TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller SOP-8 DIP-8 Pin Definition: 1. SC 5. Comp 2. SE 6. Vcc 3. CT 7. Ipk 4. Gnd 8. Vdriver General Description TS34063 is a monolithic switching regulator and subsystem intended for use as DC to DC converter. It contains an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, controlled duty cycle oscillator with an active peak current limit circuit, drive and a high current output switch. The TS34063 is specifically designed to be incorporated in step-up, step-down and voltage inverting converter applications. TS34063 is offered in SOP-8 and DIP-8 package Features Pin Description Power forward control circuit Operating voltage from 3V to 40V Low standby current Current limit adjustable Output switch current up to 1.5A Variable oscillator frequency up to 100kHz(max.) Output voltage adjustable Charger xD-ROM, xDSL products DC to DC converter Description SC SE CT GND COMP. VCC IPK VDRIVER Switch Collector Switch Emitter Timing Capacitor Ground Comparator Inverting Input VCC Collector IPK Sense Driver Ordering Information Applications Name Part No. TS34063CD C3 TS34063CS RL Package Packing DIP-8 SOP-8 50pcs / Tube 2.5Kpcs / 13" Reel Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Symbol Maximum Unit Supply Voltage VCC 40 V Comparator Input Voltage Range VFB - 0.3 ~ 40 V Switch Collector Output Voltage VC(SW) 40 V Switch Emitter Voltage VE(SW) 40 V Switch Collector to Emitter Voltage VCE(SW) 40 V Driver Collector Voltage VC(DRIVER) 40 V Driver Collector Current (note 1) IC(DRIVER) 100 mA ISW 1.5 A Output Switching Current Power Dissipation DIP-8 PD SOP-8 Operating Ambient Temperature Range TOPR Junction Temperature Range TJ Storage Temperature Range TSTG Note: Maximum package power dissipation limits must be observed 1/10 1.0 0.5 W -40 ~ +85 o 0 ~ +125 o C -65 ~ +150 o C C Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Electrical Characteristics (VCC =5V, Ta =25oC; unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit CT = 1nF, Vpin5= 0V 24 33 42 KHz ICHARGE VCC = 5V ~ 40V 24 30 42 uA Discharge Current IDISCHARGE VCC = 5V ~ 40V 140 200 260 uA Discharge to Charge current ratio IDISCHARGE / ICHARGE Pin7 to VCC 5.2 6.5 7.5 -- Current Limit Sense Voltage VIPK(SENSE) IDISCHARGE = ICHARGE 250 -- 350 mV Oscillator (OSC) Frequency Charge Current FOSC Output switch (note1) Saturation Voltage VCE(SAT) ISW = 1A, pin1, 8 connected -- 1.0 1.3 V Saturation Voltage VCE(SAT) ISW = 1A, Id=50mA -- 0.45 0.7 V ISW = 1A, VCE= 0.5V 50 75 -- -- VCE = 40V -- 0.01 100 uA 1.225 1.25 1.275 V -- -- 6 mV DC current gain Collector off-state current HFE IC(OFF) Comparator Threshold Voltage Line regulation VREF REGLINE VCC = 3V ~ 40V Total device VCC = 5V ~ 40V, CT = 1nF, pin7= VCC, pin5> VTH, Supply Current ICC -3 5 mA pin2=Gnd, remaining pins open Notes1: Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during test to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient temperature as possible Note 2: If the output switch is driven into hard saturation (non-Darlington configuration) at low switch currents (<=300mA) and high driver currents (>=30mA), it may take up to 2uS for it to come out of saturation. This condition will shorten the off time at frequencies >= 30KHz, and is magnified at high temperature. This condition does not occur with a Darlington configuration, since the output switch cannot saturate. If a nondarlington configuration is used, the following output drive condition is recommended: Forced Bata of output switch: Ic output / (Ic driver - 7mA*) >= 10 * The 100ohm resistor in the emitter of the driver divide requires about 7mA before the output switch conducts. Block Diagram 2/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Electrical Characteristics Curve Fig 1. Output Switch ON-OFF TIME vs. Oscillator Timing Capacitor Fig 2. Timing Capacitor Wave Form Fig 3. Oscillator Frequency vs. Timing Capacitor Fig 4. Standby Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage Fig 5. Current Limit Sense Voltage vs. Temperature 3/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Typical Application Circuit Test Conditions