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Datasheet CT2593-1/CT2593-2
High Voltage
Di erential Probe
25 MHz / ±1400 V (CT2593-1)
25 MHz / ±700 V (CT2593-2)
Differential probes allow safe, accurate measurment between to voltage points where neither point
is referenced to ground. The CT2593 family includes two models: The CT2593-1 and CT2593-2
both offering a 25 MHz bandwidth. Comptable with oscilloscopes from all major manufacturers, the
probes can be battery operated, powered by a universal adapter (optional), or powered by USB
power lead (optional) if the oscilloscope is so equipped.
■ 25 MHz bandwidth
■ Up to ±1.4 kV differential and common
mode voltage for the CT2593-1. Up to ±700
V for CT2593-2.
■ Selectable attenuation settings of 20x/200x
(CT2593-1) and 10x/100x (CT2593-2)
■ Compatible with most oscilloscopes
■ Protective rubber boot
■ Powered by 4 AA batteries (included)
■ Power adapter, CT3723 (optional)
■ USB power lead, CT4122 (optional)