.050 Series Standard Edge PCI Connector Assemblies 114-13148
of 8 Tyco Electronics Corporation
2.2. Customer Assistance
Reference Product Base Part Number 145246 and Product Code 2282 are representative of .050 Series
Standard Edge PCI Surface Mount Connector Assemblies. Use of these numbers will identify the product line
and expedite your inquiries through a service network established to help you obtain product and tooling
information. Such information can be obtained through a local Tyco Electronics Representative or, after
purchase, by calling PRODUCT INFORMATION at the number at the bottom of page 1.
2.3. Drawings
Customer Drawings for product part numbers are available from the service network. If there is a conflict
between the information contained in the Customer Drawings and this specification or with any other technical
documentation supplied, call PRODUCT INFORMATION at the number at the bottom of page 1.
2.4. Specifications
Product Specification 108–14034 provides product performance and test information.
2.5. Instructional Material
Instruction Sheets (408–series) provide product assembly instructions or tooling setup and operation
procedures and Customer Manuals (409–series) provide machine setup and operation procedures. There are
no documents available which pertain to this product.
2.6. Manuals
Manual 402–40 can be used as a guide to soldering. This manual provides information on various flux types
and characteristics with the commercial designation and flux removal procedures. A checklist is included in the
manual as a guide for information on soldering problems.
2.7. Standards and Publications
Standards and publications developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) provide industry test and
performance requirements. Documents available which pertain to this product are:
IEC 60512–6, “Electromechanical Components for Electronic Equipment; Basic Testing Procedures and
Measuring Methods Part 6: Climatic Test and Soldering Tests”
IEEE 1386, “Common Mezzanine Card (CMC) Family”
EIA–364–52, “Solderability of Contact Terminations Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets”
EIA–700AAAB, “Detail Specification for 1.0 Millimeter, Two–Part Connectors for Use with Parallel Printed
3.1. Safety
Do not stack product shipping containers so high that the containers buckle or deform.
3.2. Material
The housings are made of high–temperature thermoplastic polycyclohexyl dimethylene terephthalate (PCT),
UL 94V–0. The contacts are made of phosphor bronze; the mating interface is underplated with nickel and
plated with gold and the solder tine is plated with matte tin–lead. The hold–downs are made of brass plated
with matte tin–lead.
3.3. Storage
A. Ultraviolet Light
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light may deteriorate the chemical composition used in the connector
B. Shelf Life
The connectors should remain in the shipping containers until ready for use to prevent deformation to the
contacts. The connectors should be used on a first in, first out basis to avoid storage contamination that
could adversely affect performance.