All MikroElektronikas development systems represent irreplaceable tools for programming and developing microcontroller-based devices. Carefully chosen components and the use of machines of the last generation for mounting and testing thereof are the best guarantee of high reliability of our devices. Due to simple design, a large number of add-on modules and ready to use examples, all our users, regardless of their experience, have the possibility to develop their project in a fast and efficient way. User manual Development system If you have any questions, comments or business proposals, do not hesitate to contact us at If you are experiencing some problems with any of our products or just need additional information, please place your ticket at If you want to learn more about our products, please visit our website at UNI-DS6 TM DISCLAIMER All the products owned by MikroElektronika are protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. Therefore, this manual is to be treated as any other copyright material. No part of this manual, including product and software described herein, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of MikroElektronika. The manual PDF edition can be printed for private or local use, but not for distribution. Any modification of this manual is prohibited. TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS I want to express my thanks to you for being interested in our products and for having confidence in Mikroelektronika. The primary aim of our company is to design and produce high quality electronic products and to constantly improve the performance thereof in order to better suit your needs. Nebojsa Matic General Manager MikroElektronika provides this manual `as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. MikroElektronika shall assume no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions and inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. In no event shall MikroElektronika, its directors, officers, employees or distributors be liable for any indirect, specific, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business profits and business information, business interruption or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of this manual or product, even if MikroElektronika has been advised of the possibility of such damages. MikroElektronika reserves the right to change information contained in this manual at any time without prior notice, if necessary. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES The products of MikroElektronika are not fault - tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on - line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail - safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of Software could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (`High Risk Activities'). MikroElektronika and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. TRADEMARKS The Mikroelektronika name and logo, the Mikroelektronika logo, mikroC, mikroC PRO, mikroBasic, mikroBasic PRO, mikroPascal, mikroPascal PRO, AVRflash, PICflash, dsPICprog, 18FJprog, PSOCprog, AVRprog, 8051prog, ARMflash, EasyPIC5, EasyPIC6, BigPIC5, BigPIC6, dsPIC PRO4, Easy8051B, EasyARM, EasyAVR5, EasyAVR6, BigAVR2, EasydsPIC4A, EasyPSoC4, EasyVR Stamp LV18FJ, LV24-33A, LV32MX, PIC32MX4 MultiMedia Board, PICPLC16, PICPLC8 PICPLC4, SmartGSM/GPRS, UNI-DS are trademarks of Mikroelektronika. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. All other product and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are only used for identification or explanation and to the owners' benefit, with no intent to infringe. The Microchip, Atmel, NXP and CYPRESS name, logo and products names are trademarks of Microchip, Atmel, NXP and CYPRESS Inc. in the U.S.A and other countries. (c)MikroelektronikaTM, 2011, All Rights Reserved. 3 page UNI-DS6 Table of Contents General information4 Key features5 1. Connecting UNI-DS6 to power supply module6 2. mikroBoard7 3. Placing mikroBoard8 4. Programming microcontroller9 5. USB UART1 and USB UART2 modules10 6. ADC module 11 7. USB communication12 8. EEPROM module12 9. Piezo buzzer13 10. DS1820 temperature sensor14 11. MMC/SD connector 15 12. LEDs16 13. Push buttons17 14. 