8,192 x 40 x 4, 16,384 x 40 x 4 and 32,768 x 40 x 4
MARCH 22, 2005
The data output bus can be 40, 20, or 10 bits wide. Q[39:0] are data outputs
for the 40-bit wide data bus, Q[19:0] are data outputs for 20-bit wide data bus,
and Q[9:0] are data outputs for the 10-bit wide data bus. In FWFT mode, when
switching from one Queue to another, the data of the newly selected Queue will
always be present on the output bus immediately, two rising RCLK edges after
OS[1:0] is selected regardless of whether or not read enable and read chip
select are active.
There are four empty/output ready flags available in this device, each
corresponding to the individual Queues in memory. This is a dual-purpose pin
that is determined based on the state of the FWFT/SI pin during master reset
for selecting one of the, two timing modes of this device. In the IDT Standard
mode, the empty flags are selected. When an individual Queue is empty, its empty
flag will go LOW, inhibiting further read operations from that Queue. When the
empty flag is HIGH, the individual Queue is not empty and valid read operations
can be applied. See Figure 18, Read Cycle, Empty Flag and First Word Latency
Timing (IDT Standard Mode), for the relevant timing information. Also see Table
3 “Status Flags for IDT Standard Mode” for the truth table of the empty flags.
In FWFT mode, the output ready flags are selected. Output ready flags (OR)
go LOW at the same time that the first word written to an empty Queue appears
on the outputs, which is a minimum of three read clock cycles provided the RCLK
and WCLK meets the tSKEW parameter. OR stays LOW after the RCLK LOW-
to-HIGH transitions that shifts the last word from the Queue to the outputs. OR
goes HIGH when an enabled read operation is performed from an empty queue.
The previous data stays on the outputs, indicating the last word was read.
Further data reads are inhibited until a new word is on the bus when OR goes
LOW again. See Figure 22, Read Timing at Full Boundary (FWFT Mode), for
the relevant timing information. Also see Table 4 “Status Flags for FWFT Mode”
for the truth table of the empty flags.
The empty/output ready flags are synchronous and updated on the rising
edge of RCLK. In IDT Standard mode, the flags are double register-buffered
outputs. In FWFT mode, the flag is triple register-buffered outputs. The four
empty flags operate independent of one another and always indicate the
respective Queue's status.
This status pin is used to determine the empty state of the current Queue
selected. The composite empty/output ready flag represents the state of the
Queue selected on the read port, such that the user does not have to monitor
each individual Queues’ empty/output ready flags.
The timing of the composite empty/output ready flag differs in IDT Standard
and FWFT modes. In IDT Standard mode, when switching from one Queue to
another, the composite empty flag will update to the status of the newly selected
Queue one RCLK cycle after the rising edge of RCLK that made the new Queue
selection. In FWFT mode, the composite output ready flag will update to the status
of the newly selected Queue on two clock cycles after the rising edge of RCLK
that made the new Queue selection. See Figure 23, Composite Empty Flag (IDT
Standard mode), for the associated timing diagram. See Table 3 and 4 “Status
Flags for IDT Standard and FWFT Mode “ for the truth table of the composite
empty flag.
There are four full/input ready flags available in this device, each corresponding
to the individual Queues in memory. This is a dual-purpose pin that is determined
based on the state of the FWFT/SI pin during master reset for selecting the two
timing modes of this device. In the IDT Standard mode, the full flags are selected.
When an individual Queue is full, its full flags will go LOW after the rising edge
of WCLK that wrote the last word, thus inhibiting further write operations to the
Queue. When the full flag is HIGH, the individual Queue is not full and valid write
operations can be applied. See Figure 12, Write Cycle, Full Flag Timing (IDT
Standard Mode), for the associated timing diagram. Also see Table 3 “Status
Flags for IDT Standard Mode” for the truth table of the full flags.
In FWFT mode, the input ready flags are selected. Input ready flags go LOW
when there is adequate memory space in the Queues for writing in data. The
input ready flags go HIGH after the rising edge of WCLK that wrote the last word,
when there are no free spaces available for writing in data. See Figure 16, Write
Timing (FWFT Mode), for the associated timing information. Also see Table 4
“Status Flags for FWFT Mode” for the truth table of the full flags. The input ready
status not only measures the contents of the Queues, but also counts the
presence of a word in the output register. Thus, in FWFT mode, the total number
of writes necessary to make IR HIGH is one greater than needed to set the FF
(LOW) in IDT Standard mode.
FF/IR is synchronous and updated on the rising edge of WCLK. FF/IR are
double register-buffered outputs. The four full flags operate independent of one
To prevent data overflow in the IDT Standard mode, the full flag of each Queue
will go LOW with respect to WCLK, when the maximum number of words has
been written into the Queue, thus inhibiting further write operations. Upon the
completion of a valid read cycle, the full flag will go HIGH with respect to WCLK
two cycles later, thus allowing another write to occur assuming tSKEW has been
To prevent data overflow in the FWFT mode, the input ready flag of each
Queue will go HIGH with respect to WCLK, when the maximum number of words
has been written into the Queue, thus inhibiting further write operations. Upon
the completion of a valid read cycle, the input ready flag will go LOW with respect
to WCLK two cycles later, thus allowing another write to occur assuming tSKEW
has been met.
This status pin is used to determine the full state of the current Queue selected.
The composite full/input ready flag represents the state of the Queue selected
on the write port, such that the user does not have to monitor each individual
Queues’ full/input ready flag. When switching from one Queue to another, the
composite full/input ready flag will update to the status of the newly selected
Queue one WCLK cycle after the rising edge of WCLK that made the new Queue
selection, regardless of which timing mode the device is operating in. See Figure
25, Composite Full Flag (IDT Standard mode), for the relevant associated
timing diagram. See Table 3 and 4 “Status Flags for IDT Standard and FWFT
Mode “ for the truth table of the composite full flag
There are four programmable almost empty flags available in this device,
each corresponding to the individual Queues in memory. The programmable
almost empty flag is an additional status flag that notifies the user when the Queue
is near empty. The user may utilize this feature as an early indicator as to when
the Queue will become empty. In IDT Standard mode, PAE will go LOW when
there are n words or less in the Queue. In FWFT mode, the PAE will go LOW
when there are n-1 words or less in the Queue. The offset “n” is the empty offset
value. The default setting for this value is stated in Table 2. Since there are four
internal Queues hence four PAE offset values, n0, n1, n2, and n3.
The four programmable almost empty flags operate independent of one