V23990-P188-A10 (R) flow PIM 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Maximum Ratings / Hochstzulassige Werte at Tj=25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Input Rectifier Bridge Gleichrichterbrucke Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Ruckw. Spitzensperrspannung DC forward current Dauergleichstrom Surge forward current Stostrom Grenzwert Energypulse (sin 50Hz) Grenzlastintegral Transistor Inverter Transistor Wechselrichter Collector-emitter break down voltage Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung DC collector current Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom Repetitive peak collector current Periodischer Kollektorspitzenstrom Power dissipation per IGBT Verlustleistung pro IGBT Gate-emitter peak voltage Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung Diode Inverter Diode Wechselrichter DC forward current Dauergleichstrom Repetitive peak forward current Periodischer Spitzenstrom 2 It Grenzlastintegral Transistor Brake-Chopper Transistor Brems-Chooper Collector-emitter voltage Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung DC collector current Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom Repetitive peak collector current Periodischer Kollektorspitzenstrom Power dissipation Verlustleistung Gate-emitter peak voltage Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung Diode Brake-Chopper Diode Brems-Chopper DC forward current Dauergleichstrom Repetitive peak forward current Periodischer Spitzenstrom copyright by Tyco Electronics Condition Symbol VRRM TJ=140C, tp=10ms tp=10ms tp=10ms tp=10ms TJ=140C, TJ=140C, tp=1ms TJ=140C, TC=25C TC=80C TJ=25C TJ=150C TJ=25C TJ=150C TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C Id TJ=140C, tp=1ms TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C IFSM I2t TJ=140C, tp=1ms TJ=140C, TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C 1200 V IC 54 36 108 72 195 102 20 Icpuls Ptot IF TJ=140C, tp=1ms TC=25C TC=80C TC=25C TC=80C Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen A A A W V 49 A 32 99 A 64 50 As 20 IFRM VCES 1200 V IC 33 22 66 44 128 67 20 Icpuls Ptot VGE TJ=140C, 1600 V VCE I2t TJ=140C, Unit 127 A 84 400 A 350 800 A2s 610 VGE TJ=140C, Value IF IFRM A A W V 14 A 10 29 A 20 power.switches@tycoelectronics.com V23990-P188-A10 (R) flow PIM 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Maximum Ratings / Hochstzulassige Werte at Tj=25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Thermal properties Thermische Eigenschaften max. Chip temperature max. Chiptemperatur Storage temperature Lagertemperatur Operation temperature Betriebstemperatur Thermal resistance, chip to case Warmewiderstand Chip-Bodenplatte Insulation properties Modulisolation Insulation test voltage Isolationsspannung Creepage distance Kriechstrecke Clearance Luftstrecke copyright by Tyco Electronics Condition Symbol Tjmax t=1min Unit 150 C Tstg -40...+125 C Top -40...+125 C RthJC RthJC RthJC RthJC RthJC Diode Rectifier Transistor Inverter Diode Inverter Transistor Brake Diode Brake Value Vis 1,15 0,59 0,98 0,9 2,51 K/W K/W K/W K/W K/W 4000 Vdc 12,7 mm 12,7 mm Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen power.switches@tycoelectronics.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Characteristic values / Charakteristische Werte at Tj=25C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Input Rectifier Bridge Gleichrichter Forward voltage Durchlasspannung Threshold voltage Schleusenspannung Slope resistance Ersatzwiderstand Reverse current Sperrstrom Transistor Inverter, inductive load Transistor Wechselrichter Gate threshold voltage Gate-Schwellenspannung Collector-emitter saturation voltage Kollektor-Emitter Sattigungsspannung Collector-emitter cut-off current Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom Gate-emitter leakage current Gate-Emitter Reststrom Turn-on delay time Einschaltverzogerungszeit Rise time Anstiegszeit Turn-off delay time Abschaltverzogerungszeit Fall time Fallzeit Turn-on energy loss per pulse Einschaltverlustenergie pro Puls Turn-off energy loss per pulse Abschaltverlustenergie pro Puls SC Data Kurzschlussverhalten Input capacitance Eingangskapazitat Diode Inverter Diode Wechselrichter Diode forward voltage Durchlassspannung Peak reverse recovery current Ruckstromspitze Reverse recovered charge Sperrverzogerungsladung