Frequency Span
Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 3600 MHz (PSA3605)
10 MHz to 6000 MHz (PSA6005)
Setting Modes: Centre frequency plus Span,
or Start plus Stop frequencies
Maximum Span: 5990 MHz (PSA6005)
3590 MHz (PSA3605)
Minimum Span: 27 kHz, or Zero Span with demodulation
Set. Resolution: 100 Hz at any frequency
Setting Accuracy: Reference Frequency Accuracy for Start,
Stop & Centre (Zero-Span) frequencies
Reference Frequency Accuracy
Initial Accuracy: Better than ± 1 ppm at 20 oC
Stability: Better than ± 1 ppm over 10 oC to 30 oC
Ageing: Better than ± 1 ppm per year
Phase Noise (Typical)
Carrier at 1 GHz: -83 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset
-99 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset
-116 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset
Carrier at 3 GHz: -94 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset
-109 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset
-117 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset
Carrier at 6 GHz: -83 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset
(PSA6005 only) -97 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset
-114 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset
Resolution Bandwidth
RBW: Selectable between 10 MHz and 300 Hz
selectable in 1:3:10 sequence, or Auto
Video Filtering: Selectable between 10 MHz and 300 Hz
selectable in 1:3:10 sequence, or RBW Tracking
No. of Markers: One, Two (or None)
Resolution: 0.1 kHz at all frequencies
Marker Accuracy: 1/270th of Span ± 10Hz plus reference
frequency accuracy.
Readout: The frequencies at the marker points and
the frequency difference are displayed
Functions: Normal (Scroll Mode), Peak Find Mode,
Peak Track Mode, Frequency Measurement
Marker Frequency Counter
Frequency counted at the current active marker (M1 or M2) in
sweep or zero-span mode
Resolution: 10Hz, 100Hz or 1kHz
Accuracy: Reference frequency accuracy +/- 1 count
for signal > noise level +25dB
Channel Markers (only with Option U02)
Channel markers are a special case of Limit Patterns (see
Amplitude Limits within next section). Channel markers are
vertical lines at frequency points defined within a file. Most
commonly they will be used to mark channel centre frequencies
or channel boundaries.
No. of Points: Up to two files, each containing up to 49
points, can be displayed in differing colours.
Marker Files: Files are created using PSA-Manager
software. Up to 999 files can be stored.
Amplitude Range
Units: Selectable as dBm or dBµV
Display Range: 84 dB from reference level
Magnification: x2, x5 or x10
Reference Level: Selectable as -40dBm, -20 dBm, 0dBm
or +20 dBm (67, 87, 107 or 127dBµV)
Amplitude Accuracy
Calibration Level
Accuracy: Better than ± 1 dB at 10dB below ref.
level @ 2000MHz (20oC ± 5oC)
Flatness: Better than ± 1 dB relative to 2000MHz
over the the full operating frequency range
Linearity: Better than ± 1 dB over 60dB range down
from the reference level
No. of Markers: One, Two (or None)
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Readout: The level at the marker points and
difference are displayed.
Displayed Units: dBm, dBuV, mV or uW
Functions: Normal (Scroll Mode), Peak Find Mode,
Peak Track Mode, Frequency Measurement
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
DANL: Better than – 120 dBm (-13 dBuV) average
displayed noise floor (ref. level = – 40 dBm
RBW = 10 kHz, VBW = 1 kHz, span 1 MHz)
Noise per Hz Better than -160 dBm/Hz equivalent
Distortion and Spurii
3rd Order Intermodulation:
< –60dBc for two signals at 10dB below reference level,
(500MHz and 502MHz) ; typically < -65dBc
< –60dBc at 10dB below reference level (100MHz)
Signal Images:
<– 55dBc, typically <– 60dBc in ‘Normal’ image rejection mode
for RBWs between 300Hz and 3MHz
Other Signal Related Spurii:
<-60 dBc for signals 10 dB below the reference level
Residual Spurii:
<-70 dB below the reference level
Amplitude Limits (only with Option U02)
Limit Types: Limit lines from numeric values, or limit
patterns from files.
No. of Limits: Up to two limits can be displayed in differing
Limit Patterns: Pattern files are created using PSA-Manager
software. Patterns are linearly interpolated
from up to 40 frequency/amplitude points.
Up to 999 patterns can be stored.
Limits Comparator: Conditions of above, below, inside or outside
of limits, creating actions of message, beep,
stop sweep, log sweep and pulse out.
Amplitude Compensation (only with Option U02)
Offset: Amplitude can be offset by up to +/-50 dB to
compensate for external attenuation or gain.
75 W Comp.: Compensation can be made for inputs from
75 W source impedance.
Tables: Linearly interpolated compensation tables
of up to 40 frequency/amplitude points can be used. Up to 999
tables can be stored. Table files are created using PSA-Manager
Input Connector: N Type, 50 W
VSWR: 1.5 : 1 typical
Maximum Level: + 25 dBm, (132 dBµV); +/-50V DC
Sweep Method:
Detection for 271 points per sweep. The amplitude value (as
determined by the detection mode) from each sub-span is
stored (sub-span = span/270)
Signal Detection Modes:
Alternate Peak (default), Positive Peak, Negative Peak, Sample,
Linear Average, Log Average or RMS
Signal Image Rejection Modes:
Real-time rejection with automatic or manual re-alignment
or Data Comparison based rejection.
