© 2006 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
FMS6690 • Rev. 1.0.3 9
FMS6690 — Six Channel, 6
Order, SD/PS/HD Video Filter Driver
The same method can be used for biased signals with
the addition of a pull-up resistor to make sure the clamp
never operates. The internal pull-down resistance is
800kΩ ±20%, so the external resistance should be
7.5MΩ to set the DC level to 500mV. If a pull-up
resistance of less than 7.5MΩ desired, add an external
pull-down such that the DC input level is set to 500mV.
Bi as
Ex t er n al Vi d eo
sour ce m ust
be AC-coupled.
500mV +/ -350mV
Figure 19. Biased SCART with DC-Coupled Outputs
The same circuits can be used with AC-coupled outputs
if desired.
DVD or
So C
Out p ut
Cl am p
0V - 1.4V 220µ
Figure 20. DC-Coupled Inputs, AC-coupled Outputs
Cl am p
Acti ve
Ex t er n al v i d e o
source must
be AC-coupled.
500mV +/ -350mV
Figure 21. Biased SCART with AC-Coupled Outputs
8. The video tilt or line time distortion is dominated by
the AC-coupling capacitor. The value may need to
be increased beyond 220µF to obtain satisfactory
operation in some applications.
Power Dissipation
The FMS6690 output drive configuration must be
considered when calculating overall power dissipation.
Care must be taken not to exceed the maximum die
junction temperature. The following example can be
used to calculate the FMS6690’s power dissipation and
internal temperature rise.
TJ= TA+ Pd• ΘJA (1)
where Pd= PCH1+ PCH2+ PCHx,
and PCHx= VS • ICH- (VO2/RL) (2)
VO = 2VIN+ 0.280V;
ICH = (ICC/ 6) + (VO/RL);
VIN= RMS value of input signal;
ICC = 60mA;
VS= 5V; and
RL= channel load resistance.
Board layout affects thermal characteristics. Refer to
the Layout Considerations section for more information.
Output Considerations
The FMS6690 outputs are DC offset from the input by
150mV therefore, VOUT = 2•VIN DC+150mv. This offset
is required to obtain optimal performance from the
output driver and is held at the minimum value to
decrease the standing DC current into the load. Since
the FMS6690 has a 2x (6dB) gain, the output is typically
connected via a 75-series back-matching resistor
followed by the 75 video cable. Because of the
inherent divide by two of this configuration, the blanking
level at the load of the video signal is always less then
1V. When AC-coupling the output, ensure that the
coupling capacitor of choice passes the lowest
frequency content in the video signal and that line time
distortion (video tilt) is kept as low as possible.
The selection of the coupling capacitor is a function of
the subsequent circuit input impedance and the leakage
current of the input being driven. To obtain the highest-
quality output video signal, the series termination
resistor must be placed as close to the device output
pin as possible. This greatly reduces the parasitic
capacitance and inductance effect on the FMS6690
output driver. The distance from device pin to place
series termination resistor should be no greater than 0.1
Figure 22. Distance from Device Pin to Series
Termination Resistor