Reverse recovery energy Abschaltenergie pro Puls Reverse recovery time Sperrverzogerungszeit Transistor Brake-Chopper Transistor Brems-Chooper Gate threshold voltage Gate-Schwellenspannung Collector-emitter saturation voltage Kollektor-Emitter Sattigungsspannung Input capacitance Eingangskapazitat Collector-emitter cut-off current Kollektor-Emitter Reststrom Gate-emitter leakage current Gate-Emitter Reststrom Diode Brake-Chopper Diode Brems-Chopper Diode forward voltage Durchlassspannung NTC-Thermistor NTC-Widerstand Rated resistance Nennwiderstand Deviation of R100 Abweichung von R100 Power dissipation Verlustleistung B-value B-Wert copyright by Tyco Electronics Condition T (C) RG () VGE (V) VCE (V) TJ=25C VR=VRmax min. 50 Value typ. max. TJ=25C 0,8 V TJ=25C 11 m 0,02 2 mA TJ=25C TJ=125C VCE(sat) TC=25C Tj=125C TC=25C Tj=125C Tj=25C VGE 0,001 15 4,5 25 6,5 V 2,1 2,4 1200 1,65 mA 20 0 250 nA 35 15 600 25 35 15 600 25 35 15 600 25 35 15 600 25 Eon 35 15 600 25 48 45 35 28 680 700 40 42 4 Eoff TJ=125C 35 15 600 25 3 tr td(off) tf ISC tp10s TJ125C Cies f=1MHz TJ=25C 2,55 V 0 TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=125C td(on) Unit V Tj=25C IGES IC (A) 1,35 VGE(th) ICES IF (A) 0 25 ns ns ns ns mWs mWs tbd A 1,5 nF Qrr TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=125C trr TJ=25C TJ=125C TJ=125C 600 VGE(th) Tj=25C VGE VCE(sat) Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=25C 12,5 0 25 2,3 2,4 0,6 0 1200 1 mA IGES TC=25C Tj=125C Tj=25C 20 0 250 nA VF TJ=25C R25 Tc=25C VF Cies f=1MHz ICES R/R Tc=100C 25 1,6 2 2,2 V tbd 600 25 25 0,0006 C tbd mWs 200 ns 4,5 12,5 12,5 4,7 1,6 6,5 V 2,8 22 -5 3,15 V nF 3,2 V k 5% R100=1486 P B(25/100) Tc=25C Tolerance=3 Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 210 mW 4000 K power.switches@tycoelectronics.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Output inverter Typ. output characteristics Typ. output characteristics Output Inverter IGBT Output Inverter IGBT I C = f(V CE ) I C = f(V CE ) o o parameter: t p = 250 ms, T j = 125 C 200 180 IC (A) IC (A) parameter: t p = 250 ms, T j = 25 C V GE parameter 7 V to 17 V in 1 V steps 160 140 120 140 V GE parameter 7 V to 17 V in 1 V steps 100 120 80 100 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 0 V CE (V) 1 2 3 4 5 6 V CE (V) Typ. transfer characteristics Typ. diode characteristics Output Inverter IGBT Output Inverter FRED I C = f(V GE ) parameter: t p = 250 ms, V CE = 20 V I F =f( VF ) parameter: t p = 250 ms 90 IC (A) IF (A) 120 80 100 70 60 80 o 125 C o 25 C 50 125 o C 60 40 25 o C 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 V F (V) V GE (V) copyright by Tyco Electronics Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Output inverter Typ. Switching losses Typ. Switching losses Output inverter IGBT Output inverter IGBT o E = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 25 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 25 A o 8 E (mWs) E (mWs) E = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 25 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 35 Eon 7 8 7 Eon 6 6 5 5 Eoff 4 Eoff 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 60 0 I C (A) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 RG ( ) Typ. Switching time Typ. Switching time Output inverter IGBT Output inverter IGBT t = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 25 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 35 t = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 25 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 25 A 10 t (s) t (s) 1 tdoff tdoff 1 0,1 tdon tdon tr 0,1 tr tf tf 0,01 0,01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 I C (A) copyright by Tyco Electronics Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 60 80 100 120 140 160 RG ( ) power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Output inverter Typ. Switching losses Typ. Switching losses Output inverter IGBT Output inverter IGBT o E = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 125 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 25A o E = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 125 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 35 9 E (mWs) E (mWs) 12 Eon 8 10 Eon 7 8 6 5 6 Eoff Eoff 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0 I C (A) 20 40 60 80 100 Typ. Switching time Typ. Switching time Output