Data Sheet ADIS16000/ADIS16229
Rev. 0 | Page 27 of 32
Table 60 and Table 61 list the bit assignments for the x_BUF
registers. The acceleration data format depends on the range
scale setting in REC_CTRL2 (see Table 31) and the recording
mode settings in REC_CTRL1 (see Table 28). Table 62 provides
some data formatting examples for the FFT mode, and Table 63
offers some data formatting examples for the 16-bit, twos
complement format used in manual time mode.
Table 60. X_BUF,
Page 1 to Page 6, Low Byte Address = 0x06, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Buffer for x-axis acceleration data
See Table 32 for scale sensitivity
Format = twos complement (time), binary (FFT)
Table 61. Y_BUF,
Page 1 to Page 6, Low Byte Address = 0x08, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Buffer for y-axis acceleration data
See Table 32 for scale sensitivity
Format = twos complement (time), binary (FFT)
Table 62. FFT Mode, 5 g Range, Data Format Examples
Acceleration (mg) LSB Hex Binary
4,999.9237 65,535 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111
100 × 5 ÷ 65,536 100 0x0064 0000 0000 0110 0100
2 × 5 ÷ 65,536 2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010
1 × 5 ÷ 65,536 1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Table 63. Manual Time Mode, 5 g Range, Data
Format Examples
Acceleration (mg) LSB Hex Binary
4999.847 32,767 0x7FFF 1111 1111 1111 1111
~1000 6,554 0x199A 0001 0001 10011010
2 × 5 ÷ 32,768 2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010
1 × 5 ÷ 32,768 1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
−1 × +5 ÷ +32,768 −1 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111
−2 × +5 ÷ +32,768 −2 0xFFFE 1111 1111 1111 1110
~−1000 −6554 0xE666 1110 0110 0110 0110
−5000 −32,768 0x8000 1000 0000 0000 0000
When using real-time mode, select the output channel by reading
the associated x_BUF register. For example, set DIN = 0x0880
to select the y-axis sensor for sampling. After selecting the channel,
use the data ready signal to trigger subsequent data reading of
the Y_BUF register. In this mode, use the time domain data
formatting for a range setting of 20 g, as shown in Table 32.
Both the ADIS16000 and the ADIS16229 offer power supply
and temperature measurements. The ADIS16229 performs
these measurements at the end of each spectral record, while
the ADIS16000 does so continuously. The power supply
measurements (SUPPLY_OUT_x, see Table 64 and Table 65)
come from averaging a data record of 256 samples (50 kSPS).
The temperature measurements (TEMP_OUT_x, see Table 67
and Table 68) come from averaging a data record of 64 samples,
which cover a total time of 1.7 ms. When using real-time mode,
these registers update only when this mode starts.
Table 64. SUPPLY_OUT_G,
Page 0, Low Byte Address = 0x0E, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Power supply, binary, 3.3 V = 0x1D46, 0.44 mV/LSB
Table 65. SUPPLY_OUT_S,
Page 1 to Page 6, Low Byte Address = 0x0C, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Power supply, binary, 3.3 V = 0x1D46, 0.44 mV/LSB
Table 66. Power Supply Data Format Examples
Supply Level (V) LSB Hex Binary
3.6 8182 0x1FF6 0001 1111 1111 0110
3.3 + 0.00044 7501 0x1D4D 0001 1101 0100 1101
3.3 7500 0x1D4C 0001 1101 0100 1100
3.3 − 0.00044 7499 0x1D4B 0001 1101 0100 1011
3.15 7159 0x1BF7 0001 1011 1111 0111
Table 67. TEMP_OUT_G,
Page 0, Low Byte Address = 0x0C, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Temperature data, offset binary, 4584 LSB = 0°C,
Table 68. TEMP_OUT_S,
Page 1 to Page 6, Low Byte Address = 0x0A, Read Only
Bits Description (Default = Not Applicable)
[15:0] Temperature data, offset binary, 4584 LSB = 0°C,
Table 69. Internal Temperature Data Format Examples
Temperature (°C) LSB Hex Binary
125 3050 0x0BEA 0000 1011 1110 1010
0 + 0.0815 4583 0x11E7 0001 0001 1110 0111
0 4584 0x11E8 0001 0001 1110 1000
0 − 0.0815 4585 0x11E9 0001 0001 1110 1001
−40 5075 0x13D3 0001 0011 1101 0011