2x16 LCD display 18 15. 128x64 graphic LCD display 19 16. Touch panel20 17. Input/output ports21 MikroElektronika page 4 UNI-DS6 General information The UNI-DS6 development system provides a development environment for programming and experimenting with various microcontrollers from different manufacturers. Numerous modules, such as 128x64 graphic LCD display, 2x16 alphanumeric LCD display, piezo buzzer, USB-UART, etc. are provided on the board and allow you to easily simulate the operation of your target device. Full-featured development system for microcontroller based devices UART communication via USB connector MMC/SD card connector Integrated EEPROM module Graphic LCD display with backlight Package includes: Development system: CD: Cables: Documentation: UNI-DS6 product CD with relevant software USB cable manual and electrical schematic for UNI-DS6 System specification: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight: MikroElektronika over an AC/DC connector (7-23V AC or 9-32V DC) or a USB cable (5V DC) 50mA when all on-board modules are off 26,5 x 22cm (10,4 x 8,6inch) ~420g (0.92lbs) 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 page UNI-DS6 9 24 23 22 10 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Key features 1. Power supply module 2. ADC input 3. USB UART1 module 4. USB UART2 module 5. USB communication connector 6. LCD2x16 display contrast potentiometer 7. mikroBoard socket 8. Jumpers used to select pull-up/pull-down resistors 9. DIP switches for enabling pull-up/pull-down resistors 10. I/O ports 11. GLCD contrast potentiometer 12. Touch panel controller 13. GLCD display connector 14. Touch panel connector 15. DIP switches for enabling on-board modules 16. Push buttons 17. Jumper used to shorten protective resistor 18. Jumpers used to select push buttons' logic state 19. MMC/SD card connector 20. Socket for DS1820 temperature sensor 21. Piezo buzzer 22. LEDs 23. Serial EEPROM module 24. LCD display connector MikroElektronika page 6 UNI-DS6 1. Connecting UNI-DS6 to power supply module In order to enable the development system to be turned on, it is necessary to provide the appropriate power supply voltage over an AC/DC connector CN19, Figure 1-1. When the development system is powered, it is necessary to set switch marked POWER SUPPLY to the ON position. The power supply voltage provided via the CN19 AC/DC connector may be in a range between 7 and 23V AC or 9 and 32V DC. Figure 1-1: Powering the development system A mikroBoard board with different voltage levels can be placed in the mikroBoard socket provided on the development system. The position of jumper J16 depends on the voltage level required. When a 5V mikroBoard is placed in the socket it is necessary to place jumper J16 in the 5V position. If a 3.3V mikroBoard is placed move jumper J16 in the 3.3V position. Figure 1-2: Power supply module R57 AC/DC CN19 SWC SWE CT GND D4 330uF C24 E8 FP2 DRVC IPK Vin CMPR L2 220uH FERRITE R56 1K Figure 1-3: Power supply module connection schematic R55 3K VOUT E10 10uF 2 3 MBRS140T3 VCC-5V VIN 1 MC33269DT-3.3 C5 E4 100nF 10uF VCC-5V VCC-SW D10 MC34063A REG1 VCC-3.3 10uF 220pF MikroElektronika VCC-MMC U10 D5 E1 D6 ON 0.22 4x1N4007 D7 OFF E2 330uF 3.3V { 5V { J16 VCC-3.3 VCC-BRD VCC-5V LD79 POWER E3 330uF R5 2K2 7 page UNI-DS6 2. mikroBoard mikroBoard is designed for placing microcontroller on a development system. Every mikroBoard features an integrated programmer that is used for MCU programming. For connection with a development system, the mikroBoard uses two 2x40 male headers. In addition, the mikroBoard can be used as a standalone device. There are several mikroBoard types: mikroBoard for 8051 40-pin, mikroBoard for AVR 64-pin, mikroBoard for dsPIC 80-pin, mikroBoard for PIC 40-pin, mikroBoard for PIC 80-pin, mikroBoard for ARM 64-pin, mikroBoard for ARM 144-pin and mikroBoard for PSoC. Figure 2-1: mikroBoard for PIC 40-pin Figure 2-2: mikroBoard for 8051 40-pin Figure 2-3: mikroBoard for PSoC MikroElektronika page 8 UNI-DS6 3. Placing mikroBoard The UNI-DS6 development system is designed for usage with various