSP interface memory, reset ACC to a 0, then read YDAL to reset B1A. 2. For main RAM access, write the RAM address into ADD and AREX, then set CR and IO to the chosen values. 3. Set WRT to a 1 to inform the DSP that a RAM write will occur when ACC is set to a 1. 4. Write the desired data into the interface memory RAM Data registers YDAL and YDAM. 5. Set ACC to a 1 to signal the DSP to perform the RAM write. 6. The DSP sets B1A after transferring the contents of the interface memory registers into RAM. 7. If B1I1E is a 1, IRQn is also asserted and B1IA is set to a 1 when B1A is set to a 1 by the DSP. 8. Clear B1IA by writing into YDAL, which causes IRQn to return high if no other interrupt requests are pending. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 4-1. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes Function 4:1 4:2 4:3 4:4 4:5 4:6 4:7 4:8 4:9 4:10 4:11 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:15 4:16 4:17 4:18 4:19 4:20 4:21 4:22 4:23 4:24 4:25 4:26 4:27 4:28 4:29 4:30 1 Description 4:33 4:34 4:35 4:36 4:37 4:38 Tone 1 Frequency Tone 2 Frequency Tone 1 Transmit Output Level Tone 2 Transmit Output Level Transmit Output Level/Scaling Equalizer Tap Coefficients Rotated Equalizer Output, Eye Pattern Decision Points, Ideal Error Vector Rotation Angle Frequency Correction Eye Quality Monitor (EQM), Hard Decision Eye Quality Monitor (EQM), TCM Min. Metric CDET Turn-on Threshold CDET Turn-off Threshold Receiver Sensitivity, MAXG Minimum On Time (DTMF) Minimum Off Time (DTMF) Minimum Cycle Time (DTMF) Maximum Dropout Time (DTMF) Maximum Speech Energy (DTMF) Frequency Deviation, Low Group (DTMF) Frequency Deviation, High Group (DTMF) Negative Twist Control (DTMF) Positive Twist Control (DTMF) Maximum Energy Hit Time (DTMF) Number of Additional Flags, NFLAG (HDLC) Transmitter Rate Sequence Pattern 3 Receiver Rate Sequence Pattern 3 FR1 Tone Detector Coefficients FR1 Tone Detector Coefficients FR2 Tone Detector Coefficients FR2 Tone Detector Coefficients FR3 Tone Detector Coefficients FR3 Tone Detector Coefficients Tone Detector Threshold Maximum Samples per Ring Frequency Period Minimum Samples per Ring Frequency Period Sleep Mode Enable V.23 Receive Compromise Equalizer Taps V.23 RTSP to CTSP Turn On Transition Time 4:39 4:40 V.23 Number of Bits (Caller ID only) Set Start Address for PRAM Read/Write 4:31 4:32 102366B BR CR IO AREX ADD 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 21 22 22 23 21 50 - 7F 17 17 1D 8C 18 0D B8 37 B7 24 1F 1F 9F 9F 1E 1D 1D 1E 9E A3 85 6B 9A 25-2A A5-AA 2B-30 AB-B0 31-36 B1-B6 9D 53 52 3E 18-4F 12 D3 D2 DC DE EB B4 Conexant Read Reg. No. 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3 0,1,2,3 0,1 2,3 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 2,3 2,3 0,1 0,1 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 0,1 0,1 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 0,1 2,3 2,3 0,1 2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 0,1 0,1 4-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 4-2. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes Function 1 Description BR 4:41 Received Signal Sample (Pre-AGC) 0 4:42 Received Signal Sample (Post-AGC) 0 4:43 AGC Gain Word 0 4:44 AGC Slew Rate Word 0 Notes: 1. Parameter numbers refer to corresponding numbers in this section. 4-4 Conexant CR IO AREX ADD 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 15 15 95 Read Reg. No. 2,3 2,3 2,3 0,1 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 4-1. Host Flowchart - RAM Data Read and Write Start Read Start Write 0 -> ACC 0 -> ACC 0 -> WRT Store relevant access code in ADD and AREX Read YDAL to reset B1A CR and IO as appropriate Store relevant access code in ADD and AREX 1 -> WRT CR and IO as appropriate YDAM = MSB YDAL = LSB 1 -> ACC 1 -> ACC B1A = 1? No B1A = 1? No Yes Yes Read YDAM and YDAL or Read XDAM or XDAL depending on access code Yes More to write? No Yes More to read? 0 -> ACC No End Write 0 -> ACC End Read 102366_015 102366B Conexant 4-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.3 Function 4:1 Function 4:2 Diagnostic Data Scaling Tone 1 Frequency Tone 2 Frequency Format: 16 bits, unsigned Equation: N = 6.8267 x Frequency (in Hz) Convert N to hexadecimal, then store in RAM. Function 4:3 Function 4:4 Tone 1 Transmit Output Level Tone 2 Transmit Output Level Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Calculate the transmit output level (power) of each tone independently by using the equation for Transmit Output Level. Total power transmitted in tone configuration is the result of both tone 1 power and tone 2 power. Function 4:5 Transmit Output Level/Scaling Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Transmit Output Level = 18426 [10(Po/20)] or 18426 [10(Ps/20)] Where: Po = output power in dBm with a 600 ohm load termination. Ps = output power in dBm with a series 600 ohm resistor into a 600 ohm load (Ps = Po - 6). Convert Transmit Output Level to hexadecimal and store in RAM. Default Value: 7FFFh Function 4:6 Equalizer Tap Coefficients Access codes 50h through 7Fh represent 48 complex taps. The equalizer tap coefficients can be useful for restoring modem operation after loss of equalization without requesting a training sequence from the transmitter. Since the equalizer tap coefficients are complex numbers, they require two write operations per tap, one for the real part and one for the imaginary part. When writing the imaginary part, the access codes 50h through 7Fh must be changed to D0h through FFh. When writing the real part, or when reading the complex number, the access codes 50h through 7Fh are appropriate. Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement, real 16 bits, signed, twos complement, imaginary 4-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:7 Function 4:8 Rotated Equalizer Output (Eye Pattern) Decision Points (Ideal) Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement, real 16 bits, signed, twos complement, imaginary Function 4:9 Error Vector Represents the difference between the received point (P2) and the nearest ideal point (P1). Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement, real 16 bits, signed, twos complement, imaginary y BOUNDARY 11 P2 10 9 i 8 P1 = x1 + iy1 P2 = x2 + iy2 P2 - P1 = (x2 - x1) + i(y2 - y1) = REAL ERROR + IMAGINARY ERROR 7 6 5 4 BOUNDARY 3 R P1 2 1 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 1045F2-1a Error Vector Maximum Values: Configuration V.29 V.29 V.29 V.27 ter V.27 ter 102366B Bit Rate Registers 3 and 2 Real Error (Re) (Hex) Registers 1 and 0 Imaginary Error (Im) (Hex) 9600 9200 4800 4800 2400 <0C00 <2400 <1C00 <1C00 <1C00 <0C00 <2400 <1C00 <1C00 <1C00 Conexant Magnitude 2 2 (Re + Im ) (Hex) <0E66 <1AD4 <1C00 <1C00 <1C00 4-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:10 Rotation Angle Represents instantaneous correction for phase and frequency errors. Function 4:11 Format: 16-bits, twos complement Equation: Rotation Angle (degrees) = [(Rotation Angle Word)h/10000h] x 180 Frequency Correction Represents component of rotation angle caused by frequency error. Function 4:12 Format: 16 bits, twos complement Equation: Frequency Correction (Hz) = [(Freq. Correction Word)h/10000h] x Baud Rate in Hz Range: FC00h to 0400h representing 37.5 Hz Eye Quality Monitor (EQM) Hard Decision Equals the filtered squared magnitude of the error vector. Proportionality to bit error rate is determined by the particular application. Stabilizes in approximately 700 baud times from CDET going active. Format: Function 4:13 16 bits, positive, twos complement Eye Quality Monitor (EQM) TCM Minimum Metric (DFX214 models) Equals the filtered squared magnitude of the path length for TCM modes. Stabilizes in approximately 1200 baud times from CDET going active. Format: Function 4:14 Function 4:15 Function 4:16 16 bits, positive, twos complement CDET Turn-On Threshold CDET Turn-Off Threshold Receiver Sensitivity (MAXG) Three parameters can be programmed by the host to control the CDET turn-on and turn-off thresholds: (1) Post-AGC Turn-on Threshold, (2) Post-AGC Turn-off Threshold, and (3) Receiver Sensitivity (MAXG) - AGC Gain Word Limit. Format: 16 bits, positive, twos complement Equation: CDET Turn-on Threshold = 2185 x 10(TON + 50 - [(MAXG/64)0.098]/10) CDET Turn-off Threshold = 2185 x 10(TOFF +50 - [(MAXG/64)0.098]/10) Receiver Sensitivity (MAXG) = 655.36 [50 - Gain Limit (dB)] Where: TON is the turn-on threshold in dBm. TOFF is the turn-off threshold in dBm. MAXG is programmable in RAM and defaults to 0FC0h (4032). 4-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:17 Minimum On-Time (DTMF) The on-time is defined as the minimum period of time of the DTMF signal, beginning when the signal is detected, and ending when the energy is below the turn-off threshold. The ontime parameter cannot be set below 29.6 ms (0000h). The default on-time parameter is set for 40.0 1 ms. The on-time will vary with signal level. To increase or decrease the on-time parameter value, convert the increase/decrease value into hex and then add/subtract that to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Minimum On-Time [(Increase/Decrease in ms)9.6]h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 007Ah Function 4:18 Minimum Off-Time (DTMF) The minimum off-time is defined as the minimum period of time of the DTMF signal beginning when the energy falls below the turn-off threshold and ending when a gain hit is detected. The off-time parameter is equal to the desired minimum off-time minus the drop out time. The default off-time is set for 40.0 1 ms with a default drop out time parameter of 5.0 ms. To increase or decrease the off-time parameter value, convert the increase/decrease value into hex and then add/subtract that to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Minimum Off-Time [(Increase/Decrease in ms)9.6]h (drop out time equal to 5.0 ms). Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 013Eh Function 4:19 Minimum Cycle-Time (DTMF) The minimum cycle-time is defined as the minimum period of the DTMF signal beginning when the signal is detected and ending when the next signal begins. The cycle-time parameter is equal to the desired minimum cycle-time minus the drop out time. The default cycle-time parameter is set for 93.0 1 ms with a default drop out time parameter of 5.0 ms. To increase or decrease the cycle-time parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Minimum Cycle-Time [(Increase/Decrease in ms)9.6]h (dropout time equal to 5.0 ms). Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 022Ah 102366B Conexant 4-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:20 Minimum Dropout-Time (DTMF) The minimum dropout time is defined as the maximum period of the DTMF signal beginning when the signal energy drops below the turn-off threshold and ending when the signal energy returns that is considered to be part of the on-time. The default dropout-time parameter is set to 5.0 ms. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: [(Desired Time in ms)9.6]h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 0029h Function 4:21 Maximum Speech Energy (DTMF) This parameter specifies the maximum relative speech energy that may be detected and still receive DTMF signals. The speech energy is measured in the frequency region of second or third harmonics of the DTMF tones. To disable the speech energy detector, set this parameter to its full scale positive value 7FFFh. Decreasing the value of this parameter may degrade signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance, but may reduce false settings of status bit EDET due to speech signals. To increase or decrease the maximum speech energy parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Maximum Speech Energy (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 0519h Function 4:22 Frequency Deviation, Low Group (DTMF) This parameter controls the acceptable frequency range for the low group DTMF tones. Increasing the value of this parameter increases the frequency range. The frequency range will vary from one DTMF symbol to another. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Frequency Deviation (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 034Ah Function 4:23 Frequency Deviation, High Group (DTMF) This parameter controls the acceptable frequency range for the high group DTMF tones. Increasing the value of this parameter increases the frequency range. The frequency range will vary from one DTMF symbol to another. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the current value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Frequency Deviation (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 0444h 4-10 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:24 Negative Twist Control (DTMF) This parameter controls the acceptable negative twist for the DTMF signals. Decreasing this parameter increases the acceptable negative twist level. The twist will vary from one DTMF symbol to another. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the default value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Negative Twist (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 2800h Function 4:25 Positive Twist Control (DTMF) This parameter controls the acceptable positive twist for the DTMF signals. Decreasing this parameter increases the acceptable positive twist level. The twist will vary from one DTMF symbol to another. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the default value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Positive Twist (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 1420h Function 4:26 Maximum Energy Hit Time (DTMF) This parameter is a counter value which represents the number of sample times (the duration) of an allowed energy impulse during the DTMF off-time measurement. A value of 0000h means no gain hits will be tolerated during the off time. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: [(Desired Time in ms)(9.6)]h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 0 Function 4:27 Number of Additional Flags (HDLC) This parameter controls the number of flags between frames or at the end of the final frame. See Section 5 for more information. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Desired number of flags - 1 Default Value: 0 102366B Conexant 4-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:28 Function 4:29 Transmitter Rate Sequence Pattern (DFX214 models only) Receiver Rate Sequence Pattern (DFX214 models only) The following rate sequence patterns can be sent and detected by the modem as enabled by the ASPEED bit (see ASPEED description in Table 3-2): Encoding: ASPEED Rate Sequence Pattern (Hex) 0 V.17, all rates 0111* 1 14400 bps 0171* 1 12000 bps 01B1* 1 9600 bps 01F1* 1 7200 bps 0331* * The most significant bit of the rate sequence pattern corresponds to bit 0 in the V.17 rate sequence pattern. Format: Function 4:30 Data Rate 16-bits, unsigned FR1 Tone Detector Coefficients FR1 Tone Detector Coefficients See Section 6 for scaling information. Function 4:31 FR2 Tone Detector Coefficients FR2 Tone Detector Coefficients See Section 6 for scaling information. Function 4:32 FR3 Tone Detector Coefficients FR3 Tone Detector Coefficients See Section 6 for scaling information. Function 4:33 Tone Detector Threshold This parameter represents the threshold value (1/8 by default) to compare with the output of the energy average in the tone detector. This parameter is used for all 3 filters. Format: 16 bits, twos complement, positive value Equation: 215 (1 - Threshold desired) h Default Value: 7000h Function 4:34 Maximum Samples per Ring Frequency Period (RDMAXP) This parameter determines the maximum period on RINGDn that will be indicated on RI. The default value of 71.4 ms corresponds to the minimum ring frequency of 14 Hz. This allows proper detection of frequencies as low as 14 Hz. Format: 16 bits, twos complement, positive value Equation: Maximum period samples = Sampling frequency (samples/sec)/minimum ring frequency (Hz) Convert to hex and store in RAM. Default Value: 02B4h (71.4 ms) for 9600 Hz sample rate 4-12 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:35 Minimum Samples per Ring Frequency Period (RDMINP) This parameter determines the minimum period on RINGDn that will be indicated on RI. The default value of 13.9 ms corresponds to the maximum ring frequency of 72 Hz. This allows proper detection of frequencies as high as 72 Hz. Format: 16 bits, twos complement, positive value Equation: Minimum period samples = Sampling frequency (samples/sec)/maximum ring frequency (Hz) Convert to hex and store in RAM. Default Value: 0085h (13.9 ms) for 9600 Hz sample rate Function 4:36 Sleep Mode Enable Writing a 0 to this register puts the modem DSP into the Sleep Mode and the PIA into reset mode. The modem will then go through its power-on sequence and resume normal operation with its default values in response to a hardware power-on reset. Function 4:37 V.23 Receive Compromise Equalizer Taps Access codes 18h through 4Fh represent 56 taps. Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement, real Default Values: The default values of the Receive Compromise Equalizer provide 50% compensation (both amplitude and group delay) of a 1040 Tellindus line (which approximates a CCITT 1040/1025 line). Access code 4Fh is used for the first equalizer tap, and Access code 18h is used for the last equalizer tap. Function 4:38 V.23 RTSP to CTSP Turn On Transition Time These parameters control the transition time from RTSP On-to-CTSP On. The default value of this time is 10 ms. This transition time can be controlled by following procedure: 1. Write 00h to address $12. 2. Write 00h to address $D3 and $D2. 3. Write desired value for RTSP On-to-CTSP On time to $DC and $DE (default is 64h). The equation of desired transition time = T * Fs Where: T = time in ms, Fs = 9600 Hz Example for 10 ms transition time: 0.010 * 9600 = 96 (60h) Write 60h to $DE and $DC for 10 ms RTSP On-to-CTSP On time. 102366B Conexant 4-13 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 4:39 V.23 Number of Bits (Caller ID only) This parameter selects the number of bits per character for Caller ID mode, including one start bit and one stop bit. Caller ID mode does not use a parity bit. Characters from 5 to 8 data bits (7 to 10 bits total) are supported. The start and stop bits will be stripped from received data before it is placed in DBUFF. Format: 16 bits, positive, twos complement Equation: [Desired number of bits per received character]h Default Value: 000Ah (8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity - standard for Caller ID) Function 4:40 Set Start Address for PRAM Read or Write Before the host reads or writes data from or to PRAM, the host must write the starting address to address $B4. The PRAM starts at address $00 and the size is 512 bytes. See Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6 for PRAM write and read timing, respectively. Format: 16 bits Default Value: No default value Function 4:41 Received Signal Sample (Pre-AGC) = A/D Sample Word Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement Equation: VINT (Volts)= [(A/D Sample Word x VMAX/32768) + 2.5V Where: VMAX = 1.6V VEXT is the input to the IA VINT is the output of the IA and input to the DSP. Function 4:42 Received Signal Sample (Post-AGC) = A/D Sample Word Format: 16 bits, signed, twos complement Equation: VINT (Volts)= [(A/D Sample Word x VMAX/32768) + 2.5V VEXT = VINT/LOG10-1 [AGC Gain (dB)/20] Where: VMAX = 1.6V VEXT is the input to the IA VINT is the output of the IA and input to the DSP. Function 4:43 Function 4:44 AGC Gain Word Format: 16-bits, unsigned Equation: AGC Gain (dB) = 50 [1 - (AGC Gain Word)h/32768] AGC Slew Rate Word Format: 16 bits, positive, twos complement The AGC Slew Rate can be approximated by the following equation: Equation: Note: 4-14 AGC Slew Rate = [19968/(Sample rate x AGC gain fall time constant in seconds)]h AGC gain tracks the input signal with an exponential function with respect to time, and its fall time is approximately 5 times faster than its rise time. The above equation was determined based upon a 40 dB change in input signal. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.4 Integrated Analog Control Registers The modem has an internal integrated analog (PIA) codec that provides gain, filtering, internal analog switching, and an internally sourced microphone bias output. The IA is controlled by three control registers and an address register located in internal RAM space which are accessed via the modem interface memory. These registers provide individual controls for the IA's inputs, outputs, gain, and switching. The registers are located in internal RAM. The LSB of each 16-bit address contents is used to control the PIA. Figure 4-2 shows the PIA signal flow control. Register IACR1 IACR2 IACR3 IAADD BR 0 0 0 0 CR 0 0 0 0 IO 0 0 0 0 AREX 0 0 0 0 ADD D0 D4 D5 CE PIA Register 0 0 0 0,1 For changes made to IACR1/IACR2/IACR3 to be effective, the host must write to IAADD with values 0002h/0006h/00007h, respectively. Configuration default values are shown below. Default Value (Hex) Configuration 102366B V.17 IACR1 1D9E IACR2 0008 IACR3 0000 V.29 V.27ter V.21 Ch. 2 1D9E 1D9E 1D9E 0008 0008 0008 0000 0000 0000 V.23/Caller ID Tone Transmit/Detect 1D9E 1D9E 0008 0008 0000 0000 Conexant 4-15 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 4-2. PIA Signal Flow Control Rx Enable Mic Enable IA1_HSMICP IA1_HSMICM Mic/Lin Select Gain LPF ADC SOUT 0,+4 dB 0, 20, 25, 30 dB (Micin) 0 dB (Linein) IA1_RXP/IA1_RXM Tx Enable text (1,1) Line Driver LnInSel (1:0) IA1_TXP/IA1_TXM (0,0) (1,0) Mute, 0, -6, -12 dB (0,1) IA1_SPKRP Speaker Driver RTLoop (1:0) (0,0) DAC SIN (1,0) IA1_SPKRM (1,1) 0, 6 dB Speaker Out Enable 102366_016 4-16 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.4.1 IACR1 IA Control Register 1 The bits in IA Control Register IACR1 control DAC gain, Mic gain, TX enable, SPKRP and SPKRM enable, ADC gain, RX enable, and MICP and MICM enable. Bit 7 DAC Gain Bit 6 Bit 5 Mic Gain Bit 7 Bit 4 TX Enable Bit 3 SPKR(P/M) Enable Bit 2 ADC Gain Bit 1 RX Enable Bit 0 MIC(P/M) Enable DAC Gain Enable. When control bit DAC Gain is a 1, the modem transmit output level is increased by 6 dB in the DAC. When control bit DAC Gain is a 0, the transmit output level is not increased in the DAC (0 dB). Bits 6-5: Mic Gain. Control bits Mic Gain select one of four amplifications for the MIC(P/M) pins. 00 = 0 dB 01 = 20 dB 10 = 25 dB 11 = 30 dB Bit 4 TX Enable. When SPKR(P/M) is a 1 and TX Enable is a 0, the IA line output driver is three-stated. Bit 3 SPKR(P/M) Enable. When control bit SPKR(P/M) is a 1, the IA speaker output driver is enabled. When SPKR(P/M) is a 0 the IA speaker output driver is three-stated. Bit 2 ADC Gain. When control bit ADC Gain is a 0, the ADC gain is +4 dB. When control bit ADC Gain is a 1, the ADC Gain is 0 dB. Bit 1 RX Enable. When control bit RX Enable is a 1, the line differential input signal at pins IA1_RXP and IA1_RXM is routed to the ADC input. When control bit RX Enable is a 0, the line differential input signal at pins IA1_RXP and IA1_RXM is not routed to the ADC input. Bit 0 MIC(P/M) Enable. When control bit MIC(P/M) Enable is a 1, the microphone differential input signal at pins IA1_HSMICM and IA1_HSMICP are routed to the ADC input. When control bit MIC(P/M) Enable is a 0, the microphone differential input signal at pins IA1_HSMICM and IA1_HSMICP are not routed to the ADC input. Note: 102366B RX Enable and MIC(P/M) cannot be enabled at the same time. Conexant 4-17 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.4.2 IACR2 IA Control Register 2 The bits in IA Control Register IACR2 control the speaker driver output to microphone input loopback, line output driver attenuation, microphone input to speaker driver output loopback, line input to speaker driver output loopback, and microphone bias voltage. Bit 7 TxRxLoop Bit 6 __ Bit 5 __ Bit 4 Bit 3 LINEOUT Attenuation Bit 2 Bit 1 RxTxLoop Bit 0 MICBIAS Select Bit 7: TxRxLoop. When control bit TxRxLoop is a 1, the speaker driver transmit output signal is looped back to the microphone receiver input signal. When TxRxLoop is a 0, this transmit-receive loopback is disabled. Bit 6: Reserved. Control bit 6 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bit 5: Reserved. Control bit 5 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bits 4-3: LINEOUT Attenuation. Control bits LINEOUT Attenuation select one of four attenuations for the line output driver. 00 = Analog Ground (Mute) 01 = 0 dB 10 = -6 dB 11 = -12 dB Bits 2-1: RxTxLoop. Control bits RxTxLoop select and enable one of two receivetransmit loopback and speaker output driver mute. 00 = RxTx Loop disabled 01 = Microphone input looped back to speaker driver output 10 = Line input looped back to speaker driver output 11 = Speaker driver output connected to analog ground (Mute) Note: The 01 and 10 settings have the same effect. The actual looped back signal at the speaker output pin is the enabled input signal. For example, when IA1_HSMIC(P/M) is enabled and RxTxLoop bits are set to a 01 or 10, the actual signal at IA1_SPKR(P/M) is the IA1_HSMIC(P/M) signal. When Rx is enabled and RxTxLoop bits are set to a 01 or 10, the actual signal at IA1_SPKR(P/M) is the Rx signal. Bit 0: 4-18 MICBIAS Select. When control bit MICBIAS Select is a 1 the voltage present at the MICBIAS output is analog ground (2.5V). When control bit MICBIAS Select is a 0 the voltage present at the MICBIAS output is 2.2V. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 4.4.3 IACR3 IA Control Register 3 The bits in IA Control Register IACR3 control the line driver input selection. Bit 7 __ Bit 6 __ Bit 5 __ Bit 4 __ Bit 3 __ Bit 2 __ Bit 1 Bit 0 LnInSel Bit 7: Reserved. Control bit 7 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bit 6: Reserved. Control bit 6 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bit 5: Reserved. Control bit 5 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bit 4: Reserved. Control bit 4 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bit 2: Reserved. Control bit 2 is reserved for modem use. Do not alter. Bits 1-0: LnInSel. Control bits LnInSel select one of three input signals for the Line Driver. 00 = DAC Filter Output 10 = LPF Output 11 = LPF Output 102366B Conexant 4-19 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 4-20 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5. HDLC Framing The modem supports High Level Data Link Control (HDLC) framing. This protocol is a standard used for data communications. Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) is a bitoriented protocol which is a subset of HDLC. The same format is used in both protocols although all SDLC fields must be eight-bit octets. The modem uses the SDLC eight-bit octet format. Data and control information on a HDLC link are transmitted via frames. These frames organize the information into a format specified by an ISO standard that enables the transmitting and receiving station to synchronize with each other. This format is shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1. HDLC Frame FLAG ADDR CONTROL INFORMATION FRAME STARTS FCS FLAG FRAME ENDS 102366_017 5.1 Frame Fields 5.1.1 Flags All frames start and end with a flag sequence. The beginning flag and the ending flag are defined by the bit pattern 01111110 (7Eh). The ending flag for one frame can also serve as the beginning flag for the following frame. If separate ending and beginning flags are used, the final zero in the ending flag of one frame may also serve as the first zero of the beginning flag in the following frame. This process is known as "zero-sharing". The zero-sharing bit pattern is 011111101111110. 5.1.2 Address Field The address field informs the receiver where the information is to go (if the primary station is transmitting) or where the message originated (if a secondary station is transmitting). This field is eight bits in length for the "basic" format. For the "extended" format, the length is N number of octets, each octet having the first bit a binary zero with the exception of the last octet that begins with a binary one. Broadcast Address = 11111111 Null Address = 00000000 102366B Conexant 5-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5.1.3 Control Field The control field defines the function of the frame. It may contain a command or response. The control field might also contain send or/and receive sequence numbers. This field can be in one of the following formats: 1. Information Transfer Format 2. Supervisory Format 3. Unnumbered Format This field is normally eight bits in length. However, certain protocols allow for an "extended" control field. For example, it is 16 bits in length for modulo 128 operation of the LAP and LAPB procedures. 5.1.4 Information Field The modem treats the address field, the control field, and any other transmitted data, except for the flags and the Frame Check Sequence, as the information field. The information field does not have a set length; however, this field follows the SDLC protocol in being in the format of eight bit bytes. 5.1.5 Zero Insertion Since flags mark the beginning and ending of a frame, some method must be implemented to inhibit or alter the transmission of data that appear as flags. The method used is called "zero insertion". HDLC procedures require that a zero be transmitted following any succession of five continuous ones. This includes all data in the address, control, information and Frame Check Sequence fields. Use of zero insertion denies any pattern of 01111110 to ever be transmitted between beginning and ending flags. 5.1.6 Zero Deletion When transmitting flags, zero insertion is disabled. During reception of data, after testing for flag recognition, the receiver removes a zero that immediately follows five continuous ones. This is termed "zero deletion". A one that follows five continuous ones signifies either a frame abort (at least seven ones with no zero insertion) or a flag (01111110). The sixth one is, therefore, not removed. 5.1.7 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) The purpose of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) is to give a shorthand representation of the entire transmitted information field and to compare it to the identically generated shorthand representation of the received sequence. If any difference occurs, the received frame was in error and should be re-transmitted. The FCS computation is done on all fields within the frame but does not include the flags. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is the method used. The polynomial is specified in ITU-T T.30 and X.25 as follows: x 16 +x 12 5 +x +1 The polynomial is implemented as shown in Figure 5-2. 