AD9863 Preliminary Technical Data
AD9863 Rev. PrA | Page 10 of 28
Alternatively, adding a shunt capacitance between the AIN pins
can lower the ac load impedance. The value of this capacitance
will depend on the source resistance and the required signal
bandwidth. In systems that must use dc-coupling, use an op amp to
comply with the input requirements of the AD9863.
The ADCs in the AD9863 are designed to sample differential input
signals. The differential input provides the benefit of improved
noise immunity and better THD and SFDR performance for the Rx
path. In systems that use single ended signals, these inputs can be
digitized, but it is recommended that a single ended to differential
conversion is performed. A single ended to differential conversion
can be performed by using a transformer coupling circuit or using
an operational amplifier such as the AD8131, which can perform
the conversion.
The inputs accept a signal with a 2v pkpk differential input swing,
centered about one half of the supply voltage (AVDD/2). The Rx
input pins are self biased to provide this mid supply, common
mode bias voltage, so it is recommended to ac couple the signal to
the inputs.
ADC Voltage References
The AD9863 12 bit ADCs use internal references that are designed
to provide a 2 V p-p input (differential or 1V p-p single ended)
range. The internal bandgap reference generates a stable 1 V
reference level and is decoupled through the Vref pin. REFT and
REFB are the differential references generated based on the
voltage level of Vref. Figure 2 shows the proper decoupling of the
reference pins REFT and REFB when using the internal reference.
An external reference may be used for systems that require high
accuracy gain matching between multiple devices or improvements
in temperature drift and noise characteristics. External references
REFT and REFB will be centered at AVDD/2 with a differential
offset voltage corresponding to half the desired input span. For
example, for a 2V p-p differential input swing, the offset voltage
should be:
REFT: AVDD/2 + 0.5 V,
REFB: AVDD/2 – 0.5 V
The internal Rx bandgap reference can be bypassed and an external
reference used to drive the Vref voltage level. This is desirable for
example to accommodate a different fullscale input swing, an
extremely low temperature drift reference or to improve matching
across multiple converters. To supply an external reference, the
internal bandgap reference can be powered down through the SPI
and the external reference can be used to drive the Vref pin. The
resulting can be driven to the new voltages should be:
REFT: AVDD/2 +Vref/2 V,
REFB: AVDD/2 – Vref/2 V
If an external reference is used, it is not recommended to exceed a
differential offset voltage for the reference of greater than 1V. The
full scale, differential input voltage is 2x Vref voltage.
Typical high speed ADCs use both clock edges to generate a
variety of internal timing signals, and as a result may be sensitive
to clock duty cycle. Commonly, a 5% tolerance is required on the
clock duty cycle to maintain dynamic performance characteristics.
The AD9863 contains two clock duty cycle stabilizers (DCS), one
for each ADC in the Rx path that re-times the non-sampling edge,
providing an internal clock with a nominal 50% duty cycle. Input
clock rates of over 40 MHz can use the DCS so that a wide range
of input clock duty cycles can be accommodated (conversely, DCS
should not be used for Rx sampling below 40 MSPS). Maintaining
a 50% duty cycle clock is particularly important in high speed
applications, when proper track-and-hold times for the converter
are required to maintain high performance. The DCS can be
enabled by writing a high to the appropriate bits in registers 6 and
The duty cycle stabilizer utilizes a delay locked loop to create the
nonsampling edge. As a result, any changes to the sampling
frequency will require approximately 2 to 3 microseconds to allow
the DLL to acquire and settle to the new rate. High speed, high
resolution ADCs converters are sensitive to the quality of the clock
input. The degradation in SNR at a given full-scale input frequency
(fINPUT) due only to aperture jitter (tA) can be calculated with the
following equation:
SNR degradation = 20 x log [ ½ (pi) x FIN x tA ]
In the equation, the rms aperture jitter, tA, represents the root-sum-
square of all jitter sources, which include the clock input, analog
input signal, and ADC aperture jitter specification. Undersampling
applications are particularly sensitive to jitter. The clock input is a
digital signal that should be treated as an analog signal with logic
level threshold voltages, especially in cases where aperture jitter
may affect the dynamic range of the AD9863. Power supplies for
clock drivers should be separated from the ADC output driver
supplies to avoid modulating the clock signal with digital noise.
Low jitter crystal controlled oscillators make the best clock
sources. If the clock is generated from another type of source (by
gating, dividing, or other methods), it should be retimed by the
original clock at the last step.
The power dissipated of the AD9863 Rx path is proportional to its
sampling rates. The Rx path portion of the digital (DRVDD) power
dissipation is determined primarily by the strength of the digital
drivers and the load on each output bit. The digital drive current
can be calculated by:
where N is the number of bits changing and CLOAD is the average