mikroBoards. All the mikroBoards are placed in a universal mikroBoard socket , Figure 3-1. This socket consists of two 2x40 female headers. To place mikroBoard in this socket follow the steps below: STEP 1: Make sure that all header pins on mikroBoard are aligned with the mikroBoard socket STEP 2: Apply pressure on mikroBoard edges until it fully fits the socket Figure 3-1: mikroBoard placed in socket MikroElektronika 9 page UNI-DS6 4. Programming microcontroller The mikroBoard on the development system uses a built-in programmer for MCU programming. All you need to do is to connect the mikroBoard to a PC via a USB cable (Figure 4-1), and to install the appropriate software on your PC. Figure 4-1: Connecting mikroBoard to PC via USB cable Depending on which mikroBoard is in use it is necessary to install the appropriate software for MCU programming: - mikroBoard for 8051 40-pin: 8051Flash - mikroBoard for AVR 64-pin: AVRFlash - mikroBoard for PSoC: PSoC Flash - mikroBoard for dsPIC 80-pin, mikroBoard for PIC 40-pin, mikroBoard for PIC 80-pin: mikroProg Suite for PIC - mikroBoard for ARM 64-pin, mikroBoard for 144-pin: ARMflash To download flash software visit Mikroelektronika's website at MikroElektronika page 10 UNI-DS6 5. USB UART1 and USB UART2 modules USB UART modules enable the UNI-DS6 development system to be connected to a PC via a USB connector. In addition to PC, the development system can also be easily connected to other devices that use USB communication. USB UART modules are connected to the microcontroller supplied on the development system via #RX232A and #TX232A pins for USB UART1 or #RX232B and #TX232B for USB UART2. In order to establish connection between the USB UART1 module and the microcontroller, it is necessary to set switches 1 and 2 on the DIP switch SW13 to the ON position. To connect the USB UART2 module and the microcontroller, it is necessary to set switches 3 and 4 on the DIP switch SW13 to the ON position. Figure 5-1: USB UART modules U1 SW13 VCC-SW RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 RX-FTDI1 VCC-BRD TX-FTDI1 #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 VCC-BRD VCC-5V OSCO DTR# OSCI C1 C2 RTS# TEST 100nF 100nF VCCIO AGND RXD NC RI# CBUS1 GND CBUS1 NC DSR# VCC RESET# VCC-5V VCC-5V E5 GND DCD# CTS# 10uF R18 4K7 GND CBUS4 3V3OUT CBUS2 USBDM CBUS3 USBDP FT232RL VCC DD+ GND CN34 USB B R19 10K C3 100nF Bottom view U2 RX-FTDI2 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP TXD VCC CN20 RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RX-FTDI1 TX-FTDI1 RX-FTDI2 TX-FTDI2 D- RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# #RX232A #TX232A #RX232B #TX232B D+ GND RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA VCC-5V VCC-BRD TX-FTDI2 TXD VCC-BRD VCC-5V OSCO DTR# OSCI C14 C15 RTS# TEST 100nF 100nF VCCIO AGND RXD NC RI# CBUS1 GND CBUS1 NC DSR# VCC RESET# CTS# 10uF R6 4K7 GND CBUS4 3V3OUT CBUS2 USBDM CBUS3 USBDP FT232RL E7 GND DCD# VCC-5V VCC-5V VCC DD+ GND C16 USB B DVCC D+ GND 100nF R7 10K CN35 Bottom view Figure 5-2: USB UART modules connection schematic MikroElektronika 11 page UNI-DS6 6. ADC module The ADC module is used to convert an analog voltage level into the appropriate 12-bit digital value. The analog voltage is supplied via screw terminals CN15 and CN16. The voltage supplied via the VREF pin is used as a voltage reference. In order to use this voltage, switch 8 on the DIP switch SW14 should be set to the ON position. Figure 6-1: ADC module Serial SPI communication is used for data transfer between the ADC module and the microcontroller. In order to establish connection between the ADC module and the microcontroller, it is necessary to set switches 1, 2 and 3 on the DIP SW14 switch to the ON position. Optionally, you can use switches 4, 5 and 6 on the DIP switch SW14. VCC-SW MCP1541 E11 R4 SW14 SCK MISO MOSI SCK MISO MOSI 4.096V C33 100nF R86 1K CN15 CH0 CH1 R87 1K CN25 U11 D11 1N4148 VOUTA VOUTD VINA- VIND- D12 1N4148 VINA+ VIND+ D15 1N4148 D16 1N4148 VINB+ VINC+ VINB- VINC- D13 1N4148 D14 1N4148 MCP6284 VCC-BRD U12 CH0-U12 CH1-U12 CH2-U12 CH3-U12 CH0 VCC CH1 Vref CH2 AGND CH3 CLK NC DOUT NC DIN CS DGND MCP3204 SW13 R89 1K