Commercial PEELTM 16CV8 -25 CMOS Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Device Features * * * * Compatible with Popular 16V8 Devices - 16V8 socket and function compatible - Programs with standard 16V8 JEDEC file - 20-pin DIP, SOIC, TSSOP, and PLCC CMOS Electrically Erasable Technology - Superior factory testing - Reprogrammable in plastic package - Reduces retrofit and development costs Application Versatility - Replaces random logic - Super sets standard 20-pin PLDs (PALs) * Multiple Speed, Power Options - Speeds range 25ns - Power as low as 37mA @ 25mHZ Development / Programmer Support - Third party software and programmers - ICT PLACE Development Software - Automatic programmer translation and JEDEC file translation software available for the most popular PAL devices General Description The PEELTM 16CV8 is a Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic (PEEL) device providing an attractive alternative to ordinary PLDs. The PEELTM 16CV8 offers the performance, flexibility, ease of design and production practicality needed by logic designers today. The PEELTM 16CV8 architecture allows it to replace over standard 20pin PLDs (PAL, GAL, EPLD etc.). See Figure 2. ICT's PEELTM 16CV8 can be programmed with existing 16CV8 JEDEC file. Some programmers also allow the PEELTM 16CV8 to be programmed directly from PLD 16L8, 16R4, 16R6 and 16R8 JEDEC files. Additional development and programming support for the PEELTM16CV8 is provided by popular third-party programmers and development software. ICT also offers free PLACE development software. The PEELTM 16CV8 is available in 20-pin DIP, PLCC, SOIC and TSSOP packages (see Figure 1) with 25ns speed and power consumption as low as 37mA. EE-Reprogrammability provides the convenience of instant reprogramming for development and reusable production inventory minimizing the impact of programming changes or errors. EEReprogrammability also improves factory testability, thus assuring the highest quality possible. Figure 1 - Pin Configuration I/CLK1 1 20 VCC I 2 19 I/O I I 3 4 18 17 I/O I/O I 5 16 I/O I 6 15 I/O I 7 14 I/O I 8 13 12 11 I/O I I GND 9 10 I/O Figure 2 - Block Diagram I/CLK1 I I I I I I I I GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 DIP VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I CLK /CLK PEEL "AND" ARRAY 64 TERMS X 32 INPUTS I/OE I/O VCC I/O I/CLK1 I/O TSSOP 3 2 1 20 19 I 4 18 I/O I 5 17 I/O I 6 16 I/O I 7 15 I/O I 8 14 I/O I/O I/O I I PLCC-J GND 9 10 11 12 13 I/CLK1 I I I I I I I I GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 MACRO CELL I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O VCC I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I SOIC 1 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 Functional Description The PEELTM 16CV8 implements logic functions as sum-of- products expressions in a programmable-AND/fixed-OR logic array. User-defined functions are created by programming the connections of input signals into the array. User-configurable output structures in the form of macrocells further increase logic flexibility. * 64 product terms: -56 product terms (arranged in 8 groups of 7) form sum-of-product functions for macrocell combinatorial or registered logic -8 product terms (arranged 1 per macrocell) add an additional product term for macrocell sum-of-products functions or I/O pin output enable control At each input-line/product-term intersection there is an EEPROM memory cell which determines whether or not there is a logical connection at that intersection. Each product term is essentially a 32-input AND gate. A product term which is connected to both the true and complement of an input signal will always be FALSE and thus will not affect the OR function that it drives. When all the connections on a product term are opened, that term will always be TRUE. Architecture Overview The PEELTM 16CV8 features ten dedicated input pins and eight I/O pins, which allow a total of up to 16 inputs and 8 outputs for creating logic functions. At the core of the device is a programmable electrically-erasable AND array which drives a fixed OR array. With this structure the PEELTM 16CV8 can implement up to 8 sum-of-products logic expressions. Associated with each of the eight OR functions is a macrocell which can be independently programmed to one of up to four different basic configurations. The programmable macrocells allow each I/O to create sequential or combinatorial logic functions of active-high or active-low polarity, while providing two possible feedback paths into the array. When programming the PEELTM 16CV8, the device programmer first performs a bulk erase to remove the previous pattern. The erase