Introduction 1 Safety notices 2 SIMATIC NET Network topologies 3 Industrial Ethernet switches SCALANCE X-100 Description of the device 4 Assembly 5 Connecting up 6 Maintenance and troubleshooting 7 Technical specifications 8 Dimension drawings 9 Operating Instructions Certifications and approvals 02/2019 A2B00060666-10 10 Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Division Process Industries and Drives Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY A2B00060666-10 03/2019 Subject to change Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2008 - 2019. All rights reserved Table of contents 1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 On the Operating Instructions ..................................................................................................5 2 Safety notices ...............................................................................................................................................9 3 Network topologies .....................................................................................................................................11 4 Description of the device ............................................................................................................................13 5 6 7 4.1 Purpose..................................................................................................................................13 4.2 Product overview....................................................................................................................13 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 Product properties and device views .....................................................................................15 Overview of the SCALANCE X-100 .......................................................................................15 SCALANCE X104-2 ...............................................................................................................16 SCALANCE X106-1 ...............................................................................................................17 SCALANCE X108 ..................................................................................................................17 SCALANCE X108PoE............................................................................................................19 SCALANCE X112-2 ...............................................................................................................20 SCALANCE X116 ..................................................................................................................21 SCALANCE X124 ..................................................................................................................22 4.4 TP ports (twisted pair) ............................................................................................................22 4.5 FO port (fiber optic) ................................................................................................................25 4.6 LED display ............................................................................................................................26 4.7 SET button .............................................................................................................................26 Assembly ....................................................................................................................................................29 5.1 Safety notices for installation .................................................................................................29 5.2 Types of installation ...............................................................................................................31 5.3 Installation on a DIN rail .........................................................................................................31 5.4 Installation on a standard rail .................................................................................................33 5.5 Wall mounting ........................................................................................................................34 Connecting up ............................................................................................................................................35 6.1 Safety when connecting up ....................................................................................................35 6.2 Power supply..........................................................................................................................36 6.3 Signaling contact....................................................................................................................37 6.4 Grounding ..............................................................................................................................38 6.5 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 ............................................................................................................39 Maintenance and troubleshooting ..............................................................................................................41 7.1 Possible sources of problems and how to deal with them .....................................................41 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 3 Table of contents 8 Technical specifications..............................................................................................................................43 8.1 8.1.1 SCALANCE X104-2 ...............................................................................................................43 SCALANCE X104-2 ...............................................................................................................43 8.2 8.2.1 SCALANCE X106-1 ...............................................................................................................46 SCALANCE X106-1 ...............................................................................................................46 8.3 SCALANCE X108 ..................................................................................................................49 8.4 SCALANCE X108PoE............................................................................................................51 8.5 8.5.1 SCALANCE X112-2 ...............................................................................................................53 SCALANCE X112-2 ...............................................................................................................53 8.6 SCALANCE X116 ..................................................................................................................56 8.7 SCALANCE X124 ..................................................................................................................58 8.8 Mechanical stability (in operation)..........................................................................................61 9 Dimension drawings ...................................................................................................................................63 10 Certifications and approvals .......................................................................................................................69 Index...........................................................................................................................................................77 4 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Introduction 1.1 1 On the Operating Instructions Purpose of the Operating Instructions These Operating Instructions support you when commissioning networks with the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X100 product group. Validity of the Operating Instructions These Operating Instructions apply to the following devices: SCALANCE X1042 SCALANCE X1061 SCALANCE X108 SCALANCE X108PoE SCALANCE X112-2 SCALANCE X116 SCALANCE X124 Unless mentioned otherwise, the descriptions in these operating instructions refer to all devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product group named above in the section on validity. If information applies to a specific device, the device name is used, e.g. SCALANCE X1042. See also SIMATIC NET Industrial TP and FO networks ( view/en/1172207) ( Further documentation In the system manuals "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Industrial Ethernet" and "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET passive network components", you will find information on other SIMATIC NET products that you can operate along with the devices of this product line in an Industrial Ethernet network. There, you will find among other things optical performance data of the communications partner that you require for the installation. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 5 Introduction 1.1 On the Operating Instructions You will find the system manuals here: On the data medium that ships with some products: - Product CD / product DVD - SIMATIC NET Manual Collection On the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support: - Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Industrial Ethernet System Manual (https:// - Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Passive Network Components System Manual (https:// SIMATIC NET manuals You will find the SIMATIC NET manuals here: On the data medium that ships with some products: - Product CD / product DVD - SIMATIC NET Manual Collection On the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support (https:// SIMATIC NET glossary Explanations of many of the specialist terms used in this documentation can be found in the SIMATIC NET glossary. You will find the SIMATIC NET glossary here: SIMATIC NET Manual Collection or product DVD The DVD ships with certain SIMATIC NET products. On the Internet under the following address: 50305045 ( Security information Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement - and continuously maintain - a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens' products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept. Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems, machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place. 6 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Introduction 1.1 On the Operating Instructions For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please visit ( Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customers' exposure to cyber threats. To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under ( Catalogs You will find the article numbers for the Siemens products of relevance here in the following catalogs: SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication / Industrial Identification, catalog IK PI SIMATIC Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation, catalog ST 70 Industry Mall - catalog and ordering system for automation and drive technology, Online catalog ( de&language=en) You can request the catalogs and additional information from your Siemens representative. Device defective If a fault develops, please send the device to your SIEMENS service center for repair. Repairs on-site are not possible. Recycling and disposal The products are low in pollutants, can be recycled and meet the requirements of the WEEE directive 2012/19/EU for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. Do not dispose of the products at public disposal sites. For environmentally friendly recycling and the disposal of your old device contact a certified disposal company for electronic scrap or your Siemens contact (Product return (https:// Note the different national regulations. Trademarks The following and possibly other names not identified by the registered trademark sign (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG: SIMATIC NET, SCALANCE, C-PLUG, OLM SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 7 Introduction 1.1 On the Operating Instructions Electrostatic discharge NOTICE Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) Electronic modules contain electrostatic sensitive components These components can easily be destroyed if handled incorrectly. Note the following instructions to avoid damage. Touch electronic modules only when you absolutely need to work on them. If electronic modules need to be touched, the body of the person involved must first be electrostatically discharged and grounded. Do not bring electronic modules in contact with electrically isolating materials such as plastic film, isolating table top pads or clothing made of synthetic fibers. Place the modules only on conductive surfaces. Pack, store and transport electronic modules and components only in conductive packaging such as metalized plastic or metal containers, conductive foam or household aluminum foil. 8 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Safety notices 2 Read the safety notices Note the following safety notices. These relate to the entire working life of the device. You should also read the safety notices relating to handling in the individual sections, particularly in the sections "Installation" and "Connecting up". CAUTION To prevent injury, read the manual before use. Safety notices on use in hazardous areas General safety notices relating to protection against explosion WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Do not open the device when the supply voltage is turned on. Safety notices when using the device according to Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) and FM. If you use the device under HazLoc or FM conditions you must also keep to the following safety notices in addition to the general safety notices for protection against explosion: This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D or non-hazardous locations only. This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC or non-hazardous locations only. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 9 Safety notices 10 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 3 Network topologies Switching technology allows extensive networks to be set up with numerous nodes and simplifies network expansion. Which topologies can be implemented? Using the IE switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, you can implement star topologies. Note Keep to the maximum permitted cable lengths of the devices you are using. You will find the permitted cable lengths in the section "Technical specifications (Page 43)". Star topology &DELQHW 6ZLWK &3$GYDQFHG ,3&ZLWK &3$ &3 03 6ZLWFKHV 6&$/$1&(; ,()& 2XWOHW 5- ,(73&RUG 6,0$7,&)LHOG3* 6ZLWK &3 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 6ZLWK &3 03 0ELWV ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW)&&DEOH[ 6ZLWK &3 ,3&ZLWK &3$ &3 11 Network topologies Figure 3-1 Example of an electrical star topology with SCALANCE X124 ,3&ZLWK &3$ &3 6ZLWK &3$GYDQFHG 6ZLWK&3 03 6ZLWK&3 &DELQHW 6ZLWK&3 6ZLWK&3 6ZLWFK 6&$/$1&( ; ,()& 5- 3OXJ[ 6&$/$1&( ; 6ZLWFK 6&$/$1&( ; 6ZLWFK 6&$/$1&( ; PROFINET 0ELWV ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW)&&DEOH[ 6ZLWK &3$GYDQFHG 6 03ZLWK &3 Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet (Twisted Pair) Industrial Ethernet (Fiber Optic) Figure 3-2 12 Example of an electrical/optical star topology with SCALANCE X112-2 and SCALANCE X104-2 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 4 Description of the device 4.1 Purpose What is possible? The devices of the SCALANCE X100 product line allow the cost-effective installation of Industrial Ethernet bus and star structures with switching functionality. With the following IE switches, there are also electrical/optical media transitions: SCALANCE X104-2 SCALANCE X106-1 SCALANCE X112-2 IE switches with the suffix PoE also allow the supply of power to end devices over Ethernet cables with Power-over-Ethernet complying with 802.3af. Note If devices are supplied over long 24 V power supply lines or networks, measures are necessary to prevent interference by strong electromagnetic pulses on the supply lines. These can result, for example, due to lightning or switching of large inductive loads. One of the tests used to attest the immunity of these devices to electromagnetic interference is the "surge immunity test" according to EN 61000-4-5. This test requires overvoltage protection for the power supply lines. A suitable device is, for example, the Dehn Blitzductor BVT AVD 24 V type no. 918 422 or a comparable protective element. Manufacturer: DEHN+SOHNE GmbH+Co.KG Hans Dehn Str.1 Postfach 1640 D-92306 Neumarkt, Germany 4.2 Product overview Article numbers Device Description SCALANCE X1042 4x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports, 2x 100 Mbps mul 6GK5 1042BB002AA3 timode BFOC SCALANCE X1061 6x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports, 1x 100 Mbps mul 6GK5 1061BB002AA3 timode BFOC SCALANCE X108 8x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 6GK5 1080BA002AA3 SCALANCE X108PoE 2x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 Power over-Ethernet ports and 6x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 6GK5 108-0PA00-2AA3 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Article number 13 Description of the device 4.2 Product overview Device Description Article number SCALANCE X112-2 12x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports, 2x 100 Mbps multimode BFOC 6GK5 112-2BB00-2AA3 SCALANCE X116 16x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 6GK5 116-0BA00-2AA3 SCALANCE X124 24x 10/100 Mbps RJ45 ports 6GK5 124-0BA00-2AA3 Unpacking and checking WARNING Do not use any parts that show evidence of damage If you use damaged parts, there is no guarantee that the device will function according to the specification. If you use damaged parts, this can lead to the following problems: Injury to persons Loss of the approvals Violation of the EMC regulations Damage to the device and other components Use only undamaged parts. 1. Make sure that the package is complete. 2. Check all the parts for transport damage. Components of the product The following components are supplied with a SCALANCE X-100: IE Switch SCALANCE X-100 2-pin plug-in terminal block (signaling contact) 4-pin plug-in terminal block (power supply) Product information Accessories Component Packaging unit Order number IE FC Stripping Tool 1 6GK19011GA00 IE FC blade cassettes (5 mm) 1 6GK19011GB01 IE FC TP standard cable GP 1 6XV18402AH10 IE FC TP trailing cable 1 6XV18403AH10 IE FC TP marine cable 1 6XV18404AH10 IE FC TP trailing cable GP 1 6XV18702D IE FC TP flexible cable GP 1 6XV18702B IE FC TP FRNC cable GP 1 6XV1871-2F 14 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views Component Packaging unit Order number IE FC TP festoon cable GP 1 6XV1871-2S IE FC TP food cable 1 6XV1871-2L IE TP torsion cable 1 6XV1870-2F FO standard cable GP (50/125) 1 6XV1873-2A FO trailing cable (50/125) 1 6XV1873-2C FO trailing cable GP (50/125) 1 6XV1873-2D FO ground cable (50/125) 1 6XV1873-2G FO FRNC cable (50/125) 1 6XV1873-2B IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 1 6GK19011BB102AA0 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 10 6GK19011BB102AB0 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 50 6GK19011BB102AE0 4.3 Product properties and device views 4.3.1 Overview of the SCALANCE X-100 Table 4-1 Overview of the product characteristics Device type SCALANCE X104-2 X106-1 X108 X108PoE X112-2 X116 X124 SIMATIC environment + + + + + + + Diagnostics LED + + + + + + + 24 VDC + + + + + + + 2 x 24 VDC + + + + + + + Compact housing (securing collar, etc.) + + + + + + + Signaling contact + on-site oper ation + + + + + + + Diagnostics: Web, SNMP, PRO FINET - - - - - - - C-PLUG - - - - - - - Ring redundancy with RM - - - - - - - Passive ring redundancy - - - - - - - Standby redundancy - - - - - - - IRT capability - - - - - - - Fast learning - - - - - - - Passive listening - - - - - - - Log table - - - - - - - SNTP + SICLOCK - - - - - - - Cut Through - - - - - - - Number of PoE ports - - - 2 - - - SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 15 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views Fast learning: Fast recognition of MAC addresses on the device that change during operation (for example, when an end node is reconnected). Table 4-2 Overview of the connection options Device type SCALANCE X104-2 X106-1 X108 X108PoE X112-2 X116 X124 TP (RJ-45) Fast Ethernet 10 / 100 Mbps 4 6 8 8 12 16 24 Fiber multimode (BFOC) Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps 2 1 - - 2 - - 4.3.2 SCALANCE X104-2 Possible connections The SCALANCE X104-2 has four RJ-45 jacks and two BFOC sockets for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Note The BFOC socket (Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector) corresponds to the ST socket. Figure 4-1 16 SCALANCE X104-2 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views 4.3.3 SCALANCE X106-1 Possible connections The SCALANCE X106-1 has six RJ-45 jacks and a BFOC socket for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Note The BFOC socket (Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector) corresponds to the ST socket. Figure 4-2 4.3.4 SCALANCE X106-1 SCALANCE X108 Possible connections The SCALANCE X108 has eight RJ-45 jacks for the connection of end devices or other network segments. