The Communications Edge TM HMJ9 High Dynamic Range FET Mixer The Communications Ed * Product Features * * * * * * * * +35 dBm IIP3 No External Matching Elements Required RF 860-900 MHz LO 1140-1160 MHz IF 250-280 MHz +17 dBm Drive Level +3V Bias (23 mA) Low Cost Surface Mount J-Lead Package Functional Diagram Product Description The HMJ9 is a high dynamic range, GaAs FET mixer. As an upconverter, this active FET mixer realizes a typical third order intercept point of +35 dBm at an LO drive level of +17 dBm. The HMJ9 comes in a low cost, J-lead package. Typical applications include frequency up/down conversion for receivers and transmitters used in cellular communications systems. Specifications Parameters Frequency Range: RF LO IF SSB Conversion Loss Noise Figure Isolation: LO-RF LO-IF IF-RF IIP3 Return Loss: RF Port LO Port IF Port Input P1dB LO Drive Level DC Current at +3V Bias Units Minimum MHz MHz MHz MHz dB dB dB dB dB dBm Typical Maximum 860 1140 250 Condition 900 1160 280 8.5 11 18 40 32 dB dB dB dBm dBm mA 20 50 25 35 RF = 900 MHz (0dBm) 10 9 15 23 17 23 35 Test conditions unless otherwise noted stated: RF = 900 MHz (-10 dBm), LO = 830 MHz (17 dBm), IF = 70 MHz and 25C. Absolute Maximum Rating Parameters Operating Case Temperature Storage Temperature Maximum Input Power Ordering Information Rating Part No. Description -40 to +85C -65 to +100C 25 dBm HMJ9 High Dynamic Range FET Mixer (Available in Tape & Reel) Fully Assembled Application Circuit HMJ9 - PCB 1. Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage. 2. Total sum of LO port and RF port power should not exceed 25 dBm. WJ Communications, Inc * Phone 1-800-WJ1-4401 * FAX: 408-577-6620 * e-mail: * Web site: November 2003 HMJ9 The Communications Edge TM High Dynamic Range FET Mixer P Performance Charts WJ Communications, Inc * Phone 1-800-WJ1-4401 * FAX: 408-577-6620 * e-mail: * Web site: November 2003 HMJ9 The Communications Edge TM High Dynamic Range FET Mixer WJ Communications, Inc * Phone 1-800-WJ1-4401 * FAX: 408-577-6620 * e-mail: * Web site: November 2003