P/N:PM1362 REV. 1.0, JUN. 13, 2008
MX29SL402C T/B
Read arra y action is to read the data sto red in the arra y out. While the memory device is in po wered up or has been
reset, it will automatically enter the status of read array. If the microprocessor wants to read the data stored in the
arra y , it has to drive CE# (de vice enable co ntro l pin) and OE# (Output co ntro l pin) as Vil, and input the address o f the
data to be read into address pin at the same time. After a perio d o f read cycle (Tce or Taa), the data being read o ut will
be displa yed o n o utput pin fo r micro pro cesso r to access. If CE# o r OE# is Vih, the o utput will be in tri-state, and there
will be no data displa yed on o utput pin at all.
After the memo ry device co mpletes embedded o peration (automatic Erase or Pro gram), it will auto matically return to
the status o f read arra y, and the device can read the data in any address in the arra y. In the pro cess o f erasing, if the
device receives the Erase suspend command, erase operation will be stopped after a per iod of time no more than
Tready1 and the de vice will return to the status o f read arra y. At this time , the device can read the data stored in any
address e xcept the secto r being erased in the arra y. In the status o f erase suspend, if user wants to read the data in
the secto rs being er ased, the device will output status data o nto the o utput. Similarly, if pro gram command is issued
after erase suspend, after pro gram o peratio n is completed, system can still read array data in any address except the
secto rs to be er ased.
The device needs to issue reset co mmand to enable read arra y operatio n again in order to arbitrarily read the data in
the arra y in the following two situatio ns:
1. In pro gram o r erase o peratio n, the programming o r erasing f ailure causes Q5 to go high.
2. The de vice is in auto select mode o r CFI mode.
In the two situations above, if reset command is not issued, the device is not in read array mode and system must
issue reset co mmand befo re reading array data.
To write a co mmand to the de vice, system must driv e WE# and CE# to Vil, and OE# to Vih. In a co mmand cycle, all
address are latched at the later falling edge o f CE# and WE#, and all data are latched at the earlier rising edge of CE#
and WE#.
Figure 1 illustrates the A C timing wavefo rm of a write command, and Table 3 defines all the valid co mmand sets o f the
device. System is not allowed to write invalid co mmands no t defined in this datasheet. Writing an invalid command will
bring the device to an undefined state.
Driving RESET# pin low f or a perio d mo re than Trp will reset the device back to read mo de. If the device is in pro gram
o r erase o peration, the reset operatio n will take at mo st a period o f Tready1 fo r the device to return to read array mode.
Bef o re the de vice returns to read array mo d e, the R Y/BY# pin remains low (b usy status).
When RESET# pin is held at GND±0.3V, the de vice consumes standby current(Isb).However, device draws larger
current if RESET# pin is held at Vil b ut not within GND±0.3V.
It is reco mmended that the system to tie its reset signal to RESET# pin of flash memo ry , so that the flash memo ry will
be reset during system reset and allows system to read bo ot co de fro m flash memo ry.