This manual contains a detailed description of the product and we have made every
effort to make it as accurate as possible. However, this is not a guarantee of the features
or the functionality of the product.
We reserve the right to modify the contents of this document at any time and without
prior notice.
Because we at DLoG are constantly striving to improve this product, we cannot
guarantee that previous or subsequent releases of the product will correspond in every
respect with the product description given in this manual.
DLoG GmbH assumes no liability for technical inaccuracies, typographic errors or faults
in this documentation. DLoG GmbH also assumes no liability for damages caused
directly or indirectly by the delivery, performance or usage of this material.
The software and hardware designations used in this documentation are in most cases
also registered trademarks and are thus subject to law. Windows® is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States (US) and other countries.
This documentation is protected by copyright. Duplication, in whole or in part, is not
permitted without prior written approval of DLoG GmbH!
Title of documentation: User’s Manual MTC 6 Series
Documentation completed on: 3/7/2012
Version: V2.00
Product number 885253xx
© Copyright 2010 - 2012
Industriestraße 15
D-82110 Germering
All rights reserved
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If you experience technical difficulties,
please consult your distributor or contact
the technical services department at
Advantech-DLoG’s headquarters:
(+49) 89 / 41 11 91 0