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 17 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views Figure 4-3 18 SCALANCE X108 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views 4.3.5 SCALANCE X108PoE Possible connections The SCALANCE X108 PoE has eight RJ-45 jacks for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Ports 1 and 2 have the PoE function. Figure 4-4 SCALANCE X108PoE Power over Ethernet (PoE) function The PoE function allows the power supply of connected Ethernet devices via the Ethernet cable so that the end device does not need a separate power supply. Per PoE port of the PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment), a maximum of 15.4 W power are available according to the 802.3af standard. Note With a 100 m long cable connected, the end device then has a maximum of 12.95 W available. You will find more information on the PoE function in the section "TP ports (Page 22)". SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 19 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views 4.3.6 SCALANCE X112-2 Possible connections The SCALANCE X112-2 has twelve RJ-45 jacks and two BFOC sockets for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Note The BFOC socket (Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector) corresponds to the ST socket. Figure 4-5 20 SCALANCE X112-2 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.3 Product properties and device views 4.3.7 SCALANCE X116 Possible connections The SCALANCE X116 has 16 RJ-45 jacks for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Figure 4-6 SCALANCE X116 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 21 Description of the device 4.4 TP ports (twisted pair) 4.3.8 SCALANCE X124 Possible connections The SCALANCE X124 has 24 RJ-45 jacks for the connection of end devices or other network segments. Figure 4-7 4.4 SCALANCE X124 TP ports (twisted pair) Note Strain relief for the Ethernet cables In order to avoid mechanical stress on the Ethernet cables and resulting interruption of the contact, fasten the cables at a short distance from the connector using a cable guide or busbar. 22 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.4 TP ports (twisted pair) RJ-45 connector pinout With SCALANCE X-100, the twisted-pair port is designed as an RJ-45 jack with MDI-X pin assignment (Medium Dependent Interface Autocrossover) of a network component. Special features of the SCALANCE X108PoE Over and above the pure Ethernet functionality, ports 1 and 2 of the SCALANCE X108PoE can also be used to supply power to Power-over-Ethernet end devices (for example SCALANCEW) in compliance with 802.3af. The two ports providing PoE are supplied from the same power source. This means that they are electrically interconnected. They are however isolated from ground, from the ports that do not provide PoE and from the power connector (24 V). Their use is therefore subject to the conditions listed in IEEE 802.3af for Environment A. The ports that do not provide PoE are all isolated from each other. Ports 3 to 8 do not have the PoE function. To supply PoE end devices, 4 or 8-wire connecting cables can be used (according to IEEE 802.3). Note Ethernet devices without PoE functionality can also be connected to ports 1 and 2. A voltage is applied only after the SCALANCE X108 PoE has detected a PoE end device complying with the standard at the port. Pin number Pin 8 Pin 7 Pin 6 Pin 5 Pin 4 Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 1 Assignment n. c. n. c. TDn. c. n. c. TD+ RDRD+ SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Additional pins P1, P2 of the SCALANCE X108PoE positive supply voltage positive supply voltage negative supply voltage negative supply voltage 23 Description of the device 4.4 TP ports (twisted pair) Note Permitted cable lengths TP cords or TP-XP cords with a maximum length of 10 m can be connected to the TP port with the RJ-45 jack. With the IE FC cables and IE FC RJ-45 plugs 180, an overall cable length of a maximum of 100 m is permitted between two devices depending on the cable type. Autonegotiation With the autonegotiation mechanism, repeaters and end devices can automatically determine the transmission speed and the transmission mode of the partner port. This makes it possible to configure different devices automatically. Two components connected to a link segment can exchange information about the data transfer and can adapt their settings to each other. The mode with the highest possible speed is set. Note Devices not supporting autonegotiation must be set permanently to 100 Mbps half duplex or 10 Mbps half duplex. Note The IE switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line are plug-and-play devices that require no settings during commissioning. Auto polarity exchange If the pair of receiving cables is connected incorrectly (RD+ and RD- interchanged), the polarity is adapted automatically. MDI / MDI-X autocrossover function With the MPI/MDI-X autocrossover function, the send and receive contacts of an Ethernet port are assigned automatically. The assignment depends on the cable with which the communications partner is connected. This means that it does not matter whether the port is connected using a patch cable or crossover cable. This prevents malfunctions resulting from mismatching send and receive wires. This makes installation much easier for the user. 24 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.5 FO port (fiber optic) The IE Switches SCALANCE X-100 all support the MDI / MDI-X autocrossover function. NOTICE Formation of loops Note that the direct connection of two ports or accidental connection over several switches causes an illegal loop that can cause network overload and failure. 4.5 FO port (fiber optic) Transmission speed The transmission speed of the optical Fast Ethernet ports is 100 Mbps. Transmission technique The transmission mode for 100Base-FX is specified in the IEEE 802.3 standard. Since the full duplex mode and the transmission rate cannot be modified for optical transmission, autonegotiation cannot be selected. Transmission medium Data transmission is over multimode fiber-optic cable (FO cable). The wavelength is 1310 nm. Multimode fiber-optic cables are used with a core of 50 or 62.5 m; the light source is an LED. The outer diameter of the FO cable is 125 m. Transmission range The maximum transmission range (segment length) is as follows: with 62.5/125 m fiber multimode SIMATIC NET cable: 4 km with 50.0/125 m fiber multimode SIMATIC NET cable: 5 km Connectors The cables are connected over BFOC sockets. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 25 Description of the device 4.7 SET button 4.6 LED display Fault LED "F" (red LED) The fault LED indicates the incorrect functioning of the device. LED color LED status Meaning Red Lit The IE switch detects an error. At the same time, the signaling contact opens. The following faults/errors are detected: 1. Link down event on a monitored port. 2. Loss of the power supply of one of the two redundant power supplies or the power supply drops below 14 V. 3. Both power supplies are below approximately 14 V (voltage too low). - Off No error detected. Power LEDs "L1" and "L2" (green LEDs) The power LEDs show the status of the power supply at connectors L1 and L2. L1/L2 LEDs L1/L2 connector LED color LED status Green Lit Power supply L1 or L2 is connected. - Off Power supply L1 and L2 are not connected or L1 and L2 < 14 V. Note If the green LED is not lit, no other signal LED lights up either. Port LEDs "P" (green/yellow LEDs) The port LEDs indicate the status of the ports. LED color LED status Meaning Green Lit Link exists, no data reception at port Yellow Lit Link exists, data reception at port Yellow Flashing Setting or display of the fault mask 4.7 SET button Function With the SET button, you can display and change the set fault mask. 26 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Description of the device 4.7 SET button Setting the fault mask Factory setting In its delivery condition (factory default), the following settings are monitored via the message screen: Link up to all ports Redundant power supply (L1+/M1 und L2+/M2) connected When you turn the device on and at least one of the settings is not fulfilled, the device registers a fault. Switch the device to the required operating mode and save these settings in the message screen. Changing the setting The changed settings remain after cycling power to the device. Different settings are made depending on how long you hold down the SET button, as described in the following table: 3KDVH V 3KDVH V 3KDVH V 7LPHWKHEXWWRQLVSUHVVHG LQVHFRQGV Phase Description 1 LEDs flash at 5 Hz The currently set fault mask is displayed. The LEDs of the monitored ports flash. If no fault mask is set, all port LEDs flash one after the other. If you release the button in phase 1, this has no effect. 