CH2-U12 CN16 AREF 3x51 R1 R2 SCK MISO MOSI R3 ADC-CS# R90 100K VCC-BRD R88 1K CH3 CH1-U12 CH2 #MOSI2 51 C32 100nF VCC-BRD VOUTB VOUTC D2 1N4148 R41 #MOSI1 MOSI2 51 AREF GND VCC D1 1N4148 R39 MOSI1 #SCK2 51 VCC-BRD CH3-U12 CH0-U12 VCC-BRD R40 #SCK1 SCK2 51 100 10uF VCC-BRD R38 SCK1 RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# CN20 #CS1# ADC-CS# RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 SS1# SCK1 MISO1 MOSI1 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 SS2# SCK2 MISO2 MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 #CS1# VCC-5V REF1 VIN GND VOUT SCK1 #MISO1 MOSI1 SCK2 #MISO2 MOSI2 VCC-5V Figure 6-2: ADC module connection schematic MikroElektronika page 12 UNI-DS6 7. USB communication The UNI-DS6 development system can communicate with external devices via the USB connector used for USB communication. The USB connector is directly connected to the microcontroller pins used for USB communication. CN36 VCC VCC DD+ GND D- USB-VBUS USB-DN USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB B D+ GND #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP Bottom view USB-DN CN21 Figure 7-1: USB connector of B type Figure 7-2: USB connector connection schematic 8. EEPROM module EEPROM module enables the microcontroller to use additional 1Kbit EEPROM memory via I2C serial connection. To establish connection between this memory module and the microcontroller, it is necessary to set switches 5 and 6 on the DIP switch SW13 to the ON position. Figure 8-1: EEPROM module VCC-SW RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# CN20 RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 8-2: EEPROM module connection schematic MikroElektronika VCC-5V VCC-BRD SW13 #SCL #SDA VCC-BRD U6 SCL SDA C9 100nF A0 A1 A2 GND 24AA01 VCC WP SCL SDA R24 1K R25 1K SCL SDA 13 page UNI-DS6 9. Piezo buzzer Due to a built-in piezo buzzer, the UNI-DS6 development system is capable of emitting audio signals. In order to enable the piezo buzzer to operate properly it is necessary to generate a voltage signal of specific frequency. Remember, when writing code for voltage signal generation, that the piezo buzzer's resonant frequency is 3.8kHz. Other frequencies in the range between 20Hz and 20kHz can also be used, but the best performance is provided with frequencies ranging between 2kHz and 4kHz. To establish connection between the piezo buzzer and the microcontroller, it is necessary to place jumper J14 in adequate position. If jumper J14 is placed in the RC1 position the RC1 MCU pin is used for signal generation, Figure 9-2. Otherwise place jumper J14 in the RA4 position in order to use the RA4 MCU pin for signal generation, Figure 9-3. Figure 9-1: Piezo buzzer Figure 9-2: Signal generation via RC1 Figure 9-3: Signal generation via RA4 VCC-SW VCC-5V R23 1K PZ1 R22 Q1 BC846 RC1 BUZZER 10K RA4 J14 RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# CN20 VCC-5V RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 9-4: Piezo buzzer connection schematic MikroElektronika page 14 UNI-DS6 10. DS1820 temperature sensor DS1820 is a temperature sensor that uses 1-wire communication for its operation. It is used to measure temperature in a range between -55 and 125C and provides 0.5C accuracy for temperatures in a range between -10 and 85C. The power supply voltage of 3.3V to 5V is used for the operation of this sensor. It takes maximum 750ms for the DS1820 to convert temperature with 9-bit resolution. There is a socket for this temperature sensor provided on the development system. Communication between this module and the microcontroller is enabled via the microcontroller pins RC1 and RA4. To use pin RC1 place jumper J15 in the RC1 position and for the RA4 pin place jumper J15 in the RA4 position. 