5-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide The FCS is sent as two bytes of data immediately preceding the ending flag of the frame. The FCS register is first preset to all binary ones. The register is then modified by shifting in the data (no flags) contained in the address, control, and information fields. Following the last bit of data, the ones complement of the FCS register is transmitted as the 16-bit FCS. The FCS is transmitted with the highest order bit (x15) first. Figure 5-2. CRC Polynomial Implementation XOR INPUT XOR X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 XOR X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 102366_018 5.1.8 Frame Abortion, Frame Idle, And Time Fill Frame abortion prematurely finishes transmission of a frame. This occurs by sending at least seven consecutive ones with no zero insertion. This abort pattern terminates a frame immediately and does not require a FCS or an ending flag. An abort pattern followed by a minimum of eight additional consecutive ones idles the data link. Thus, seven to fourteen ones establish the abort pattern; fifteen or more ones constitute an idle pattern. Interframe time fill is accomplished by transmitting continuous flags without zerosharing between flags. Therefore, the transmitter must be capable of sending multiple flags to maintain the active state in the receiver if any time fill is required. 102366B Conexant 5-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5.2 Implementation A representation of the HDLC process is shown in Figure 5-3. The events are numbered in order of occurrence from one to four. 1. The beginning flag is transmitted. The receiver sees the flag and now becomes aligned with the transmitter. Both the receive and the transmitter FCS registers are preset to FFFFh. 2. The information field is transmitted. The data is also run through the FCS register before zero insertion. At the receive end, after the zero deletion algorithm, the data is presented to the user and then run through the FCS register. 3. The FCS is inverted and then transmitted. The transmitted FCS is passed through the receiver's FCS register. The shift register will contain 1111000010111000 if the frame has been received correctly. 4. The ending flag is transmitted. The signal timing is illustrated in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-3. HDLC Process RECEIVING LINK STATION BEGIN END TRANSMITTING LINK STATION (1) TRANSMIT FLAGS (4) FLAG FLAG FLAG FLAG (2) TRANSMIT FLAGS A C I ZERO DELETE ZERO INSERT MESSAGE POLYNOMIAL C I MESSAGE POLYNOMIAL PREMULTIPLY BY x16 PREMULTIPLY BY x16 FCS REGISTER FCS REGISTER GENERATING POLYNOMIAL PRESET TO ALL 1S 1111000010111000 A GENERATING POLYNOMIAL PRESET TO ALL 1S ZERO DELETE (3) TRANSMIT FCS CONTENTS OF SHIFT REGISTER AT END OF FRAME. INVERT ZERO INSERT WHEN ENTIRE FRAME TRANSMITTED, FCS REGISTER CONTAINS REMAINDER OF MESSAGE POLYNOMIAL GENERATION POLYNOMIAL SHIFT REGISTER CONTAINS ABOVE VALUE AT END OF FRAME IF TRANSMISSION IS ERROR FREE. THE QUOTIENT IS DISCARDED. 102366_019 5-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 5-4. HDLC Signal Timing a. Transmitter: 1 , 7 RTSP CTSP RX 3 SD SCR1 S 0S 1S 3 FLAGS D1 D2 D3 FCS F D1 D2 A F F D1 D2 D3 4 2 FCS F D1 A A F D1 D2 FCS F SCR1 s 4 B2A IRQn EOF 5 5 6 ABIDL ZEROC 6 OVRUN FLAG Transmitter Mode Control 1. Upon setting RTSP, the host should initialize EOF, ABIDL, ZEROC, and OVRUN to the desired values. 2. B2A is forced high approximately 3.0 s before RX(0D:7) goes low. 3. The host can send multiple flags by either waiting to load data into DBUFF or by doing a diagnostics write to RAM (see Section 5.2.4). The host can then load the first byte when RX goes low for the first frame or after setting EOF for subsequent frames. 4. Load the first byte of the next frame after setting EOF. 5. The host sets and resets ABIDL here. 6. A transmit underrun occurs here. The modem sets ABIDL. The host must reset ABIDL. 7. AEOF is a 0 in this example. b. Receiver: F SD 4 D1 D2 D3 FCS F D1 FCS F D1 A A F D1 D2 D3 FCS F D1 D2 FCS F J1 J2 F F F SCR1 s IRQn 1 2 3 EOF 1 EOF ABIDL ABIDL 1 2 OVERUN EOF EOF EOF ABIDL 3 B2A 1 CDET EOF 1 CRC 2 6 ABIDL OVRUN FLAG Receiver Notes 1. EOF, ABIDL, and OVRUN should be a known value before the data appears on RXD. 2. The host resets ABIDL in the middle of receiving an abort/idle sequence. 3. A receive overrun condition has occurred. 4. J1, J2 are invalid data. 5. CRC sets and EOF sets in response to the junk data between flags. 6. ABIDL remains high due to the incoming scrambled 1Os turnoff sequence for high speed modes. 102366_020 102366B Conexant 5-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5.2.1 Mode Selection To use HDLC in the modem, the host processor must: 1. Set up the modem configuration. 2. Set the HDLC mode bit. 3. Set the SETUP bit. The format of the data input to the modem is in groups of 8-bit bytes. The least significant bit of the byte is transmitted first. 5.2.2 Transmission and Reception Rate HDLC implemented in the modem runs under the following transmitter and receiver modes: V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, V.21, and V.21 with DTMF receiver. 5.2.3 Transmitter and Receiver Initialization The HDLC transmitter and receiver is initialized differently than other modes upon power-up, reconfiguration, or setting the RTSP bit. Table 5-1 shows the states of the interface memory bits for HDLC initialization. Table 5-1. Transmitter and Receiver Initialization Parameter Transmitter Receiver ABIDL 0 (Note 2) 0 (Note 2) AEOF 0 (Note 2) 0 (Note 2) B2A 1 Not initialized CRC 0 (Note 1, 2) 0 (Note 2) EOF 0 (Note 2) 0 (Note 2) FLAG 0 0 OVRUN 0 (Note 2) 0 (Note 2) ZEROC 0 (Note 2) 0 (Note 2, 3) Notes: 1. Not applicable in the transmitter. 2. Zeroed only upon power-up; unchanged elsewhere. 3. Not applicable in the receiver. 5-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5.2.4 Flag Transmission and Reception The modem transmitter sends at least one flag as the opening flag of the first frame. As long as the user does not load the 8-bit transmit data register, DBUFF (register 10h), with data, the modem sends continuous flags with no zero-sharing (0111111001111...). This facilitates transmission of the preamble as specified in T.30. Thus, the transmitter defaults to transmitting time-fill and, therefore, keeps the receiving link station active. To assist the user in transmitting more than one flag between frames or at the end of the final frame, a counter can be accessed through modem diagnostics. This counter decrements directly in the signal processor's RAM. This means that the number written will only last for one group of flags. For example, FSK should have at least two beginning flags for the first frame and at least two ending flags for the final frame. However, frames between these two require only one flag. This is why the counter decrements directly and one flag is transmitted as a default. Diagnostics should be setup as shown below: ADD = 85h AREX = 0 BR = 0 CR = 1 WRT = 1 The value to write into YDAM and YDAL should be 1 less than the number of flags desired. This value can be written anytime after the RX bit returns to zero and before FLAG is set by the modem. Using the FSK example above, assume three flags are to be transmitted at the beginning of the first frame and at the end of the final frame. 1. Turn on RTSP. 2. Wait until the RX bit is reset by the modem. 3. Disable diagnostics 1 (reset ACC). 4. Setup diagnostics 1 as above, write 00h into YDAM, and write 02h into YDAL. 5. Enable diagnostics 1 (set ACC). 6. Wait until B1A is set before resetting WRT. 7. For the ending flag of the final frame, immediately after loading in the final byte of data or after setting EOF, again setup diagnostics 1 as above, write 00h into YDAM, and write 02h into YDAL. Another method exists for sending extra flags. The host must simply do nothing since flags are transmitted as the default condition. After the final zero in a flag is transmitted, the modem looks to see if the host has loaded new data into DBUFF (B2A is reset). If no new data is loaded before this time, another flag is sent. Therefore, if more than one flag is desired, the host must wait N-1 multiples of eight bit times after FLAG is set by the modem to load new data into DBUFF, where N is the number of flags. The host then has seven bit times in which to load new data and thus prevent another flag from being sent. For example, if three flags are desired between frames, the host must wait at least 16 bit times and not more than 23 bit times after FLAG is set by the modem. As the default condition, the modem receiver continually searches for the flag data pattern. When one or more flags are detected, the interface memory status bit FLAG ($09:0) is set. The flags themselves are not presented to the host through the DBUFF 102366B Conexant 5-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide register. Therefore, as soon as a flag is observed, the modem examines the next byte of received data. If it is a flag, an abort/idle sequence, or a FCS, it is not given to the user. Instead, the appropriate status bits are set or reset. The modem also has the capability to detect consecutive flags with zero-sharing. 5.2.5 Information Field Transmission and Reception For information field transmission, the host should wait for CTSP ($0F:1) to transition high. The host must then load the data into DBUFF and then wait for the data available bit B2A ($1E:3) to be set by the modem before loading in the next byte of data. If AEOF is 0 and the next byte is not loaded into DBUFF within the next eight bit times, the modem will set OVRUN ($09:7), indicating an underrun condition has occurred. To tell the modem that the host wants to end the frame, the host must set EOF as soon as the modem has taken the last byte of the frame (B2A sets). When the modem recognizes EOF being high, the modem will reset EOF and will transmit the FCS and closing flag. Once the host sets EOF, the host may load in the first byte of data of the next frame into DBUFF. If the host wants to end transmission, the host must wait for EOF to return low before setting the RTSP bit. The automatic frame ending feature can be used to more easily facilitate the use of a DMA interrupt system. With this feature, data is transmitted as described in the above paragraph. However, when AEOF ($15:5) is set by the host, the ending of the frame occurs "automatically," without the host having to perform any handshaking. When the host is finished sending the data in the frame, the host should wait until EOF is set to a 1 by the modem. The modem will then send the 16-bit FCS and at least one ending flag. When EOF is set to a 1 by the modem, the host can then load in the first byte of data of the next frame. EOF will be set to a 0 by the modem at the beginning of flag transmission. Therefore, the underrun condition as described in the previous paragraph is the exact same condition that causes the 16-bit FCS and ending flag to be transmitted when AEOF is set to 1. In the receiver, only the information field data between flags is passed to the user through the DBUFF register by the use of the handshaking bit B2A. The user must wait for B2A to be set by the modem and then take the data. If AEOF is 0 and the host does not read the data within eight bit times, OVRUN will set indicating an overrun condition, and the data in DBUFF will be overwritten by the next byte. Furthermore, no flags, abort/idle sequence, or FCSs are given to the user via the DBUFF register. Since these fields are not presented to the user, there is at least a 16-bit time delay in the reception of data when receiving these fields. This allows the FCS and ending flag, continuous flags, or the abort/idle sequence to be flushed out of the internal buffers. 5.2.6 FCS and Ending Flag Transmission and Reception If AEOF is 0, the host ends a frame by loading in his last byte of data into DBUFF, waiting until the modem has taken it (B2A sets), and then setting EOF. After setting EOF, the host may load in the first byte of data of the next frame into DBUFF. When the modem recognizes that the host wants to end the frame, the modem will reset EOF. To terminate data transmission, the host may turnoff RTSP when the modem resets EOF. After resetting EOF, the modem will automatically transmit the 16-bit FCS and at least one flag that signifies the end of the current frame and, if another frame follows, the beginning of the next frame. For the case when AEOF is set to 1 (automatic end of frame), the host ends a frame by loading the last byte of data and waiting until EOF is set to 1 by the modem. The host 5-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide may then load in the byte of data of the next frame. To terminate data transmission, the host may turn off RTSP when the modem sets EOF to 1. The modem will then automatically transmit the 16-bit FCS and at least one flag that signifies the end of the current frame and, if another frame follows, the beginning of the next frame. The modem will set EOF to 0 upon sending a flag. Upon the receipt of an ending flag in the current frame (which may also be the beginning flag of the next frame), the modem examines the data in the FCS register and compares it to the remainder. If the FCS register remainder is correct, CRC ($09:1) is reset. Conversely, if the remainder is incorrect, the CRC bit is set. This is the only time CRC is updated (except upon power-up). Following this determination, the modem sets EOF. Thus, once the modem sets EOF, the host can examine CRC to determine whether or not an erred frame was received. It is left to the host to reset the EOF bit. If the user does not reset EOF before the end of the next frame, the host will not get any indication that the following frame has ended. 5.2.7 Abort/Idle Sequence Transmission and Reception An abort/idle sequence can be sent by the host setting the bit ABIDL ($09:3) in the interface memory. This stops any normal frame transmission, as well as continuous flag transmission, and sends continuous ones. After the setting of ABIDL is detected, the modem first completes the transmission of the current byte of data. Immediately after this transmission, the modem sends eight consecutive ones. After these eight bit times, if ABIDL is still set, eight ones are sent again. To discontinue this sequence, ABIDL must be reset. Then, if no new data is loaded into DBUFF, continuous flags are sent. If new data is loaded into DBUFF (B2A is reset), the modem sends a beginning flag and then the data in DBUFF. The modem will also recognize the setting of ABIDL while transmitting the FCS, thereby allowing the receiver to recognize that the transmitted frame should be discarded. The modem has the ability to send continuous zeros. To accomplish this, ABIDL and ZEROC ($09:4) must be set. The modem completes the transmission of the current byte and then sends eight consecutive zeros. After this time, if ABIDL remains set, eight zeros are sent again. To discontinue this sequence, ABIDL must be reset or, if continuous ones are desired, ZEROC only must be reset. However, if no new data is loaded in DBUFF and ABIDL is reset, continuous flags are sent regardless of the state of ZEROC. Then, if new data is loaded into DBUFF (B2A is reset), the modem sends a beginning flag and then the data in DBUFF. The modem in HDLC mode not only continually searches for flags, but also continually searches for an abort/idle sequence. When the receive modem encounters this data pattern, it sets the abort/idle receive bit ABIDL. It is left up to the host to reset this bit. However, receiver processing will continue unaffected by the state of this bit. The reception of data immediately following the abort/idle sequence is treated as invalid and is not presented to the user. Therefore, to re-establish transmitter and receiver synchronization, the receiver must see at least one flag. At least one flag and three bytes of data must be received following the abort sequence before any data is given to the host. 5.2.8 Underrun and Overrun Conditions A bit in the interface memory OVRUN ($09:7) is used to indicate to the host processor that a transmit underrun condition has occurred. If the host does not load in a new byte of data within eight bit times, OVRUN and ABIDL will be set by the modem and the modem will automatically send a minimum of eight continuous ones. This abort sequence 102366B Conexant 5-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide will continue until the host resets ABIDL. After the host resets ABIDL, the modem will finish sending the current byte of ones and will then send a flag. At the end of sending a flag, if B2A is reset, the modem will interpret the data in DBUFF as being the first byte of the next frame. After uploading this data for the first byte of the frame, the modem will reset OVRUN. The modem will always reset OVRUN every time it sets B2A, except upon transmitter HDLC initialization. (The underrun condition is not applicable when AEOF = 1.) In the receiver, the OVRUN bit will inform the host that an overrun condition occurred. The overrun condition takes place when the receiver fails to take the byte of data in DBUFF within eight bit times. The modem will thus overwrite the data in DBUFF and, if the host has not taken the data (B2A is not reset), the modem will set OVRUN. To detect further overrun occurrences, the host must reset this bit. 5.2.9 Transmit Mode Control After power-up, reconfiguration, or setting the RTSP bit, the host must wait for the CTSP bit to turn on before starting frame transmission. There are two ways in which the user can signal the modem to exit current HDLC execution. The first way is by setting the SETUP bit which tells the modem that a new configuration is desired. The second way is by resetting the RTSP bit in the interface memory. In both cases, the following events will occur: 5-10 1. When AEOF is set to a 0 and if exiting after making sure the modem took the data in DBUFF, setting EOF to a 1, and then waiting for EOF to be set to a 0 by the mode, the modem sends the last byte of data followed by the 16-bit FCS sequence and a closing flag. The modem then either goes through the turn-off sequence (if the RTSP bit is turned off), or sets up the new configuration (if SETUP is set to 1). 