SparkFun SSOP to DIP Adapter - 20-Pin - BOB-00499 - SparkFun Electronics P R SparkFun SSOP to DIP Adapter - 20-Pin B OB-00 499 ROH S images are CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Description: 8, 16, 20, and 28-Pin SSOP to DIP break out boards. The footprint was rotated to accommodate different width SSOP devices and can be used with any pin count up to 28 pins. Designed to be used with 0.65mm pitch devices but can also be used with 0.025" pitch devices (comes out to ~0.635mm). We've made these 0.635mm devices fit just fine. Can be used with packages from 0.200" (5mm) up to 0.450" (11.4mm) in width. 40 Pin break-away headers are perfect for use with these custom PCBs. Machine pin headers may be a better option for IC sockets. Pad layout fits all standard SSOP .65mm and can accommodate .635mm pitch devices. Dimensions: * * * * 8-pin: 0.6 x 0.4" (15.24 x 10.16mm) 500mil DIP spacing 16-pin: 1.0 x 0.4" (25.4 x 10.16mm) 400mil DIP spacing 20-pin: 0.8 x 1.0" (20.32 x 25.4mm) 700mil DIP spacing 28-pin: 1.4 x 0.7" (35.56 x 17.78mm) 600mil DIP spacing. 12/30/2016