6-pack - integrated
intelligent Power System
Power section
SKiiP 232GD120-3DU
Power section features
  
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Case S 3
Absolute Maximum Ratings 45 ", 6  1 /
Symbol Conditions Values Units
7 #" 7
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7= > " 7
45 ", &! ' 6 " &#, '
Inverse diode
?5$45 ", &! ' 6 " &#, '
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Characteristics 45 ", 6  1 /
Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Units
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79 4@5 ", &#",' 6 #A" &#A%' #A, &#A' 7
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Inverse diode
7?5 7 ?5 #, A 4@5 ", &#",' 6 "A# &#A<' "A 7
749 4@5 ", &#",' 6 #A% &#' #A+ &#A#' 7
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 5 #!, A 7 5 7 ! F
4@5 #", 6A 7 5 < 7 < F
Mechanical data
3 : A  - * J
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1   A 
Thermal characteristics (P16 heat sink; 295 m3/h); " r" reference to
temperature sensor
G&@$'  =K4 A#"< (L
G&@$':   A%!, (L
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This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no
characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied is made regarding
delivery, performance or suitability.
1 28-02-2007 HER © by SEMIKRON
6-pack - integrated
intelligent Power System
integrated gate driver
SKiiP 232GD120-3DU
Gate driver features
39 2 
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Case S 3
Absolute Maximum Ratings 45 ", 6  1 /
Symbol Conditions Values Units
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Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Units
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< 7
For electrical and thermal design support please use SEMISEL.
Access to SEMISEL is via SEMIKRON website
This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no
characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied is made regarding
delivery, performance or suitability.
2 28-02-2007 HER © by SEMIKRON