IXSH 16N60U1 VCES = 600V = 16A IC25 VCE(sat)typ = 1.8V Low VCE(sat) IGBT with Diode Short Circuit SOA Capability Preliminary data Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VCES TJ = 25C to 150C 600 V VCGR TJ = 25C to 150C; RGE = 1 MW 600 V VGES Continuous 20 V VGEM Transient 30 V IC25 TC = 25C 32 A IC90 TC = 90C 16 A ICM TC = 25C, 1 ms 52 A SSOA (RBSOA) VGE = 15 V, TJ = 125C, RG = 150 W Clamped inductive load, L = 300 mH ICM = 32 @ 0.8 VCES A tSC (SCSOA) VGE = 15 V, VCE = 360 V, TJ = 125C RG = 82 W, non repetitive 5 ms PC TC = 25C 100 W -55 ... +150 C TJM 150 C Tstg -55 ... +150 C 2 g 300 C 260 C TJ Weight Maximum lead temperature for soldering 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) from case for 10 s Maximum tab temperature for soldering for 10s Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. BVCES IC = 250 mA, VGE = 0 V 600 VGE(th) IC = 750 mA, VCE = VGE 3.5 ICES VCE = 0.8 * VCES VGE = 0 V IGES VCE = 0 V, VGE = 20 V VCE(sat) IC TJ = 25C TJ = 125C = IC90, VGE = 15 V IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions. (c) 2000 IXYS All rights reserved V 1.8 6.5 V 200 1 mA mA 100 nA 2.3 V TO-247 AD C (TAB) G C G = Gate, E = Emitter, E C = Collector, TAB = Collector Features * Latest generation HDMOSTM process * International standard package * Guaranteed Short Circuit SOA capability * Low VCE(sat) - for low on-state conduction losses * High current handling capability * MOS Gate turn-on - drive simplicity * Fast fall time for switching speeds up to 20 kHz Applications * AC motor speed control * Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) * Welding Advantages * High power density 98532 (7/98) 1-2 IXSH 16N60U1 Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. gfs IC = IC90; VCE = 10 V, Pulse test, t 300 ms, duty cycle 2 % IC(on) VGE = 15 V, VCE = 10 V 3.3 Cies S 50 A 920 pF 65 pF Cres 14 pF Qg 40 nC 13 nC 18 nC Inductive load, TJ = 25C 30 ns IC = 16A, VGE = 15 V, L = 300 mH VCE = 0.8 VCES, RG = 22 W Switching times may increase for VCE (Clamp) > 0.8 * VCES, higher TJ or increased RG 30 ns Coes Qge VCE = 25 V, VGE = 0 V, f = 1 MHz 5.0 IC = IC90, VGE = 15 V, VCE = 0.5 VCES Qgc td(on) t ri td(off) tfi Eoff td(on) t ri Eon td(off) tfi Eoff Inductive load, TJ = 125C IC = 16 A, VGE = 15 V, L = 300 mH VCE = 0.8 VCES, RG = 22 W Switching times may increase for VCE (Clamp) > 0.8 * VCES, higher TJ or increased RG 100 420 ns 310 470 ns 1.9 2.9 mJ TO-247 AD (IXSH) Outline Dim. Millimeter Min. Max. Inches Min. Max. A B 19.81 20.32 20.80 21.46 0.780 0.800 0.819 0.845 C D 15.75 16.26 3.55 3.65 0.610 0.640 0.140 0.144 E F 4.32 5.49 5.4 6.2 0.170 0.216 0.212 0.244 30 ns G H 1.65 2.13 4.5 0.065 0.084 0.177 30 ns J K 1.0 1.4 10.8 11.0 0.040 0.055 0.426 0.433 0.12 mJ 150 ns L M 4.7 0.4 5.3 0.8 0.185 0.209 0.016 0.031 510 ns N 1.5 2.49 0.087 0.102 3.0 mJ RthJC 1.25 K/W Reverse Diode (FRED) Characteristic Values (TJ = 25C, unless otherwise specified) min. typ. max. Symbol Test Conditions VF IF = IC90, VGE = 0 V, Pulse test, t 300 ms, duty cycle d 2 % IRM t rr IF = IC90, VGE = 0 V, -diF/dt = 64 A/ms VR = 360 V IF = 1 A; -di/dt = 50 A/ms; VR = 30 V RthJC (c) 2000 IXYS All rights reserved TJ = 100C TJ = 25C 2.5 165 35 1.75 V 50 A ns ns 2.5 K/W IXYS MOSFETS and IGBTs are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,881,106 5,017,508 5,049,961 5,187,117 5,486,715 4,850,072 4,931,844 5,034,796 5,063,307 5,237,481 5,381,025 2-2