Technical data subject to change.
© Cal Test Electronics 2017.
Datasheet CT2593-1/CT2593-2
High Voltage
Di erential Probe
25 MHz / ±1400 V (CT2593-1)
25 MHz / ±700 V (CT2593-2)
Differential probes allow safe, accurate measurment between to voltage points where neither point
is referenced to ground. The CT2593 family includes two models: The CT2593-1 and CT2593-2
both offering a 25 MHz bandwidth. Comptable with oscilloscopes from all major manufacturers, the
probes can be battery operated, powered by a universal adapter (optional), or powered by USB
power lead (optional) if the oscilloscope is so equipped.
25 MHz bandwidth
Up to ±1.4 kV differential and common
mode voltage for the CT2593-1. Up to ±700
V for CT2593-2.
Selectable attenuation settings of 20x/200x
(CT2593-1) and 10x/100x (CT2593-2)
Compatible with most oscilloscopes
Protective rubber boot
Powered by 4 AA batteries (included)
Power adapter, CT3723 (optional)
USB power lead, CT4122 (optional)
Technical data subject to change.
© Cal Test Electronics 2017.
Electrical Specifi cations
CT2593-1 CT2593-2
Bandwidth DC ― 25 MHz
Rise Time (10%-90%) 14 ns
Attenuation ratio 20x/200x 10x/100x
Accuracy ±2%
AC CMRR -80 dB @ 50 Hz
-60 dB @ 20 kHz
-86 dB @ 50 Hz
-66 dB @ 20 kHz
Maximum Differential
Input Voltage
(DC + AC peak)
±140 V @ 20x
±1.4 kV @ 200x
±70 V @ 10x
±700 V @ 100x
Maximum Common
Mode Input Voltage
(DC + AC peak)
±140 V @ 20x
±1.4 kV @ 200x
±70 V @ 10x
±700 V @ 100x
Absolute Maximum
Rated Input Voltage
(each side to ground)
1000 Vrms CAT II
Input Resistance //
Capacitance 4 MΩ // 5.5 pF (each side to ground)
Output Voltage Swing ±7 V (driving 1 MΩ oscilloscope input)
Offset (typical) ±5 mV (adjustable)
Noise (typical) 0.7 mVrms
Source Impedance 50 Ω
Power Supply
4 AA batteries (included) or
CT3723 power adapter (optional)
CT4122 USB power lead (optional)
Mechanical Characteristics
Weight 400 g (with probe and rubber boot)
Dimensions 170 x 63 x 21 mm
BNC Cable Length 95 cm
Input Leads Length 45 cm each
Technical data subject to change.
© Cal Test Electronics 2017.
Environmental Characteristics
Operating Temp/Humidity -10°C to 40°C / 25% to 85% RH
Storage Temp/Humidity -30°C to 70°C / 25% to 85% RH
Pollution Degree Pollution Degree 2
Altitude Operating: 3,000 m
Nonoperating; 15,300 m
Safety Specifi cations
IEC 61010-031 CAT II