tyco Electronics Specification Control Drawing 24.2WO%* Raychem a) Part as supplied DIMENSIONS Cin millimetres). H J Pp S T U JO W Part Min Max Min Max +10% +410% +4104 +4+10% +10% +20% Number Qa b qa b b b b b b b 242W042 3] 17.9 3] 7.0 35 35 3.5 2.0 25 1.6 242W053 36 22.1 36 8.4 60 40 3.5 2.0 30 2.0 242W063 45 27.9 43 9.9 65 45 3.5 2.0 35 2.2 Copyright Cf) The copyright in this drawing is the property of Tyco Electronics UK Ltd. The drawing is issued on the condotion that it is not copied, reproduced or disclosed to a third party, either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Tyco Electronics UK Ltd. Drawn A.LILLEY. Checked dx Issue 2 te October 2000 Conforms to 150 Recommendations 3rd Angle Projection Approval Not to Scale fa@ Design : 76. eonfonee Q.A. 242WOXXIss. Date No, Details of Change 2 October 2000 | CROO-HM-0016 W was 2.0 (Ordering Information) P4APWOKXK-*X/*XK-O Adhesive Slash Number Cif required see compatibility chart) Material Dash Number (see compatibility chart) Base Part Number MATERIAL DASH NUMBER (COMPATIBILITY CHART) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION COATING SLASH NUMBER Raychem Wire & Harness AS SUPPLIED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR UNCOATED PARTS, WHEN COATING IS ADDED, ENTRY DIAMETERS WILL REDUCE BY 1.Smm MAX. a Division of Tyco Electronics Faraday Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, England. SN3 SJA Telephone: (01793) 528171 Fax: 572516 Raychem Wire & Harness a Division of Tyco Electronics 300, Constitution Drive, Menlo Park, California 94025-1164, USA - Telephone (650) 361-3333 Fax: (650) 361-5579 v N