Document #: 001-65526 Rev. *B Revised March 5, 2012 Page 14 of 14
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CY621282BN MoBL® Automotive
© Cypress Semico nducto r Co rpor ation , 2011-2012. The informati on con ta ined herei n is subje ct to cha nge wi thou t noti ce. C ypress S emiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of
any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypre ss prod uc ts are n ot war r ant ed no r inte nd ed to be used fo r
medical, life supp or t, l if e savin g, cr it ical control or saf ety ap pl ic at io ns, unless pursuant to a n express written ag re em en t with Cypress. Furthermor e, Cyp ress doe s not author iz e its products for use as
critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems
application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges.
Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protect ion (Unit ed States and fore ign),
United S t ates copyright laws and international treaty provis ions. Cyp ress he reby gr ant s to l icense e a pers onal, no n-excl usive , non-tr ansfer able license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of,
and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of lice nsee product to be used on ly in conjunction wit h a Cypress
integrated circui t as specified in the applicab le agreement. Any r eproduction, mod ification, translati on, compilatio n, or represent ation of this Sour ce Code except a s specified abo ve is prohibit ed without
the express written permiss i on of Cypress.
OF MERCHANTABI LITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURP OSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materi als described h erein. Cypre ss does not
assume any liabil ity ar ising ou t of the a pplic ation or use o f any pr oduct or circ uit descri bed herein . Cypress d oes not a uthor ize its p roducts fo r use as critical componen ts in life-su pport systems whe re
a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer
assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges.
Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement.
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