1-wire(R) serial communication enables data to be transferred over one single communication line, while the process itself is under control of the master microcontroller. The advantage of this communication is that only one microcontroller pin is used. All slave devices have a unique ID code, which enables the master device to easily identify all devices sharing the same communication bus. NOTE: Make sure that the rounded side of the DS1820 matches halfcircle on the board Figure 10-1: DS1820 connector (DS1820 is not connected) Figure 10-2: Temperature sensor DS1820 is connected via pin RA4 Figure 10-3: Temperature sensor DS1820 is connected via pin RC1 VCC-SW VCC-BRD R13 1K DS1820 DQ RC1 DS1820-DQ RA4 J15 125 C DS 18 20 GND DQ -55 C VCC-MCU DQ Botoom view RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# VCC-MCU GND CN20 Figure 10-4: DS1820 and microcontroller connection schematic MikroElektronika VCC-5V RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 15 page UNI-DS6 11. MMC/SD connector The UNI-DS6 development system is capable of reading memory cards due to the on-board MMC/SD connector. Memory card communicates with the microcontroller through the microcontroller pins used for serial communication. In order to establish connection between MMC/SD cards and the microcontroller, it is necessary to set switches 1, 2 and 3 (optionally 4, 5 and 6) on the DIP switch SW14, as well as switch 8 on the DIP switch SW13 to the ON position. Figure 11-1: MMC/SD memory card VCC-SW VCC-MMC U14 VCCA MISO-3.3 R114 10K VCC-BRD VCCB DIR NC A0 OE A1 B0 A2 B1 A3 B2 A4 B3 A5 B4 A6 B5 A7 B6 GND B7 GND GND MMC-CS#-3.3 C6 100nF R126 VCC-MMC C8 100nF 74LVCC3245 VCC-MMC U13 C28 100nF MMC-CS#-3.3 MOSI-3.3 SCK-3.3 VCCA MISO 100 VCC NC A0 OE A1 B0 A2 B1 A3 B2 A4 B3 A5 B4 A6 B5 A7 B6 GND B7 GND GND 74LVCC3245 SS1# SCK1 MISO1 MOSI1 R11 100K VCC-MMC MMC-CS# MMC-CS#-3.3 MOSI-3.3 SCK R37 100K SCK-3.3 MISO-3.3 R36 100K #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 SS2# SCK2 MISO2 MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 CN13 MMC CARD CS Din GND MOSI RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP CN20 C27 100nF VCCB DIR RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# SCK1 #MISO1 MOSI1 SCK2 #MISO2 MOSI2 SW14 SCK MISO MOSI SCK MISO MOSI +3.3V SCK SW13 GND Dout G COM C7 100nF RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA VCC-5V MMC-CD# CD MMC-CD# R9 100K VCC-BRD #CS2# MMC-CS# Figure 11-2: MMC/SD connector and microcontroller connection schematic MikroElektronika page 16 UNI-DS6 12. LEDs There are 72 LEDs on the UNI-DS6 development system used to visually indicate the state of each microcontroller I/O pin. An active LED indicates that a logic one (1) is present on the pin. In order to enable LEDs to illuminate, it is necessary to select the appropriate port (PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE or PORTF/G) by using DIP switch SW12. Ports PORTH and PORTJ are not connected to LEDs. Notch indicating the SMD LED cathode Microcontroller SMD resistor used to limit current through an LED Figure 12-1: LEDs VCC-SW RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# CN20 RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 12-2: LED and port PORT0 connection schematic MikroElektronika VCC-5V RA0 LD1 RA1 LD2 RA2 LD3 RA3 LD4 RA4 LD5 RA5 LD6 RA6 LD7 RA7 LD8 RN11 8x4K7 LED-RA SW12 17 page UNI-DS6 13. Push buttons The logic level of all microcontroller input pins may be changed by using push buttons. Jumper J13 is used to determine the logic level to be supplied on the appropriate microcontroller pin by pressing a push button. The function of the protective resistor is to limit the maximum current, thus preventing the development system and peripheral modules from being damaged in case a short circuit occurs. If needed, advanced users may shorten this resistor by using jumper J12. Figure 13-1: Push buttons By pressing any push button when jumper J13 is in the VCC-BRD position, a logic one (3.3V or 5V) will be applied to the appropriate microcontroller pin, as shown in Figure 13-2. VCC-SW RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# CN20 VCC-5V RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6 RA7 VCC-BRD 0V VCC-BRD RA7 RA6 RA5 RA4 RA3 RA2 RA1 J13 RA0 J12 R58 220 #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 13-2: Push buttons and port PORT0 connection schematic MikroElektronika UNI-DS6 14. 