© 2017 / Bare Conductive Ltd.
First Floor, 98 Commercial St
London E1 6LZ, United Kingdom
+44 0 207 650 7977
• High sheet resistance
• Nontoxic
• Water-soluble
• Can be used to create capacitive touch and proximity sensors
• Can be used as a potentiometer or resistive circuit element
• Compatible with many standard printing processes
• Low cost
Colour / Black
Viscosity / Highly viscous and shear sensitive (thixotropic)
Density / 1.16 g/ml
Sheet Resistance / 55Ω/sq at 50 micron lm thickness
Vehicle / Water-based
Drying Temperature / Electric Paint should be allowed to dry at room temperature for 5 – 15 minutes.
Drying time can be reduced by placing Electric Paint under a warm lamp or other
low intensity heat source.
See below summary table of typical properties.
Screen Printing Equipment / Manual
Screen Types / Polyester, stainless steel (43T – 90T gauge mesh)
Typical Cure Conditions / Room temperature (24˚C) for 15 minutes
Typical Circuit Line Width / 0.5 – 10mm (43T-mesh stainless steel screen)
Clean-up Solvent / Warm water and soap
Sheet Resistance / Approximately 32Ω/sq when using a brush or manual screen printing
Shelf Life / 6 months after opening
Storage / Electric Paint should be stored, tightly sealed in a clean, stable environment
at room temperature. Composition should be thoroughly mixed prior to use.
See below graph to predict resistance using manual screen printing.
Electric Paint is a nontoxic, water based, water soluble, electrically conductive paint.
It can be used in circuits as a painted resistor element, a capacitive electrode or can
function as a conductor in designs that can tolerate high resistivity. It is intended for
applications with circuits using low DC voltages at low currents. Electric Paint adheres
to a wide variety of substrates and can be applied using screen printing equipment.
Its major benets include low cost, solubility in water and good screen life. It is black in
colour and can be over-painted with any material compatible with a water-based paint.
Technical Data Sheet
SKU-0018, SKU-0216
Electric Paint®