2 LEDs flash at 2.5 Hz The current status is displayed. The LEDs of the ports at which there is currently a link flash. If you release the button in phase 2, this has no effect. 3 This new status is adopted and stored as the new fault mask in phase 3. LEDs flashing If you release the SET button while the LEDs are still flashing, storing is aborted. LEDs lit If you release the SET button as soon as the LEDs light up, the current settings will be stored. The stored status is displayed. The monitored ports are indicated by statically lit LEDs. The monitored power supply is indicated by statically lit LEDs. Error/fault If the link is lost (link down) at a monitored port or a monitored power supply is lost, this is signaled as follows: The red fault LED lights up. The signaling contact is opened. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 27 Description of the device 4.7 SET button 28 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 5 Assembly 5.1 Safety notices for installation Safety notices When installing the device, keep to the safety notices listed below. WARNING Ambient temperature above 55 C If a device is operated in an ambient temperature of more than 55 C, the temperature of the device housing may be higher than 70 C. The device must therefore be installed so that it is only accessible to service personnel or users that are aware of the reason for restricted access and the required safety measures at an ambient temperature higher than 55 C. WARNING If a SCALANCE X108PoE is operated at ambient temperatures between 55 C and 60 C, there must be a minimum clearance of 40 mm to neighboring modules. Safety notices on use in hazardous areas General safety notices relating to protection against explosion WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Replacing components may impair suitability for Class 1, Division 2 or Zone 2. WARNING The device may only be operated in an environment with pollution degree 1 or 2 (see IEC 60664-1). WARNING When used in hazardous environments corresponding to Class I, Division 2 or Class I, Zone 2, the device must be installed in a cabinet or a suitable enclosure. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 29 Assembly 5.1 Safety notices for installation Safety notices for use according to ATEX and IECEx If you use the device under ATEX or IECEx conditions you must also keep to the following safety notices in addition to the general safety notices for protection against explosion: WARNING To comply with EC Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX 114) or the conditions of IECEx, this enclosure or cabinet must meet the requirements of at least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529. WARNING If the cable or conduit entry point exceeds 70 C or the branching point of conductors exceeds 80 C, special precautions must be taken. If the equipment is operated in an air ambient in excess of 50 C to 60 C, only use cables with admitted maximum operating temperature of at least 80 . Further notes CAUTION Use only approved components If you use components and accessories that are not approved for SIMATIC NET devices or their target systems, this may violate the requirements and regulations for safety and electromagnetic compatibility. Only use components approved for the SIMATIC NET devices. NOTICE Warming and premature aging of the IE switch due to direct sunlight Direct sunlight can heat up the device and can lead to premature aging of the IE switch and its cabling. Provide suitable shade to protect the IE switch against direct sunlight. Note During installation and operation, keep to the installation guidelines and safety notices described in this document and in the system manuals "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Industrial Ethernet" and "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET passive network components". You will find information on the system manuals in the chapter "Introduction", in the section "Further documentation". 30 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Assembly 5.3 Installation on a DIN rail 5.2 Types of installation The devices can be installed in the following ways: Installation on a 35 mm DIN rail Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting WARNING If a device is operated in an ambient temperature between 50 and 75 , the temperature of the device housing may be higher than 70 C. The device must therefore be installed so that it is only accessible to service personnel or users that are aware of the reason for restricted access and the required safety measures at an ambient temperature of 50 to 75 . Installation clearance Keep to the minimum clearances so that the convection ventilation of the device is not blocked. Below at least 10 cm Above at least 10 cm 5.3 Installation on a DIN rail Installation To install the device on a 35 mm DIN rail complying with DIN EN 50022, follow the steps below: 1. Place the second housing guide of the device on the top edge of the DIN rail. 2. Press the device down against the DIN rail until the spring catch locks in place. 3. Fit the connectors for the power supply. See also section "Power supply (Page 36)". 4. Fit the connectors for the signaling contacts. See also section "Signaling contacts (Page 37)". 5. Insert the terminal blocks into the sockets on the device. WARNING Use of the SCALANCE X108PoE in shipbuilding When used in shipbuilding, mounting the SCALANCE X108PoE on 35 mm DIN rails is not permitted. 35 mm DIN rails do not ensure sufficient stability when used in shipbuilding. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 31 Assembly 5.3 Installation on a DIN rail Figure 5-1 Installation on a 35 mm DIN rail Uninstalling To remove the device from the DIN rail, follow the steps below: 1. Disconnect all connected cables. 2. Release the DIN rail catch on the bottom of the device using a screwdriver. 3. Pull the lower part of the device away from the DIN rail. 32 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Assembly 5.4 Installation on a standard rail Figure 5-2 5.4 Removal from a 35 mm DIN rail Installation on a standard rail Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail To install the device on an S7-300 standard rail, follow the steps below: 1. Place the first housing guide of the device on the top edge of the S7-300 standard rail. 2. Screw the device to the underside of the standard rail (tightening torque 2 Nm). 3. Fit the connectors for the power supply. See also section "Power supply (Page 36)". SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 33 Assembly 5.5 Wall mounting 4. Fit the connectors for the signaling contacts. See also section "Signaling contacts (Page 37)". 5. Insert the terminal blocks into the sockets on the device. Figure 5-3 Installation on a SIMATIC S7-300 standard rail Uninstalling To remove the device from the S7-300 standard rail, follow the steps below: 1. Disconnect all connected cables. 2. Release the screw holding the device on the bottom of the standard rail. 3. Lift the device off the standard rail. 5.5 Wall mounting Note Depending on the mounting surface, use suitable fittings. Note The wall mounting must be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the device. To mount the device on a wall, follow the steps below: 1. Prepare the drill holes for wall mounting. For the precise dimensions, refer to the section "Dimension drawings (Page 63)". 2. Screw the device to the wall using the keyhole hang-up mechanisms. 3. Fit the connectors for the power supply, see the section "Power supply (Page 36)". 4. Fit the connectors for the signaling contact, refer to the section ""Signaling contacts (Page 37)". 34 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Connecting up 6.1 6 Safety when connecting up Safety notices When connecting up the device, keep to the safety notices listed below. WARNING The equipment is designed for operation with Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) by a Limited Power Source (LPS). This means that only SELV / LPS complying with IEC 60950-1 / EN 60950-1 / VDE 0805-1 must be connected to the power supply terminals, or the power supply unit for the equipment power supply must comply with NEC Class 2, as described by the National Electrical Code (r) (ANSI / NFPA 70). If the equipment is connected to a redundant power supply (two separate power supplies), both must meet these requirements. NOTICE Failure of the data traffic due to contamination of optical plug-in connections Optical sockets and plugs are sensitive to contamination of the end face. Contamination can lead to the failure of the optical transmission network. Take the following precautions to avoid functional impairments: Clean the end face of field-assembled connectors carefully before connecting. No residues of processing may remain on the connector. Only remove the dust caps of optical transceivers and pre-configured cables shortly before connecting the cables. Close unused optical sockets and plugs as well as pluggable transceivers and slots with the supplied protective caps. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 35 Connecting up 6.2 Power supply Safety notices on use in hazardous areas General safety notices relating to protection against explosion WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD Do not connect or disconnect cables to or from the device when a flammable or combustible atmosphere is present. Safety notices when using the device according to Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) If you use the device under HazLoc conditions you must also keep to the following safety notices in addition to the general safety notices for protection against explosion: WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD You may only connect or disconnect cables carrying electricity when the power supply is switched off or when the device is in an area without inflammable gas concentrations. Safety notices for use according to ATEX and IECEx If you use the device under ATEX or IECEx conditions you must also keep to the following safety notices in addition to the general safety notices for protection against explosion: WARNING Take measures to prevent transient voltage surges of more than 40% of the rated voltage. This is the case if you only operate devices with SELV (safety extra-low voltage). 6.2 Power supply The power supply is connected using a 4-pin plug-in terminal block. The power supply can be connected redundantly. Both inputs are isolated. There is no distribution of load. When a redundant power supply is used, the power supply unit with the higher output voltage supplies the device alone. The power supply is connected over a high resistance with the enclosure to allow an ungrounded set up. The two power supplies are non-floating. The following figure shows the position of the power supply of the SCALANCE X-100 IE switches and the assignment of the terminal block. 36 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Connecting up 6.3 Signaling contact / 0 0 / Pin number Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Assignment L1+ (24 VDC) M1 (ground) M2 (ground) L2+ (24 VDC) WARNING Incorrect power supply The power supply unit to supply the device must comply with NEC Class 2 (voltage range 18 - 32 V, current requirement 350 mA). Do not operate the device with an AC voltage. Never operate the device with DC voltages higher than 32 VDC. 6.3 Signaling contact The signaling contact is connected to a 2-pin plug-in terminal block. The signaling contact (relay contact) is a floating switch with which error/fault states can be signaled by breaking the contact. NOTICE Damage due to voltage being too high The signaling contact can be subjected to a maximum load of 100 mA (safety extralow voltage SELV, 24 VDC). Higher voltages or currents can damage the device! The following figure shows the position of the signaling contacts of the SCALANCE X-100 IE switches and the assignment of the terminal block. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 37 Connecting up 6.4 Grounding ) ) Pin number Pin 1 Pin 2 Assignment F1 F2 The following errors/faults can be signaled by the signaling contact: The failure of a link at a monitored port. The failure of one of the two monitored power supplies. The connection or disconnection of a communication node on an unmonitored port does not lead to an error message. The signaling contact remains activated until the error/fault is eliminated or until the current status is applied as the new desired status using the button. When the device is turned off, the signaling contact is always activated (open). 6.4 Grounding Installation on a DIN rail The device is grounded over the DIN rail. S7 standard rail The device is grounded over its rear panel and the neck of the screw. Wall mounting The device is grounded by the securing screw in the unpainted hole. Note that the device must be grounded over a securing screw with as low a low resistance as possible. If the device is mounted on a non-conductive base, a grounding cable must be fitted. The grounding cable is not supplied with the device. Connect the paint-free surface of the device to the nearest grounding point using the grounding cable. 38 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Connecting up 6.5 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 6.5 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 The rugged node connectors are designed for industry with PROFINET-compliant connectors and provide additional strain and bending relief with a locking mechanism on the casing. Fitting the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 to the IE FC Standard Cable You will find the notes on installation in the instructions that ship with the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180. Figure 6-1 IE FC 45 Plug 180 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 39 Connecting up 6.5 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180 Plugging in the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Plug the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 into the twisted-pair port of the device until it locks in place. Figure 6-2 Plugging in the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 With its tight fit and locking mechanism with the PROFINET-compliant male connector IE FC RJ45 Plug 180, the securing collar on the TP port of the device ensures a rugged node attachment that provides strain and bending relief for the RJ-45 jack. Pulling the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Press on the locking lever of the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 gently to remove the plug. If there is not enough space to release the lock with your hand, you can also use a 2.5 mm screwdriver. You can then remove the IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 from the RJ-45 jack. 40 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Maintenance and troubleshooting 7.1 7 Possible sources of problems and how to deal with them Fuses Some of the Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE X-100 product line have a resettable fuse / PTC. If the fuse triggers (all LEDs are off despite correctly applied power supply), the device should be disconnected from the power supply for approximately 30 minutes before turning it on again. Link display on the optical ports The Industrial Ethernet switches SCALANCE X1042, SCALANCE X1061 and SCALANCE X1122 support "far-end fault" on the optical ports but do not use this for the corresponding link display. This means that if there is only a cable connected in the receive direction on the optical port, a far-end fault is detected and no data is forwarded. The Link LED is already lit. LED display when voltage drops If both of the power supplies drop below approximately 14 V, this reduced voltage is indicated by the red fault LED. The L LEDs go off. Device defective If a fault develops, please send the device to your SIEMENS service center for repair. Repairs on-site are not possible. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 41 Maintenance and troubleshooting 7.1 Possible sources of problems and how to deal with them 42 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 8 Technical specifications 8.1 SCALANCE X104-2 8.1.1 SCALANCE X104-2 Table 8-1 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X104-2 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X104-2 6GK51042BB002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 4 Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Optical connectors Number 2 Design BFOC sockets Properties Full duplex to 100 Base-FX Transmission speed 100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet Optical parameters Cable type Multimode glass FO cable, cable cross sections 62.5/125 m and 50/125 m Permitted cable length (glass FO ca ble) Cable cross-section Permitted cable length 62.5/125 m 0 to 4000 m 50/125 m 0 to 5000 m Attenuation 1 dB/km at 1300 nm 1200 MHz x km at 1300 nm 6 dB max. permitted FO cable attenuation with 3 dB link power margin SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 43 Technical specifications 8.1 SCALANCE X104-2 Technical specifications Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 160 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 3.8 W Signaling contact Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V) Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature During operation -10 C to +60 C During storage -40 C to +80 C During transportation -40 C to +80 C Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 C ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 134.87 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 780 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 60 x 125 x 124 mm Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 44 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.1 SCALANCE X104-2 Technical specifications Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. Optical connectors Quantity 2 Connectors The attachment to Industrial Ethernet uses ST/ BFOC connector technology (Straight Tip/Bayo net Fiber Optic Connector). Properties Transmission mode 100Base-FX complying with IEEE 802.3 Transmission rate 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) Transmission medium Multimode fiber-optic cable Light source LED/Class1-LASER "Eye safe" Wavelength Cable length (max.) * 1300 nm ) Transmitter output (optical) At 50 m fiber core diameter 3 km At 62.5 m fiber core diameter 3 km Minimum At 50 m -23 dBm At 62.5 m -19 dBm Maximum SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 -14 dBm 45 Technical specifications 8.2 SCALANCE X106-1 Properties Receiver input Sensitivity min. -32 dBm Input power max. -3 dBm *) Depending on the cable used: If you are using at least OM1 fibers (attenuation 1.5 dB/km, bandwidth length product 500 MHz*km), you can reach a cable length of up to 3 km. When are using fibers with attenuation values 1 dB/km, you can reach a cable length of up to 5 km. You can find additional information in the "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Passive network components" System Manual, see also section "Introduction", paragraph "Additional documentation". 