General Purpose AC and DC Capacitors
Same Day Shipments For Product In Stock ALLIED
GEM Series
Metallized Film Capacitor
UL Recognized
Specifications. Available Capacitance Range: 370 and 440 volts Ñ 2 to 120 µF;
660 volts Ñ 1.0 to 35 mF. Frequency: 50/60 Hz. Operating Temperature: Ð40¡C
to +70¡C. Storage Temperature: Ð40¡C to +90¡C. Operating Life: 60,000 hours
with 94% survival. Dissipation Factor: 0.1% maximum. Part numbers that begin
with 97F8 or 27L6 are Industrial capacitors and part numbers that begin with 97F5
and 97F9 are Motor Run capacitors.
Oval Case
370 VAC
591-0485 97F5503 3.0 2.16 1.31 2.12 2.06 6.80 5.56
591-0490 97F5704 4.0 2.16 1.31 2.12 2.06 7.00 5.73
591-0495 97F5705 5.0 2.16 1.31 2.12 2.06 7.23 5.92
591-0500 97F5706 6.0 2.16 1.31 2.12 2.06 7.50 6.14
591-0505 97F9001 7.5 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 7.98 6.53
591-0510 97F9002 10.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 8.66 7.08
591-0515 97F9003 12.5 2.16 1.31 3.88 2.06 9.70 7.94
440 VAC
591-0525 97F5437 3.0 2.16 1.31 2.12 2.06 6.87 5.62
591-0530 97F5337 4.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 7.43 6.08
591-0535 97F5339 5.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 7.73 6.32
591-0540 97F5436 6.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 8.05 6.58
591-0560 97F9625 15.0 2.16 1.31 4.75 2.06 10.90 8.92
660 VAC
591-7002 27L6088 1.5 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 6.23 5.10
591-7010 27L6009 2.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 6.76 5.54
591-7015 27L6010 2.5 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 7.03 5.75
591-7020 27L6011 3.0 2.16 1.31 2.88 2.06 9.02 7.38
591-7025 27L6012 4.0 2.16 1.31 3.88 2.06 9.13 7.47
591-7030 27L6013 5.0 2.16 1.31 3.88 2.06 10.56 8.64
591-7035 27L6014 6.0 2.16 1.31 4.75 2.06 11.58 9.48
591-7040 27L6015 7.0 2.16 1.31 4.75 2.06 12.29 10.05
591-7045 27L6016 8.0 2.16 1.31 4.75 2.06 12.90 10.55
591-7050 27L6017 10.0 2.69 1.56 3.88 2.58 12.81 10.47
591-7055 27L6018 12.0 2.69 1.56 4.75 2.58 17.14 14.02
591-7072 27L6082 20.0 3.66 1.97 4.75 3.56 24.80 20.29
591-7075 27L6022 25.0 3.66 1.97 4.75 3.56 28.33 23.18
591-7080 27L6023 30.0 3.66 1.97 4.75 3.56 31.67 25.91
Round Case
240 VAC
591-4005 41L2101 1.00 11.0 19 2.67 1.78
591-4010 41L2151 1.50 10.0 31 2.39 1.56
591-4015 41L2221 2.20 11.5 31 2.69 1.67
591-4020 41L2251 2.50 12.0 31 4.10 2.68
591-4025 41L2301 3.00 13.5 31 3.63 2.95
591-4030 41L2501 5.00 17.0 31 4.27 3.13
591-4040 41L2100 10.00 20.0 42 5.23 4.25
591-4050 41L2200 20.00 28.0 42 12.48 10.14
591-4060 41L2300 30.00 29.5 55 27.84 22.42
400 VDC
591-4065 41L4682 0.68 10.0 31 1.41 1.14
591-4070 41L4101 1.00 12.0 31 1.91 1.56
591-4080 41L4201 2.00 16.5 31 2.71 2.21
591-4100 41L4301 3.00 20.0 31 2.97 2.62
591-4110 41L4471 4.70 21.0 42 3.73 3.04
591-4115 41L4501 5.00 21.5 42 3.93 3.19
591-4120 41L4681 6.80 25.0 42 5.64 4.59
600 VDC
591-4135 41L6101 1.00 15.5 31 3.25 2.65
591-4140 41L6201 2.00 18.5 42 3.32 2.70
591-4145 41L6221 2.20 19.5 42 3.49 2.83
591-4150 41L6301 3.00 22.5 42 3.52 2.87
591-4160 41L6501 5.00 28.5 42 6.68 6.26
591-4170 41L6100 10.00 34.5 55 7.84 6.38
700 VDC
591-4175 41L7682 0.68 17.0 31 3.02 2.45
591-4180 41L7101 1.00 20.5 31 5.47 4.46
591-4190 41L7201 2.00 23.5 42 3.82 3.11
591-4200 41L7301 3.00 28.5 42 3.62 2.95
591-4205 41L7401 4.00 33.0 42 5.34 4.33
591-4215 41L7501 5.00 30.5 55 7.51 6.12
42L Series Ñ Round Shape, Wrap and Fill
850 VDC
591-6010 42L1222 0.220 12.0 31 3.10 2.29
591-6015 42L1332 0.330 14.5 31 3.10 2.51
