LSM303DLM compass First generation digital compass: LSM303DLH LSM303DLH Key features 3-axis accelerometer: from 2 to 8 g 3-axis magnetic sensor: up to 8.1 gauss Independent sensing power management Magnetic resolution: 8 mgauss IC interface Package: LGA-28, 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.0 mm New generation digital compass: LSM303DLM LSM303DLM Key features 3-axis accelerometer: from 2 to 8 g 3-axis magnetic sensor: up to 8.1 gauss Low power consumption Independent sensing power management Magnetic resolution: 5 mgauss IC interface Package: LGA-28, 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.0 mm The benefits of using LSM303DLM The LSM303DLM replaces the LSM303DLH compass and introduces additional improvements: 50% less power consumption 30% increase in magnetic resolution No need for a dedicated digital supply voltage for magnetic digital core All this in a package which has the same size and is pin-to-pin compatible with the previous generation compass Magnetic characteristics comparison Parameter * LSM303DLH LSM303DLM Magnetic measurement range 1.3 to 8.1 gauss 1.3 to 8.1 gauss Magnetic sensitivity - X,Y axis 0.9 to 4.3 mgauss/digit 0.9 to 4.3 mgauss/digit 1 to 4.8 mgauss/digit 1 to 4.8 mgauss/digit 8 mgauss 5 mgauss Magnetic sensitivity - Z axis Magnetic resolution * Refer to product datasheet for test conditions Electrical characteristics comparison Parameter * LSM303DLH LSM303DLM Supply voltage (Vdd) 2.5 to 3.3 V 2.16 to 3.6 V Dedicated magnetic digital power supply 1.71 to 2.0 V Not needed 830 A 360 A Current consumption Operating temperature range * Refer to product datasheet for test conditions -30 to 85 C -40 to 85 C Application hints comparison LSM303DLH LSM303DLM No need for a dedicated digital supply voltage for the magnetic digital core In LSM303DLM, pins 5 and 21 are not internally connected IC serial interface The registers embedded inside the LSM303DLH and LSM303DLM are accessible through two separate IC serial interfaces, one for the accelerometer core and the other for the magnetometer core Device Magnetic sensor IC address Linear acceleration sensor IC address LSM303DLH 0011110b If the SA0 = 1, address: 0011001b If the SA0 = 0, address: 0011000b LSM303DLM 0011110b If the SA0 = 1, address: 0011001b If the SA0 = 0, address: 0011000b Magnetic field sensing register comparison LSM303DLH LSM303DLM 220 Hz output data rate is available Magnetic field sensing register comparison LSM303DLH LSM303DLM Minor differences in gain values between the two versions Magnetic field sensing register comparison LSM303DLH LSM303DLM Y - Z axes have different addresses in LSM303DLH and LSM303DLM Magnetic field sensing register comparison SR_REG_M (09h) and IR_REG_M (0Ah/0Bh/0Ch) registers provide the same information in both LSM303DLH and LSM303DLM LSM303DLH/LSM303DLM ID procedure LSM303DLH LSM303DLM LSM303DLH LSM303DLM MEMS compasses For more information, visit