Data Brief
For further information contact your local STMicroelectron ics sales office.
February 2009 Rev 2 1/3
ARM RealView® Developer Kit (RVDK) for ST
dev e lopment environment for STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers
The RVDK for ST includes:
■RealView ICE-ME (RVICE-ME), ARM’s in-
circuit debugger and programmer, featuring
USB host interface and industry standard
JTAG interface to the application board.
■RealView Debugger, ARM’s powerful,
debugging interface that provides a complete
range of run control and breakpoin t features.
■RealView C Compilation Tools (RVCT), ARM’s
C compiler, macro assembler and linker
offering a range of code size or speed of
execution optimizations. An optional C++
extension is available.
The ARM RealView® Developer Kit for ST is a
complete developmen t and debugging
environment for designing applications for the
STR7 and STR9 families of ARM® core-based
microcontrollers. While the RealView Developer
Kit is tailored to work with ST products, it pro vides
the same compiler optimizations and debugging
features as the ARM RealView® Developer Suite
(RDS). RVDK for ST does not include tools with
trace capability to take advantage of the STR9's
Embedded Trace Macrocell™. For information
about tool kits that support the STR9 trace
capability, please refer to the data brief for eit her
the IAR Advanced Developer's Kit for STR91xF
(STR91X-DK/IAR), or the Raisonance
Professional Developer Kit for STR9
RVDK ordering options are summarized in the
table below. Additional ordering codes for
compiler and license extensions and upgrades of
previous versions to support STR9 are provided
in the product selector at
Table 1. Device summary
Order codes C compiler (with
full optimization)(1) Deb u gger Optimum JTAG
download 45-day limited
license RVICE-ME(2)
STR79-RVDK Yes Yes Yes No Yes
STRx-RVDK/BAS(3) No(4) Yes No(5) No Yes
STR-RVICE/ME Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
1. Additional C++ option is available (STR79-RVDK/CPP).
2. RealView ICE Micro Edition hardware emulator can be purchased separately (STR-RVICE/ME).
3. The initial key license for STR7-RVDK/BAS and STR9-RVDK/BAS are limited to one year only.
4. C Compiler delivered with the Basic editions (STR9-RVDK/BAS and STR7-RVDK/BAS) has a maximum optimization at
level -O1 (highest is -O2, the lowest is -O0).
5. STR7-RVDK/BAS Basic edition has a download/single stepping speed restricted to 25% of maximum speed of STR79-
RVDK maximum JTAG download speed.
Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s)