Getting Started, V 2.0, April 2004 PROFET Demo Kit BT S BT S BTS BT S 5241L 5234G 5230GS 6143D Automotive Power N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Getting Started PROFET Demo Kit Preface The PROFET Demo Kit is a versatile tool to demonstrate the functions of the BTS 5241L, BTS 5234G, BTS 5230GS and BTS 6143D. It is an ideal tool to become familiar with the performance of the devices. The PROFET Demo Kit consists of five different boards devided in two types. The PROFET are mounted on the power boards which also contain 4 mm plug sockets for power supply and loads. The power boards are connected via a D-SUB-15 connector to the control board. The complete PROFET Demo Kit is reverse polarity protected. There are four different power boards available. The P-DSO-12 board contains BTS 5241L, a dual channel PROFET in P-DSO-12 power package. The P-DSO-20 board is equipped with BTS 5234G, a dual channel PROFET in P-DSO-20 package. Two BTS 5230GS dual channel PROFET in P-DSO-14 package are mounted on the PDSO-14 board. Two BTS 6143D high current PROFET are available on the Power HIC board. Getting Started 2 V 2.0, 2004-04 Getting Started PROFET Demo Kit Getting Started 1 Getting Started This chapter is intended to describe a step by step procedure to get the system running the first time. For detailed information about the hardware and software of the PROFET Demo Kit, please refer to the "Tool Description" document. 1.1 Usage of Hardware The hardware is intended to be used the following way: 1. select one of the power boards 2. connect the control board 3. connect 12 V bulbs to the OUTx plugs of the power boards according to following table: Power Board Chanel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 P-DSO-12 21 W + 21 W + 21 W + 21 W + 5W 5W - P-DSO-20 21 W 21 W - - P-DSO-14 10 W 10 W 10 W 10 W Power HIC 55 W 60 W - - 4. connect a 12 V power supply, which is able to drive the loads' current, to the VBB and GND plug of the power board. The control board is supplied via the power board. 5. check, if the jumper at the control board is placed in position "normal" 6. occasionally, the reset button has to be pressed to start-up the system after power up 7. use switches to switch on the loads To see the performance and protection features of the device, following evaluation could be performed: * Open Load: Remove the load of one channel completely The open load LED of that channel will be switched on. * Low load: Reduce the load of one channel (e.g. P-DSO-12: Remove one 21 W bulb) The open load LED is enabled, when that channel is switched on. * Short Circuit to GND: Short Circuit one channel The over temperature LED is enabled, when that channel is switched on. * Reverse Polarity:1) Connect the power supply in reverse polarity. All loads will be switched on Note: Please keep in mind that short circuit evaluation as well as normal power dissipation will heat up the power devices. Harmful temperatures can be reached at the device packages and the PCB! 1) the control board is reverse polarity protected Getting Started 3 V 2.0, 2004-04 Edition 2004-04 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, 81669 Munchen, Germany (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2004. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Total Quality Management Qualitat hat fur uns eine umfassende Bedeutung. Wir wollen allen Ihren Anspruchen in der bestmoglichen Weise gerecht werden. Es geht uns also nicht nur um die Produktqualitat - unsere Anstrengungen gelten gleichermaen der Lieferqualitat und Logistik, dem Service und Support sowie allen sonstigen Beratungs- und Betreuungsleistungen. Quality takes on an allencompassing significance at Semiconductor Group. For us it means living up to each and every one of your demands in the best possible way. So we are not only concerned with product quality. We direct our efforts equally at quality of supply and logistics, service and support, as well as all the other ways in which we advise and attend to you. Dazu gehort eine bestimmte Geisteshaltung unserer Mitarbeiter. Total Quality im Denken und Handeln gegenuber Kollegen, Lieferanten und Ihnen, unserem Kunden. Unsere Leitlinie ist jede Aufgabe mit Null Fehlern" zu losen - in offener Sichtweise auch uber den eigenen Arbeitsplatz hinaus - und uns standig zu verbessern. Part of this is the very special attitude of our staff. Total Quality in thought and deed, towards co-workers, suppliers and you, our customer. Our guideline is "do everything with zero defects", in an open manner that is demonstrated beyond your immediate workplace, and to constantly improve. Unternehmensweit orientieren wir uns dabei auch an top" (Time Optimized Processes), um Ihnen durch groere Schnelligkeit den entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorsprung zu verschaffen. Geben Sie uns die Chance, hohe Leistung durch umfassende Qualitat zu beweisen. Wir werden Sie uberzeugen. Published by Infineon Technologies AG Throughout the corporation we also think in terms of Time Optimized Processes (top), greater speed on our part to give you that decisive competitive edge. Give us the chance to prove the best of performance through the best of quality - you will be convinced.