MEDER electronic
Statement from our cylindrical magnet assortment
Dimensions ( Ø x Length) Material Typ. Value Vs
x cm 10-6 Article No.
Ø 1.9 x 3 SmCo5 1.212 * 4003004017
Ø 3 x 4 SmCo5 4.069 * 4003004025
Ø 3 x 12 AINiCo 6.98 4003004010
Ø 4 x 19 AINiCo 22.60 4003004003
Ø 5 x 4 SmCo5 7.04 4003004026
Ø 5 x 20 AINiCo 33.00 4003004001
Ø 5.5 x 20 AINiCo 42.95 4003004029
Ø 6 x 10 NdFeB 32.35 4003004030
Ø 7.6 x 27 AINiCo 91.40 4003004006
Ø 8 x 15 NdFeB 93.05 4003004031
Ø 10 x 40 AINiCo 257.40 4003004024
Ø 1.5 x 2 NdFeB 0.625 * 2500011370
Ø 1.5 x 2 NdFeB 0.661 * 2500911370
Ø 6 x 5 NdFeB 16.06 4003004085
Ø 5 x 1.5 SmCo5 3.00 4003004136
Ø 2.5 x 12.7 AINiCo 5.58 4003004015
Ø 3 x 15 AINiCo 9.97 4003004019
Ø 3 x 10 AINiCo 5.19 4003004087
Ø 10 x 40 AINiCo 257.25 4003004130
Ø 10 x 5 NdFeB 47.40 4003004162
Ø 2 x 8 NdFeB 2.80 4003510053
Ø 5 x 6 SmCo5 12.36 4003004135
Measured with MS150.
* Measured with MS20.
All dimensions in mm. For more informations please consult your nearest MEDER sales ofce
for assistance.
You nd a description of the different materials in Chapter “Magnets and their Specications” of the data book.
MEDER electronic
You nd a description of the different materials in Chapitel “Magnets and their Specications” of the data book.
Statement from our rectangular magnet assortment
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) Material Typ. Value Article-No.
6.7 x 6.7 x 2.9 Ferrit 4.52 4003004011
10 x 5 x 1.9 NdFeB 11.27 4003004107
19 x 3.2 x 3.2 AINiCo 19.55 4003004018
10 x 5 x 1.9 NdFeB 10.59 4003004032
4.8 x 2 x 1.7 NdFeB 2.569 * 4003004086
3 x 1 x 1 SmCo5 0.447 * 4003004081
6 x 1.6 x 1.2 SmCo5 1.710 * 4003004092
8 x 8 x 4 Ferrit 5.295 4003004039
4 x 4 x 3 Ferrit 2.902 * 4003004100
4 x 4 x 3.4 NdFeB 5.945 4003004152
All dimensions in mm.
For more informations please consult your nearest MEDER sales ofce for assistance.