591-6020 42L1472 0.470 17.0 31 3.97 3.23
591-6030 42L1101 1.000 20.5 42 5.97 4.42
591-6035 42L1151 1.500 24.5 42 6.59 4.88
591-6040 42L1201 2.000 28.5 42 7.07 5.75
1200 VDC
591-6055 42L2102 0.100 14.0 31 4.30 3.20
591-6060 42L2152 0.150 17.0 31 2.38 2.11
591-6065 42L2222 0.220 20.5 31 3.21 2.37
591-6070 42L2332 0.330 19.5 42 3.75 2.77
591-6075 42L2472 0.470 23.0 42 4.20 3.11
591-6080 42L2682 0.680 27.5 42 7.87 5.83
591-6085 42L2101 1.000 33.5 42 5.96 4.40
591-6090 42L2121 1.200 29.0 55 6.16 4.55
2000 VDC
591-6100 42L3333 0.033 12.5 31 2.02 1.48
591-6105 42L3473 0.047 14.5 31 4.35 3.19
591-6110 42L3683 0.068 17.0 31 2.99 2.00
591-6115 42L3102 0.100 20.5 31 2.62 2.32
591-6120 42L3152 0.150 19.5 42 5.69 4.21
591-6125 42L3222 0.220 23.5 42 6.67 4.93
591-6130 42L3332 0.330 28.5 42 4.75 3.51
591-6135 42L3472 0.470 33.5 42 9.26 6.85
591-6140 42L3562 0.560 29.0 55 6.66 4.46
3000 VDC
591-6145 42L4103 0.010 12.0 31 2.92 2.17
591-6150 42L4153 0.015 14.0 31 2.06 1.53
591-6155 42L4223 0.022 16.5 31 2.45 1.82
591-6160 42L4333 0.033 20.0 31 2.79 2.06
591-6165 42L4473 0.047 18.5 42 5.39 3.97
591-6175 42L4102 0.100 26.5 42 4.67 3.45
591-6180 42L4152 0.150 32.0 42 4.88 3.60
40L Series. Available Capacitance Range: 0.47 to 6.8 µF. Capacitance
Tolerance: ±10%. Capacitance Variation with Temperature: ±3% from Ð55¡C to
+105¡C. Operating Temperature: Ð55¡C to +105¡C. Storage Temperature: Ð55¡C
to +105¡C. Dissipation Factor: 0.1% maximum. 41L Series. Available
Capacitance Range: 0.68 to 3.0 µF. Capacitance Tolerance: ±5%. Rated Voltage
(VDC): 250 V, 400 V, 600 V, 700 V. Leads: Tinned solid copper wire (medium
lead content 5%). Package Construction: Polyester wrapping with epoxy resin
end fill. Flame Retardant: Polyester coating as UL 510; epoxy resin as UL 94V1.
Operating Temperature: Ð40¡C to +70¡C. Storage Temperature: Ð40¡C to +85¡C.
Dissipation Factor: 5 ´10
at 1 KHz and 25¡C. 42L Series. Available
Capacitance Range: 0.01 to 2.6 µF. Capacitance Tolerance: ±5%. Rated Voltage
(VDC): 850 V, 1200 V, 2000 V, 3000 V. Leads: Tinned solid copper wire (medium
lead content 5%). Package Construction: Polyester wrapping with epoxy resin
end fill. Flame Retardant: Polyester coating as UL 510; epoxy resin as UL 94V1.
Operating Temperature: Ð40¡C to +70¡C. Storage Temperature: Ð40¡C to +85¡C.
Dissipation Factor: 5 ´10
at 1 KHz and 25¡C.
40L Series Ñ Oval Shape, Wrap and Fill
400 VDC
41L Series Ñ Round Shape, Wrap and Fill
250 VDC
Snubber, High-Current DC and Switching Axial-Leaded Capacitors
591-8005 40L3472 0.47 0.28 0.47 1.25 4.40 3.60
591-8015 40L3101 1.00 0.39 0.59 1.25 2.45 2.00
591-8030 40L3221 2.20 0.56 0.83 1.25 4.26 3.49
591-8035 40L3331 3.30 0.69 0.93 1.25 5.80 4.75
591-8040 40L3471 4.70 0.64 0.88 1.75 6.53 5.34
591-8045 40L3681 6.80 0.67 0.90 2.25 8.11 6.64
600 VDC
591-8055 40L6472 0.47 0.46 0.69 1.25 3.26 2.67
591-8065 40L6101 1.00 0.67 0.91 1.25 4.41 4.04
591-8070 40L6151 1.50 0.73 0.97 1.50 6.44 5.27
591-8075 40L6221 2.20 0.64 0.88 2.20 7.39 6.05
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap.
No. Type (µF)
Dimensions (mm)
1-24 25-49
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap.
No. Type (µF)
Dim. (mm)
D Max. L
1-24 25-49
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap.
No. Type (µF)
Dimensions (In.)
1-24 25-49
Stock Mfr.Õs Cap.
No. Type (µF)
Dimensions (In.)
Dia. H W
1-24 25-49
591-5640 97F8044 60.0 2.00 4.75 2.12 25.07 20.51
591-5665 97F8049 85.0 2.50 3.88 2.62 33.84 27.69
591-5685 97F8053 120.0 2.50 4.75 2.62 43.75 35.79