The first of a third generation of VLSI products. 16-BIT MICROCOMPUTER HMCS68000 SERIES Advances in Semiconductor Technology have made it possible to place on a single chip a microprocessor an order of magnitude higher in performance and complexity than was previously available. The HD68000 is one such VLSI microprocessor. It combines state-of-the-art technology and advanced circuit design techniques with computer technology to achieve an architecturally advanced 16-Bit system. The HD68000 is available for use with High Level Languages like Pascal Compila (Fortran Compila) and Super PL/H Compila for programming. While development of 16-Bit peripheral products is progressing, it is also possible to use HMCS6800s peripheral LSIs. MPU (Microprocessing Unit) FEATURES 32-Bit Data and Address Registers. 16 Megabyte Direct Addressing Range. 56 Powerful Instruction Types. Operations of Five Main Data Types (1,4,8, 16, 32 bit). Memory Mapped I/O. 14 Addressing Modes. Direct Interface with HMCS6800 Peripheral LSI. Abundant Management Functions for Exceptions. 2 Operating Types (Supervisor, User). + + + + + HH HF OD DMA (Direct Memory Access) CONTROLLER FEATURES Four Independent Channels. Full 16M bytes plus 3 Function Code Addressing Range. 2M words/sec Maximum Transfer Rate. Data Chaining. Dynamic Priority Assignment to Each Channel Request. Burst/Cycie Steal Mode Data Transfer. | Memory-Memory Transfer. 68000 and 6800 Bus Compatible. 64-pin. + + + + + + + + + DF = 16-BIT MICROCOMPUTER HMCS68000 PRODUCTS HD68000-4 MC68000L4 HD68000-6 MC68000L6 MPU HD68000-8 16-Bit Microprocessor MC68000L8 DC-64 HD68000-10* MC68000L 10 HD68000-12* MC68000L12 HD68450-4* MC68450L4 DMAC HD68450-6* Direct Memory Access Controller MC68450L6 DCc-64 HD68450-8* MC68450L8 CRTC HD68XXxX* Advanced CRT Controller _ ~ HDC HD63YYY* Hard Disk Controller - ~ *Under Development. HITACHI 13