Product Description
3 MS F T W-203 is a 3:1 shrink ratio
tubing that offers an outstanding balance
of electrical, physical and chemical
properties for a wide variety of industrial
and military applications. SFTW-203 is
made of very flexible, heat-shrinkable
polyolefin which is mechanically tough,
chemically resistant, and can be easily
surface printed.
S F T W-203 tubing has been
engineered to offer a low shrink
temperature of 100°C (212°F). T h i s
allows the tubing to shrink rapidly, and
minimizes heat exposure and possible
damage to temperature sensitive
s u b s t r a t e s .
S F T W-203 tubing meets the
performance requirements of MIL-DTL-
23053/5 Class 1, and is ULR e c o g n i z e d
(File No. E48398) for flame retardance.
It is rated for continuous operation from
-55°C (-67°F) to 135°C (275°F), and
withstands elevated temperatures of
300°C (572°F) for brief periods.
SFTW-203 Tubing
3:1 Very Flexible Polyolefin
Data Sheet
Typical Applications
The extra flexibility and low shrink
temperature of SFTW-203 tubing make it
ideal for shrink-fit jacketing and
insulation of flexible wire bundles and
temperature sensitive components. T h e
3:1 shrink ratio makes SFTW-203 the
insulation of choice for end terminations
where the connector body is larger than
the cable and for repair applications
where the tubing must be slid over a
c o n n e c t o r. SFTW-203 can also be used
to insulate an oversized component in
line to the wiring.
Shrink Ratio
S F T W-203 has a 3:1 shrink ratio. W h e n
freely recovered, the tubing will shrink to
33% of its as-supplied internal diameter.
The recovered wall thickness of the
tubing is proportional to the degree of
r e c o v e r y.
Standard Colors
B l a c k .
Standard Packaging
Boxes of four-foot lengths, or lar g e
spools. Cut pieces subject to factory
q u o t a t i o n .
Ordering Information
Order SFTW-203 by product name, size
equivalent to expanded inner diameter,
c o l o r, and package type. Always order
the largest size that will shrink-fit snugly
over the item to be covered.
Example: SFTW-203, 1/2", black, 4 ft
l e n g t h s .
R e c o v e re d
Ordering Expanded I.D. R e c o v e red I.D. T h i c k n e s s
S i z e ( M i n i m u m ) ( M a x i m u m ) ( N o m i n a l )
i n . ( m m ) i n . ( m m ) i n . ( m m )
1 / 1 6 . 0 5 9 ( 1 , 5 ) . 0 2 0 ( 0 , 5 ) . 0 1 8 ( 0 , 4 5 )
1 / 8 . 11 8 ( 3 , 0 ) . 0 3 9 ( 1 , 0 ) . 0 2 2 ( 0 , 5 5 )
1 / 4 . 2 3 6 ( 6 , 0 ) . 0 7 9 ( 2 , 0 ) . 0 2 6 ( 0 , 6 5 )
3 / 8 . 3 5 4 ( 9 , 0 ) . 11 8 ( 3 , 0 ) . 0 3 0 ( 0 , 7 5 )
1 / 2 . 4 7 2 ( 1 2 , 0 ) . 1 5 7 ( 4 , 0 ) . 0 3 0 ( 0 , 7 5 )
3 / 4 . 7 0 9 ( 1 8 , 0 ) . 2 3 6 ( 6 , 0 ) . 0 3 0 ( 0 , 7 5 )
1. 9 4 5 ( 2 4 , 0 ) . 3 1 5 ( 8 , 0 ) . 0 3 9 ( 1 , 0 0 )
1 1/2 1 . 5 3 5 ( 3 9 , 0 ) . 5 1 2 ( 1 3 , 0 ) . 0 4 5 ( 1 , 1 5 )
Standard Sizes and Dimensions
Note: Dimensions in inches are approximate.
P h y s i c a l
Tensile Strength 2600 PSI
Ultimate Elongation 4 0 0 %
Longitudinal Change ± 5 %
Secant Modulus
(2% elong.) 8700 PSI
Specific Gravity 1 . 2 9
Heat Shock No cracking,
(4 hrs. @ 250°C) f l o w i n g
or dripping
Water A b s o r p t i o n 0 . 2 %
Heat Aging E l o n g a t i o n
(168 hrs. @ 158°C) 3 5 0 %
Low Temperature Flexibility
(4 hrs. @ –55°C) No cracking
F l a m m a b i l i t y Self extinguishing
E l e c t r i c a l
Dielectric Strength 700 V/mil
Volume Resistivity 1 01 5 o h m - c m
C h e m i c a l
Corrosive eff e c t N o n - c o r r o s i v e
Solvent Resistance
Tensile Strength 1100 PSI
Dielectric Strength 400 V/mil
Fungus Resistance I n e r t
Typical Properties
Technical information provided consists of typical product data and
should not be used for specification purposes. Unless otherwise
noted, all tests are performed at room temperature.
Applicable Specifications
MIL-DTL-23053/5, Class 1; ULFile E48398;
C S ALR 38227
Limited Warranty – 3M expressly warrants that for a period of ninety days from the date of purchase, 3M static control products will be free of defects in
materials (parts) and workmanship (labor). Defects occurring during the warranty period will be repaired or products will be replaced at 3M’s option and
expense, if 3M receives notice during the warranty period. Defective products must be returned to 3M with proof of purchase date.
INCLUDING FITNESS AND MERCHANTIBILITY. The express warranty will not apply to defects or damage due to accidents, neglect, misuse, alterations,
operator error, or failure to properly maintain, clean, or repair products.
Limit of Liability– In no event will 3M or Seller be responsible or liable for special, incidental, or consequential losses or damages, whether based in tort or
contract. Fulfillment of 3M’s warranty obligations will be Customer’s exclusive remedy and 3M’s and Seller’s limit of liability for any breach of warranty or otherwise.
For your nearest distributor or to order, call 1-800-328-1368
3M Electrical Specialties Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000 © 3M March 1997