202 4174/74174 Hex D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear Schottky TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL Device T Package Device T Package Devi r Package Device T Package Devi T Package jevice pe [aT evice e evice e evice e =| Device e ae yPe cl P[M|cr yP lc] PIM|Cr vee ic | P[ mcr veel cle [m{crl yee lc] Pi Micr T SN54S 174 JID Wo SNS4LS174 ID wD] SNS4174 J) wo} vl. SN74S 74 J ONO SN7ALS 174 JODNO SN74174 JDING FMg3S174 o@ FMSALS174, FMSLSI74 | OG. FO | FM54174.- M931 74 od FAIRCHILD FFc7asiz4_ FoSaSi74 00 Fe7arsi7a.Featsiza | b@ | P@ FQ | FC7AI?4 Fo33174 og: | P& MOTOROLA SNT4LS 174 Pei: MG 74174 Pi] NS. OMS54L S174 1 OM54174 JDIND WO) .C. OM745174 a DM74L$174 4g OM74174 JDING Wwe) PHILIPS N74S 174 io N74L S174 Vs N74174 aD $548 174 S54174 SIGNETICS firasiza N74L S174 aii nraira | SIEMENS FLS 531 Dp Dd + FUJITSU Tal S114 MG HITACH HO 74S 174 OPO HD74L S174 Par HD 74174 DPD | MITSUBISHI M74S 174 Pay M74L S174 Pci: M53374 PD NEC AmS4S 174 ol] Am54L S174 l | if AMD Am74S 174 Ol | Am7at_Si74 4 | Tt Electrical Characteristics SNS4LS174/SN74LS174 . Function Table absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range 174, S174,"LS174, (EACH FLIP-FLOP) Supply voltage, Vcc TV | Operating free-air TSNS4iS 5s'C to 125C INPUTS OUTPUTS Input voltage Tv | temperature range [sN7ais oc to WC CLEAR CLOCK D Q Storage temperature range 65'C to 150C L x x L H t H H recommended operating conditions H t L L H L x Qo SNS4LS174 SN74LS174 -{ UNIT H =high level {steady state) MN NOM MAX |MIN NOM MAX L =low level (steaby state} Supply voltage, Voo 45 5 5.5/475 5 S.25l v X -irreleveam High-'evel output current, IoH 400 400 | uA * = transition from low to high jevel Low-level output current, igi 4 g| mA Qo =the level of Q before the indicated steady-state Clock frequency. folock 0 30 0 30 | MHz input conditions were established. Width of clock or clear pulse, tw 20 20 ns Setup time, tsetup [Data incur 20 20 ns Functional Block Diagram | Clear inactive-state 2 25 ns Data hold time, thold 5 5 ns = er) ox electrical characteristics over recommended operating : . cLeaa free-air temperature range PARAMETER * TEST CONDITIONS tf MIN TYPt MAX UNIT 4 \ Vin High-level input voltage 2 v . of = 2 VIE Low-level input voltage 0.8| V pt -d> cx VI input clamp voltage Voo=MIN, 1)=18mA -1.5) Voc=MIN, ViH=2V, CLEAR v High-level output volta v OH igh-level output voltage ViL=0.8V, IgH=400HA 2.7 3.5 VOC=MIN, Vin =2V, VoL _ Low-level output voltage ce ia 0.35 O5; V 2= > of ViL=0.8V, Jot =8mA |) Input current at maximum input voltaee| VGG=MAX, V|=7V O.l] mA ppp ox WH High-level input current VOCG=MAX, V|=2.7V 20] vA CLEAR fie Low-level mput current Vooc=MAX, V}=0.4 9.4) mA [ sNSats | 20 = 100 - 1 = A : oS Short-circuit dutput current | VCC =MAX [sw7ats | 20 =t00| os 0 ob o log Supply current VCGC=MAX, See Note 16 26} mA ptt cx fmax Maximum clock frequency Voo=5V. 30 40 MHz tpHL | from clear Ta-2sc. 23 35| ns oueAR tPHH | from clock CL ISpF, 20. 30 | ns teHL from clock RL =2kQ 2) 35} ons oe D + Pin Assignments (Top View) ttcb> ox Lear Yoo au CI @ whfs Ef alte a ake wo od eee ox Lock +D- CLEAR SEAR ox n o DO CLEAR eho tench ehohe 174'S174LS174 HEX D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP WITH CLER clean 10 On NOTE: With all outputs oper and 4.5V applied to all data and clear inputs, log is itive logic: See function table measured after a momentary ground, then 4.5V. is applied to clock. 1 For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions for the applicable device type. TAN typical values are at Voc =5V, TA =25'C. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. * 'PLH propagation delay time, low-to-high level output tPHL = propagation delay time, high to-iow-leval output