+15V Supply, Pin 28 +18 Volts
–15V Supply, Pin 31 –18 Volts
+5V Supply, Pin 16 +7 Volts
Digital Inputs, Pins 14, 21 ±5.5 Volts
Analog Inputs, Pins 24, 25 ±25 Volts
Buffer Input, Pin 30 ±15 Volts
Lead Temperature (10 seconds) 300 °C
Functional Specifi cations
(Typical at +25°C and ±15V and +5V supplies unless otherwise noted)
Analog Input Ranges
Unipolar 0 to +5V, 0 to +10V
Bipolar ±2.5V, ±5V, ±10V
Input Impedance 2.5k (0 to +5V, ±2.5V)
5k (0 to +10V, ±5V)
10k (±10V)
Input Impedance with Buffer 50 megohms
Input Bias Current of Buffer 125nA typical, 250nA max.
Start Conversion
+2V min. to +5.5V max. positive pulse with dur-
of 100ns min. Rise and fall times <30ns.
Logic "1" to "0" transition resets converter and
initiates next conversion. Loading: 2 TTL loads.
Resolution 12 bits
Nonlinearity ±1/2LSB max.
Differential Nonlinearity ±3/4LSB max.
Accuracy Error ➀
Gain (before adjustment) ±0.2%
Zero, Unipolar (before adj.) ±0.1% of FSR ➁
Offset, Bipolar (before adj.) ±0.2% of FSR ➁
Temperature Coeffi cient
Gain ±20ppm/°C max.
Zero, Unipolar ±5ppm/°C of FSR max. ➁
Offset, Bipolar ±10ppm/°C of FSR max. ➁
Diff. Nonlinearity Tempco ±2ppm/°C of FSR max. ➁
No Missing Codes Over opererating temperature range
Conversion Time ➂
12 Bits 20μs max. 8μs max.
10 Bits ➃ 15μs max. 6μs max.
8 Bits ➃ 10μs max. 4μs max.
Buffer Settling Time (10V step) 3μs to ±0.01%
Power Supply Rejection ±0.004%/% supply max.
Parallel Output Data 12 parallel lines of data held until next conversion
VOUT ("0") ≤ +0.4V
VOUT ("1") ≥ +2.4V
Unipolar Coding Complementary binary
Bipolar Coding Complementary offset binary
Complementary two’s complement
Serial Output Data NRZ successive decision pulses out, MSB fi rst.
Compl. binary or compl. offset binary coding.
End of Conversion (Status) Conversion status signal. Output is logic "1"
during reset and conversion and logic "0"
when conversion complete.
Clock Output Train of positive going +5V 100ns pulses. 600kHz
for ADC-HX and 1.5MHz for
ADC-HZ (pin 17 grounded).
Internal Reference +6.3V
Reference Tempco ±20ppm/°C max.
External Reference Current 2.5mA max.
Power Supply Voltages +15V ±0.5V at +20mA
–15V ±0.5V at –25mA
+5V ±0.25V at +85mA
Operating Temp. Range, Case 0 to +70°C or –55 to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range –65 to +150°C
Package Type 32-pin ceramic TDIP
Weight 0.5 ounces (14 grams)
Thermal Impedance
θJC 6°C/W
θJA 30°C/W
➀ Adjustable to zero.
➁ FSR is full scale range and is 10V for 0 to +10V or ±5V inputs and 20V for
±10V input, etc.
➂ Without buffer amplifi er used. ADC-HZ may require external adjustment
of clock rate.
➃ Short cycled operation.
➄ All digital outputs can drive 2 TTL loads.
1. It is recommended that the ±15V power input pins both be bypassed to ground with a 0.01μF ceramic
capacitor in parallel with a 1μF electrolytic capacitor and the +5V power input pin be bypassed to ground
with a 10μF electrolytic capacitor as shown in the connection diagrams. In addition, GAIN ADJUST (pin 27)
should be bypassed to ground with a 0.01μF ceramic capacitor. These precautions will assure noise free
operation of the converter.
2. DIGITAL COMMON (pin 15) and ANALOG COMMON (pin 26) are not connected together internally, and
therefore must be connected as directly as possible externally. It is recommended that a ground plane be
run underneath the case between the two commons. Analog ground and ±15V power ground should be
run to pin 26 whereas digital ground and +5V ground should be run to pin 15.
3. External adjustment of zero or offset and gain are made by using trimming potentiometers connected as
shown in the connection diagrams. The potentiometer values can be between 10k and 100k Ohms and
should be 100ppm/°C cermet types. The trimming pots should be located as close as possible to the con-
verter to avoid noise pickup. In some cases, for example 8-bit short-cycled operation, external adjustment
may not be necessary.
Short-cycled operation results in shorter conversion times when the conversion is truncated to less than
12 bits. This is done by connecting SHORT CYCLE (pin 14) to the output bit following the last bit desired.
For example, for an 8-bit conversion, pin 14 is connected to the bit 9 output. Maximum conversion times
are given for short-cycled conversions of 8 or 10 bits. In these two cases, the clock rate is accelerated by
connecting the CLOCK RATE adjust (pin 17) to +5V (10 bits) or +15V (8 bits). The clock rate should not be
arbitrarily speeded up to exceed the maximum conversion rate at a given resolution, as missing codes will
5. Note that output coding is complementary coding. For unipolar operation it is complementary binary, and
for bipolar operation it is complementary offset binary or complementary two’s complement. In cases in
which bipolar coding of offset binary or two’s complement is required, this can be achieved by inverting the
analog input to the converter (using an op amp connected for gain of –1). The converter is then calibrated
so that –FS analog input gives an output code of 0000 0000 0000, and +FS – 1LSB gives 1111 1111 1111.
6. These converters can be operated with an external clock. To accomplish this, a negative pulse train is
applied to START CONVERT (pin 21). The rate of the external clock must be lower than the rate of the
internal clock as adjusted (see Short Cycle Operation tables) for the converter resolution selected. The
pulse width of the external clock should be between 100 and 300 nanoseconds. Each N-bit conversion
cycle requires a pulse train of N + 1 clock pulses for completion, e.g., an 8-bit conversion requires 9 clock
pulses for completion. A continuous pulse train may be used for consecutive conversions, resulting in an
N-bit conversion every N + 1 pulses, or the E.O.C. output may be used to gate a continuous pulse train for
single conversions.
When the input buffer amplifi er is used, a delay equal to its settling time must be allowed between the input
level change, such as a multiplexer channel change, and the negative-going edge of the START CONVERT
pulse. If the buffer is not required, BUFFER INPUT (pin 30) should be tied to ANALOG COMMON (pin 26). This
prevents the unused amplifi er from introducing noise into the converter. For applications not using the buffer,
the converter must be driven from a source with an extremely low output impedance.
12-Bit, 8 and 20μsec Analog-to-Digital Converters
DATEL • 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfi eld, MA 02048-1151 USA • Tel: (508) 339-3000 • www.datel.com • e-mail: help@datel.com
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