Results Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Ripple Efficiency Output Ripple with Optional Filter VIN= 8V~16V, Io= 175mA VIN = 12V, Io= 75mA to 175mA VIN =12V, Io= 175mA VIN =12V, Io= 175mA VIN =12V, Io= 175mA 30mV = 0.05% 10mV = 0.017% 400mVpp 87.7% 40mVpp Figure 7. Step Up Converter 4/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Typical Application Circuit (Continue) Test Conditions Results Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Ripple Short Circuit Current Efficiency Output Ripple with Optional Filter VIN= 15V~25V, Io= 500mA VIN = 25V, Io= 50mA to 500mA VIN =25V, Io= 500mA VIN =25V, RL= 0.1m VIN =25V, Io= 500mA VIN =25V, Io= 500mA 12mV = 12% 3mV = 0.03% 120mVpp 1.1A 83.7% 40mVpp Figure 9. Step Down Converter 5/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Typical Application Circuit (Continue) Test Conditions Results Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Ripple Short Circuit Current Efficiency Output Ripple with Optional Filter VIN= 4.5V~6V, Io= 100mA VIN = 5V, Io= 10mA to 100mA VIN =5V, Io= 100mA VIN =5V, RL= 0.1 VIN =5V, Io= 100mA VIN =5V, Io= 100mA 3mV = 120.012% 0.022V = 0.09% 500mVpp 910mA 62.2% 70mVpp Figure 11. Voltage Inverting Converter 6/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Design Formula Table Test ton toff ( ton+ toff ) CT Ipk(switch) Rsc L(min) Co Step Up Step Down Voltage Inverting Vout + Vf - Vin (min) Vcc (min) - Vsat 1 f min Vout + Vf Vcc - Vsat - Vout 1 f min | Vout | +Vf Vcc - Vsat 1 f min 4.0 x 10 -5 ton ton + 1 toff 2Iout(max) 4.0 x 10 -5 ton 2Iout(max) 4.0 x 10 -5 ton ton + 1 toff 2Iout(max) 0.3 Ipk ( switch) 0.3 Ipk ( switch) 0.3 Ipk ( switch) Vin( min ) - Vsat * ton( max ) Ipk(switch) Vin(min) - Vsat - Vout * ton(max) Ipk ( switch ) Vin(min) - Vsat * ton(max) Ipk ( switch) Iout * ton 9 Vripple( pp) Ipk ( switch)(ton + toff ) 8Vripple( pp) Iout * ton 9 Vripple( pp) Terms and Definitions Vsat = Saturation Voltage of the output switch. Vf = Forward Voltage drop of the rectifier. The following power supply characteristics must be chosen: Vin= Normal input voltage Vout: Desied Output voltage, |Vout| =1.25 (1+R2 / R1) Iout : Desired output current. fmin : Minimum desired output switching frequency at the selected values for Vin and Io. Vripple(p-p): Desired peak-to-peak output ripple voltage. in practice, the calculated capacitor value will need to be increased due to its equivalent series resistance and board layout. The ripple voltage should be kept to a low value since it will directly affect the line and load regulation. 7/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller SOP-8 Mechanical Drawing DIM A B C D F G K M P R SOP-8 DIMENSION MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX. 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.196 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 1.35 1.75 0.054 0.068 0.35 0.49 0.014 0.019 0.40 1.25 0.016 0.049 1.27BSC 0.05BSC 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.009 0 7 0 7 5.80 6.20 0.229 0.244 0.25 0.50 0.010 0.019 Marking Diagram Y = Year Code M = Month Code (A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apl, E=May, F=Jun, G=Jul, H=Aug, I=Sep, J=Oct, K=Nov, L=Dec) L = Lot Code 8/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller DIP-8 Mechanical Drawing DIM A B C D G J K L M DIP-8 DIMENSION MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX 9.07 9.32 0.357 0.367 6.22 6.48 0.245 0.255 3.18 4.45 0.125 0.135 0.35 0.55 0.019 0.020 2.54 (typ) 0.10 (typ) 0.29 0.31 0.011 0.012 3.25 3.35 0.128 0.132 7.75 8.00 0.305 0.315 o o 10 10 Marking Diagram Y = Year Code M = Month Code (A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apl, E=May, F=Jun, G=Jul, H=Aug, I=Sep, J=Oct, K=Nov, L=Dec) L = Lot Code 9/10 Version: B13 TS34063 Dc to Dc Converter Controller Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. TSC or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in TSC's terms and conditions of sale for such products, TSC assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of TSC products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify TSC for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. 10/10 Version: B13