Data Sheet AS2522B austriamicrosystems
Revision 3.4 Page 5 of 19
Functional Description
DC conditions
The nor mal operating mode is fro m 15mA to 10 0mA. An
operating mode with reduce d performance is from 5mA to
15mA. I n the line h old range fr om 0mA to 5mA the devi ce
is in a power down mode.
The DC ch aracteristi c is det ermined by the voltage at LI-
pin and a 30Ω resisto r between L I- and LS-pi n. It ca n be
calculate d by the foll owing equati on: VLS = VLI + ILine *
30Ω. VLI can be pr ogrammed t o be 3.5V or 4.5V.
2/4 wire conversion
AS2522 has a built-i n dual Wheats tone brid ge with one
common ground. This provides a maximum of
independ ence of AC-i mpedance an d side tone from eac h
other. One can adapt side tone wi thout chan ging the A C-
The AC-i mpedance of AS2522 is s et to t.m. 1000Ω. With
the exte rnal capac itor at CI-pin it can be progra mmed
complex. With an ext ernal resis tor of app rox. 1.5kΩ
connected to the LS -pin it can be program med to 600Ω.
Side Tone
A good sid e tone canc ellation can be achiev ed by using the
following equation:
Transmit path
The gai n of the M1/ M2 → LS is set to + 37dB. This gai n
can be ch anged by pro gramming fr om +30dB to +4 5dB in
1dB steps (Register Txgain). T he input is differenti al with
an imped ance of 10kΩ. The soft clip circuit limits the
output v oltage at LS to 2Vp. There is LLC for thi s path.
The gai n of the M3/ M4 → LS is set to + 46dB.
This gai n can be chan ged by pr ogramming f rom +39dB to
+54dB in 1dB steps. T he input is di fferential with an
impedance of 10kΩ. The s oft clip ci rcuit limits the output
voltage at LS to 2Vp. T here is no L LC for thi s path.
Receive path
The gain o f the LS → RO receive p ath is set to +1d B.
This gai n can be c hanged by pr ogramming f rom -6dB to
+9dB in 1 dB steps (R egister Rxgain). The receive inpu t is
the diffe rential sig nal of RI and STB. The so ft clip ci rcuit
limits the output voltage at RO to 1V p. It p revents ha rsh
distorti on and acous tic shock. T here is LLC for this p ath.
The gain o f the LS → LO1/LO2 receiv e path is se t to
+29dB. Thi s gain can be changed by program ming from
+22dB to -37dB in 1dB s teps. The use r can also c hange
the gain via Regist er VOL (See s ection "Hands free"). Th e
receive input is the differenti al signal of RI and STB. T he
soft clip c ircuit limi ts the outp ut voltage at LO1 of LO 2 to
1Vp. It preve nts harsh dist ortion and ac oustic s hock. There
is optio nal LLC for t his path.
Line Loss Compensation
The line l oss compens ation is pro grammable (Re gister
0x0C). When it is ac tivated, th e transmit and receive gai ns
for both I /O’s are dec reased by 6 dB at line c urrents f rom
20mA to 50mA or from 45mA to 75mA .
The handsf ree functi on allows v oice comm unication without
using t he handset ( full 2-way s peaker ph one). Two v oice
control led attenuat ors preve nt acoustic c oupling between
the louds peaker an d the micropho ne. The voi ce switchin g
circuit h as three s tates, nam ely idle, tr ansmit or receive. In
receive mode the at tenuation of t he receiv e path and t he
transmi t path can b e control led by Re gister VOL between
0dB and - 20dB. The foll owing t able shows h ow voice
switching is controlled
ams AG
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