8.2 SCALANCE X106-1 8.2.1 SCALANCE X106-1 Table 8-2 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X106-1 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X106-1 6GK51061BB002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 6 Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Optical connectors Number 1 Design BFOC socket Properties Full duplex to 100 Base-FX Transmission speed 100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 46 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.2 SCALANCE X106-1 Technical specifications Optical parameters Cable type Multimode glass FO cable, cable cross sections 62.5/125 m and 50/125 m Permitted cable length (glass FO ca ble) Cable cross-section Permitted cable length 62.5/125 m 0 to 4000 m 50/125 m 0 to 5000 m Attenuation 1 dB/km at 1300 nm 1200 MHz x km at 1300 nm 6 dB max. permitted FO cable attenuation with 3 dB link power margin Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 150 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 3.6 W Signaling contact Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V) Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature During operation -10 C to +60 C During storage -40 C to +80 C During transportation -40 C to +80 C Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 C ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 136.65 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 780 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 60 x 125 x 124 mm Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 47 Technical specifications 8.2 SCALANCE X106-1 Technical specifications Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. Optical connectors Quantity 2 Connectors The attachment to Industrial Ethernet uses ST/ BFOC connector technology (Straight Tip/Bayo net Fiber Optic Connector). Properties 48 Transmission mode 100Base-FX complying with IEEE 802.3 Transmission rate 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) Transmission medium Multimode fiber-optic cable Light source LED/Class1-LASER "Eye safe" SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.3 SCALANCE X108 Properties Wavelength 1300 nm Cable length (max.) * ) Transmitter output (optical) Receiver input At 50 m fiber core diameter 3 km At 62.5 m fiber core diameter 3 km Minimum At 50 m -23 dBm At 62.5 m -19 dBm Maximum -14 dBm Sensitivity min. -32 dBm Input power max. -3 dBm *) Depending on the cable used: If you are using at least OM1 fibers (attenuation 1.5 dB/km, bandwidth length product 500 MHz*km), you can reach a cable length of up to 3 km. When are using fibers with attenuation values 1 dB/km, you can reach a cable length of up to 5 km. You can find additional information in the "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Passive network components" System Manual, see also section "Introduction", paragraph "Additional documentation". 8.3 Table 8-3 SCALANCE X108 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X108 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X108 6GK51080BA002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 8 Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet Electrical data SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 49 Technical specifications 8.3 SCALANCE X108 Technical specifications Power supply Signaling contact Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 140 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 3.36 W Overvoltage protection at input PTC resettable fuse (0.6 A / 60 V) Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature During operation -20 C to +70 C During storage -40 C to +80 C During transportation -40 C to +80 C Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 C ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 139.83 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 780 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 60 x 125 x 124 mm Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 50 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.4 SCALANCE X108PoE Technical specifications Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. 8.4 Table 8-4 SCALANCE X108PoE Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X108PoE Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X108PoE 6GK51080PA002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 8 Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 51 Technical specifications 8.4 SCALANCE X108PoE Technical specifications Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 1700 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 10.0 W Signaling contact Overvoltage protection at input Fuse slow (4 A / 125 V) Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature During operation -20 C to +60 C During storage -40 C to +80 C During transportation -40 C to +80 C Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 C ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-4 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 61.64 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 550 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 x 125 x 124 mm Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 Maximum frame size 1536 bytes 52 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.5 SCALANCE X112-2 Technical specifications Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes PoE properties PoE standard 802.3af Performance maximum 15.4 W Note As of an ambient temperature of 55 C, there must be a clearance of 40 mm to neighboring devices on both sides. Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. 8.5 SCALANCE X112-2 8.5.1 SCALANCE X112-2 Table 8-5 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X112-1 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X112-2 6GK5112-2BB00-2AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 12 Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 53 Technical specifications 8.5 SCALANCE X112-2 Technical specifications Optical connectors Number 2 Design BFOC sockets Properties Full duplex to 100 Base-FX Transmission speed 100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet Optical parameters Cable type Multimode glass FO cable, cable cross sections 62.5/125 m and 50/125 m Permitted cable length (glass FO ca ble) Cable cross-section Permitted cable length 62.5/125 m 0 to 4000 m 50/125 m 0 to 5000 m Attenuation 1 dB/km at 1300 nm 1200 MHz x km at 1300 nm 6 dB max. permitted FO cable attenuation with 3 dB link power margin Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 215 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 5.16 W During operation -10 C to +70 During storage -40 to +80 During transportation -40 to +80 Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature Signaling contact Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 C ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight 54 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.5 SCALANCE X112-2 Technical specifications Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-3 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 61.3 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 1100 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 120 x 125 x 124 mm Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 55 Technical specifications 8.6 SCALANCE X116 Optical connectors Quantity 2 Connectors The attachment to Industrial Ethernet uses ST/ BFOC connector technology (Straight Tip/Bayo net Fiber Optic Connector). Properties Transmission mode 100Base-FX complying with IEEE 802.3 Transmission rate 100 Mbps (Fast Ethernet) Transmission medium Multimode fiber-optic cable Light source LED/Class1-LASER "Eye safe" Wavelength 1300 nm Cable length (max.) * ) Transmitter output (optical) Receiver input At 50 m fiber core diameter 3 km At 62.5 m fiber core diameter 3 km Minimum At 50 m -23 dBm At 62.5 m -19 dBm Maximum -14 dBm Sensitivity min. -32 dBm Input power max. -3 dBm *) Depending on the cable used: If you are using at least OM1 fibers (attenuation 1.5 dB/km, bandwidth length product 500 MHz*km), you can reach a cable length of up to 3 km. When are using fibers with attenuation values 1 dB/km, you can reach a cable length of up to 5 km. You can find additional information in the "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Passive network components" System Manual, see also section "Introduction", paragraph "Additional documentation". 8.6 Table 8-6 SCALANCE X116 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X116 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X116 6GK51160BA002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 56 16 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.6 SCALANCE X116 Technical specifications Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 185 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 4.40 W During operation -20 to +70 During storage -40 to +80 During transportation -40 to +80 Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 C ambient temperature Signaling contact Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-3 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 61.3 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 1100 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 120 x 125 x 124 mm SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 57 Technical specifications 8.7 SCALANCE X124 Technical specifications Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. 