inverter IGBT Output inverter IGBT t = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 125 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 35 t = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 125 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 25 A 1 120 140 160 RG ( ) t (s) t (s) 10 tdoff tdoff 1 0,1 tdon tdon tr 0,1 tf tf tr 0,01 0 10 20 30 copyright by Tyco Electronics 40 50 60 I C (A) 0,01 0 20 40 60 Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 80 100 120 140 160 RG ( ) power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Brake chopper / Brems - Chopper Typ. output characteristics Typ. output characteristics Brake Circuit IGBT Brake Circuit IGBT I C = f(V CE ) I C = f(V CE ) o o parameter: t p = 250 ms, T j = 125 C 100 140 IC (A) IC (A) parameter: t p = 250 ms, T j = 25 C 90 120 80 100 70 V GE parameter 7 V to 17 V in 1 V steps 60 50 V GE parameter 7 V to 17 V in 1 V steps 80 60 40 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 V CE (V) 1 2 3 Typ. transfer characteristics Typ. diode chararacteristics Brake Circuit IGBT Brake Circuit FRED I C = f(V GE ) parameter: t p = 250 ms, V CE = 20 V I F = f( VF ) parameter: t p = 250 ms 70 4 5 V CE (V)6 IF (A) IC (A) 100 90 60 80 50 70 25 o C 125 o C 60 40 25 o C 125 o C 50 30 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 5 7 9 11 copyright by Tyco Electronics 13 15 17 V GE (V) 0,5 1,5 2,5 Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5 V F (V) power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Brake chopper / Brems - Chopper Typ. Switching losses Typ. Switching losses Brake circuit IGBT Brake circuit IGBT o E = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 25 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 15 A o E = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 25 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 58 1,8 E (mWs) E (mWs) 6 Eon Eon 1,6 5 1,4 Eoff 1,2 4 1 3 0,8 Eoff 2 0,6 0,4 1 0,2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 I C (A) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 RG ( ) Typ. Switching time Typ. Switching time Brake circuit IGBT Brake circuit IGBT t = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 25 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 15 A o t = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 25 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 58 1 t (s) t (s) 1 tdoff tdoff 0,1 0,1 tr tdon tdon tr tf tf 0,01 0,01 0 5 10 15 copyright by Tyco Electronics 20 25 30 35 I C (A) 0 10 20 Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 30 40 50 60 70 RG ( ) power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Brake chopper / Brems - Chopper Typ. Switching losses Typ. Switching losses Brake circuit IGBT Brake circuit IGBT E = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 125 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 15 A o E = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 125 C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 58 E (mWs) 7 6 E (mWs) Eon 6 5 Eon 5 4 4 3 3 Eoff 2 2 Eoff 1 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 I C (A) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Typ. Switching time Typ. Switching time Brake circuit IGBT Brake circuit IGBT t = f (I C ), inductive load, T j = 125 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, R G = 58 t = f (R G ), inductive load, T j = 125 o C par.: V CE = 600 V, V GE = 15 V, I C = 15 A 120 ) 140 R G ( 160 10 t (s) t (s) 1 tdoff tdoff 1 0,1 tdon tr tr 0,1 tf tdon tf 0,01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0,01 0 20 40 I C (A) copyright by Tyco Electronics Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 60 80 100 120 140 160 RG ( ) power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com V23990-P188-A10 flow PIM(R) 2, 1200V, 36A Version 0601 Input rectifier bridge / Eingangsgleichrichter Typ. diode characteristic s Thermistor NTC-typical temperature characteristic Input Rectifier Bridge 80000 I F = f(V F ) parameter: t p = 250 ms 70000 IF (A) 90 60000 80 70 50000 25 o C 60 125 o C ) 40000 R( 50 30000 40 30 20000 20 10000 10 0 0,5 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1 0 0 20 40 V F (V) copyright by Tyco Electronics Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44, D81359 Munchen 60 80 T( C) 100 120 140 power.switches@tycoelectroncis.com