SPM2007 (06/11)2 pulseelectronics.com
THT Power Inductors
Toroid - Bare Coil Series
1. The temperature of the component (ambient plus temperature rise) must be within the stated
operating temperature range.
2. The rated current is the current that will cause the temperature
of the part to increase by 40°C with 3.6 volt * µsec across the
component and 100LFM of forced air cooling.
3. To determine the inductance of a component at a different operating current, use the graph
below for the appropriate material type.
4. In high volt-µsec applications additional heating may occur due to core losses in the inductor
which may necessitate derating the
current in order to limit the temperature rise of the component. In order to determine the
approximate total losses (or temperature rise) of the component in particular applications, the
following formulas can be used.
Estimated Temperature Rise:
Trise = AirFlowFactor * K5 * (Coreloss(W) + Copperloss(W)).833 (C)
AirFlowFactor = 1 (no air flow), 0.53 (100LFM), 0.39 (200LFM), 0.35 (300LFM), 0.30 (400LFM)
CopperLoss = Irms2 * DCR_Typical (mΩ) / 1000
DCR_Typical (mW) = .85 * DCR_Max(from table)
CoreLoss = K2 * (Freq_kHz)K3 * (DB/2000)K4
DB = K1 * Volt-µsec
Notes from Tables
Dimensions: Inches
Dimensions (in/mm)
Part No. A B C D E F
PG0122 .807 .374 .748 .126 .098 .354
20,50 9,50 19,00 3,20 2,50 9,00
PG0123 .807w .413 .748 .126 .106 .354
20,50 10,50 19,00 3,20 2,68 9,00
PA0690 .625 .345 .545 .129 .052 .300
15,90 8,80 13,80 3,30 1,30 7,60
PA0235L N/A .400 .660 .150 .050 .300
10,20 16,80 3,80 1,30 7,60
PA0689 .625 .345 .545 .129 .052 .300
15,90 8,80 13,80 3,30 1,30 7,60
PA0430L .874 .374 N/A .250 N/A .245
22,20 9,50 6,40 6,20
P1967L .906 .492 .906 .130 .055 .300
23,00 12,50 23,00 3,30 1,40 7,60
PG0116 .571 .276 .571 .126 .041 .276
14,50 7,00 14,50 3,20 1,05 7,00
PA0489L .604 .323 .556 .157 .048 .250
15,30 8,20 14,10 4,00 1,20 6,40
PG0112 .630 .374 .630 .140 .063 .295
16,00 9,50 16,00 3,60 1,60 7,50
P1715L .610 .325 N/A .130 .045 .300
15,50 8,30 3,30 1,10 7,60
PA0431L .874 .374 N/A .250 .054 .240
22,20 9,50 6,40 1,40 6,10
PA0432L .980 .440 .980 .250 .054 .310
24,90 11,20 24,90 6,40 1,40 7,90
Part No. A B C D E F