8.7 Table 8-7 SCALANCE X124 Technical specifications of the SCALANCE X124 Technical specifications Order number SCALANCE X124 6GK51240BA002AA3 Connection to Industrial Ethernet Number 58 24 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.7 SCALANCE X124 Technical specifications Design RJ-45 jacks with MDIX pinning Properties Half / full duplex Transmission speed 10/100 Mbps Permitted cable lengths (Industrial Ethernet) Alternative combinations per length range 0 to 55 m Max. 55 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 45 m IE TP Torsion Cable with IE FC RJ45 + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 85 m Max. 85 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 75 m IE FC TP Marine/Trailing Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet 0 to 100 m Max. 100 m IE FC TP Standard Cable with IE FC RJ45 Plug 180 Max. 90 m IE FC TP Standard Cable + 10 m TP Cord via IE FC RJ45 Outlet Electrical data Power supply Voltage range 18 to 32 VDC Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 4-terminal plug-in block Current max. 100 mA Rated voltage 24 VDC Design 2-pin plug-in terminal block Current consumption Typical 200 mA Power loss at 24 VDC Typical 4.80 W During operation -20 to +70 During storage -40 to +80 During transportation -40 to +80 Relative humidity During operation 95 % no condensation Operating altitude During operation 2,000 m above sea level at max. 56 ambient temperature Signaling contact Permitted ambient conditions Ambient temperature 3,000 m above sea level at max. 50 ambient temperature Design, dimensions and weight Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2 Emission EN 61000-6-3 Degree of protection IP 30 MTBF (EN/IEC 61709, 40 C) 49.3 years Housing material Basic housing Die cast aluminum, powder coated Front cover Polyphenylene ether + polystyrene (PPE +PS plastic) Weight 1500 g Dimensions (W x H x D) 180 x 125 x 124 mm SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 59 Technical specifications 8.7 SCALANCE X124 Technical specifications Installation options Installation on a DIN rail Installation on an S7-300 standard rail Wall mounting Switching properties Aging time 30 seconds Max. number of learnable MAC ad dresses 2048 Response to LLDP frames Blocking Response to spanning tree BPDU frames Forwarding CoS acc. to IEEE 802.1Q Yes QoS priority queues 4 Maximum frame size 1536 bytes Forwarding of PRP frames (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) Yes Note The number of SCALANCE X Industrial Ethernet switches connected in a line influences the frame delay time. When a frame passes through devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, it is delayed by the store and forward function of the switch with a 64 byte frame length by approx. 10 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) with a 1500 byte frame length by approx. 130 microseconds (at 100 Mbps) This means that the more devices of the SCALANCE X-100 product line, the frame passes through, the longer the frame delay. Note Temperature code for c-UL-us for hazardous locations, FM and ATEX Zone 2 You will find the temperature code "T.." or the maximum ambient temperature "Ta: .." on the type plate. 60 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Technical specifications 8.8 Mechanical stability (in operation) 8.8 Mechanical stability (in operation) Mechanical stability (in operation) Device DIN EN 60068-2-6 os cillation DIN EN 60068-2-6 os cillation DIN EN 60068-2-6 os cillation DIN EN 60068-2-29 permanent shock DIN EN 60068-2-29 permanent shock 10 - 58 Hz: 0.075 mm 10 - 58 Hz: 0.15 mm 5 - 8.51 Hz: 3.5 mm 250 m/s2, 6 ms duration 58 - 500 Hz: 10 m/s 58 - 500 Hz: 20 m/s 8.51 - 500 Hz: 10 m/s 100 m/s2, 16 ms dura tion 10 cycles 10 cycles 2 2 10 cycles 2 100 shocks per axis 1000 shocks per axis X104-2 X106-1 X108 Device X108PoE Device DIN EN 60068-2-6 vi bration DIN EN 60068-2-6 vi bration DIN EN 60068-2-6 vi bration DIN EN 60068-2-6 vi bration ship building DIN EN 60068-2-27 shock DIN EN DIN EN 60068-2-29 per 60068-2-29 per manent shock manent shock 2 - 13.2 Hz: 2.0 mmPP 5 - 8.51 Hz: 7.0 mmPP 5 - 8.51 Hz: 7.0 mmPP 2 - 25 Hz: 3.2 mmPP 150 m/s2, 11 ms duration 250 m/s2, 6 ms duration 13.2 - 100 Hz: 7 m/s2 8.51 - 500 Hz: 10 m/s2 8.51 - 150 Hz: 10 m/s2 25 - 100 Hz: 40 m/s2 6 shocks per ax 1000 shocks is per axis 1 sweep 1 oct/min, 20 sweeps 1 oct/min, 10 cy 1 sweep cles DIN EN 60068-2-6 oscillation DIN EN 60068-2-27 shock 5 - 8.51 Hz: 3.5 mm 150 m/s2, 16 ms duration 8.51 - 500 Hz: 10 m/s2 6 shocks per axis 100 m/s2, 16 ms duration 100 shocks per axis 1 oct/min, 10 cycles X112-2 X116 X124 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 61 Technical specifications 8.8 Mechanical stability (in operation) 62 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 9 Dimension drawings Figure 9-1 Dimension drawing, rear of the SCALANCE X104-2, X106-1, X108, X108PoE SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 63 Dimension drawings Figure 9-2 64 Dimension drawing, rear of the SCALANCE X116, X112-2 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Dimension drawings Figure 9-3 Dimension drawing, rear of the SCALANCE X124 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 65 Dimension drawings Figure 9-4 Dimension drawing, side view 76 150 66 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Dimension drawings Figure 9-5 Dimension drawing, bending radii SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 67 Dimension drawings 68 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Certifications and approvals 10 The SIMATIC NET products described in these Operating Instructions have the approvals listed below. Note Issued approvals on the type plate of the device The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product. You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by the markings on the type plate. Current approvals on the Internet You will find the current approvals for the product on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support ( Notes for the manufacturers of machines The devices are not machines in the sense of the EC Machinery Directive. There is therefore no declaration of conformity relating to the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC for these devices. If the devices are part of the equipment of a machine, they must be included into the EU declaration of conformity procedure by the manufacturer of the machine. See also SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet TP and Fiber Optic Networks (http:// EC declaration of conformity The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirements and safety objectives of the following EC directives and comply with the harmonized European SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 69 Certifications and approvals standards (EN) which are published in the official documentation of the European Union and here. 2014/34/EU (ATEX explosion protection directive) Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 February 2014 on the approximation of the laws of the member states concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, official journal of the EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 309-356 2014/30/EU (EMC) EMC directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 26, 2014 on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility; official journal of the EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 79-106 2011/65/EU (RoHS) Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, official journal of the EC L174, 01/07/2011, pages 88-110 You will find the EC declaration of conformity for these products on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support ( cert). The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Division Process Industries and Drives Process Automation DE-76181 Karlsruhe Germany ATEX (explosion protection directive) WARNING Risk of explosion in hazardous areas When using SIMATIC NET products in hazardous area zone 2, make absolutely sure that the associated conditions in the following document are adhered to: "SIMATIC NET Product Information Use of subassemblies/modules in a Zone 2 Hazardous Area". You will find this document here: On the data medium that ships with some products: - Product CD / product DVD - SIMATIC NET Manual Collection On the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support (https:// 70 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Certifications and approvals The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirements of the EU directive 2014/34/EU "Equipment and Protective Devices for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres". Note Type of protection of the device The devices are approved for various types of protection. You can find the type of protection of your device and the ATEX certificate number on the nameplate. Permitted types of protection The following types of protection are possible: nA ATEX classification: II 3G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: KEMA 07ATEX0145 X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - EN 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n") - EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) nA [op is] ATEX classification: II 3 (2) G Ex nA [op is Gb] IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: DEKRA 11ATEX0060 X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - EN 60079-28 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using with optical radiation) - EN 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n") - EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) ec ATEX classification: II 3 G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: DEKRA 18ATEX0025 X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - EN 60079-7 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection through increased safety "e") - EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid ATEX certificates. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 71 Certifications and approvals IECEx The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirements of explosion protection according to IECEx. Note Type of protection of the device The devices are approved for various types of protection. You can find the type of protection of your device and the IECEx certificate number on the nameplate. Permitted types of protection The following types of protection are possible: nA IECEx classification: Ex nA IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: DEK 14.0025X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n") - IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) nA [op is] IECEx classification: Ex nA [op is Gb] IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: DEK 14.0026X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - IEC 60079-28 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using with optical radiation) - IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n") - IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) ec IECEx classification: Ex ec IIC T4 Gc Certificate no.: DEK 18.0017X The products meet the requirements of the following standards: - IEC 60079-7 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection through increased safety "e") - IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements) You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid IECEx certificates. 72 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Certifications and approvals Note for devices with CLASS 1 LASER Important note on products certified according to Type Examination Certificate KEMA 07ATEX0145 X as of Issue 95 / DEKRA 18ATEX0025X and IECEx Certificate of Conformity DEK 14.0025X as of Issue 43 / DEK 18.0017X and containing Class 1 optical radiation sources. Note CLASS 1 LASER The device contains optical radiation sources which comply with the limits of Class 1 according to IEC 60825-1. Fiber-optic cables connected to these optical radiation sources may therefore be routed either to or through hazardous areas requiring Category 2G, 3G, 2D or 3D equipment. EMC directive (electromagnetic compatibility) The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirements of EU directive 2014/30/EU "Electromagnetic Compatibility" (EMC Directive). Applied standards: EN 6100062 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards Immunity for industrial environments EN 6100064 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards Emission standard for industrial environments You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid EC declaration of conformity. RoHS The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirements of the EC directive 2011/65/EC for the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment: Applied standard: EN 50581 FM The product meets the requirements of the standards: Factory Mutual Approval Standard Class Number 3611 FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment: Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T4 and Non Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4 cULus Approval for Information Technology Equipment cULus Listed I. T. E. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 73 Certifications and approvals Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment) CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 Report no. E115352 cULus Approval Hazardous Location cULus Listed I. T. E. FOR HAZ. LOC. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment) ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007 CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987 Approved for use in Cl. 1, Div. 2, GP A, B, C, D T4 Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP IIC T4 Report no. E240480 E1 The SCALANCE X108 switch meets the requirements of the directive ECE-G 95/54/EC. Test number 10 R - 034734 e1 The SCALANCE X108 IE switch meets the requirements of the Directive 72/245/EEC in the form 2006/96/EC "Electromagnetic Compatibility". Test number 03 4734 Note for Australia - RCM The product meets the requirements of the RCM standard. Applied standards: AS/NZS CISPR11 (Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement). EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards Emission standard for industrial environments You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid RCM SDoCs (SelfDeclaration of Conformity). MSIP For Korea only A ( ) 74 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Certifications and approvals (A) , . Marking for the customs union EAC (Eurasian Conformity) Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Declaration of conformity according to the technical regulations of the customs union (TR ZU) FDA and IEC marking The following devices meet the FDA and IEC requirements listed below: Device CLASS 1 LASER Product SCALANCE X1042 SCALANCE X1061 SCALANCE X108 - SCALANCE X108PoE - SCALANCE X112-2 SCALANCE X116 - SCALANCE X124 - )'$ ,(& &RPSOLHVZLWK&)5 DQG &/$66/$6(5352'8&7 Figure 10-1 FDA and IEC marking CAUTION Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 75 Certifications and approvals Installation guidelines The devices meet the requirements if you adhere to the installation and safety instructions contained in this documentation and in the following documentation when installing and operating the devices. "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET Industrial Ethernet" System Manual (https:// "Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET - Passive Network Components" System Manual (https:// "EMC Installation Guidelines" configuration manual ( cs/ww/en/view/60612658) WARNING Personal injury and property damage can occur The installation of expansions that are not approved for SIMATIC NET products or their target systems may violate the requirements and regulations for safety and electromagnetic compatibility. Only use expansions that are approved for the system. Note The test was performed with a device and a connected communications partner that also meets the requirements of the standards listed above. When operating the device with a communications partner that does not comply with these standards, adherence to the corresponding values cannot be guaranteed. 76 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Index A Accessories, 14 Approvals, 69 Article numbers, 13 Auto polarity exchange, 24 Autonegotiation, 24 Error/fault, 27 Factory setting, 27 FO port, 25 G B Glossary, 6 Grounding, 38 Installation on a DIN rail, 38 S7 standard rail, 38 Wall mounting, 38 Bending radii, 67 BFOC socket ST socket, 17 I C CE mark, 69 Components of the product, 14 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58 Connector pinout, 23 SCALANCE X108 PoE, 23 IE FC RJ-45 Plug 180, 39 Installation, 39 Plugging in, 40 Pulling, 40 Installation Installation on a DIN rail, 31 Installation on a standard rail, 33 Types of installation, 31 L D Design, dimensions and weight, 44, 47, 50, 52, 54, 57, 59 Dimension drawing, 63 Display, 41 Drilled holes, 66 E E1, 74 Electrical data, 44, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 59 Error Far-end fault, 41 LED display when voltage drops, 41 Link display, 41 ESD directives, 8 F Fault mask Changing the setting, 27 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 LEDs, 26 Fault LED (red LED), 26 Port LEDs (green/yellow LEDs), 26 Power LED (green LED), 26 M MDI / MDI-X autocrossover function, 24 N Network topology, 11 Electrical star topology, 12 Electrical/optical star topology, 12 O Optical connectors, 43, 46, 54 Optical parameters, 43, 47, 54 Order numbers, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58 77 Index P Permitted ambient conditions, 44, 47, 50, 52, 54, 57, 59 Permitted cable lengths, 24, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59 Possible attachments SCALANCE X108, 17 Possible connections SCALANCE X104-2, 16 SCALANCE X108PoE, 19 SCALANCE X112-2, 20 SCALANCE X116, 21 SCALANCE X106-1, 17 SCALANCE X124, 22 Power over Ethernet (PoE) function, 19 Power supply, 36 Product properties, 15 R Reduced voltage, 41 RJ-45, 23 S Safety notices for installation, 29 general, 9 Use in hazardous areas, 9, 29, 35 when connecting up, 35 SCALANCE X104-2 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 43 Design, dimensions and weight, 44 Electrical data, 44 Optical connectors, 43 Optical parameters, 43 Order numbers, 43 Permitted ambient conditions, 44 Permitted cable lengths, 43 Switching properties, 44 SCALANCE X108PoE Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 51 Design, dimensions and weight, 52 Electrical data, 52 Order numbers, 51 Permitted ambient conditions, 52 Permitted cable lengths, 51 PoE properties, 53 Switching properties, 52 78 SCALANCE X112-2 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 53 Design, dimensions and weight, 54 Electrical data, 54 Optical connectors, 54 Optical parameters, 54 Order numbers, 53 Permitted ambient conditions, 54 Permitted cable lengths, 54 Switching properties, 55 SCALANCE X116 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 56 Design, dimensions and weight, 57 Electrical data, 57 Order numbers, 56 Permitted ambient conditions, 57 Permitted cable lengths, 57 Switching properties, 58 SCALANCE X106-1 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 46 Design, dimensions and weight, 47 Electrical data, 47 Optical connectors, 46 Optical parameters, 47 Order numbers, 46 Permitted ambient conditions, 47 Permitted cable lengths, 46 Switching properties, 47 SCALANCE X108 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 49 Design, dimensions and weight, 50 Electrical data, 49 Order numbers, 49 Permitted ambient conditions, 50 Permitted cable lengths, 49 Switching properties, 50 SCALANCE X124 Connection to Industrial Ethernet, 58 Design, dimensions and weight, 59 Electrical data, 59 Order numbers, 58 Permitted ambient conditions, 59 Permitted cable lengths, 59 Switching properties, 60 SET button, 26 Function, 26 Side view, 66 Signaling contact, 37 SIMATIC NET glossary, 6 SIMATIC NET manual, 6 ST socket BFOC socket, 16 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 Index Switching properties, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55, 58, 60 System manual, 6, 30, 76 T Technical specifications, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58 SCALANCE X104-2, 43 SCALANCE X108PoE, 51 SCALANCE X112-2, 53 SCALANCE X116, 56 SCALANCE X106-1, 46 SCALANCE X108, 49 SCALANCE X124, 58 TP ports, 23 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10 79 Index 80 SCALANCE X-100 Operating Instructions, 02/2019, A2B00060666-10