Rev 1.0, November 24, 2006 Page 9 of 12
9. This parameter is measured at the crossing points of the differential signals, and acquired as an average over 1Ps duration, with a crystal center frequency of
14.31818 MHz.
10. All outputs loaded as per Table 4, see Figure 2.
11. Probes are placed on the pins, and measurements are acquired between 0.4V and 2.4V for 3.3V signals and at 20% and 80% for CPU[(0:7), (0:7)#] signals (see
Figure 3).
12. Probes are placed on the pins, and measurements are acquired at 1.5V for 3.3V signals and at crossing points for CPU clocks (see Figure 3).
13. This measurement is applicable with Spread ON or Spread OFF.
14. Probes are placed on the pins, and measurements are acquired at 2.4V (see Figure 3).
15. Probes are placed on the pins, and measurements are acquired at 0.4V. (seeFigure 3).
16. As this function is available through SEL(0,1), therefore, the time specified is guaranteed by design.
17. Determined as a fraction of 2*(Trp-Trn) / (Trp+Trn) where Trp is a rising edge and Trn is an intersecting falling edge.
AC Parameters (VDD = VDDA = 3.3V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C)
Symbol Description 133 MHz Host 100 MHz Host Unit Notes
Min. Max. Min. Max.
TPeriod CPU(0:7), (0:7)#) Period 7.35 7.65 9.85 10.2 ns 10,12
Tr/Tf CPU[(0:7), (0:7)#] Rise and Fall Times 175 700 175 700 ps 10,11
TSKEW1 Skew from Any CPU Pair to Any CPU Pair 100 100 ps 10,12,13
TCJJ CPU[(0:7), (0:7)#] Cycle to Cycle Jitter 150 150 ps 10,12,13
Vover CPU[(0:7), (0:7)#] Overshoot Voh + 0.2 Voh + 0.2 V 10,17
Vunder CPU[(0:7), (0:7)#] Undershoot –0.2 -0.2 V 10,17
Vcrossover CPU(0:7), to CPU(0:7)# Crossover Point 45%Voh 55%Voh 45%Voh 55%Voh V 9, 10,12
Tduty Duty Cycle 45 55 45 55 % 10,12
Tperiod 3V33 Period 15.0 16.0 15.0 15.2 ns 10,12
THIGH 3V33 High Time 5.25 5.25 ns 10,14
TLOW 3V33 Low Time 5.05 5.05 ns 10,15
Tr/Tf 3V33 Rise and Fall Times 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 ns 10,11
TCCJ 3V33 Cycle to Cycle Jitter 300 - 300 ps 10,12,13
Tduty Duty Cycle 45 55 45 55 % 10,12
Tperiod REF Period 69.8412 71.0 69.8413 71.0 nS 10,12
Tr/Tf REF Rise and Fall Times 1.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 nS 10,11
TCCj REF Cycle to Cycle Jitter 1000 1000 pS 10,12
Tduty Duty Cycle 45 55 45 55 % 10,12
TDC 48MHz(0,1) Duty Cycle 45 55 45 55 % 10,12
Tperiod 48MHz(0.1) Period 20.8299 20.8333 20.8299 20.8333 ns 10,12
Tr/Tf 48MHz(0,1) Rise and Fall Times 1.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 ps 10,11
TCCJ 48MHz(0,1) Cycle to Cycle Jitter 500 500 ps 10,12
Zout 48MHz Buffer Output Impedance 20 20 :
tpZL, tpZH Output Enable Delay (all outputs) 1.0 10.0 1.0 10.0 ns 16
tpLZ, tpZH Output Disable Delay (all outputs) 1.0 10.0 1.0 10.0 ns 16
tstable All Clock Stabilization from Power-up 3 3 ms