2. When AEOF is a set to a 1 and if exiting after making sure the modem sets EOF to a 1, the modem sends the last byte of data followed by the 16-bit FCS sequence and a closing flag. The modem then either goes through the turn-off sequence (if the RTSP bit is turned off), or sets up the new configuration (if SETUP is set to 1). 3. Exiting during the transmission of an abort sequence, the modem finishes sending the last byte of the abort sequence, then either goes through the turn-off routine or sets up to a new configuration. Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 5.3 Example Application Refer to Section 3 for a description of the bits associated with the HDLC and programmable interrupt functions. 5.3.1 5.3.2 Transmitter Example 1. The modem configuration to the desired speed for transmitting, enable HDLC and set RTSP. (AEOF defaulted to 0). 2. Wait until CTSP goes low and returns to a high level. 3. Place the first byte of data into DBUFF. The modem transmits a flag followed by this byte of data. 4. As soon as B2A is set, load in the next byte of data. This must occur within eight bit times of B2A being set. 5. After all information but the last byte is given to the modem, load in the last byte of data in the frame as in step 4. 6. To end the frame, the host must load in the last byte of data into DBUFF, wait for B2A to be set, and then set EOF. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for all frames to be transmitted. 8. When the last byte of the final frame is loaded into register DBUFF, wait for B2A to return high. Then set EOF and wait for EOF to return low before resetting RTSP. The modem transmits the last byte followed by the 16-bit FCS and at least one closing flag, depending upon if diagnostics was used to write into the flag counter RAM location as mentioned previously. The modem then goes through its normal turn-off routine. Receiver Example The steps to perform a typical HDLC reception are: 102366B 1. Set the modem configuration to the desired speed for receiving and enable HDLC. 2. Perform a dummy read of DBUFF to reset B2A. 3. Wait until the modem has properly configured. 4. Monitor, through interrupts, the EOF, ABIDL, and B2A bits in the interface memory. 5. Wait for an interrupt. If it is caused by B2A being set, read the data in DBUFF. This indicates that the first byte of the first frame is ready for host reading. If the interrupt is caused by EOF being set, check CRC to determine if the current frame is in error and reset EOF. If the interrupt is caused by ABIDL, the modem is receiving the abort/idle sequence. The current frame that was aborted is invalid. The modem does not set the CRC bit or the EOF bit in this case since no FCS checking is done. 6. Continue waiting for interrupts and take appropriate action when the interrupts are received. Conexant 5-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 5-12 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 6. Tone Detector Filter Tuning This section describes a method of tuning the filters in the modem for tone detection. The modem includes three independently programmable tone detectors (F1, F2, and F3). Upon power-up, the tone detectors are centered at 2100 Hz (F1), 1100 Hz (F2), and 462 Hz (F3). In each of the three detectors, two second-order biquadratic filters can be programmed for a variety of frequency responses. The modem sets interface memory bits FR1, FR2, and FR3 to a 1 when tone detectors 1, 2, and 3 detect energy above their respective threshold. This Designer's Guide presents a method of tuning these detectors to any frequency in the 400 Hz-3000 Hz band. By setting bit 12TH to a 1 in the interface memory, the three tone detectors are cascaded to form a programmable 12th-order filter. The modem sets the FR3 bit to a 1 when energy is above the threshold. 6.1 Computation of Tone Detector Coefficients Each tone detector consists of two cascaded second-order filters, an energy averaging filter, and a threshold comparator. A diagram of a tone detector is shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1. Modem Tone Detection Diagram INPUT BIQUADRATIC FILTER 1 0 h1(t) 2 Z-1 BIQUADRATIC FILTER 2 '0 h2(t) 2 Z-1 1 Z-1 Z-1 '1 1 '1 Z-1 Z-1 2 '2 2 ABS OUTPUT FR1, FR2, FR3 THRESHOLD COMPARATOR '2 ENERGY AVERAGING FILTER h3(t) " Z-1 1 = TONE 0 = NO TONE " 102366_021 102366B Conexant 6-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Filter 1 has a transfer function: -1 H1(Z) = 2(0 + 1Z -2 -1 + 2Z )/(1 - 21Z -2 - 22Z ) (Eq. 1) Filter 2 has a transfer function: -1 H2(Z) = 2('0 + '1Z -2 -1 + '2Z )/(1 - 2'1Z -2 - 2'2Z ) (Eq. 2) The energy averaging filter has a transfer function: -1 H3(Z) = "/(1 - "Z ) (Eq. 3) The output of the energy average is fed to a threshold comparator that sets interface memory bit FR1, FR2, or FR3 to a 1 if the output is equal to or greater than the Tone Detector threshold (default value = 1/8 of full scale), otherwise, the bits are set to a 0. Filters 1 and 2 have frequency response as shown in Figure 6-2. When cascaded, they form a bandpass filter with a narrow bandwidth as shown in Figure 6-3. Given the transfer functions H1(Z) and H2(Z), an analytical method is provided to compute their coefficients for any frequency in the 400 Hz - 3000 Hz band. First, consider H1(Z). This transfer function can be rewritten as: 2 2 H1(Z) = 2(0Z + 1Z + 2)/(Z - 21Z-22) (Eq. 4) which has a conjugate pair of poles: P1 = 1 + (12 + 22) and P2 = 1 - (12 + 22) Upon power up, these poles lie on a circle of radius 0.994030884 on the Z-plane. The radius of the tone detector circle was chosen so that each filter has a high Q without being unstable (poles must lie inside the unit circle for stability). Figure 6-4 shows a Z-plane pole-zero diagram for an arbitrary conjugate pole pair on the tone detector circle. The angle = 360 O/S, where O is the desired center frequency and S is the sampling rate. The following equations are derived from the angle and magnitude of the position vector pointing to a pole pair located at the desired angle: -1 cos (1/r) = = 360 x O/S (Eq. 5) [12 + (-12 - 22)]= r = 0.994030884 (Eq. 6) Solving for 1 and 2: 1 = r cos (360 x O/S) 2 2 = - r /2 6-2 (Eq. 7) (Eq. 8) Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide In deriving these equations, only H1(Z) was considered. However, the tone detector consists of two identical filters in cascade. Referring to Figure 6-3, shifting filter 1 and filter 2 above and below the desired center frequency, a response with the desired bandwidth is achieved. Furthermore, since the 1, '1, 2, and '2 coefficients default to zero upon power-up, 0 controls the amplitude response, and one may set 0 = '0 to uniformly raise or lower the overall cascade response. From Equation 8: 2 2 = '2 = -r /2 = -0.494048699 Rewriting Equation 7 in terms of the offsets A and 'A: 1 = r cos [360 (O - A)/S] (Eq. 9) '1= r cos [360 (O + 'A)/S] (Eq. 10) The frequency offset is approximately 72% of B/2 (half the bandwidth) for most applications: '2 0.72 (B/2) (Eq. 11) The value of A should be equal to 'A. However, A may be chosen 1% smaller than 'A to compensate for the fact that the overall cascade response is not perfectly symmetrical, near DC (see Figure 6-5). The values for the coefficients 0 and '0 that set |H(O)| = 0 dB in equations 1 and 2 were measured and plotted versus center frequency O as shown in Figure 6-6. Three equations corresponding to three linear approximations result: 0 = '0 = [(104/319)O - 78.62]/32767 400 = O 1100 Hz (Eq. 12a) 0 = '0 = [(44/275)O + 104]/32767 1100 O 1650 Hz (Eq. 12b) 0 = '0 = [(4/45)O + 221]/32767 1650 O 3000 Hz (Eq. 12c) 6.1.1 Energy Averaging Filter The coefficients of the energy averaging filter are determined by a Z-domain approximation to an RC circuit of transfer function H(S) = 1/(1 + S): " = 1/( 1 + fS) (Eq. 13) " = 1/[ 1 + (1/fS)] (Eq. 14) Upon power up, " and " are set for = 0.1 seconds. Unless different tone detector response times are required, these coefficients need not be changed. The Tone Detector Threshold value is programmable in DSP RAM (see Section 4). 102366B Conexant 6-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide GAIN (dB) Figure 6-2. Typical Single Filter Response 500 1000 2000 3000 3500 FREQUENCY (Hz) 102366_022 GAIN (dB) Figure 6-3. Typical Cascade Filter Response 500 1000 2000 3000 3500 FREQUENCY (Hz) 102366_023 6-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 6-4. Z-Plane Pole-Zero Diagram Im Z UNIT CIRCLE r = 1 90 Fs/4 Hz + j1 CONJUGATE POLE PAIR TONE DETECTOR CIRCLE r = 0.994030884 r = 0.994030884 21 + 22 180 -1 1 Fs/2 Hz+ 1 360 F Hz s Re Z 21 + 22 DOUBLE ZERO -j1 270 3Fs/4 Hz 102366_024 102366B Conexant 6-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 6-5. Bandwidth and Offset Frequencies COMPACTOR THRESHHOLD GAIN (dB) OVERALL CASCADE RESPONSE FILTER 1 FILTER 2 O - B 2 O - A O O + A FREQUENCY (Hz) O + B 2 102366_025 6-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 6-6. Alpha-zero Center Frequency EQ. 12a EQ. 12b EQ. 12c 500 450 400 ALPHA x 32767 350 0 dB CURVE 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 FREQUENCY (Hz) 102366_026 102366B Conexant 6-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 6.1.2 Filter Coefficients Table 6-1 contains the RAM access codes for all filter coefficients. Refer to the Section 4 for the proper procedure for writing new coefficients into the RAM locations. Table 6-2 contains the computed values of the filter coefficients, including those of default frequencies 462 Hz, 1100 Hz, and 2100 Hz. The value 32767 (7FFFh) is full scale in the DSP's machine units (32767 = unity). Coefficients may range from -1 to +1 (8000h to 7FFFh) in machine units. Table 6-1. Filter Coefficient RAM Access Codes Coefficient Name 0 1 2 ' 0 ' 1 ' 2 1 2 ' 1 ' 2 Tone 1 25 RAM Write Access Code (Hex) Tone 2 Tone 3 2B 31 26 2C 32 27 2D 33 28 2E 34 29 2F 35 2A 30 36 A6 AC B2 A7 AD B3 A9 AF B5 AA B0 B6 " A8 AE B4 " A5 AB B1 Notes: In all cases: AREX is a 0, CR is a 1, and BR is a 0 If the most significant bit (MSB) of the address is a 0, the data is written to XRAM; if the MSB is a 1, the data is written to YRAM. 6-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 6-2. Calculated Coefficient Values, 9600 Hz Sample Rate Frequency Detected Coefficient Name Coefficient Value (Hex.) Coefficient Value (Dec.) 2100 Hz 25 Hz; 18 Hz A = ' 0 0 0198 0.01245117 = ' = = ' 1 1 2 2 0000 0.00000000 1A4A 0.20538330 175A 0.18243408 =' 2 2 C0C4 -0.49401855 = ' 0 0 0180 0.01171875 = ' = = ' 1 1 2 2 0000 0.00000000 2E37 0.36105347 2B69 0.33914184 =' 2 2 C0C4 -0.49401855 = ' 0 0 0170 0.01123047 = ' = = ' 1 1 2 2 0000 0.00000000 3D48 0.47875977 3AA6 0.45819092 =' 2 2 C0C4 -0.49401855 = ' 0 0 0118 0.00854492 = ' = = ' 1 1 2 2 0000 0.00000000 60BE 0.75579834 5E9C 0.73913574 =' 2 2 C0C4 -0.49401855 = ' 0 0 0048 0.00219726 = ' = = ' 1 1 2 2 0000 0.00000000 79F3 0.95272827 7974 0.95152405 C083 -0.49601733 1 ' 1850 Hz 24 Hz; 18 Hz A 1 ' 1650 Hz 23 Hz; 18 Hz A 1 1 ' 462 Hz 14 Hz; 10 Hz A 1 1 ' 1100 Hz 30 Hz; 19 Hz A 1 1 1 ' 1 =' 2 2 102366B Conexant 6-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 6-10 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 7. DTMF Dialing with Auto Dialer The modem includes tunable oscillators that can be used to perform dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) dialing. The frequency and amplitude of each oscillator output is under host control. A programmable tone detector can also be used in call establishment to recognize an answer tone. This section describes the method of oscillator and filter tuning by the host processor and provides an example of an auto dialer routine that may be programmed into the host. 7.1 DTMF Requirements EIA Standard RS-496, (Section 4), specifies requirements that ensure proper DTMF signaling through the public switched telephone network (PSTN). These tones consist of two sinusoidal signals, one from a high group of frequencies and one from a low group of frequencies, that represent each of the pushbutton telephone characters shown in Table 7-1. Table 7-1. DTMF Signals Low Frequency 697 Hz 770 Hz 852 Hz 941 Hz 1209 Hz 1 4 7 * High Frequency 1336 Hz 1477 Hz 2 3 5 6 8 9 0 # 1633 Hz A B C D Signal power is defined for the combined tones as well as for the individual tones. Both maximum and minimum power requirements are functions of loop current. By combining the various requirements of RS-496, compromise power levels can be determined that meet the power specification for all U.S. lines (when driving the PSTN from a 600 ohm resistive source). The high frequency tone should be at a higher power level than the low frequency tone by approximately 2 dB. The maximum combined power, averaged over the pulse duration, should not exceed +1 dBm. The minimum steady state power of the high frequency tone should not be less than -8 dBm. When connecting the modem circuit to the PSTN by means of a data access arrangement (DAA) set for permissive mode, the DAA gain is -9 dB. The modem circuit must, therefore, drive the DAA input with +1 dBm of steady state high frequency power and -1 dBm of steady state low frequency power to meet all of the listed conditions. Since +0.5 dBm is the maximum undistorted power level for individual tones generated by the modem, the user may need to add gain in front of the DAA during DTMF dialing. The required duration of the DTMF pulse is 50 ms minimum. By experience, a pulse duration of approximately 95 ms is more reliable. The required interval between DTMF pulses is 45 ms minimum and 3 seconds maximum. Again, by experience, an interdigit delay of approximately 70 ms is preferred. The remaining requirements of RS-496, relative to DTMF dialing, are not influenced by the host processor. These requirements are all met by the modem's oscillators. 