Revision 3.01 X63A-C-001-03 2
Integrated Frame Buffer
•Embedded 768K byte SRAM display buffer.
CPU Interface
•8/16-bit Intel 80 interface (used for display or register
•Chip select is used to select device. When inactive, any
input data/command will be ignored .
Panel Support
•Active Matrix TFT interface.
•18/36-bit interface.
•Supports resolutions up to 800x480.
•Internal programmable PLL.
•Single MHz clock input: CLKI.
•CLKI available as CLKOUT (separate CLKOUTEN pin
assoc ia ted with output) .
•Hardware / Software Power Save mode.
•Input pin to Enable/Disable Power Save Mode.
•General Purpose Input/Output pins are available
•COREVDD 1.5 volts and IOVDD 1.65 ~ 3.6 volts
•FCBGA 121-pin or QFP20 144-pin package
Digital Video
•RGB: 8:8:8, 6:6:6, 5:6:5 (8:8:8 will be truncated to 16 or 18
•YUV 4:2:2, 4:2:0 (Internal YUV to RGB Converter stored as
16 or 18 bpp).
Display Features
•16/18 bit- per-p ix el (bpp ) color depths .
•16 bpp to 18 bpp Input Data conversion.
•All display writes are handled by window apertures/position
for complete or partial display updates. All window coordi-
nates are r eferenc ed to top lef t corn er of the displ ayed im age
(even in a rotated display, the to p-left corner is maintained
and no host side translation need take place).
•SwivelView™: 90°, 180°, 270° counter-clockwise hardware
rotation of display image. All displayed windows can have
independent rotation. No additional programming necessary
when enabling these modes.
•Double-Buffer available to prevent image tearing during
streaming input. Resolutions supported must fit inside 384K
bytes (½ of tot al availab le display bu ffer). T ypic al resolution of
•Pixel Doubling: Horizontal and Vertical averaging for smooth
doubling of a single window.
•Pixel Halving: no limitation on number of windows.
• S1D13742 Technical
Documentation • CPU Independent
Software Utilities
• S1D13742 Evaluation
Boards • Royalty F ree source level
driver co de
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