Model No. GM2BB50QKAC
Doc. No. DG-113015A Page 1/ 24
品名 表面実装型 LED
Product name Surface Mount LED
Model No. GM2BB50QKAC
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② 本製品は原則として下記の用途に使用する目的で製造された製品です。
・OA 機器 ・計測器 ・工作機器 ・AV 機器
・家電製品 ・通信機器(幹線以外)
③ 特に高い信頼性が必要とされる下記の機器に本製品を使用される場合は、必ず事前に弊社販売窓口までご連絡頂くと
・大型電算機 ・交通信号機 ・ガス漏れ検知遮断機 ・防災防犯装置
・その他各種安全装置等 等
④ 機能・精度等において極めて高い信頼性が要求される以下の機器にはご使用にならないで下さい。
・航空宇宙機器 ・通信機器(幹線) ・原子力制御機器
・生命維持にかかわる医療機器 等
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○ When using the products covered herein, please observe the conditions written herein and the precautions outlined in the following paragraphs.
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(1) Please do verify the validity of this part after assembling it in customer’s products, when customer wants to make catalogue and
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(2)The products covered herein are designed and manufactured for the following application areas. When using the products covered herein
for the equipment listed in paragraph (3), even for the following application areas, be sure to observe the precautions given in Paragraph
(3). Never use the products for the equipment listed in Paragraph (4).
* OA equipment * Instrumentation and measuring equipment * Machine tools
* Audiovisual equipment * Home appliances
* Communication equipment other than for trunk lines
(3) These contemplating using the products covered herein for the following equipment which demands high reliability, should first contact
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other appropriate measures for ensuring reliability and safety of the equipment and the overall system.
* Control and safety devices for airplanes, trains, automobiles, and other transportation equipment
* Mainframe computers * Traffic control systems
* Gas leak detectors and automatic cutoff devices * Rescue and security equipment
* Other safety devices and safety equipment, etc.
(4) Do not use the products covered herein for the following equipment which demands extremely high performance in terms of
functionality, reliability, or accuracy.
* Aerospace equipment * Communications equipment for trunk lines
* Control equipment for the nuclear power industry * Medical equipment related to life support, etc.
(5) Please direct all queries and comments regarding the interpretation of the above four Paragraphs to a sales representative of the company.
○ Please direct all queries regarding the products covered herein to a sales representative of the company.