102366B Conexant 7-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 7.2 Setting Oscillator Parameters The oscillator frequency and output power are set by the host computer in DSP RAM using the microprocessor bus and diagnostic data routine. For a description of the microprocessor bus and other interface considerations, refer to Sections 2, 3 and 4. To generate a DTMF tone, place the modem into TONE configuration (CONF = 80h). The user must program the frequencies and the levels of each tone. To set the frequency of tone 1, write a 16-bit hexadecimal number into RAM using RAM access code 21h with AREX = 0, BR = 0, and CR = 1. When setting the frequency of tone 2, use the same procedure with the RAM access code 22h with AREX = 0, BR = 0, and CR = 1. Set the power levels of tone 1 by writing a 16-bit hexadecimal number into RAM using RAM access code 22h with AREX = 0, BR = 0, and CR = 0. The RAM access code for the power level of tone 2 is 23h with AREX = 0, BR = 0, and CR = 0. The hexadecimal numbers written into these RAM locations are scaled as follows: Frequency number = 6.8267 x (desired frequency in Hz) Power number = 18426 [10 (Po/20) ] Where Po = output power in dBm with a 600 ohm load termination. If terminating with a series 600 ohm resistor into a 600 ohm load, add 6 dB to the output power before using the above equation. These decimal numbers must be converted to hexadecimal form then stored in RAM (see RAM data write routine). Hexadecimal numbers for DTMF generation are listed in Table 7-2. Power levels are selected to give the desired output power for each tone (-1 dBm for the high frequency tone and -3 dBm for the low frequency tone if terminated with a series 600 resistor into a 600 load) while compensating for modem filter characteristics. 7.3 Detecting Answer Tone Frequency detector bit FR1 ($08:5) can be used to detect a 2100 Hz answer tone when connection to the remote modem is successful. Bit FR1 goes active (one) when energy above the turn-on threshold is present at 2100 Hz 25 Hz. At the end of the answer tone, FR1 returns to zero and data transmission can begin. 7.4 Complete Calling Sequence A complete calling sequence consists of several steps including modem configuration, telephone number selection, DTMF transmission, and answer tone detection. A sample flow chart for implementing an auto-dialer in host software is illustrated in Figure 7-1. The auto-dialer routine may be entered at one of two points; either AUTO DIAL or REDIAL. When entering at AUTO DIAL, the host prompts the user to enter a phone number, which is then stored in the phone number buffer. When entering at REDIAL, the routine dials the number previously stored in the phone number buffer and does not issue a user prompt. Interrupts not required during dialing are disabled to prevent errors in real time delays. Interrupt status is saved to allow restoring these interrupts when dialing is complete. The current modem configuration is saved prior to selecting the DTMF Transmit 7-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide configuration, then restored at the completion of the auto-dialer routine to allow data transfer. The commands for off-hook and request coupler cut through are typical of signals required by data access arrangements that may be connected to the modem for switched network operation. Since the number to be dialed varies in length depending on the requirements of various PBX equipment, domestic telephone companies, and foreign PTTs, the number buffer must allow for numbers of different length. The method used in Figure 7-1 determines the end of valid bytes in the buffer is zero recognition. After the last digit is entered, the carriage return must place a 00h (ASCII NUL character) in the buffer. All other bytes must be non-NUL ASCII characters. Only numeric characters (ASCII 30 through 39) are printed and dialed. Non-numeric characters are tested for comma and NUL. Comma causes a 2-second pause in dialing to allow for known delays in the telephone network or PBX. NUL ends the dialing portion of the routine and begins the answer tone detection portion. All other characters are ignored. The answer tone detection logic allows 30 seconds for 2100 Hz recognition. If answer tone is not recognized within this time limit, the call is aborted. If answer tone is recognized, the routine jumps to the data handling software. 102366B Conexant 7-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 7-2. DTMF Parameters Digit AREX ADD (Hex.) CR BR 0 0 21 1 0 1918 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 23A0 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 1296 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 203D 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 1296 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 23A0 65AB 7FFF 3 0 0 0 21 22 22 1 1 0 0 0 0 1296 2763 65AB 0 23 0 0 7FFF 4 0 0 0 21 22 22 1 1 0 0 0 0 1488 203D 65AB 0 23 0 0 7FFF 5 0 0 21 22 1 1 0 0 1488 23A0 0 0 22 23 0 0 0 0 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 1488 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 2763 65AB 7FFF 1 2 6 7 8 9 7-4 Value (Hex) 0 21 1 0 16B8 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 203D 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 16B8 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 23A0 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 16B8 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 2763 65AB 7FFF Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 7-2. DTMF Parameters (Continued) Digit AREX ADD (Hex.) CR BR Value (Hex.) * 0 0 0 21 22 22 1 1 0 0 0 0 1918 203D 65AB 0 23 0 0 7FFF # 0 0 0 21 22 22 1 1 0 0 0 0 1918 2763 65AB 0 23 0 0 7FFF A 0 0 21 22 1 1 0 0 1296 2B8C 0 0 22 23 0 0 0 0 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 1488 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 2B8C 65AB 7FFF B C D 7.5 0 21 1 0 16B8 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 2B8C 65AB 7FFF 0 21 1 0 1918 0 0 0 22 22 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 2B8C 65AB 7FFF Single Tone Generation In OEM equipment that combines the features of a modem with those of a telephone handset, the tone generators may be used to generate a caller reassurance tone (or even music) while the caller is kept on hold. To generate a single tone, make sure one of the oscillators is set to zero frequency or zero amplitude while the other oscillator is set to the desired frequency and amplitude. Common parameters for single tone generation are listed in Table 7-3. Table 7-3. Common Single Tone Parameters Parameter CED CNG 102366B Frequency 2100 Hz 1100 Hz Conexant Value (Hex.) 3800 1D55 7-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 7-1. Autodialer Flowchart AUTODIAL Request phone number from input device and load number buffer REDIAL REDIAL Save interrupt status and disable interrupts Save current configuration and select DTMF transmit configuration Set DAA to off-hook Request coupler cut through from DAA Start 3-second timer Coupler cut through acknowledged? No Yes Time out? No Print "DIALING" Yes DIAL Print "NO COUPLER CUT THROUGH" and set DAA to on-hook Exit 102366_027a 7-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 7-1. Autodialer Flowchart (Continued) DIAL Read next BYTE from number buffer 2Fh RTSP ($07:7) No Yes Delay for 95 ms ANS.DET 0 -> RTSP ($07:7) Delay for 70 ms 102366_027b 102366B Conexant 7-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 7-1. Autodialer Flowchart (Continued) ANS.DET Select FSK Configuration Print "WAITING FOR ANSWER" Start 3-second timer FR1 ($08:5) = 1? No Yes Time out? No Print "ON-LINE" Yes Restore modem configuration Print "NO ANSWER" and set DAA to on-hook Restore interrupt status Exit Go to Data Send/Receive Routine 102366_027c 7-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 8. T.30 Implementation ITU-T Recommendation T.30 details procedures for facsimile transmission over the PSTN. This standard describes how to initiate, complete, and end a fax transmission. This section describes methods to set up host software to implement T.30. A block diagram of a Group 3 facsimile machine is shown in Figure 8-1. The modem performs the modulation/demodulation process. The fax machine manufacturer must implement the interface between the modem (T.30), the data compression/decompression (T.4), and the interface to the scanner and printer. There are five phases (A-E) to the T.30 facsimile protocol. Phase A is the call setup, in which both facsimile machines connect to the line. Phase B is a pre-message procedure which consists of identification and command sections. The actual high speed message transmission occurs during Phase C. This is followed by the post-message procedure or Phase D. Both facsimile machines release the line in Phase E. Figure 8-2 illustrates a typical Group 3 facsimile procedure. This T.30 example describes a facsimile call where the calling unit (originate) transmits a documents to a called unit (answer). Phase E is not included in this example since it is the call release and both ends hang up. 8.1 T.30 Phases 8.1.1 Phase A T.30 specifies that call establishment can be realized one of four ways. The four methods of call establishment are: manual-to-manual, manual-to-automatic, automatic-to-manual, and automatic-to-automatic. Manual corresponds to operator or human intervention while automatic means machine only. The explanation describes an automatic-to-automatic example. The calling unit, or originating fax, first transmits a calling tone (CNG) to indicate it is a non-speech terminal. Figure 8-3 describes how to set up the modem to generate a 1100 Hz (CNG) tone. Figure 8-4 describes how to set up the modem to detect a 1100 Hz tone. The called unit, or answering fax, then responds with a called station ID (CED). Figure 8-5 and Figure 8-6 describe how to accomplish this task. The end of Phase A is signified after the called unit sends a 2100 Hz (CED) tone and the calling unit has detected this tone. Some facsimile manufacturers do not configure the modem to detect these tones. In this case, the modem looks for the preamble of flags (see Phase B). 102366B Conexant 8-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 8.1.2 Phase B The pre-message procedure consists of the handshake. One machine sends an identification signal and the other machine responds with a command signal. A training check is sent at a high speed and the receiving machine informs the transmitting machine if the training check was successful. This usually occurs at V.21 300 bps Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation in HDLC format. HDLC stands for High level Data Link Control. It is a standard procedure used for data communications. HDLC is a bit-oriented protocol (normally used in synchronous communications) that defines how the data being sent over the data link is organized and arranged. When using the HDLC protocol, the data is transmitted via frames. These frames organize the data into a format specified by an ISO (International Standards Organization) standard that enables the transmitting and receiving station to synchronize with each other. Figure 8-7 illustrates the HDLC frame structure used for the facsimile protocol. The preamble is a series of HDLC Flags for one second 15%. The purpose of the 7E flags is to condition the line. The flag sequence defines the beginning and ending of a frame. The address field is required to provide identification for multi-point addressing. For PSTN the format is 11111111. The control field's purpose is to provide the capability of encoding the commands and responses. The format is 1100X000 (X=0 non-final frame; X=1 final frame). The HDLC information field provides the specific information for the control and message interchange between the two stations. In the fax protocol the format for the information field consists of two parts, the Facsimile Control Field (FCF) and the Facsimile Information Field (FIF). The FCF contains information regarding the type of information being exchanged and the position in the overall sequence. The acronyms, functions, and format for FCF commands are defined in the T.30 Recommendation. The FIF contains additional information which further clarifies the facsimile procedure. Some examples of some information communicated with the FIF are: group capability, data rate, vertical resolution, coding scheme, recording width, recording length, and minimum scan line time. The Frame Check Sequence (FCS) follows the FIF. The modem automatically generates the FCS or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). The frame ends with an ending 7E flag. It is recommended that more than one ending flag be transmitted. 8-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-1. Basic Block Diagram of G3 Facsimile Photoelectric Conversion Document Data Compression Modulator T e l e p h o n e TX Scanning Control Received Image Data Decoding Printer Conversion L i n e Demodulator RX Scanning Control 102366_028 Figure 8-2. G3 Facsimile Procedure CALLING UNIT CALLED UNIT CALLING TONE: 1100 Hz, 0.5 SEC ON/0.3 SEC OFF INDICATE NON-SPEECH TERMINAL CNG CED PHASE A DIS DCS TCF CALLED STATION ID: 2100 Hz, 2.6 SEC < ON < 4 SEC DIGITAL ID SIGNAL: 300 BPS FSK, HDLC FORMAT DIGITAL COMMAND SIGNAL: 300 BPS FSK, HDLC FORMAT TRAINING CHECK: HIGH SPEED TRAIN FOLLOWED BY 1.5 SEC OF ZEROS CONFIRMATION TO RECEIVE: 300 BPS FSK, HDLC FORMAT CFR PHASE B MESS TRANSMITS DOCUMENT PHASE C END OF MESSAGE: 300 BPS FSK, HDLC FORMAT EOP, MPS OR PRI-Q MAY BE SENT EOM PHASE D MCF MESSAGE CONFIRMATION: 300 BPS, HDLC FORMAT POST-MESSAGE RESPONSE OF RTP, RTN, PIP OR PIN MAY BE SENT 102366_029 102366B Conexant 8-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-3. Transmit Calling Tone (CNG) (1100 Hz) PHASE A START Configure for Tone Transmit 80h -> CONF ($6:7-0) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) SETUP = 0? Disable DIAGNOSTICS 1 0 -> ACC ($5:7) No Yes Disable DIAGNOSTICS 1 0 -> ACC ($5:7) Load RAM Address and AREX Reset CR, BR, and DR 22h -> ADD 0 -> AREX 0 -> CR 0 -> BR 0 -> DR Load parameters for level 7Bh -> YDAM1 A6h -> YDAL1 Set RAM Write bit 1 -> WRT ($5:1) Enable DIAGNOSTICS 1 1 -> ACC ($5:7) Load RAM Address and AREX Set CR and reset BR and DR 21h -> ADD 0 -> AREX 1 -> CR 0 -> BR 0 -> DR B1A ($1E:0) = 1? No Yes Load parameters for frequency 1Dh -> YDAM1 ($1:7-0) 55h -> YDAL1 ($0:7-0) Set RTSP 1 -> RTSP ($7:7) Delay 500 ms Enable DIAGNOSTICS 1 1 -> ACC ($5:7) Reset RTSP 0 -> RTSP ($7:7) B1A ($1E:0) = 1? No END Yes 102366_030 8-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-4. Detecting CNG Tone (1100 Hz) PHASE A START Configure for FSK 20h -> CONF ($6:7-0) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) SETUP = 0? No Yes No No Monitor FR2 bit FR2 ($08:6) = 1? Yes 3 seconds time out? Delay 600 ms Yes No Check FR2 bit FR2 ($08:6) = 0? Yes Delay 3.6 seconds No Check FR2 bit FR2 ($08:6) = 0? Yes CNG DETECTED CNG NOT DETECTED 102366_031 102366B Conexant 8-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-5. Transmit Called Tone (CED) (2100 Hz) PHASE A START Configure for Tone Transmit 80h -> CONF ($6:7-0) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) SETUP = 0? Disable DIAGNOSTICS 1 0 -> ACC ($5:7) No Yes Disable DIAGNOSTICS 1 0 -> ACC ($5:7) Load RAM Address and AREX Reset CR, BR, and DR 22h -> ADD 0 -> AREX 0 -> CR 0 -> BR 0 -> DR Load parameters for level 7Bh -> YDAM1 A6h -> YDAL1 Set RAM Write bit 1 -> WRT ($5:1) Enable DIAGNOSTICS 1 1 -> ACC ($5:7) Load RAM Address and AREX Set CR and reset BR and DR 21h -> ADD 0 -> AREX 1 -> CR 0 -> BR 0 -> DR B1A ($1E:0) = 1? No Yes Load parameters