QPL MIL-STD-1553 INTERFACE TRANSFORMERS Pulse Specialty Components Two Pearl Buck Court Bristol, PA 19007-6812 Tel 215-781-6400 n Fax 215-781-6403 www.pulsespecialty.com For non-QPL pulse transformers.... In addition to the QPL transformers described in this catalog, Pulse Specialty Components offers scores of low-power pulse transformer models for commercial, industrial, COTS, and other (non-QPL) military applications. These include: n surface-mount or through-the board n standard profile, low profile, or stacked n single- or dual-ratio n single- or dual-interface For more information, request catalog "Non-QPL MIL-STD-1553 Low-Power Pulse Transformers" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS MIL-STD-1553 Transformers Interface As "Technitrol Components Division," we were the first to achieve QPL status for MIL-STD 1553B interface transformers, also known as low-power pulse transformers. Today, as "Pulse Specialty Components," our QPL transformer line includes a wide selection of products for each of the product levels called for by MIL-PRF-21038/27, formerly MIL-T-21038/27. We also were the first to achieve QPL status on surface-mount MILSTD-1553 pulse transformers -more than 15 years ago. To this day, many manufacturers have difficulty producing components that can survive the high-heat rigors of surface mounting and the performance, reliabliability, part-to-part repeatibility, and lifespan required by high-rel military and commercial applications. This catalog covers all of our QPL transformer products. Each part has a military designation number (found on DESC/DSCC approved drawings) as well as our own product number. These part numbers are listed in the specification tables. About MIL-T-21038/27 MIL-PRF-21038/27 Contents n Level C - for high reliability commercial/industrial applications; n Level M - for general purpose military applications; n Level T - for high reliability critical military applications. Level C parts are tested to our internal specifications. Group A or B testing is not performed on Level C parts. A Level M part is exactly the same as the original QPL product that was defined by the earlier MIL-T-21038/27 specification. A Level T part receives the most extensive testing along with thermal cycling. For more details, see next page. Single ratio through-the-board QPL pulse transformers....... 4 Dual ratio through-the-board QPL pulse transformers....... 6 COTS transformers. Dual ratio Several of our QPL transformers have non-QPL COTS counterparts -- same component layout and electrical characteristics but they're built for commerciallyoriented requirements, and manufactured in higher volume at lower cost. We've noted where a COTS counterpart to a QPL product exists with the symbol shown here. surface mount QPL pulse transformers....... 8 and MIL-PRF-21038E (8 July 1998) supersedes MIL-T-21038D (11 May 1979) and establishes three TWO PEARL BUCK COURT product levels for low power pulse transformers. The new specification allows designers to select a QPL device and limit the testing to what's needed for the application: l For more information on COTs transformers, refer to our non-QPL transformer catalog. BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 2 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS MIL-PRF-21038/27 Inspection, Sampling, Testing Table 1: Group A Inspection Level "C" ** Tests Level " M" S ampling Plan Level " T" Tests S ampling Plan Tests Sampling Plan NA Electrical Characteristics per MIL-PRF-21038/27 sample per Table 3 Thermal Shock 100% NA Visual and mechanical inspection sample per Table 3 Winding Continuity 100% NA NA Electrical Characteristics per M IL-PRF -21038/27 100% NA NA Visual and mechanical inspection sample per Table 3 Table 2: Group B Inspection Level "C" ** Tests Level " M" S ampling Plan Level " T" Tests S ampling Plan Tests Sampling Plan NA Dielectric Withstanding Volta ge sample per Table 3 D ielectric Withstanding Voltage sample per Table 3 NA Insulation Resistance sample per Table 3 Insulation Resistance sample per Table 3 Table 3: Sampling Plans for Group A and Group B inspections Lot size Group A, group II ins pections Group B 1 to 5 all all 6 to 13 all 5 14 to 50 13 5 51 to 90 13 7 91 to 150 13 11 151 to 280 20 13 281 to 500 29 16 501 to 1200 34 19 1,201 to 3,200 42 23 3,201 to 10,000 50 29 ** Parts ordered to Level C are certified to comply with MIL-PRF-21038 Level C, however testing will be performed per manufacturer's internal requirements and sampling rates. TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 3 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS Single ratio through-the-board QPL pulse transformers n qualified for use in QPL MIL-STD-1553 applications n single ratio packages, see schematics n designed, built, and tested to MIL-PRF-21038 Levels C, M, and T* n package C is 4-lead; package D is 6-lead (center tap) n built in ISO 9002 facility APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS n MIL-STD-1553B n MIL-STD-202 n MIL-T-10727 n MIL-PRF-21038/27* n ISO 9002 SUMMARY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Impedance.................................................................................. see table, next page Droop.............................................................................................................. < 20% Overshoot.................................................................................................. + 1V max Common mode rejection (CMR)................................................................. > 45 dB Frequency range (no load)............................................................. 75 kHz to 1MHz Operating temperature range........................................................... -55oC to 130oC Weight....................................................................................................... < 5 grams Insulation resistance (min)........................................... 10K megohms @ 250 Vdc Dielectric withstanding voltage................................................................ 100 Vrms *MIL-PRF-21038E (8 July 1998) supersedes MIL-T-21038D (11 May 1979) and establishes three product levels for low power pulse transformers: n Level C - for high reliability commercial/industrial applications; n Level M - for general purpose military applications; n Level T - for high reliability critical military applications. TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 4 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS CHARACTERISTICS n single LINE LEVEL MILITARY DESIGNATION NUMBER TECHNITROL TECHNITROL PART NO. PACKA GE HEIGHT (in.) MAX TERMINALS TERMINALS 1 C M 21038/27-05C QC 1553-20 C .250 1-2:4-3 2 M M 21038/27-05 3 T M 21038/27-05T QT1553-20 4 C M 21038/27-06C QC 1553-21 D .250 5 M M 21038/27-06 6 T M 21038/27-06T QT1553-21 7 C M 21038/27-07C QC 1553-22 D 8 M M 21038/27-07 9 T M 21038/27-07T QT1553-22 10 C M 21038/27-08C QC 1553-23 11 M M 21038/27-08 12 T M 21038/27-08T QT1553-23 13 C M 21038/27-09C QC 1553-24 14 M M 21038/27-09 15 T M 21038/27-09T QT1553-24 16 C M 21038/27-28C QC 1553-25* 17 M M 21038/27-28 Q1553-25* 18 T M 21038/27-28T QT1553-25* 19 C M 21038/27-29C QC 1553-51* 20 M M 21038/27-29 21 T M 21038/27-29T QT1553-51* 22 C M 21038/27-30C QC 1553-52* 23 M M 21038/27-30 Q1553-52* 24 T M 21038/27-30T QT1553-52* RATIO ((++3%) 3%) ratio n through the board RDC (ohms) (ohms) MAX IMPEDA NCE (ohm s) MIN 1:1.41 1-2 2.2 4-3 2.7 (4-3) 3,000 1-5:6-2 1CT:1CT 1-5 2.5 6-2 2.8 (6-2) 3,000 .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:1.41CT 1-5 2.2 6-2 2.7 (6-2) 3,000 D .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:1.66CT 1-5 1.5 6-2 2.4 (6-2) 3,000 D .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:2CT 1-5 1.3 6-2 2.6 (6-2) 3,000 D .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:1.5CT 1-3 0.90 6-2 2.5 (6-2) 3,000 D .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:1.79CT 1.5 0.90 6-2 2.5 (6-2) 3,000 D .250 1-5:6-2 1CT:2.5CT 1-5 1.0 6-2 2.8 (6-2) 3,000 Q1553-20 Q1553-21 Q1553-22 Q1553-23 Q1553-24 Q1553-51* *Designed for transceivers utilizing a single supply voltage (+5V). Package C Package D Notes: 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. Tolerances: .xx = +.008 3. All specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice. TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 5 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS Dual ratio through-the-board QPL pulse transformers n qualified for use in QPL MIL-STD-1553 applications n dual ratio in a single package, see schematic n designed, built, and tested to MIL-PRF-21038 Levels C, M, and T* n two packages available: Package A without standoffs, Package G with standoffs n built in ISO 9002 facility SCHEMATIC AND DIMENSIONS APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS n MIL-STD-1553B n MIL-STD-202 n MIL-T-10727 n MIL-PRF-21038/27* n ISO Package A 9002 .250 SUMMARY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Impedance..................................................... Droop............................................................ Overshoot..................................................... Common mode rejection (CMR)................. Frequency range (no load)........................... Operating temperature range....................... Weight.......................................................... Insulation resistance (min)........................... Dielectric withstanding voltage.................... see table, next page < 20% + 1V max > 45 dB 75 kHz to 1MHz -55oC to 130oC < 5 grams 10K megohms @ 250 Vdc 100 Vrms *MIL-PRF-21038E (8 July 1998) supersedes MIL-T-21038D (11 May 1979) and establishes three product levels for low power pulse transformers: n Level C - for high reliability commercial/industrial applications; n Level M - for general purpose military applications; n Level T - for high reliability critical military applications. TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 6 Package G Notes: 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. Tolerances: .xx = +.008 3. All specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice. FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS CHARACTERISTICS n dual LINE LEVEL MILITARY DESIGNATION DESIGNATION NUMBER NUMBER TECHNITROL TECHNITROL PART NO. 1 C M21038/27-01C QC1553-1 2 M M21038/27-01 Q1553-1 3 T M21038/27-01T QT1553-1 4 C M21038/27-02C QC1553-2 5 M M21038/27-02 Q1553-2 6 T M21038/27-02T QT 1553-2 7 C M21038/27-03C QC1553-3 8 M M21038/27-03 Q1553-3 9 T M21038/27-03T QT1553-3 10 C M21038/27-10C QC1553-5* 11 M M21038/27-10 Q1553-5* 12 T M21038/27-10T QT1553-5* 13 C M21038/27-21C QC1553-81 14 M M21038/27-21 Q1553-81 15 T M21038/27-21T QT1553-81 16 C M21038/27-22C QC1553-82 17 M M21038/27-22 Q1553-82 18 T M21038/27-22T QT1553-82 19 C M21038/27-23C QC1553-83 20 M M21038/27-23 Q1553-83 21 T M21038/27-23T QT1553-83 22 C M21038/27-24C QC1553-84 23 M M21038/27-24 Q1553-84 24 T M21038/27-24T QT1553-84 25 C M21038/27-25C QC1553-85 26 M M21038/27-25 Q1553-85 27 T M21038/27-25T QT1553-85 28 C M21038/27-26C QC1553-45* 29 M M21038/27-26 Q1553-45* 30 T M21038/27-26T QT1553-45* RATIO (+3%) ratio n through RDC (ohms) MAX the board PACK AGE HEIGHT (in.) (in.) MAX MAX TERMINALS IMPEDANCE (ohm s) MIN MIN A .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:1CT 1CT:.707CT 1-3 3.0 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4000 A .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.4CT:1CT 2CT:1CT 1-3 3.5 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 7,200 A .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.25CT:1CT 1.66CT:1CT 1-3 3.2 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4000 A .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:2.12CT 1CT:1.5CT 1.3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 G .275 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:1CT 1CT :.707CT 1-3 3.0 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 G .275 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.4CT:1CT 2CT:1CT 1-3 3.5 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 7,200 G .275 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.25CT:1CT 1.66CT:1CT 1-3 3.2 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 G .275 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:2.12CT 1CT:1.5CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 G .275 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:2.50CT 1CT:1.79CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 A .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT:2.50CT 1CT:1.79CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 *Designed for transceivers utilizing a single supply voltage (+5V). TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 7 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS Dual ratio surface mount QPL pulse transformers n qualified for use in QPL MIL-STD-1553 applications n dual ratio in a single package, see schematic n designed, built, and tested to MIL-PRF-21038 Level C, M, and T* n two packages available: Package B has gull-wing leads; Package F is flat pack n built in ISO 9002 facility APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS n MIL-STD-1553B n MIL-T-10727 n MIL-STD-202 n ISO Impedance..................................................... 9002 n MIL-PRF-21038/27* *MIL-PRF-21038E (8 July 1998) supersedes MIL-T-21038D (11 May 1979) and establishes three product levels for low power pulse transformers: n Level C - for high reliability commercial/industrial applications; n Level M - for general purpose military applications; n Level T - for high reliability critical military applications. Droop............................................................ Overshoot..................................................... Common mode rejection (CMR)................. Frequency range (no load)........................... Operating temperature range....................... Weight.......................................................... Insulation resistance (min)........................... Dielectric withstanding voltage.................... see table, next page < 20% + 1V max > 45 dB 75 kHz to 1MHz -55oC to 130oC < 5 grams 10K megohms @ 250 Vdc 100 Vrms SCHEMATIC AND DIMENSIONS Note: Contact factory for SMQ1553-9 and FPQ1553-9 schematic Package "B" (side view) Package "F" (side view) TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 8 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com back to "Contents" PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS CHARACTERISTICS n dual LINE LEVEL MILITARY DESIGNATION NUMBER NUMBER TECHNITROL PART NO. 1 C M 21038/27-11C SM QC1553-6 2 M M 21038/27-11 SM Q1553-6 3 T M 21038/27-11T SM QT1553-6 4 C M 21038/27-12C SM QC1553-7 5 M M 21038/27-12 SM Q1553-7 6 T M 21038/27-12T SM QT1553-7 7 C M 21038/27-13C SM QC1553-8 8 M M 21038/27-13 SM Q1553-8 9 T M 21038/27-13T SM QT1553-8 10 C M 21038 /27-15C SM QC1553-10 11 M M 21038 /27-15 SM Q1553-10 12 T M 21038 /27-15T SM QT1553-10 13 C M 21038 /27-16C FPQC1553-6 14 M M 21038 /27-16 FPQ1553-6 15 T M 21038 /27-16T FPQT1553-6 16 C M 21038 /27-17C FPQC1553-7 17 M M 21038 /27-17 FPQ1553-7 18 T M 21038 /27-17T FPQT1553-7 19 C M 21038 /27-18C FPQC1553-8 20 M M 21038 /27-18 FPQ1553-8 21 T M 21038 /27-18T FPQT1553-8 22 C M 21038 /27-20C FPQC1553-10 23 M M 21038 /27-20 FPQ1553-10 24 T M 21038 /27-20T FPQT1553-10 25 C M 21038 /27-27C SM QC1553-45* 26 M M 21038 /27-27 SM Q1553-45* 27 T M 21038 /27-27T SM QT1553-45* 28 C M 21038 /27-31C FPQC1553-45* 29 M M 21038 /27-31 FPQ1553-45* 30 T M 21038 /27-31T FPQT553-45* PACKAGE PACKAGE HEIGHT (in.) (in.) MAX B .250 B TERMINA LS ratio n surface mounting RATIO (+3%) RDC RDC (o hms) MAX MAX IMPEDANCE (ohms) MIN 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :1CT 1CT :.707CT 1-3 3.0 1-3 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.4CT :1CT 2CT :1CT 1-3 3.5 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 7,200 B .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.25CT:1CT 1.66CT:1CT 1-3 3.2 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 B .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :2.12CT 1CT :1.5CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 F .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :1CT 1CT :.707CT 1-3 3.0 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 F .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.4CT :1CT 2CT :1CT 1-3 3.5 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 7,200 F .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1.25CT:1CT 1.66CT:1CT 1-3 3.2 4-8 3.0 (1-3) 4,000 F .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :2.12CT 1CT :1.5CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 B .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :2.50CT 1CT :1.79CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 F .250 1-3:4-8 1-3:5-7 1CT :2.50CT 1CT :1.79CT 1-3 1.0 4-8 3.5 (4-8) 4,000 *Designed for transceivers utilizing a single supply voltage (+5V). TWO PEARL BUCK COURT l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l QPL Transformers -- 9 FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS WARRANTY Pulse Specialty Components warrants for a period of 90 days from the date of shipment, that under normal use and service, its products will be free from defects in workmanship and material. Pulse Specialty Components' sole responsibility under this warranty is, at its option, to repair or replace, without charge, any defective product or part, or to credit buyer for the purchase price of such defective product, provided: 1) Buyer promptly notifies Pulse Specialty Components in writing within the warranty period, and 2) The defective product or part is returned to Pulse Specialty Components with transportation charges prepaid by Buyer, and 3) Pulse Specialty Components examination of such product shall disclose to its satisfaction that said defect exists and has not been caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation, repair or alteration, or accident. EXCEPT FOR THE ABOVE WARRANTY AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF TITLE, PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR EXPENDABLE ITEMS SUCH AS LAMPS AND FUSES. PULSE SPECIALTY COMPONENTS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Catalog QPL-0025 TWO PEARL BUCK COURT Issue Date 9/1/2000 l BRISTOL, PA 19007-6812 l TEL 215-781-6400 l FAX 215-781-6403 l www.pulsespecialty.com