cycle opens every logical connection in the array. The device is configured to perform the user-defined function by programming selected connections in the AND array. (Note that PEELTM device programmers automatically program all of the connections on unused product terms so that they will have no effect on the output function. Three different device modes, Simple, Complex, and Registered, support various user configurations. In Simple mode a macrocell can be configured for combinatorial function with the output buffer permanently enabled, or the output buffer can be disabled and the I/O pin used as a dedicated input. In Complex mode a macrocell is configured for combinatorial function with the output buffer enable controlled by a product term. In Registered mode, a macrocell can be configured for registered operation with the register clock and output buffer enable controlled directly from pins, or can be configured for combinatorial function with the output buffer enable controlled by a product term. In most cases the device mode is set automatically by the development software, based on the features specified in the design. Table 1 : PEEL TM 16CV8 Device Compatibility The three device modes support designs created explicitly for the PEELTM 16CV8, as well as designs created originally for popular PLD devices such as the 16R4, 16R8, and 16L8. Table 1 shows the device mode used to emulate the various PLDs. Design conversion into the 16CV8 is accommodated by JEDEC-to-JEDEC translators available from ICT, as well as several programmers which can read the original PLD JEDEC file and automatically program the 16CV8 to perform the same function. AND/OR Logic Array The programmable AND array of the PEELTM 16CV8 is formed by input lines intersecting product terms. The input lines and product terms are used as follows: * 32 input lines: -16 input lines carry the true and complement of the signals applied to the 8 dedicated input pins -16 additional lines carry the true and complement of 8 macrocell feedback signals or inputs from I/O pins or the clock/ OE pins 2 PLD Architecture Compatibility PEELTM 16CV8 Device Mode 10H8 Simple 10L8 Simple 10P8 Simple 12H6 Simple 12L6 Simple 12P6 Simple 14H4 Simple 14L4 Simple 14P4 Simple 16H2 Simple 16HD8 Simple 16L2 Simple 16LD8 Simple 16P2 Simple 16H8 Complex 16L8 Complex 16P8 Complex 16R4 Registered 16R6 Registered 16R8 Registered 16RP4 Registered 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 Simple Mode Table 1 : PEEL TM 16CV8 Device Compatibility PLD Architecture Compatibility PEELTM 16CV8 Device Mode 16RP6 Registered 14RP8 Registered In Simple mode, all eight product terms feed the OR array which can generate a purely combinatorial function for the output pin. The programmable output polarity selector allows active-high or active-low logic, eliminating the need for external inverters. For output functions, the buffer can be permanently enabled. Feedback into the array is available on all macrocell I/O pins, except for pins 15 and 16. Figure 6 shows the Programmable Macrocell logic array of the PEELTM 16CV8 configured in Simple mode. The macrocell provides complete control over the architecture of each output. The ability to configure each output independently permits users Simple mode also provides the option of configuring an I/O pin as a dedicated input. In this case, the output buffer is permanently disabled, and the I/O pin feedback is used to bring the input signal from the pin into the logic array. This option is available for all I/O pins except pins 15 and 16. Figure 3 shows the possible Simple mode macrocell configurations. to tailor the configuration of the PEELTM 16CV8 to the precise requirements of their designs. Macrocell Architecture Each macrocell consists of an OR function, a D-type flip-flop, an output polarity selector, and a programmable feedback path. Four EEPROM architecture bits MS0, MS1, OP, and RC control the configuration of each macrocell. Bits MS0 and MS1 are global, and select between Simple, Complex, and Registered mode for the whole device. Bits OP and RC are local for each macrocell; bit OP controls the output polarity and bit RC selects between registered and combinatorial operation and also specifies the feedback path. Table 2 shows the architecture bit settings for each possible configuration. 