for frequency 38h -> YDAM1 ($1:7-0) 00h -> YDAL1 ($0:7-0) Set RTSP 1 -> RTSP ($7:7) Delay 2.6 to 4.0 seconds Enable DIAGNOSTICS 1 1 -> ACC ($5:7) Reset RTSP 0 -> RTSP ($7:7) B1A ($1E:0) = 1? No END Yes 102366_032 8-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-6. Detecting CED Tone (2100 Hz) PHASE A START Configure for FSK 20h -> CONF ($6:7-0) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) SETUP = 0? No Yes No No Monitor FR1 bit FR1 ($08:5) = 1? Yes Time out? Delay 2.6 seconds Yes No Check FR1 bit FR1 ($08:5) = 1? Yes CED NOT DETECTED CED DETECTED 102366_033 102366B Conexant 8-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-7. HDLC Frame Structure Preamble Binary Coded Information NSF Frame (Optional) Flag Address Control 01111110 11111111 1100X000 8 Bit 8 Bit 8 Bit CSI Frame (Optional) Digital ID Frame (Mandatory) FCF FIF FCS(1) Flag 01111110 8 Bit (Function of Command) 16 Bit 8 Bit NOTE(S): (1) FCS: Frame Check Sequence; ITU-T V.41 CRC-16 is used. 102366_034 After the modem has been configured for FSK, the Digital Identification Signal (DIS) is transmitted by the called unit. The DIS informs the calling unit about the called unit's capabilities such as group capability (G1, G2, G3), data rate, vertical resolution, coding scheme (Modified Huffman, Modified Read), recording width, recording length, and minimum scan line time. The calling unit then responds with a Digital Command Signal (DCS) which informs the called unit which options are chosen to complete this facsimile call. After the DCS is transmitted, both the calling unit and the called unit set up for the high speed configuration that was chosen and transmitted via the DCS. A Training Check (TCF) is transmitted by the calling unit to verify training and give an indication of channel acceptability for the selected data rate. The TCF consists of a series of zeros for 1.5 seconds 10%. Since the called unit knows it will be receiving 1.5 seconds of zeros, the host can make a decision whether the line is good enough at the chosen data rate or fallback to a slower speed. After completing the TCF, the calling unit and the called unit re-configures for FSK, HDLC format. The called unit then transmits either a Confirmation to Receive (CFR) or a Failure To Train (FTT). The CFR is a response informing the calling unit of a successful pre-message procedure completion. A FTT informs the calling unit that the training signal was rejected and requests re-training. If a FTT is received by the calling unit, the fax protocol jumps back to the transition of DCS and continues until finally a CFR is received or the calling unit host decides to terminate the call. The fallback criterion based upon the modem performance information during TCF reception, for example, may consist of monitoring the number of bit errors or EQM number. If EQM is to be used as a fallback criterion for an acceptable BER performance, 8-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide the minimum metric EQM number should be used for V.17 mode and the hard decision EQM number should be used for V.29 and V.27 ter modes (see Table 4-1 for RAM access codes and Section 4 for scaling information). Refer to the EQM and BER vs. S/N charts. The EQM numbers shown in the charts are the decimal equivalent to the 16-bit hexadecimal numbers divided by 256. During TCF, EQMs that represent acceptable BERs can be used to determine whether or not to fallback. If a fallback is necessary, EQM can be used to choose the appropriate fallback mode for a desired BER. 8.1.3 Phase C Phase C occurs after both facsimile machines have set up for the high speed configuration decided upon in phase B. The T.30 Error Correction Mode is addressed in a following section. This high speed message information is usually compressed data using a Modified Huffman (MH) or Modified Read (MR) algorithm. The host processor must perform the MH or MR compression before loading the data into the modem. On the receive end, the host processor must perform the MH or MR decompression. The start of phase C is denoted by an End Of Line (EOL) 8-bit code. The data follows this first EOL character until the end of the line. Another EOL character is transmitted to indicate a new line. A minimum transmission time of a total coded scan line is measured from the beginning of the EOL to the beginning of the following EOL. If the transmitted data requires less time than the minimum transmission time, fill bits must be transmitted. Six consecutive EOL character constitute a Return To Control (RTC) command meaning end of document transmission. Figure 8-8 illustrates the phase C format. 8.1.4 Phase D The post-message phase D procedure uses FSK and HDLC format. The calling station will typically send an End Of Message (EOM) signal. This FCF command (EOM) informs the called station that this is the end of the page and return to Phase B. A MultiPage Signaling (MPS) or End Of Procedure (EOP) signal may be sent instead of EOM. The MPS signal informs the called unit that there are more pages in this facsimile transmission. EOP signals the end of the facsimile transmission. Procedure InterruptEOM (PRI-EOM), Procedure Interrupt-MPS (PRI-MPS), and Procedure Interrupt-EOP (PRI-EOP) indicate the same as EOM, MPS, and EOP, respectively, with the additional optional capability of requesting operator intervention. If operator intervention is required, further facsimile procedures commence at the beginning of phase B. The called station might respond to an EOM, MPS, or EOP signal with a Message Confirmation (MCF) command. This FCF command indicates to the calling unit that the complete message was received. One of the following FCF commands may be sent instead of the MCF: Re-Train Positive (RTP), Re-Train Negative (RTN), Procedure Interrupt Positive (PIP), or Procedure Interrupt Negative (PIN). RTP indicates that a complete message has been received and that additional messages may follow after retransmission of TCF and CFR. RTN indicates that the previous message has not been satisfactorily received, however, further receptions may be possible provided there is a retransmission of TCF and CFR. PIP and PIN indicate that the previous message was received satisfactorily or not satisfactorily, respectively, and operator intervention is required for further transmissions. 102366B Conexant 8-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 8.1.5 Phase E Call Release, or phase E, occurs after the last post-message signal of the procedure or under certain conditions such as a time-out, procedural interrupt, or a Disconnect (DCN) command. The DCN command indicates the initiation of phase E. This command requires no response. Figure 8-9 through Figure 8-15 illustrate how to implement certain phase B procedures. The examples show how the modem can be set up using the internal HDLC framing capabilities. Figure 8-9 describes how to transmit FSK/HDLC signals such as DIS, DCS, DTC, CFR, FTT, etc. Three subroutines are called out: the low speed configuration, the transmit preamble, and interrupt-driven transmit routine. A Programmable Interrupt set-up is required in the receiver to determine if it is the end of the frame and if the frame was received correctly. See Figure 8-10 for setup instructions. The Low Speed Configuration subroutine is shown on Figure 8-11. Since the HDLC function is being used, the parallel data mode is enabled. The Transmit Preamble routine is shown on Figure 8-12. When the modem is configured in HDLC mode by setting RTSP, the modem will automatically transmit flags. The Interrupt-Driven Transmit routine is illustrated in Figure 9-13. The hardware IRQn pin must be monitored for interrupts. The IRQn pin will become active (go low) when the modem is ready for a byte of data. This data should be loaded into the Data Buffer Register, DBUFF. When the IRQn returns low, the modem is ready for the next byte of data. Figure 8-14 describes how to receive FSK/HDLC signals. The Interrupt-Driven Low Speed Receive routine is shown on Figure 8-15. After IRQn is low, the Buffer 2 Available (B2A) bit is polled to determine if the next byte must be read by the host. If B2A is a 0, the Programmable Interrupt Request (PIREQ) bit is polled to determine if one of the programmable interrupt bits caused the interrupt. If Abort/Idle (ABIDL) is a 1, then an abort or idle sequence is being received. If ABIDL is a 0, then a Return from Subroutine is executed and the End of Frame bit is checked to see if it is the end of the frame. The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) bit is looked at to determine if the current frame was received correctly. Figure 8-16 shows how to re-configure the modem to a high speed configuration. This procedure will be used again when entering phase C. Figure 8-17 describes how to transmit the TCF or one second of zeros. Figure 8-18 describes the High Speed Message Transmission. This procedure is similar to the Low Speed Message Transmission. The High Speed Configuration is located at Figure 8-16. The High Speed Interrupt-Driven Transmit routine is in Figure 8-19. This is also similar to the low speed procedure. The High Speed Message Reception procedure is illustrated in Figure 8-20. The High Speed Interrupt-Driven Receive subroutine is in Figure 8-21. Included in the High Speed Message Reception procedure is an optional Ensure Valid Train subroutine (Figure 8-22). This procedure is recommended to ensure that a valid training sequence is accomplished when noise is above the CDET turn-on threshold. 8-10 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-8. Phase C Format RETURN TO CONTROL (RTC) INDICATING END OF DOCUMENT TRANSMISSION FORMAT: SIX CONSECUTIVE EOLS. START OF PHASE C EOL DATA EOL T DATA FILL EOL DATA T T END OF PHASE C T MINIMUM TRANSMISSION TIME OF A TOTAL CODED SCAN LINE. DATA EOL DATA EOL EOL EOL EOL EOL EOL RTC 102366_035 102366B Conexant 8-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-9. Transmit FSK/HDLC Signals START LOW SPEED CONFIGURATION TX PREAMBLE Enable Buffer 2 Interrupt 1 1-> B2I1E ($1E:5) Initialize Byte Count IRQ TX ROUTINE EOF = 0? No Yes Reset RTSP 0 -> RTSP ($7:7) EXIT 102366_036 8-12 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-10. Setup for Programmable Interrupt PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT SET-UP Enable Programmable Interrupt 1-> PIE ($1F:4) 1->PIDR ($5:5) Load Address Register 14h -> ITADRS ($A:4-0) Specify bits to be masked 0Ch -> ITBMSK ($B:7-0) Reset ANDOR bit 0 -> ANDOR ($A:5) Set for DC Triggered 00 -> TRIG ($A:7-6) RTI 102366_037 102366B Conexant 8-13 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-11. Low Speed Configuration Subroutine LOW SPEED CONFIGURATION Configuration for V.21 FSK 20h -> CONF ($06:7-0) Enable HLDC Mode 1 -> HDLC ($7:0) 0 -> AEOF ($15:5) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT SETUP SETUP = 0? No Yes RTI 102366_038 8-14 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-12. Transmit Preamble TRANSMIT PREAMBLE Set RTSP 1 -> RTSP ($7:7) Load 7Eh into DBUFF register Wait for CTSP CTSP ($F:1) =1? No Yes Delay 1 second RTI 102366_039 102366B Conexant 8-15 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-13. Low Speed Interrupt-Driven Transmit IRQ TX ROUTINE Wait for interrupt IRQn=0? No Yes Poll Buffer 2 Available B2A($1E:3) =1? No Error interrupt not caused by modem Yes Load data into Buffer 2 Decrement Byte Count Yes More to transmit? No Send End of Frame 1 -> EOF ($9:2) RTI 102366_040 8-16 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-14. Receive FSK/HDLC Signals START LOW SPEED CONFIGURATION Enable Buffer 2 Interrupt 1 1-> B2I1E ($1E:5) IRQ LOW SPEED RX ROUTINE Check if frame is in error CRC ($9:1) =1? No Yes Reset EOF bit 0 -> EOF ($9:2) Reset EOF bit 0 -> EOF ($9:2) Reset Programmable Interrupt Request bit 0 ->PIREQ ($1F:3) Reset Programmable Interrupt Request bit 0 ->PIREQ ($1F:3) Frame received correctly Frame received in error 102366_041 102366B Conexant 8-17 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-15. Low Speed Interrupt-Driven Receive IRQ LOW SPEED RX ROUTINE Wait for interrupt IRQn=0? No Yes Read data in DBUFF register Yes Poll Buffer 2 Available bit B2A ($1E:3) =1? No Poll Programmable Interrupt Request bit PIREQ ($1F:3) =1? No Error interrupt not caused by modem Yes Reset Programmable Interrupt Request bit 0 -> PIREQ ($1F:3) Yes Poll Abort/Idle bit ABIDL ($9:3)= 1? No Abort/Idle sequence is being received RTI 102366_042 8-18 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-16. High Speed Configuration Setup HIGH SPEED CONFIGURATION Configure for High Speed CONF code CONF -> ($6:7-0) 14400 to 2400 bps Disable HDLC Mode 0 -> HDLC ($7:0) 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) SETUP = 0? No Yes RTI 102366_043 102366B Conexant 8-19 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-17. Transmitting TCF START HIGH SPEED CONFIGURATION Set RTSP 1 -> RTSP ($7:7) Preload 00 into DBUFF Wait for CTSP to be set CTSP ($F:1) = 1? No Yes Delay 1.5 seconds Reset RTSP 0 -> RTSP ($7:7) END 102366_044 8-20 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-18. High Speed Message Transmission START HIGH SPEED CONFIGURATION Set RTSP 1 -> RTSP ($7:7) Preload DBUFF with dummy data Wait for CTSP to be set CTSP ($F:1) = 1? No Yes Enable Buffer 2 Interrupt 1 1 -> B2I1E($1E:5) Initialize Byte Count HIGH SPEED IRQ TX ROUTINE Reset RTSP 0 -> RTSP ($7:7) END 102366_045 102366B Conexant 8-21 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-19. High Speed Interrupt-Driven Transmit HIGH SPEED IRQ TX ROUTINE Wait for interrupt IRQn=0? No Yes Poll Buffer 2 Available B2A($1E:3) =1? No Error interrupt not caused by modem Yes Load compressed T.4 data into DBUFF Decrement Byte Count Yes More to transmit? No RTI 102366_046 8-22 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-20. High Speed Reception Setup START HIGH SPEED CONFIGURATION ENSURE VALID TRAIN Perform dummy read of DBUFF Enable Buffer 2 Interrupt 1 1 -> B2I1E($1E:5) IRQ HIGH SPEED RX ROUTINE END 102366_047 102366B Conexant 8-23 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-21. High Speed Interrupt Driven Receive HIGH SPEED IRQ RX ROUTINE Wait for interrupt IRQn=0? No Yes Poll Buffer 2 Available B2A($1E:3) =1? No Yes Read data in DBUFF register Yes More to receive? No RTI 102366_048 8-24 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-22. Valid Training Sequence Check ENSURE VALID TRAIN Wait for PNSUC ($8:3) =1? No Timeout? Yes Yes Valid train Invalid train No RTI 102366_049 102366B Conexant 8-25 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 8.2 Error Correction Mode 8.2.1 General The revised T.30 contains an Error Correction Mode (ECM) option. The ECM allows the phase C portion of the facsimile transmission to be encoded in a HDLC framing format using a specified number of bits in the information field. The transmitted high speed message is broken up into a number of frames identified by frame numbers. If an error is detected during reception of the message, the called station records the frame number. After all the frames in the message has been received, the called station transmits the frame numbers that were received in error. The calling station then re-transmits only those frames in error. This continues until the entire message is received error free or the calling station decides not to transmit any more frames. The error detection is performed by comparing the CRC or FCS. Using ECM, the data rate can be as fast as 14,400 bps, therefore, the host microprocessor cannot keep up implementing HDLC without the use of a serial I/O device. The modem provides HDLC features at speeds up to 14,400 bps. 8.2.2 ECM Frame Structure In Error Correction Mode, one frame of facsimile data consists of 256 or 64 octets of data. Each page may contain 1 to 256 frames. Also, 1 to 256 pages may be transmitted. The ECM frame structure is illustrated in Figure 8-23. Following the high speed training sequence, the flag, address field, and control field is transmitted. In ECM, Flag = 7E, Address = FF, and Control = B0. The Facsimile Control Field for the Facsimile Coded Data block (FCD) is 60. The frame number follows the FCF for FCD, followed by the facsimile data. Pad bits such as EOL, Tag, and Align bits follow the facsimile data. Finally, the FCS check and the ending flag is transmitted. After 256 frames, a Return Control for Partial page (RCP) block is transmitted three times. The RCP block consists of the same Flag, Address Field, and Control field followed by the FCF for RCP. The FCS immediately follows with the ending flag. After the third RCP, a maximum of 50 ms of flags are transmitted. An ECM message protocol example is shown in Figure 8-24. The bold arrows are high speed transmissions and the other arrows are FSK transmissions. The example is selfexplanatory. If more information is needed, refer to the T.30 ECM specification. In this paragraph the Q refers to the NULL, EOP, MPS, or EOM Facsimile Control Field commands. The Partial Page Signals (PPS-Q) and Partial Page Request (PPR) frame structures are shown in Figure 8-25. The PPS-Q frame begins with the same Flag, Address field, and Control field. Two FCF commands follow. The first FCF transmitted is to indicate PPS. The second FCF is either NULL, EOP, MPS, or EOM. The page count followed by the block count, followed by the total number of frames in the block are transmitted next. The FCS and ending flag are finally transmitted. The PPR frame structure also begins with the same Flag, Address, and Control field. The FCF for PPR is the next octet. The FIF consists of 256 or 64-bits depending on how many frames were transmitted. The contents of FIF is either a 0 or a 1. The bit number corresponds to the frame number and a 0 indicates the frames was received correctly and a 1 indicates an incorrect frame was received. 