Ver .2008-12-01
Function Description
・SDI(#2) is the serial audio input pin. The input audio signal should be connected to this pin.
・LRI(#3) is the LR clock input pin. The LR clock frequency is the as same as of the input audio signal. In case of I2S
format, if LRI=”Low” SDI and SDO data are left channel data, if LRI=”High” SDI and SDO data are right channel
・BCKI(#6) is the bit clock input pin. This BCKI clock frequency is 32 times (32fs) or 64 times (64fs) of the input
audio signal frequency. The bit precision is 16-bit at 32 fs mode, and 24-bit at 64fs mode.
・MODE [1:0](#13,#11) and FS(#17) pins are used to select serial audio format. Refer to Table 5 “Mode pin, FS pin
Setup” for details.
・SDO(#18) is the serial audio output pin. The delayed audio data come out through this pin.
・S DO is a s the 2. 5V C MOS output in c ase of SDO _OD(# 15)= " Low". SDO is as th e ope n dra in out put i n c ase of
SDO_OD= "H ig h", SDO can be pu lled u p to 3. 3V. In case of S DO_O D= "Low" & BYPA SS= "H igh" , t he bypass
mode is selected.
・T he next combi nation is reser ved. Do not us e this combin ation. S DO_OD= "High" & BYPASS= "H igh". Refer t o
Table 6 “SDO_OD pin, BYPASS pin Setup” for details.
・COUNT [5:0](#8, #7, #5, #4, #14, #12) pins are used to select delay time. When the setup is changed, SDO
outputs a "Low" level (mute) during the period selected by COUNT [5:0]. Refer to 4. Delay T ime for details.
・When RESETb is "L ow", th e NJU26902 is in itia li zed on the rising edge of BCKI. SDO out puts "Lo w" level (mute)
voltage during the period selected by COUNT [5:0].
・In case of not usin g RESETb , connect RE SETb to VDD .
・VDD is the power supply pin. Connect VDD to the 2.5V power supply. VSS is the GND pin. The decoupling
capacitor is necessary between VDD and VSS.
・The input pins can interface with 3.3V ICs. Refer to Table 3 “Electric Characteristics” for details.
・Af ter Power su ppl y or ser ial au dio f orm at chang ing , there is poss ibi lit y the NJ U26 902 g ener ates r andom data f or
the delay time during the period set by COUNT[5:1] pins. If necessary, the mute circuit should be added or reset
the NJU26902.
Table 5 Mode pin, FS pin S etup
(17pin) MODE[1]
(13pin) MODE[0]
(11pin) Setup
0 0 0 RJ 16bit 32fs
0 0 1 LJ 16bit 32fs
0 1 0 I2S 16bit 32fs
1 0 0 RJ 24bit 64fs
1 0 1 LJ 24bit 64fs
1 1 0 I2S 24bit 64fs
Other Reserved *1
* : 0=Low , 1=High
*1 : Do not use.
Table 6 SDO_ OD pi n, B YPAS S pin Se tup
(15pin) BYPAS S
(16pin) NJU26902 Function
0 0 Delay Operation, SDO=CMOS Output
0 1 Bypass Operation, SDO=CMOS Output
1 0 Delay Ope ration, SD O=Open Drai n Output
1 1 Reserved *1
* : 0=Low , 1=High
*1 : Do not use.