2x16 LCD display The UNI-DS6 development system features an on-board connector for the alphanumeric 2x16 LCD display. This connector is linked to the microcontroller via DIP switches (SW18 (PORTA) or SW15 (PORTB)) and (SW16 (PORTD) or SW17 (PORTC)) . Potentiometer P1 is used to adjust display contrast. The LCD-BCK switch on the DIP switch SW18 is used to turn the display backlight on/off. To enable the 2x16 LCD display it is necessary to write a program which defines which MCU pins will be used for communication between the 2x16 LCD display and the MCU. For data transfer you can use PORTD or PORTC pins on MCU via DIP switch SW16 or SW17. For display control you can use PORTA and PORTB on MCU via DIP switches SW15 and SW18. Communication between this LCD and the microcontroller is performed in a 4-bit mode. Alphanumeric digits are displayed in two lines each containing up to 16 characters of 7x5 pixels. Figure 14-1: Connector for alphanumeric LCD display VCC-5V SW16 CN20 RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 14-3: 2x16 LCD display connection schematic MikroElektronika RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 SW17 RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SW15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 VCC-5V Vee LCD-CS1# LCD-CS2# LCD-RW LCD-RST LCD-E LCD-RS P1 10K SW18 VCC-5V LCD-E RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# Vee LCD-RS RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA LCD-E LCD-RS LCD-BCK D4 D5 D6 D7 VCC-SW Figure 14-2: Alphanumeric 2x16 LCD display RA6 RA4 R65 10 CN12 1 GND VCC VO RS R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 LED+ LED- page 18 LCD Display 4-bit mode VCC-5V RB0 RB1 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB2 19 page UNI-DS6 15. 128x64 graphic LCD display 128x64 graphic LCD (GLCD) is connected to the microcontroller via DIP switches (SW18 (PORTA) or SW15 (PORTB)) and (SW16 (PORTD) or SW17 (PORTC)). It has a screen resolution of 128x64 pixels, which allows diagrams, tables and other graphic contents to be displayed. Potentiometer P2 is used for the GLCD display contrast adjustment. Switch 8 (GLCD-BCK) on the DIP switch SW18 is used to turn the display backlight on/off. To enable the GLCD display it is necessary to write a program which defines which MCU pins will be used for communication between the GLCD display and the MCU. For data transfer you can use PORTD or PORTC pins on MCU via DIP switch SW16 or SW17. For display control you can use PORTA and PORTB on MCU via DIP switches SW15 and SW18. Figure 15-2: GLCD connector Figure 15-1: GLCD display CN20 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 LCD-CS1# LCD-CS2# LCD-RW LCD-RST LCD-E LCD-RS D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 R12 10 VCC-5V SW18 GLCD-BCK RA2 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA6 RA4 VCC-5V Vo GLCD-BCK RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SW17 P2 10K VCC-5V Vo LCD-RS LCD-RW LCD-E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 LCD-RST Vee RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# RD0 RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 SW16 LCD-CS1# LCD-CS2# RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA VCC-5V LCD-CS1# LCD-CS2# LCD-RW LCD-RST LCD-E LCD-RS SW15 RB0 RB1 RB3 RB4 RB5 RB2 CN14 1 CS1 CS2 GND VCC Vo RS R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RST Vee LED+ LED- VCC-SW 20 #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 15-3: GLCD display connection schematic MikroElektronika UNI-DS6 16. Touch panel A touch panel is a thin, self-adhesive, transparent, touch-sensitive panel. It is placed over a GLCD display. Its main function is to register pressure at some specific display point and to forward its coordinates in the form of analog voltage to the microcontroller. Switches 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the DIP switch SW19 are used to connect the microcontroller and touch panel. A B C D Figure 16-1: Placing touch panel over a GLCD Figure 16-1 shows how to place a touch panel over a GLCD display. Make sure that the flat cable is to the left of the GLCD, as shown in Figure 1D. VCC-SW VCC-BRD 1 CS1 CS2 GND VCC Vo RS R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RST Vee LED+ LED- SW19 20 Q8 BC856 VCC-BRD R48 1K R49 10K Q6 BC846 R44 1K RIGHT R47 10K