8-26 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-23. ECM Frame Structure ADDRESS FCF FIELD CONTROL FOR FCD FLAG FIELD TRAINING 200 MS 7E 7E FF B0 60 FRAME NUMBER # FACSIMILE DATA 256* OCTETS OF DATA EOL, TAG, ALIGN BITS FCS CHECK PAD BITS FCS FLAG 7E 1 FRAME OF DATA FACSIMILE CODED DATA BLOCK (FCD) * or 64 RCP BLOCK AFTER 256 FRAMES, TRANSMIT F = A = C = FCS = F A C 61 FCS F 3 TIMES, FLAG ADDRESS FIELD CONTROL FIELD FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE FCF FOR RCP AFTER THIRD RCP, TRANSMIT 50 ms (MAX) OF FLAGS. 102366_050 102366B Conexant 8-27 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-24. ECM Message Protocol Example MESSAGE, PAGE 0, BLOCK 0 PPS-NULL (TO INDICATE MORE BLOCKS FOR THIS PAGE WILL BE TRANSMITTED) PPR (TO IDENTIFY FRAMES RECEIVED WITH ERRORS) RETRANSMIT MESSAGE FRAMES IN ERROR, PAGE 0, BLOCK 0 PPS-NULL MCF (TO INDICATE NO ERRORS, AND READY TO RECEIVE) MESSAGE, PAGE 0, BLOCK 1 PPS-MPS (TO INDICATE END OF CURRENT PAGE, MORE PAGES TO TRANSMIT) PPR (TO IDENTIFY FRAMES IN ERROR) RETRANSMIT MESSAGE FRAMES IN ERROR, PAGE 0, BLOCK 1 PPS-MPS RNR (INDICATES RECEIVER NOT READY) RR (REQUEST RECEIVER STATUS) RNR (RX STILL NOT READY) RR MCF (INDICATES NO ERRORS IN LAST MESSAGE, RX READY) MESSAGE, PAGE 1, BLOCK 0 PPS-EOP (INDICATES END OF PROCEDURE, I.E., NO MORE PAGES TO TRANSMIT) PPR (INDICATES FRAME ERRORS) RETRANSMIT MESSAGE FRAMES IN ERROR, PAGE 1, BLOCK 0 PPS-EOP PPR, 4TH REQUEST FOR RETRANSMISSION OF FRAMES IN ERROR FOR PAGE 1, BLOCK 0 AFTER 4TH REQUEST FOR RETRANSMISSION OF ERRORED FRAMES ON THE SAME BLOCK, THE TRANSMITTER MAY RESPOND WITH: EOR-EOP (INDICATES END OF RETRANSMISSION [I.E., TX WILL NOT CORRECT ANY MORE ERRORS FOR PAGE 1, BLOCK 0]) ERR (RX RESPONSE TO EOR-EOP) DCN (TX DISCONNECTS) OR CTC-EOP (INDICATES TX WILL CONTINUE TO CORRECT PAGE 1, BLOCK 0 ERRORS) CTR (RESPONSE TO CTC-EOP) RETRANSMIT MESSAGE FRAMES IN ERROR, PAGE 1, BLOCK 0 PPS-EOP MCF (INDICATES RETRANSMISSION RECEIVED WITHOUT ERRORS) DCN (DISCONNECT) 102366_051 8-28 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 8-25. PPS and PPR Frame Structure PPS FRAME STRUCTURE F A C PPS FCF1 FCF2 NUL EOP MPS EOM PC BC PAGE COUNT (0-255) FC BLOCK COUNT (0-255) FCS F TOTAL # OF FRAMES IN BLOCK (1-256) FSK 300 BPS F = A = C = FCS = FLAG ADDRESS FIELD CONTROL FIELD FRAME CHECK SEQUENCE PPR FRAME STRUCTURE F A C FCF FIF FCF FOR PPR FCS F 256 BITS PER FRAME, 0 = GOOD FRAME, 1 = BAD FRAME 102366_052 102366B Conexant 8-29 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 8.3 Signal Recognition Algorithm A method of determining whether a high speed message or V.21 Channel 2 FSK handshaking is being received by the modem is necessary when implementing the T.30 recommendation. When the calling unit transmitter and called unit receiver configure for V.17, V.29, or V.27 ter, sometimes the high speed message may not be received (typically due to a noisy line). In this case, the calling unit transmitter will try to send the message up to three times before re-negotiating in FSK signaling. The called unit receiver must, therefore, be able to distinguish between a high speed message and FSK handshaking. This algorithm is shown in Figure 8-26. Figure 8-26. Signal Recognition Algorithm in High Speed Mode START Initialize and start TIMER1 Yes FSK7E ($08:2) =1? No PNSUC ($08:3) =1? No TIMER1 > 6.7 sec? No Yes Yes "FSK DETECTED" Reconfigure to FSK "HIGH SPEED DETECTOR" "T.30 TIMEOUT ERROR" 102366_053 8-30 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9. Caller ID Calling Number Delivery (CND), known as Caller ID, is a telephone service intended for residential and small business customers. It allows the called Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) to receive a calling party's directory number and the date and time of the call during the first silent interval in the ringing cycle. The customer must contact a Bellcore Client Company to initiate CND service. All of this CND information, according to Bellcore, is sent between the first and the second ring and starts as early as 300 ms after the first ring burst and ends at least 475 ms before the second ring burst. The following information summarizes the CND information provided by Bellcore. 9.1 Parameters The data signaling interface has the following characteristics: 9.2 Link Type: 2-wire, simplex Transmission Scheme: Analog, phase-coherent FSK Logical 1 (mark): 1200 12 Hz Logical 0 (space): 2200 22 Hz Transmission Rate: 1200 bps Transmission Level: -13.5 1 dBm into 600 load Protocol The protocol uses 8-bit data words (bytes), each bounded by a start bit and a stop bit. The CND message uses the Single Data Message format shown below. Channel Seizure Signal 9.2.1 Carrier Signal Message Type Word Message Length Word Data Word(s) Checksum Word Channel Seizure Signal The channel seizure signal is 30 continuous bytes of 55h (01010101). This provides a detectable alternating function to the modem. 9.2.2 Carrier Signal The carrier signal consists of 13025 ms of mark (1200 Hz) to condition the receiver for data. 102366B Conexant 9-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.2.3 Message Type Word The message type word indicates the service and capability associated with the data message. The message type word for CND service is 04h (00000100). 9.2.4 Message Length Word The message length word specifies the total number of data words to follow. 9.2.5 Data Words The data words are encoded in ASCII and represent the following information: The first two words represent the month. The next two words represent the day of the month. The next two words represent the hour in local military time. The next two words represent the minute after the hour. The calling party's directory number is represented by the remaining words in the data word field. If the calling party's directory number is not available to the terminating central office, the data word field contains an ASCII "O". If the calling party invokes the privacy capability, the data word field contains an ASCII "P". 9.2.6 Checksum Word The Checksum word contains the twos complement of the modulo 256 sum of the other words in the data message (message type, message length, and data words). The receiving equipment may calculate the modulo 256 sum of the received words and add this sum to the received checksum word. A result of zero generally indicates that the message was correctly received. Message retransmission is not supported. 9-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.2.7 Example CND Single Data Message An example of a received CND message, beginning with the message type word is as follows: 04 12 30 39 33 30 31 32 32 34 36 30 39 35 35 35 31 32 31 32 51 04h = Calling number delivery information code (message type word) 12h = 18 decimal; Number of data words (date, time, and directory number words) ASCII 30, 39 =09; September ASCII 33, 30 = 30; 30th day ASCII 31, 32 = 12; 12:00 PM ASCII 32, 34 = 24; 24 minutes (12:24 PM) ASCII 36 30 39 35 35 35 31 32 31 32 = 609-555-1212; calling party's directory number. 51h = Checksum Word. 102366B Conexant 9-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.3 DAA Requirements To receive CND information, the modem monitors the phone line between the first and second ring bursts without causing the DAA to go off hook in the conventional sense, which would inhibit the transmission of CND information by the local central office. A simple modification to an existing DAA circuit (Figure 9-1) easily accomplishes the task. With the addition of Q1 and K2, the DAA is AC-coupled to the phone line through the ring detect capacitor, C1, allowing the CND signal to pass to the modem while blocking DC loop current that would place the line off hook. Figure 9-1. DAA Circuit Supporting CND Vcc CR1 CR3 R4 CR2 R3 U1 Vcc ~OHRC (Modem off hook relay control) C1 K1 R1 RX1 To Phone line To Modem R2 Vcc K2 Q1 CNDEN (To modem controller) Normal modem signal path; K1 active CND signal path; K2 active Circuitry added for CND 102366_055 9-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.4 Modem Requirements Although the data signaling interface parameters match those of a Bell 202 modem, the receiving CPE need not be a Bell 202 modem. A V.23 1200 bps modem receiver may be used to demodulate the Bell 202 signal. The ring detection circuit, combined with a "Ring Detection" firmware routine done by the host, allows the host to activate and deactivate the CNDEN relay to monitor the telephone line for receiving the CND information. After a valid ring is detected, the RI bit is set to indicate occurrence of the first ring burst to the host. The host waits for 250 ms of silence then activates the CNDEN line (see Figure 9-1) and configures the modem for CND reception as follows: CONF = 22h SETUP = 1 and wait until SETUP = 0 Wait until CDET = 1 The received data is now available via DBUFF ($10:7-0). CNDEN must be deactivated by the host prior to the reception of the second ring burst. 9.5 Applications Flowcharts corresponding to the above process are shown in Figure 9-2. Once CND information is received, the user may process the information in a number of ways. 1. The date, time, and calling party's directory number can be displayed. 2. Using a look-up table, the calling party's directory number can be correlated with his or her name and the name displayed. 3. CND information can also be used in additional ways such as for: a) Bulletin board applications, b) Black-listing applications, c) Keeping logs of system user calls, or d) Implementing a telemarketing data base. 9.6 References For more information on Calling Number Delivery (CND), refer to Bellcore publications TR-TSY-000030 and TR-TSY-000031. To obtain Bellcore documents, contact: Bellcore Customer Service 60 New England Avenue, Room 1B252 Piscataway, NJ 08834-4196 (201) 699-5800 102366B Conexant 9-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.7 Type II Caller ID Type II Caller ID CAS detection operates concurrently with three tone detectors. Status bit CASD ($08:3) is set by the modem when the CAS dual-tone Type II Caller ID signal is detected and configured to CAS Detection Mode (90h). After CASD is set and CAS signal detected, the host must reset status bit CASD to allow subsequent Type II Caller ID CAS signals to be detected. Type II Caller ID provides the calling party's identity delivery when a call is waiting. This service is combined with the Call Waiting service. The following shows a typical example of Type II Caller ID signal. SAS X CAS T ACK Y CID Z t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 SAS : Subscriber Alerting Signal t1: 440 Hz 300 ms typical (250 - 1000 ms) t2: 0-50 ms CAS: CPE Alerting Signal 2130 Hz/2750 Hz dual tone at -15 dBm t3: 80-85 ms Rx is expected at -32 to -14 dBm with 75 to 80 ms duration up to 6 dB twist ACK: DTMF D (or DTMF A) t4+t5: 155- 165 ms t4: t4 should be less than 100 ms t5: 55 - 65 ms t6: 0- 500 ms CID: Caller ID Signal t7: varies depending upon service type. t8: 0-50 ms The host is responsible for sending the acknowledge signal for the CAS tone back to the phone company for Type II Caller ID reception. 9-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 9-2. Caller ID Example Flowchart CHECK RING On-Hook Mode? No Yes Valid Ring Detected? No Yes Start Caller ID Detection (START CALLER_ID) Decrement the Ring Counter Ring Count Finished? No Yes Start to Receive the Fax Message (RX FAX) END 102366_056a 102366B Conexant 9-7 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 9-2. Caller ID Example Flowchart (Continued) START CALLER_ID Configure for Caller ID detection 22h -> CONF($06:7-0) Yes Setup New Configuration 1 -> SETUP ($1F:0) END CALLER_ID Time-out? No Yes Is CDET On? SETUP ($1F:0) = 0? No No Yes Yes Read Data Buffer (DBUFF, $10:7) Initialize a 3 sec. Timer for Caller ID Time-out Is it "Channel Seizure" (55h) ? Enable CNDEN Relay for Caller ID Detection No Yes Read Data Buffer (DBUFF, $10:7) Is it "Message Type" (04h) ? No Yes CHECK CALLER_ID 102366_056b 9-8 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 9-2. Caller ID Example Flowchart (Continued) CHECK CALLER_ID END CALLER_ID Read Data Buffer (DBUFF, $10:7) Disable the CNDEN relay Store data into memory Calculate Checksum End of Caller_ID message? END No Yes Indicate Caller ID is done Is Checksum correct? Yes No Indicate Caller ID has an error END CALLER_ID 102366_056c 102366B Conexant 9-9 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 9.8 Russian CID Russian Caller ID (RCID) detection is supported in Tone Detect configuration (80h). Three tone detectors are also available in this mode. RCID is disabled/enabled by the host setting/resetting control bit RCIDDIS before setting new configuration request bit SETUP. Upon request, a PBX transmits the calling party number to the requesting device. Data is transmitted within a packet consisting of 9 codes placed in the following order: 1. Start code (S) 2. Category of subscriber code (CS) 3. Seven digit codes. Start CS 7th digit 6th digit 5th digit 4th digit 3rd digit 2nd digit 1st digit Information is transmitted cyclically and usually repeated several times. For example, number 1234567, with CS 8 can be transmitted as "S87654321S87654321". Consecutive, identical digits are transmitted using the "Repeat" code R. For example number 2256789 can be transmitted as "S898765R2". The RCID detector detects and reports all valid codes in the order they are received. 