Preliminary GaAs IC Transfer Switch DC-2 GHz AS152-73 Features High Linearity (+45 dBm IP3 @ 0.9 GHz) SOT-6 0.074 (1.90 mm REF.) Ultra-Miniature SOT-6 Package 0.126 (3.20 mm) 0.087 (2.20 mm) PIN 6 Low Insertion Loss (0.4 dB @ 0.9 GHz) 0.071 (1.80 mm) 0.052 (1.30 mm) PIN 1 INDICATOR PIN 1 Simultaneous T/R Switching 0.020 (0.51 mm) 0.014 (0.350 mm) Description The AS152-73 is a 4 port switch designed to combine T/R and antenna changeover switching capability within one device. This switch has two 5 V controls and is ideal for applications requiring low power consumption. The AS152-73 has excellent performance to 2 GHz making it suitable for dual band handset designs. 0.037 (0.95 mm) REF. 0.057 (1.45 mm) 0.035 (0.90 mm) 0.006 (0.15 mm) 0.000 (0.00 mm) 0.012 (0.30 mm) TYP. 5.0 1 0.014 (0.26 mm) 0.004 (0.10 mm) 5.0 1 0.122 (3.10 mm) 0.106 (2.70 mm) 0.022 (0.61 mm) 0.004 (0.10 mm) Electrical Specifications at 25C (0, -5 V) TX-J1 or TX-J2 Parameter1 Frequency2 Insertion Loss3 DC-0.5 GHz DC-1.0 GHz DC-2.0 GHz Isolation DC-0.5 GHz DC-1.0 GHz DC-2.0 GHz VSWR4 DC-1.0 GHz DC-2.0 GHz Min. 19 13 8 RX-J1 or RX-J2 Typ. Max. 0.35 0.45 0.85 0.5 0.7 1.2 21 16 11 1.2:1 1.3:1 Min. 19 13 8 1.5:1 1.8:1 Typ. Max. Unit 0.5 0.6 0.95 0.7 0.9 1.3 dB dB dB 21 16 11 dB dB dB 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.5:1 1.8:1 Typ. Max. Operating Characteristics at 25C (0, -5 V) Parameter Switching Characteristics5 Condition Frequency Rise, Fall (10/90% or 90/10% RF) On, Off (50% CTL to 90/10% RF) Video Feedthru Input Power for 1 dB Compression (TX) Intermodulation Intercept Point (IP3) For Two-tone Input Power +0 dBm Control Voltages VLow = 0 to -0.2 V @ 20 A Max. VHigh = -5 V @ 25 A to -8 V @ 100 A Max. Min. Unit 40 60 50 ns ns mV 0.5-2.0 GHz +33 dBm 0.5-2.0 GHz +45 dBm 1. All measurements made in a 50 system, unless otherwise specified. 2. DC = 300 kHz. 3. Insertion loss changes by 0.003 dB/C. 4. Insertion loss state. 5. Video feedthru measured with 1 ns risetime pulse and 500 MHz bandwidth. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. [978] 241-7000 * Fax [978] 241-7906 * Email * Specifications subject to change without notice. 3/99A 1 GaAs IC Transfer Switch DC-2 GHz AS152-73 Typical Performance Data (0, -5 V) 1.2 50 1.0 40 RX-J1, J2 30 dB dB 0.8 0.6 20 TX-J1, J2 0.4 10 0.2 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Insertion Loss vs. Frequency Isolation vs. Frequency 1.5 2.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristic 1.4 4 W > 0.5 GHz, 0/-5 V Control Control Voltage +0.2 V, -8 V 1.3 1.2 1.1 Value RF Input Power Operating Temperature -40C to +85C Storage Temperature -65C to +150C JC 25C/W 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Frequency (GHz) Pin Out VS VSWR vs. Frequency 10 k CBL 0 -5 Insertion Loss Isolation -5 0 Isolation Insertion Loss TX CBL 4 TX-J1, RX-J2 5 TX-J2, RX-J1 3 V2 V2 RX V1 CBL J1 10 k VS Positive Operation V1 CBL 2 Negative Operation V1 6 J2 1 Truth Table V2 TX-J2, RX-J1 TX-J1, RX-J2 VHigh 0 Insertion Loss Isolation 0 VHigh Isolation Insertion Loss DC blocking capacitors (CBL) and biasing resistor must be supplied externally for positive voltage operation. CBL = 100 pF for operation >500 MHz. VHigh = +5 to +8 V (VS = VHigh 0.2 V). 2 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. [978] 241-7000 * Fax [978] 241-7906 * Email * Specifications subject to change without notice. 3/99A