1 Simple Mode Active Low Output 2 Simple Mode Active High Output VCC 3 VCC Simple Mode I/O Pin Input Equivalent circuits for the possible macrocell configurations are illustrated in Figures 3, 4, and 5. When creating a PEELTM device design, the desired macrocell configuration generally is specified explicitly in the design file. When the design is assembled or compiled, the macrocell configuration bits are defined in the last lines of the JEDEC programming file. Figure 3 - Macrocell Configurations for Simple mode of the PEELTM 16CV8 (see Figure 6 for Logic Array) Table 2 : PEEL TM 16CV8 Device Mode/Macrocell Configuration Bits Config. Mode # Architecture Bits MSO MS1 OP RC Function Polarity Feedback 1 Simple 1 0 0 0 Combinatorial Active Low I/O Pin 2 Simple 1 0 1 0 Combinatorial Active High I/O Pin 3 Simple 1 0 X 1 None None I/O Pin 1 Complex 1 1 0 1 Combinatorial Active Low I/O Pin 2 Complex 1 1 1 1 Combinatorial Active High I/O Pin 1 Registered 0 1 0 0 Registered Active Low Registered 2 Registered 0 1 1 0 Registered Active High Registered 3 Registered 0 1 0 1 Combinatorial Active Low I/O Pin 4 Registered 0 1 1 1 Combinatorial Active High I/O Pin 3 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 Complex Mode In Complex mode, seven product terms feed the OR array which can generate a purely combinatorial function for the output pin. The programmable output polarity selector provides active-high or active-low logic, eliminating the need for external inverters. The output buffer is controlled by the eighth product term, allowing the macrocell to be configured for input, output, or bidirectional functions. Feedback into the array for input or bidirectional functions is available on all pins except 12 and 19. Figure 4 shows the possible complex mode macrocell configurations. Figure 7 shows the logic array of the PEELTM 16CV8 configured in Complex mode. 1 Complex Mode Active Low Output PRODUCT TERM 2 1 Registered Mode Active Low Registered Output 2 Registered Mode Active High Registered Output OE PIN OE PIN D Q D Q Q CLK PIN 3 Registered Mode Active Low Combinatorial Output PRODUCT TERM Q CLK PIN 4 Registered Mode Active High Combinatorial Output PRODUCT TERM Complex Mode Active High Output Figure 5 - Macrocell Configurations for the Registered Mode of the PEELTM 16CV8 (see Figure 8 for logic Array) PRODUCT TERM Design Security The PEELTM 16CV8 provides a special EEPROM security bit that prevents unauthorized reading or copying of designs programmed into the device. The security bit is set by the PLD programmer, either at the conclusion of the programming cycle or as a separate step, after the device has been programmed. Once the security bit has been set it is impossible to verify (read) or program the PEELTM until the entire device has first been erased with the bulk-erase function. Registered Mode Registered mode provides eight product terms to the OR array for registered functions. The programmable output polarity selector provides active-high or active-low logic, eliminating the need for external inverters. (Note, however, that if register is selected, the PEELTM 16CV8 reg- Signature Word Figure 4 - Macrocell Configurations for the Complex Mode of the PEELTM 16CV8 (see Figure 7 for Logic Array) The signature word feature allows a 64-bit code to be programmed into the PEELTM 16CV8. The code cannot be read back after the security bit has been set. The signature word can be used to identify the pattern programmed into the device or to record the design revision, etc. isters power-up reset and so before the first clock arrives the output at the pin will be low if the user has selected active-high logic and high if the user has selected active-low logic. If combinatorial is selected, the output will be a function of the logic.) For registered functions, the output buffer enable is controlled directly from the /OE control pin. Feedback into the array comes from the macrocell register. In Registered mode, input pins 1 and 11 are permanently allocated as CLK and /OE, respectively. Figure 8 shows the logic array of the PEELTM 16CV8 configured in Registered mode. Registered mode also provides the option of configuring a macrocell for combinatorial operation, with seven product terms feeding the OR function. Again the programmable output polarity selector provides active-high or active-low logic. The output buffer enable is controlled by the eighth product term, allowing the macrocell to be configured for input, output, or bidirectional functions. Feedback into the array for input or bidirectional functions is available on all I/O pins. Macrocell Configurations for the Registered Mode of the PEELTM 16CV8 4 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 I 1 19 I/O 18 I/O 17 I/O 16 I/O 15 I/O 14 I/O 13 I/O 12 I/O 11 I MACRO CELL I 2 MACRO CELL I 3 MACRO CELL I 4 MACRO CELL I 5 MACRO CELL I 6 MACRO CELL I 7 MACRO CELL I 8 MACRO CELL I 9 Figure 6 - PEEL TM 16CV8 Logic Array - Simple Mode (see Figure 3 for macrocell details) 5 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 