Series KP Power Wirewound Resistors radial, fibre glass core, coated Specifications Type KP290 Styles KP292 KP294 KP296 KP298 0518 0523 0533 0543 0553 Power rating P70 W 2,0 4,0 5,0 6,5 8,0 Resistance range 0R1 ... 7K5 0R15 ... 11K 0R27 ... 20K 0R39 ... 27K 0R47 ... 36K E 24/E 12 E 24/E 12 E 24/E 12 E 24/E 12 E 24/E 12 10 5 >0R2 10 5 >0R3 10 5 >0R47 10 5 >0R68 10 5 >0R91 50 40 E-Series Tolerances % Temperature coefficient 10-6 * K-1 max. cont. work. voltage VRMS Insulation voltage (1min.) VRMS max 75 Insulation resistance not insulated Derating linear o - 80 ... + 500 P 70 C 70 ... 350 (0W) Climatic category Temperature range Thermal resistance Failure rate (Total, o, max., 60% conf. lev.) * R for all styles 55/200/56 o C KW-1 10-9 * h-1 - 55 ... 350 110 70 60 appr. 100, depends on value Endurance (P70, 70oC, 1000) [R R ] % 3,0 average Damp heat, steady state (40oC, 93% r.h., 56d) [R R ] % 2,0 Climatic sequence [R R ] % 2,0 Terminal strength [R R ] % 1,0 N 40 [R R ] % 0,2 typ. s solderable according to IEC 60068-2-20 Ta Terminal tensile strength Resistance to soldering heat (260oC, 10s) Solderability Marking on termination; value 3 digits, Tolerance, Production date code Revision 200807 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est.Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel: + 351 214 457 700 -Fax: + 351 214 457 755 -Germany Sales Tel: + 0049 4121 870 103 - - Series KP Dimensions in mm: Type 290-1... 298-1 Type 290-0... 298-0 RM Type L RM KP290-0/1 18,2 10 KP292-0/1 23,3 15 KP294-0/1 33,4 25 KP296-0/1 43,5 35 KP298-0/1 53,7 45 Temperature rise: (solder joints) Type RM Tolerance Xmax. KP29x-0 +1,0 3,0 KP29x-1 +0,8 1,7 290-0/1 [K] 292-0/1 1 [K] H igh ohmic Range 1 High ohm ic Range 1 1 1 Low ohm ic Range Low ohm ic Range 200 200 2 290-1 100 292-1 100 2 2 290-0 292-0 2 1 0 294-0/1 [K] 2 2 3 [W ] 2 0 296-0/1 1 1 1 [K] 200 H igh ohmic Range 1 Low ohm ic Range 2 294-1 Low ohm ic Range 200 100 100 2 296-1 2 296-0 2 2 298-1 298-0 2 294-0 0 Packaging: Ordering example: 2 4 Type KP290-0 KP290-1 KP292-0 KP292-1 KP294-0 KP294-1 KP296-0 KP296-1 KP298-0 KP298-1 KP294-1 Type [W ] 1 Low ohm ic Range 200 100 6 1 [K] H igh ohmic Range H igh ohmic Range 4 298-0/1 6 [W ] 0 2 Packaging bulk bulk bulk bulk bulk 5 Tolerance 4 6 8 [W ] Pieces 500 1000 500 1000 250 500 250 500 250 250 B Pack.-Code 0 2 4 6 8 [W ] Pack.-Code B B B B B 1K3 R-Value Revision 200807 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est.Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel: + 351 214 457 700 -Fax: + 351 214 457 755 -Germany Sales Tel: + 0049 4121 870 103 - -