9.8.1 RCID Detector Status Bits Figure 9-3. RCID Detector Example Start CS '7' '6' 'Illegal' '4' '3' '2' '1' FED ANIDET RCIDIllegal ANIDROP 9-10 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 9-1. Modem DSP RAM Access Codes No.1, 2 Function 9:1 9:2 9:3 RCID Inter-Tone Silence Counter RCID Rejection Threshold RCID Frequency Deviation 9:4 RCID 3rd Tone Rejection 9:5 9:6 9:7 9:8 9:9 9:10 9:11 9:12 9:13 9:14 9:15 9:16 9:17 9:18 9:19 9:20 9:21 9:22 9:23 9:24 9:25 9:26 9:27 9:28 9:29 Notes: RCID Free Running Sample Counter RCID Code 0 Positive Twist RCID Code 0 Negative Twist RCID Code 1 Positive Twist RCID Code 1 Negative Twist RCID Code 2 Positive Twist RCID Code 2 Negative Twist RCID Code 3 Positive Twist RCID Code 3 Negative Twist RCID Code 4 Positive Twist RCID Code 4 Negative Twist RCID Code 5 Positive Twist RCID Code 5 Negative Twist RCID Code 6 Positive Twist RCID Code 6 Negative Twist RCID Code 7 Positive Twist RCID Code 7 Negative Twist RCID Code 8 Positive Twist RCID Code 8 Negative Twist RCID Code 9 Positive Twist RCID Code 9 Negative Twist RCID Code A (Start) Positive Twist RCID Code A (Start) Negative Twist RCID Code B (Repeat) Positive Twist RCID Code B (Repeat) Negative Twist BR CR IO AREX ADD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0C 23 17 2B 3F 53 67 18 2C 40 54 68 8C 00 80 01 81 02 82 03 83 04 84 05 85 06 86 07 87 08 88 09 89 0A 8A 0B 8B Read Reg. No. 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 2,3 0,1 1. Parameter numbers refer to corresponding numbers in Section 4. 102366B Conexant 9-11 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 9:1 Inter-Tone Silence Counter (RCID) The modem sets status bit ANIDROP when the inter-tone silence counter expires. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: T * 9600 Where: T is inter-tone silence counter value in ms. Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 0120h, T = 30 ms Function 9:2 Rejection Threshold (RCID) RCID received signal energy rejection threshold. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation : Rejection Threshold = [1+(Rejection Threshold(dBm)/50)]*32768 Range: 0 to 7FFFh, -50 dBm Rejection Threshold(dBm) 0 Default Value: 0FC0h, Rejection Threshold(dBm) = -43.8 dBm Function 9:3 Frequency Deviation (RCID) This parameter controls the acceptable frequency range for RCID tones. Increasing the value of this parameter increases the frequency range. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the current value. The same parameter value must be written to all 5 parameter addresses. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Frequency Deviation (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 1100h Function 9:4 3rd Tone Rejection (RCID) The 3rd Tone Rejection parameter prevents RCID signal detection in the presence of a 3rd tone detected within 15 dB of the RCID dualtone signal's lowest energy tone. Increasing this parameter reduces the rejection threshold below 15 dB. Decreasing this parameter increases the rejection threshold above 15 dB. The same parameter value must be written to all 5 parameter addresses. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: 3rd Tone Rejection (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: 169Ch Function 9:5 Free Running Sample Counter (RCID) The Free Running Sample Counter is a counter-timer initialized to zero upon completion of configuration set-up. The modem continuously increments the counter-timer every sample period. The host can monitor RCID detection timing by setting the counter-timer to zero then reading the counter-timer when RCID status bits change state. 9-12 Format: 16-bits, unsigned Equation: Time = (counter-timer)(3.41) Range: 0 to FFFFh Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Function 9:6 - 9:29 Positive and Negative Twist (RCID) These parameters control acceptable negative and positive twist for the RCID signals. Decreasing this parameter increases the acceptable twist level. The twist will vary from one RCID symbol to another. To increase or decrease the parameter value, convert the increase/decrease into hex and add/subtract to/from the default value. Format: 16-bits, positive, twos complement Equation: Twist (Increase/Decrease)h Range: 0 to 7FFFh Default Value: RCID Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Start Repeat 102366B Conexant Positive 1330h 1330h 0C30h 1330h 0630h 0C30h 1330h 0300h 1630h 0C30h 0630h 0C30h Negative 1330h 1330h 0C30h 1330h 0630h 0C30h 1330h 0300h 1630h 0C30h 0630h 0C30h 9-13 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 9-14 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 10. Digital Equalization/High Pass Filter A programmable digital equalizer (PDE) is provided in both the receiver and transmitter. The programmable digital equalizer consists of four cascaded biquads. This is similar to the tone detectors when cascaded by enabling bit 12TH. The programmable digital equalizer is enabled by setting bit PDEQZ. The block diagram is shown in Figure 10-1. 10.1 PDE Frequency Response The programmable digital equalizer defaults to a Japanese two link delay equalizer, with 1.1 dB gain at 2700 Hz. The frequency response curves are shown in Figure 10-2. 10.1.1 PDE Coefficients The equation to calculate the hex coefficients is: Coefficient16 = Coefficient * 32768 The format is 16 bits, signed, twos complement. The coefficient range is from -1 (8000h) to +1 minus 1 least significant bit (7FFFh). The poles and zeros are shown in Table 10-1. The programmable digital equalizer RAM access codes are shown in Table 10-2. Note: 10.2 The default filter coefficients are written by the modem at power-on. Fixed Digital Cable Compromise Equalizer An optional fixed cable compromise equalizer (in the receiver/transmitter) is enabled by setting bit DCABLE. The digital cable equalizer frequency response is shown in Figure 10-3. 10.3 High Pass Filter An optional receiver digital high pass filter (HPF) is enabled by setting bit HPFEN. Figure 10-4 and Figure 10-5 show the modem response with and without the high pass filter enabled, respectively. Note: 102366B The filter response will be shifted such that the notch is at 72 Hz. Conexant 10-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 10-1. PDE Block Diagram INPUT -1 0.5 -1 a01/2 2 a11/2 b11/2 -a21/2 b21/2 a02 -1 -1 a03 a12 b12 -a22 b22 -1 -1 a04 a13 b13 -a23 b23 -1 -1 OUTPUT a14 b14 -a24 b24 -1 2 -1 102366_057 Figure 10-2. PDE Response DELAY (msec) (Default) 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 (Thousands) FREQUENCY (Hz) 3 4 3 4 GAIN (dB) (Default) 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 1 2 (Thousands) FREQUENCY (Hz) 102366_058 10-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 10-1. PDE Poles and Zeros Section Number 1 2 3 4 Poles 0.794 @ 1215 Hz 0.798 @ 1728 Hz 0.793 @ 2241 Hz 0.830 @ 2713 Hz Zeros 1.26 @ 1215 Hz 1.25 @ 1728 Hz 1.26 @ 2241 Hz 1.27 @ 2713 Hz Table 10-2. PDE RAM Access Codes Parameter AREX BR CR IO ADD Read Reg. No. a01/2 a02 a03 a04 a11/2 a21/2 a12 a22 a13 a23 a14 a24 b11/2 b21/2 b12 b22 b13 b23 b14 b24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C6 C8 CA CC 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 0, 1 Default Value (Hex.) 285C 516C 50A5 4FB4 B8D1 C000 A8FF 8000 EAD7 8000 291D 8000 472F D7A4 5701 AE94 1529 AF5B D4EA AA61 Default Value (Dec.) 0.31531771 0.63611724 0.63002045 0.62269083 -0.55611875 -0.50000000 -0.67972752 -1.00000000 -0.16531356 -1.00000000 0.32118352 -1.00000000 0.55611875 -0.31531771 0.67972752 -0.63611724 0.16531356 -0.63002045 -0.33660000 -0.66890000 Figure 10-3. Digital Cable Equalizer Frequency Response GAIN RESPONSE 5 4 DELAY (msec) GAIN (dB) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 1 2 3 4 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 DELAY RESPONSE 0 1 2 3 4 FREQUENCY (Thousands of Hz) FREQUENCY (Thousands of Hz) 102366_059 102366B Conexant 10-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 10-4. Receive Path Frequency Response without HPF LOG MAGNITUDE (dB) VS FREQUENCY 0dB -20dB -40dB -60dB -80dB -100dB 0 40 80 120 160 200 FREQUENCY (HERTZ) 102366_060 10-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 10-5. Receive Path Frequency Response with HPF LOG MAGNITUDE (dB) VS FREQUENCY 0dB -20dB -40dB -60dB -80dB -100dB 0 60 120 180 240 300 FREQUENCY (HERTZ) 102366_061 102366B Conexant 10-5 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 10-6 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 11. Performance DTMF performance is described in Table 11-1. Performance is specified for a test configuration conforming to that specified in ITU-T Recommendation V.56. Bit error rates are measured for a flat line at a received line signal level of -20 dBm. * At 2400 bps (V.27 ter), the modem exhibits a bit error rate of 10-6 or less with a signal-to-noise ratio of 12.5 dB in the presence of 15 peak-to-peak phase jitter at 150 Hz or with a signal-to-noise ratio of 15 dB in the presence of 30 peak-to-noise phase jitter at 120 Hz. * At 4800 bps (V.27 ter), the modem exhibits a bit error rate of 10-6 or less with a signal-to-noise ratio of 19 dB in the presence of 15 peak-to-peak phase jitter at 60 Hz. * At 7200 bps (V.29), the modem exhibits a bit error rate of 10-6 or less with a signalto-noise ratio of 25 dB in the presence of 12 peak-to-peak phase jitter at 300 Hz. * At 9600 bps (V.29), the modem exhibits a bit error rate of 10-6 or less with a signalto-noise ratio of 23 dB in the presence of 10 peak-to-peak phase jitter at 60 Hz. The modem exhibits a bit error rate of 10-5 or less with a signal-to-noise ratio of 23 dB in the presence of 20 peak-to-peak phase jitter at 30 Hz. Table 11-1. DTMF Receiver Performance Characteristics 10 10 Characteristic Minimum Maximum Units Acceptable Twist -8.2 0.2 +4.3 0.2 dB Acceptable Positive Frequency +1.5 to +3.2 % Deviation Acceptable Negative Frequency -2.1 to -2.8 % Deviation Required On-Time 40.0 1.0 ms Required Off-Time 40.0 1.0 ms Required Cycle-Time 93.0 1.0 ms Dynamic Range -43.0 0.0 dBm Signal-to-Noise Ratio 12.0 dB Talk Off 2 3 Hits Notes: 1. On-time = 50 ms, off-time = 50 ms, and cycle-time = 100 ms. 2. Nominal DTMF frequencies. 3. Both tones of DTMF symbol have equal amplitude--0 dB twist. 4. Received signal level = -35.0 dBm. 5. All 16 DTMF symbols transmitted. 6. Error rate of 1/10,000 or less. 7. TAS Telephone Network Simulator Model #112, flat line transmission path. 8. Mitel CM7291 DTMF Receiver Test Cassette. 9. All DTMF receiver parameters are equal to their default values. 10. Values shown are for DTMF Receiver (configuration code 21h). 102366B Conexant Programmable? Yes Yes Notes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Yes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Yes Yes Yes Yes - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 8, 9 11-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 11-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 12. Modem Interface Circuit The modem is supplied in a 100-pin LQFP for design into OEM circuit boards. The Fax interface schematic in Figure 12-1 illustrates the connections and components required to configure the modem to OEM electronics. A typical line interface using an external hybrid is shown in Figure 12-2. Figure 12-3 shows a typical speaker circuit. Table 12-1 specifies parameters for crystals or oscillators identified in these schematics. Figure 12-1. Fax Interface Circuit +1.8V 18pF 5% +3.3V 2 C52 R997 0 R998 0 1 Y1 32.256000MHz C53 18pF 5% R1011 100 C1133 0.1uF RINGD 91 92 93 94 95 61 76 73 RINGDn AVDD AVSS 75 74 71 L9 4.7uH PIA_CTRL_SIN PIA_TXSIN PIA_SCK PIA_RXOUT PIA_STROBE VDDO VSSO CX86810 PIA_RESETN PIA_CLKIN SIA_TXSIN D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 VDD EYEXY SIA_RXOUT 96 D5 97 98 D6 100 D7 IRQn D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 C1134 0.1uF VSSP 12 10 PIA_CTRL_SIN PIA_TXSIN PIA_SCK PIA_RXOUT 14 11 9 4 72 PIA_STROBE 8 13 6 PIA_RESETN IA_CLKIN 2 +1.8V 7 1 C166 0.01uF + C1136 1uF +3.3V R1013 5 C167 0.01uF VDD VSSP VSSO VDDO VDDO GPI2 GPO2 GPI1 C1135 1uF 90 89 88 87 77 66 63 65 + SPRN A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 RESETn GPI0 GPO1 VSSO +1.8V 81 82 83 84 85 86 99 64 62 3 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 ENABLE_VREG18D VBG A[0..5] VSSP WRn RDn CSn TEST XTLO XTLI VDD U3A 80 79 78 67 69 68 70 CSN RDN WRN 0 D5 D6 D7 EY EXY D[0..7] 10K R22 TALK OH LCDN +3.3V +3.3V R1012 C74 0.1uF C71 0.1uF + C73 1uF H_RSTN IRQN 4.7K 102366B Conexant 12-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Figure 12-2. Typical Interface to External Hybrid +3.3V AGND 17 20 16 19 21 15 PIA_CTRL_SIN PIA_TXSIN IA_CLKIN PIA_RXOUT PIA_STROBE PIA_SCK 22 PIA_RESETN IA1_AVDD C14 IA1_CNTRL_SIN IA1_TXSIN IA1_CLKIN IA1_RXOUT IA1_STROBE IA1_SCLK IA1_TXP IA1_TXM IA1_RXM IA1_RXP IA1_RESETn IA1_SPKRM IA1_SPKRP IA1_TESTC GND 8 2 + U12A 0.1uF 1 AGND R1023 - R10 10K MC34072D 10K 56 IA1_BG IA1_HSMIC_BIAS IA1_VC IA_AVSSP IA_AVSSP IA_AVSSP IA_AVSSP 48 47 0 R27 R30 124 64.9 R15 10K C11 55 MC34072D AGND 100pF IA1_HSMICP IA1_HSMICM 18 2.2uF 3 R16 RXM RXP 86.6K 49 50 6 5 7 MMBZ5229B RXM R1025 0 RXP 58 57 3 R24 R29 124 64.9 T1 2 C8 1000pF 4 CR3 MMBZ5229B U12B R6 4.99K CR2 C 54 9.09K R9 A AGND CX86810 4 AGND IA1_VDD + + C5 10uF 0.1uF GND + 60 C4 0.1uF C1138 +5V R8 1 MODEM COUP C U3B C2 - +3.3V L10 10uH AGND SPKRM 52 + C9 10uF 51 C10 0.1uF 53 59 46 24 40 C33 470pF AGND + C15 10uF C13 0.1uF GND AGND Figure 12-3. Typical Speaker Circuit +3.3V R12 4.7K R25 47K R26 C30 1K 0.1uF PHONE JACK, STEREO C19 3 2 1 + +3.3V 1uF Q1 2N4401 SPKRM R28 47K C16 0.022uF J13 Q2 2SB1386Q GND R13 15K GND GND 12-2 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide Table 12-1. Crystal Specifications - 32.256 Functional Mode Characteristic Conexant Part No. Frequency Frequency Tolerance Frequency Stability vs. Temperature vs. Aging Oscillation Mode Calibration Mode Load Capacitance, C L Shunt Capacitance, C O Series Resistance, R 1 Drive Level Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Holder Type Third Lead HC49U-32.256-FL HC49U-32.256-L Electrical 32.256 MHz nominal 50 ppm (C = 18 pF) L 32.256 MHz nominal 50 ppm (C = 18 pF) L 35 ppm (-20C to 70C) 15 ppm/5 years Fundamental Parallel resonant 18 pF nom. 35 ppm (-20C to 70C) 15 ppm/5 years Third Overtone Parallel resonant 18 pF nom. 7 pF max. 7 pF max. 35 max. @100 nW drive level 40 max. @100 nW drive level 100 W correlation; 500 W max. 0C to 70C -40C to 85C Mechanical SMT Required 100 W correlation; 1.0 mW max. -20C to 70C -40C to 85C Through Hole Required Notes: 1. 2. Characteristics @ 25C unless otherwise noted. Suggested supplier: ILSI America 5458 Louie Lane Reno, NV 89511 USA (702) 851-8880 102366B Conexant 12-3 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 12-4 Conexant 102366B CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide 13. Package Dimensions Package dimensions are shown in Figure 13-1 (100-pin LQFP). Figure 13-1. 100-Pin LQFP Dimensions D D1 D2 E E1 E2 e b SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW See Detail A SIDE VIEW Millimeters Inches Dim. A A2 c S A1 L Detail A L1 Min. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max. A ---- ---- 1.60 ---- ---- 0.063 A1 0.05 ---- 0.15 0.002 ---- 0.006 A2 1.35 1.40 1.45 0.053 0.055 0.057 D 22.00 BSC 0.866 BSC D1 20.00 BSC 0.787 BSC D2 18.85 BSC 0.742 BSC E 16.00 BSC 0.630 BSC E1 14.00 BSC 0.551 BSC E2 12.35 BSC 0.486 BSC c 0.09 ---- 0.20 0.004 ---- 0.008 b 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.009 0.012 0.015 e L 0.45 L1 S 0.026 BSC 0.65 BSC 0.60 0.75 0.018 0.20 ---- 0.024 0.030 0.039 REF 1.00 REF ---- 0.008 ---- ---100-Pin LQFP 102366B Conexant 13-1 CX86810 DFX214/DFX209 14400/9600 bps Fax Modem Design Guide This page is intentionally blank. 13-2 Conexant 102366B NOTES General Information: U.S. and Canada: (888) 855-4562 International: (732) 345-7500 Headquarters - Red Bank 100 Schultz Drive Red Bank, NJ 07701