VCC-BRD CN22 BOTTOM LEFT DRIVEA DRIVEB BOTTOM LEFT DRIVEA DRIVEB Q7 BC856 R46 10K TOP GLCD RIGHT TOP LEFT BOTTOM C25 100nF LEFT Q5 BC846 R66 100K R45 10K VCC-BRD BOTTOM C26 100nF page 20 Q9 BC846 R67 100K R50 1K R51 10K RA0 RA1 RC0 RC1 RF0 RF1 RB8 RB9 RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP CN20 TOUCHPANEL CONTROLLER VCC-5V #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 16-2: Touch panel connection schematic A B C D Figure 16-3: Connecting touch panel Figure 16-3 shows in detail how to connect a touch panel to the microcontroller. Bring the end of the flat cable close to the CN22 connector (Figure 3A). Plug the cable into the connector (Figure 3B) and press it easily so as to fully fit the connector (Figure 3C). Now, a GLCD can be plugged into the appropriate connector (Figure 3D). NOTE: LEDs and pull-up/pull-down resistors on ports which are in use should be off when the touch panel is in use. MikroElektronika 21 page UNI-DS6 17. Input/output ports Along the right side of the development system, there are eleven 10-pin connectors linked to the microcontroller I/O ports. Pull-up or pull-down resistors can be connected to I/O ports via jumpers J1-J11 and DIP switches SW1-SW11. Figure 17-3: J9 in pulldown position Figure 17-2: Additional board connected to I/O port Figure 17-1: I/O ports Figure 17-4: J9 in pull-up position Figure 17-5: Port PORTA connection schematic MikroElektronika page 22 UNI-DS6 Pull-up/pull-down resistors enable you to feed all microcontroller's input pins with logic level when they are in idle state. This level depends on the position of the pull-up/pull-down jumper (J1-J11). The RA0 pin with the relevant jumper J1 and RA0 push button with jumper J13 are used here for the purpose of explaining the performance of pull-up/pull-down resistors. The principle of their operation is the same for all other microcontroller pins. VCC-SW RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA VCC-5V RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 VCC-BRD up pull down 8x10K RN1 J1 SW1 VCC-BRD RA0 J13 RA0 J12 R58 220 As a result, every time you press the RA0 push button, the RA0 pin will be fed with a logic one (VCC-BRD voltage), provided that jumper J13 is placed in the VCC-BRD position. VCC-BRD 0V #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP CN20 In order to enable the PORTA pins to be connected to pull-down resistors, it is necessary to place jumper J1 in the Down position first. This enables any PORTA port pin to be supplied with a logic zero (0V) in idle state over jumper J1 and 8x10k resistor network. To provide the RA0 pin with this signal, it is necessary to set switch 1 on the DIP switch SW1 to the ON position. #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 17-6: Jumper J1 in pull-down and jumper J13 in pull-up position VCC-SW RA0 RA2 RA4 RA6 RA8 RA10 RA12 RA14 RB0 RB2 RB4 RB6 RB8 RB10 RB12 RB14 RC0 RC2 RC4 RC6 RC8 RC10 RC12 RC14 RD0 RD2 RD4 RD6 RD8 RD10 RD12 RD14 #RX232A #TX232A #SCL #SDA VCC-5V RE0 RE2 RE4 RE6 RF0 RF2 RF4 RF6 RF8 RF10 RF12 RF14 RG0 RG2 RG4 RG6 RG8 RG10 RG12 RG14 RH0 RH2 RH4 RH6 RJ0 RJ2 RJ4 RJ6 RA1 RA3 RA5 RA7 RA9 RA11 RA13 RA15 RB1 RB3 RB5 RB7 RB9 RB11 RB13 RB15 RC1 RC3 RC5 RC7 RC9 RC11 RC13 RC15 RD1 RD3 RD5 RD7 RD9 RD11 RD13 RD15 #RX232B #TX232B #CS1# #CS2# RE1 RE3 RE5 RE7 RF1 RF3 RF5 RF7 RF9 RF11 RF13 RF15 RG1 RG3 RG5 RG7 RG9 RG11 RG13 RG15 RH1 RH3 RH5 RH7 RJ1 RJ3 RJ5 RJ7 VCC-BRD up pull down RN1 J1 8x10K SW1 VCC-BRD RA0 J13 RA0 J12 R58 220 VCC-BRD In order to enable the PORTA pins to be connected to pull-up resistors and the port input pins to be supplied with a logic one (1), it is necessary to place jumper J1 in the Up position and jumper J13 in the GND position. This enables any port PORTA input pin, when it is in idle state, to be driven high (VCC-BRD) over the 10k resistor. As a result, every time you press the RA0 push button, the RA0 pin will be fed with a logic zero (0V), provided that switch 1 on the DIP switch SW1 is set to the ON position. 