Sweep Time:
Sweep time is a automatic function of Span and RBW/VBW.
A speed-up function enables the time to be reduced by a factor
of up to ten.
Sweep Modes:
Repeat (continuous) or Single Shot
Sweep Trigger (only with Option U02)
Trigger Source: External input or Limits Comparator.
DEMODULATION (Zero Span mode)
Audio Demodulation
Modes: AM or FM
Internal Audio: Internal loudspeaker with adjustable volume
and mute.
Audio Out: 30 mW into 32 W mono or stereo headphones,
adjustable volume, 3.5mm jack socket
Audio Filter: Switchable 3kHz Low Pass Filter.
Carrier Display Horizontal line at carrier level.
Waveform Demodulation (only with Option U02)
Display Modes: AM modulation waveform
FM modulation waveform
Carrier waveform (against timebase)
Carrier level (horizontal line)
Timebase: 5 us/div to 20 ms/div (1:2:5 sequence)
Trigger: Rising Edge / Falling Edge, Auto or Free Run
Markers: Twin markers with delta readout
Marker Readout: AM - absolute depth and difference depth
FM - absolute deviation and difference dev.
Carrier - absolute time and difference time
Marker Resolution: 0.01% AM, 10Hz FM
AM Measurement: Modulation rate - 35 Hz to 100 kHz
Modulation depth: - 5% to 100%
Scale - 5% to 100% full scale, 1:2:5 sequence
FM Measurement: Modulation rate - 35 Hz to 100 kHz
Deviation: - 1 kHz to 1 MHz
Scale - 1kHz to 1MHz full scale, 1:2:5 sequence
Display Type: 4.3 inch (10.9 cm) backlit TFT LCD, 480 x 272
pixels total, 16 colours, resistive touch screen.
Graticule: 8.5 x 10 divisions, light grey graticule.
Displayed Points: 271 points per sweep.
Live Trace: Dot-joined trace from current sweep.
Trace Modes: Normal (overwrite), Peak Hold, or Average
(2 to 48 sweeps).
View Trace: Buffered “instance” of the live trace.
Reference Trace: Stored trace recalled from a trace file.
Dual Trace Mode: For Peak Hold and Average modes, processed
and un-processed traces can be displayed
DATA LOGGING (only with Option U02)
Data Types: Peak level, Centre Level, Full Trace or Screen
Data Entries: Up to 25,000 entries per file (2500 for Images).
Trigger Source: Entries can be made every sweep or in
response to Manual Trigger key, External
Trigger, Internal Timer or Limits Comparator.
Internal Timer: Adjustable from 2secs. to 100mins per entry.
Internal Disk:
1.8GB of internal memory.
External Storage:
USB host interface for removable USB Flash drives.
Store Trace:
Up to 999 traces can be stored under either default file names
or user entered file names. Traces are stored as tables of
amplitude versus frequency and can be imported into other
programs, as well as being recalled to the screen.
Recall Trace:
Recalls any stored trace to the reference trace of the display.
Store Set-up:
Up to 999 instrument set-ups can be stored under either
default file names or user entered file names. All settings of
the instrument are saved.
Recall Set-up:
Recalls any stored set-up, overwriting the existing settings of
the instrument.
Store Screen:
This function copies the whole screen area to memory as a
bit-map. Up to 999 screens can be stored under either default
file names or user entered file names.
Recall Screen:
Recalls any stored screen as an image.
RF Input: Standard N Type connector.
DC Power: 1.3 mm power socket for external power
USB Host: Standard USB type A connector for connection
of USB Flash drives.
USB Device: Mini USB connector for connection to a PC.
Audio Out: 3.5 mm jack socket for demodulated audio out
(accepts mono or stereo plugs).
Trigger In/Out: For use with option U02 only.
Battery Type: Li-ion 3.7V 3000mA-hr
Battery Life: Greater than 3 hours continuous
Recharge Time: < 3 hours from fully discharged
Auto Off Mode:
To conserve battery life, the system can be set to automatically
switch off after a defined time from the last key press. This can
be set between 5 mins and 60 mins (or never).
Battery Status: Multi-segment battery status indicator.
AC Line Operation/Charging
The instruments can be operated continuously from mains power
using the AC line adaptor provided. This powers and recharges the
instrument simultaneously.
Voltage Range: 100V to 240V nominal 50Hz/60Hz
Size: 192mm high x 92mm wide x 49mm deep
(height excludes RF input connector)
Weight: 560 grms.
Tilt Stand: Built-in tilt stand for bench use which angles
the unit at 40 degrees to the horizontal.
Stylus: Casing incorporates plug-in stylus.
Operating Range: +5oC to + 40oC, 20% to 80% RH.
Storage Range: -10oC to +50oC
Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes to 2000m,
Pollution Degree 2.
Electrical Safety: Complies with EN61010-1.
EMC: Complies with EN61326.
Technical Specifications -
PSA3605 & PSA6005