Clock Generation and Control
A master clock oscillator is provided,
based on an external crystal of 15.36
Mhz. This provides an output at the
crystal frequency for the ISDN chip
(INTT or INTQ). It therefore offers
accuracy of better than 100ppm.
The CPU clock frequency is software
selectable, allowing the power
consumption to be reduced at times
when full processing speed is not
required. An on-board DPLL doubles
clock frequency to allow the CPU and
all peripherals to operate at higher
clock speeds. (The default condition
emulates the timing of the MTC-
20280 for software compatibility).
Memory Bus
The external memory bus supports
either 8-bit (for low cost) or 16-bit
(high-speed) memory systems. It allows
read / write access to off-chip memory
and I/O resources, and includes a
simple to use on-chip memory decoding
scheme to minimize external logic.
In most cases, the external memory
interfaces requires no glue-logic
whatsoever. A maximum of 12 MBytes
external memory can be accessed in
automatically decoded pages of 2
MBytes. It is designed to interface to
standard FLASH EEPROM and (pseudo)
static RAMs. The bus interface logic
includes a programmable WAIT STATE
generator, to allow access to slow
external devices. 4 kBytes of fast
(zero wait-state with 32-bit access)
on-chip static RAM is included.
A programmable Chip-Select (CS)
decoder defines the external memory
map. The default map ensures that
the CPU can start up from reset by
enabling ROM at address 0. It allows
6 external memory ranges to be
individually decoded. With regard
to EMC requirements, the slope of the
memory bus transitions is controlled
in a manner consistent with achieving
the required bus transfer speed. Each
CS memory range has programmable
General Description
is the ability to set fixed routes of
the B channels from a source to any
destination without the need for further
intervention by the CPU, thus relieving
the CPU of much of the real-time
processing. Up to 8 GCI time slots are
supported on each GCI port indepen-
dently, where external GCI clocks
are available. The internal GCI clock
supports 1 time slot or 8 time slots.
The clock source which determines the
number of time slots supported by the
channel is independently selectable
for each GCI port. Using an external
clock therefore allows the GCI ports to
interface to all commonly used ISDN
With regard to EMC requirements, the
slope of the GCI data output pins are
controlled in a manner consistent with
achieving the required bus transfer
HDLC Controllers
The 5 integrated HDLC controllers can
be routed to/from any B or D channel
of any port. In addition, they each
have full-duplex 64 byte FIFO’s, which
allow a large timing latency and thus
easy software timing constraints. The
HDLC controller protocol may be
disabled under software control, thus
allowing the FIFO’s to be used to
buffer real-time data. For example, for
the processing of voice-band signals on
B-channels (DTMF decoding, modem
emulation and pre-recorded voice
announcements etc). In this mode, the
data order (MSB first or LSB first) may
be user selected for compatibility with
various applications (for example,
when using the FIFO’s to buffer PCM
data from an analog GCI terminal
requires bit-reversal).
Generally, HDLC1 will be used to
manage the ISDN D-channel. D-channel
conflicts between the S bus and the
HDLC1 controller of the device are
handled by forcing a D-channel busy
condition on the S-bus by means of the
appropriate command to the S inter-
face of the INT, via the appropriate
3-way GCI Interface
The terminology ‘Downstream’ refers
to the transfer of data coming from the
U interface towards the S or analog
interfaces. ‘Upstream’ is the direction
from the S or analog interfaces
towards the U.
The device provides 3 fully independent
CGI interfaces normally allocated as
• U interface of MTC-20276 /
20277 INT, GCI-U.
• S interface of MTC-20276 /
20277 INT, GCI-S.
• Interface to analog devices
such as MTK-40130 short-haul
POTS chipset, GCI-A.
In reality, all three GCI ports are
identical - the allocation to U, S and
A (analog) is arbitrary and shown
for clarity only.
The U interface section of the INT will
always provide the GCI clocks (master)
when active. (This can be achieved by
issuing the AWAKE command on the
GCI C/I bits to the U interface, which
activates the timing generator of the
U interface without actually initiating
transmission). All other GCI buses will
generally be slaved to this one. In
applications where the use of the U
interface is not mandatory (e.g. in
a micro-PABX system which allows
internal calling without U activation),
an internal GCI clock source can be
selected. An integrated PLL system
may be enabled to allow the internally
generated GCI clocks to track and
lock to the U GCI clock, should this
become active in the course of
All bytes of the GCI frames of all three
GCI interfaces are accessible to the
processor read and write. A sophisti-
cated router allows for any of the GCI
fields (B channel, D channel, C/I bits,
Monitor channel) to be routed to the
corresponding field of any destination
channel (bytes can also be ‘disabled’,
in which case they remain at the idle
logic ‘1’ state). Particularly powerful
MTC-20285 240300 [3]