Data Sheet
512 MByte / 1 GByte / 2 GByte NANDrive
GLS85LD0512 / GLS85LD1001T / GLS85LD1002U
©2010 Greenliant Systems, Ltd. S71382-05-000 05/10
Configurable Write Protect/Power-down Modes
The WP#/PD# pin can be used for either Write Protect mode or Power-down mode, but only one
mode is active at any time. Either mode can be selected through the host command, Set-WP#/
Once the mode is set with this command, the device will stay in the configured mode until the next
time this command is issued. Power-off or reset will not change the configured mode.
Write Protect Mode
When the device is configured in the Write Protect mode, the WP#/PD# pin offers extended data
protection. This feature can be either selected through a jumper or host logic to protect the stored
data from inadvertent system writes or erases, and viruses. The Write Protect feature protects the
full address space of the data stored on the flash media.
In the Write Protect mode, the WP#/PD# pin should be asserted prior to issuing the destructive
commands: Erase-Sector, Format-Track, Write-DMA, Write-Multiple, Write-Multiple-without-Erase,
Write-Sector(s), Write-Sector-without-Erase, or Write-Verify. This will force the NANDrive to reject
any destructive commands from the ATA interface. All destructive commands will return 51H in the
Status register and 04H in the Error register signifying an invalid command. All non-destructive
commands will be executed normally.
Power-down Mode
When configuring the device in Power-down mode, if the WP#/PD# pin is asserted during a com-
mand, the NANDrive completes the current command and returns to the standby mode immedi-
ately to save power. Afterwards, the device will not accept any other commands. Only a Power-on
Reset (POR) or hardware reset will bring the device to normal operation with the WP#/PD# pin de-
Power-on initialization and Capacity Expansion
NANDrive is self-initialized during the first power-up. As soon as the power is applied to the NAN-
Drive it reports busy for typically up to five seconds while performing bad blocks search and low
level format. This initialization is a one time event.
During the first self-initialization, the NANDrive firmware scans all connected flash media devices
and reads their device ID. If the device ID matches the listed flash media devices, the NANDrive
performs drive recognition based on the algorithm provided by the flash media suppliers, including
setting up the bad block table, executing all the necessary handshaking routines for flash media
support, and, finally, performing the low-level format.
If the drive initialization fails, and a visual inspection is unable to determine the problem, Green-
liant provides a comprehensive interface for manufacturing flow debug. This interface not only
allows debug of the failure and manual reset of the initialization process, but also allows custom-
ization of user definable options.
ATA/IDE Interface
The ATA interface can be used for NANDrive manufacturing support. Greenliant provides an
example of a DOS-based solution (an executable routine) for manufacturing debug and rework.