0V #SS1# #SCK1 #MISO1 #MOSI1 USB-VBUS USB-DP CN20 #SS2# #SCK2 #MISO2 #MOSI2 USB-DN CN21 Figure 17-7: Jumper J1 in pull-up and jumper J13 in pull-down position VCC-BRD up pull down VCC-BRD J1 J13 VCC-BRD 0V Figure 17-8: Jumpers J1 and J13 in the same positions MikroElektronika In case that jumpers J1 and J13 are in the same positions, pressure on any button will not cause input pins to change their logic state. DISCLAIMER All the products owned by MikroElektronika are protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. Therefore, this manual is to be treated as any other copyright material. No part of this manual, including product and software described herein, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of MikroElektronika. The manual PDF edition can be printed for private or local use, but not for distribution. Any modification of this manual is prohibited. TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS I want to express my thanks to you for being interested in our products and for having confidence in Mikroelektronika. The primary aim of our company is to design and produce high quality electronic products and to constantly improve the performance thereof in order to better suit your needs. Nebojsa Matic General Manager MikroElektronika provides this manual `as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. MikroElektronika shall assume no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions and inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. In no event shall MikroElektronika, its directors, officers, employees or distributors be liable for any indirect, specific, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business profits and business information, business interruption or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of this manual or product, even if MikroElektronika has been advised of the possibility of such damages. MikroElektronika reserves the right to change information contained in this manual at any time without prior notice, if necessary. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES The products of MikroElektronika are not fault - tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on - line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail - safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of Software could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (`High Risk Activities'). MikroElektronika and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. TRADEMARKS The Mikroelektronika name and logo, the Mikroelektronika logo, mikroC, mikroC PRO, mikroBasic, mikroBasic PRO, mikroPascal, mikroPascal PRO, AVRflash, PICflash, dsPICprog, 18FJprog, PSOCprog, AVRprog, 8051prog, ARMflash, EasyPIC5, EasyPIC6, BigPIC5, BigPIC6, dsPIC PRO4, Easy8051B, EasyARM, EasyAVR5, EasyAVR6, BigAVR2, EasydsPIC4A, EasyPSoC4, EasyVR Stamp LV18FJ, LV24-33A, LV32MX, PIC32MX4 MultiMedia Board, PICPLC16, PICPLC8 PICPLC4, SmartGSM/GPRS, UNI-DS are trademarks of Mikroelektronika. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. All other product and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are only used for identification or explanation and to the owners' benefit, with no intent to infringe. The Microchip, Atmel, NXP and CYPRESS name, logo and products names are trademarks of Microchip, Atmel, NXP and CYPRESS Inc. in the U.S.A and other countries. (c)MikroelektronikaTM, 2011, All Rights Reserved. All MikroElektronikas development systems represent irreplaceable tools for programming and developing microcontroller-based devices. Carefully chosen components and the use of machines of the last generation for mounting and testing thereof are the best guarantee of high reliability of our devices. Due to simple design, a large number of add-on modules and ready to use examples, all our users, regardless of their experience, have the possibility to develop their project in a fast and efficient way. User manual Development system If you have any questions, comments or business proposals, do not hesitate to contact us at If you are experiencing some problems with any of our products or just need additional information, please place your ticket at If you want to learn more about our products, please visit our website at UNI-DS6 TM Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: MikroElektronika: MIKROE-701