Hall Effect Sensor Family
in CMOS technology
Release Notes: Revision bars indicate significant
changes to the previous edition.
1. Introduction
The HAL5xx family consists of different Hall switches
produced in CMOS technology. All sensors include a
temperature-compensated Hall plate with active offset
compensation, a comparator, and an open-drain output
transistor. The comparator compares the actual mag-
netic flux through the Hall plate (Hall voltage) with the
fixed reference values (switching points). Accordingly,
the output transistor is switched on or off.
The sensors of this family differ in the switching behavior
and the switching points.
The active offset compensation leads to constant mag-
netic characteristics over supply voltage and tempera-
ture range. In addition, the magnetic parameters are ro-
bust against mechanical stress effects.
The sensors are designed for industrial and automotive
applications and operate with supply voltages from
3.8 V to 24 V in the ambient temperature range from
–40 °C up to 150 °C.
All sensors are available in a SMD-package (SOT-89B)
and in a leaded version (TO-92UA).
1.1. Features:
– switching offset compensation at typically 62 kHz
– operates from 3.8 V to 24 V supply voltage
– overvoltage protection at all pins
– reverse-voltage protection at VDD-pin
– magnetic characteristics are robust against mechani-
cal stress effects
– short-circuit protected open-drain output by thermal
shut down
– operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic mag-
netic fields up to 10 kHz
– constant switching points over a wide supply voltage
– the decrease of magnetic flux density caused by rising
temperature in the sensor system is compensated by
a built-in negative temperature coefficient of the mag-
netic characteristics
– ideal sensor for applications in extreme automotive
and industrial environments
– EMC corresponding to DIN 40839
1.2. Family Overview
The types differ according to the magnetic flux density
values for the magnetic switching points, the tempera-
ture behavior of the magnetic switching points, and the
mode of switching.
Type Switching
Behavior Sensitivity see
501 bipolar very high 14
502 latching high 16
503 latching medium 18
504 unipolar medium 20
505 latching low 22
506 unipolar high 24
508 unipolar medium 26
509 unipolar low 28
516 unipolar with
inverted output high 30
517 unipolar with
inverted output medium 32
518 unipolar with
inverted output medium 34
519 unipolar with
inverted output
(north polarity)
high 36
523 unipolar low 38
Latching Sensors:
The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the
branded side of the package and turns high with the
magnetic north pole on the branded side. The output
does not change if the magnetic field is removed. For
changing the output state, the opposite magnetic field
polarity must be applied.
Bipolar Switching Sensors:
The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the
branded side of the package and turns high with the
magnetic north pole on the branded side. The output
state is not defined for all sensors if the magnetic field is
removed again. Some sensors will change the output
state and some sensors will not.