I 1 19 I/O 18 I/O 17 I/O 16 I/O 15 I/O 14 I/O 13 I/O 12 I/O MACRO CELL I 2 MACRO CELL I 3 MACRO CELL I 4 MACRO CELL I 5 MACRO CELL I 6 MACRO CELL I 7 MACRO CELL I 8 MACRO CELL I 9 Figure 7 - PEEL TM 16CV8 Logic Array - Complex Mode (see Figure 4 for macrocell details) 6 11 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 CLK 1 19 I/O 18 I/O 17 I/O 16 I/O 15 I/O 14 I/O 13 I/O 12 I/O 11 OE MACRO CELL I 2 MACRO CELL I 3 MACRO CELL I 4 MACRO CELL I 5 MACRO CELL I 6 MACRO CELL I 7 MACRO CELL I 8 MACRO CELL I 9 Figure 8 - PEEL TM 16CV8 Logic Array - Registered Mode (see Figure 5 for macrocell details) 7 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 This device has been designed and tested for the specified operating ranges. Proper operation outside of these levels is not guaranteed. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCC VI, VO IO Parameter Conditions Rating Unit Supply Voltage Relative to Ground -0.5 to + 6.0 V Voltage Applied to Any Pin2 Relative to Ground1 -0.5 to VCC + 0.6 V Output Current Per Pin (IOL, IOH) TST Storage Temperature TLT Lead Temperature 25 mA -65 to +150 C +300 C Soldering 10 Seconds Operating Range Symbol Vcc Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit Supply Voltage Commercial 4.75 5.25 V TA Ambient Temperature Commercial 0 +70 C TR Clock Rise Time See Note 3. 20 ns TF Clock Fall TIme See Note 3. 20 ns TRVCC VCC Rise Time See Note 3. 250 ms Max Unit D.C. Electrical Characteristics Over the operating range (Unless otherwise specified) Symbol VOH VOHC VOL VOLC Parameter Conditions Min Output HIGH Voltage - TTL VCC = Min, IOH = -4.0 mA 2.4 Output HIGH Voltage - CMOS VCC = Min, IOH = -10 A VCC - 0.3 Output LOW Voltage - TTL VCC = Min, IOL = 16mA Output LOW Voltage - CMOS VCC = Min, IOL = 10 A VIH Input HIGH level VIL Input LOW Voltage IIL Input, I/O Leakage Current LOW VCC = Max, VIN = GND, I/O = High Z IIH Input, I/O Leakage Current HIGH VCC = Max, VIN = VCC, I/O = High Z VCC Current, f=1MHz VIN = 0V or VCC, f = 25 MHz ICC10 2.0 -0.3 -25 0 (Typical) V V 0.5 V 0.15 V VCC + 0.3 V 0.8 V -10 A 40 A 37 mA 6 pF 12 pF All Outputs disabled4 CIN7 COUT7 Input Capacitance Output Capacitance TA = 25C, VCC = 5.0V @ f = 1 MHz 8 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 A. C. Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range 8, 11 Symbol -25 Min Max Parameter Unit tPD Input5 to non-registered output 25 ns tOE Input5 enable6 25 ns tOD Input5 to output disable6 25 ns tCO1 Clock to Output 15 ns tCO2 Clock to comb. output delay via internal registered feedback 35 ns tCF Clock to Feedback 10 ns tSC Input5 tHC 5 to output 20 ns Input hold after clock 0 ns tCL, tCH Clock low time, clock high time8 15 ns tCP Min clock period Ext (tSC + tCO1) or feedback setup to clock 35 ns 28.5 MHz External Feedback (1/tCP)11 28.5 MHz No Feedback (1/tCL+tCH)11 33.3 MHz fMAX1 Internal feedback fMAX2 fMAX3 (1/tSC+tCF)11 tAW Asynchronous Reset Pulse Width tAP Input5 to Asynchronous Reset 25 ns tAR Asynchronous Reset recovery time 25 ns Power-on reset time for registers in clear state 5 s tRESET 25 ns Switching Waveforms Inputs, I/O, Registered Feedback, Synchronous Preset Clock Asynchronous Reset Registered Outputs Combinatorial Outputs Notes: 8. Test conditions assume: signal transition times of 3ns or less from the 10% and 90% points, timing reference levels of 1.5V (Unless otherwise specified). 9. Test one output at a time for a duration of less than 1 second. 10. ICC for a typical application: This parameter is tested with the device programmed as an 8-bit Counter. 11. Parameters are not 100% tested. Specifications are based on initial characterization and are tested after any design process modification that might affect operational frequency. 1. Minimum DC input is -0.5V, however, inputs may undershoot to -2.0V for periods less than 20 ns. 2. VI and VO are not specified for program/verify operation. 3. Test Points for Clock and VCC in tR and tF are referenced at the 10% and 90% levels. 4. I/O pins are 0V and VCC. 5. "Input" refers to an input pin signal. 6. tOE is measured from input transition to VREF0.1V, TOD is measured from input transition to VOH-0.1V or VOL+0.1V; VREF=VL. 7. Capacitances are tested on a sample basis. 9 04-02-004I PEELTM 16CV8 Ordering Information Part Number Speed Temperature Package PEELTM 16CV8P-25 25ns C P20 PEELTM 16CV8J-25 25ns C J20 PEELTM 16CV8S-25 25ns C S20 PEELTM 16CV8T-25 25ns C T20 Part Number Device Suffix PEELTM 16CV8P-25 Speed -25 = 25ns tpd Package P = Plastic 300mil DIP J = Plastic (J) Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) S = SOIC T = TSSOP Temperature Range (blank) = Commercial temperature 0 to 70C 10 04-02-004I